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One thing I’ve sort of become known for in the copywriting world is

helping business owners create huge product launch campaigns…

and then turning these “launches” into evergreen campaigns that
bring in revenue on a daily basis in perpetuity.

A lot of these campaigns have generated well north of seven-figures

on the launch alone… and have since gone on to multiply that number
as they run on evergreen.

● A few years back I did the Filippo Loreti Kickstarter

launch that generated ~$5.2 million in 30 days. The
following year, we recycled some of that campaign, had
me make a few small changes and updates and then they
brought in another $4.4 million. Since then, I’ve helped
them design an evergreen funnel that’s helped them grow
at an alarming pace and make sales every single day.
● For the past few years, I’ve helped produce the Brain-A-
Thon event for NeuroGym. It’s the world’s #1 online
personal growth training event. Over 1,000,000 people
have attended this event in the past 7 years. And over
100,000 signed up for last year’s LIVE event, alone. It’s
also the longest running, highest grossing online personal
development asset in existence. I don’t have an exact
revenue figure, but it’s been running evergreen for over
312 weeks straight, so do the math.
● I also helped Mike and Bobby from Laptop Empires
launch their first-ever online course, and in the first 6
months, we’ve generated over $500,000. With one
course. Without upsells. And we’ve only just recently
implemented an evergreen system… so given current
projects, we should break $1 MM in its first 12 months.
And… we’re getting ready to launch our second course,
which should produce comparable numbers given the
price point and audience size.

I could keep going, but you get the point.

Now, all of these courses and products and markets and industries
and even business models are wayyyy different.
But the one thing they all have in common is that through
collaboration with my clients, I’ve been able to help them flesh out
what I like to call…

A Million-Dollar Sales Message

So, what is that?

What does this term mean?

To me, it means a sales message that can be adapted for any kind of
medium or sales situation.

It means you can take this core “message” and expand upon it. You
can use it in a launch… on a webinar… in a sales letter… in an email
sequence… in a Facebook ad… wherever.

It’s an adaptable core message that you use for all of your marketing
to sell your product.

Some people might view this as a hook or a big idea or a benefit


But I think it’s more than that.

Here’s Some Examples Of A Million-Dollar Sales


Here’s a few examples:

“We offer $1,000+ limited edition, handcrafted Italian luxury watches

for less than $250… because we cut out all the middlemen and pass
the savings along to you. We only produce 1,641 of each watch in our
collection and they all come with a certificate of authenticity. Once
they sell out, we never produce that model again.”
“Give me one day and I’ll help you upgrade your brain, so you can
upgrade your income and finally achieve all of your life’s goals and

“Just Follow This Simple, Step-By-Step Plan For Earning An Extra

$1,000-$2,000 Per Month Running Facebook Ads For Local
Businesses… And You’ll Be Able To Pay Off Your Debt, Save Some
Extra Money, Invest For Your Future, And Have Cash On Hand To Do
The Things You Love.”

These aren’t headlines. But they can be used as such.

They are statements that communicate exactly why it’s the right
decision to buy from them. But they’re not necessarily USP’s.

To me, what these million dollar sales messages are short, simple
“stories” that align with the consumer’s worldview, belief systems, and

That’s really the key here.

They are stories that the consumer will tell themselves. And they are
simple enough that one person can share the story with the people
they know.

They are stories about what the person can become if they buy the
product. They appeal to identity and aspiration. They are stories that
can easily be repeated and spread as an idea virus.

And that’s what we find with a lot of these campaigns that I’ve helped
my clients build.
They go viral.

Now, I’m not talking about Walmart Yodeling kid viral. Or Chocolate
Rain viral. Or In My Feelings viral.

I’m talking about going viral within the community of buyers who

These million dollar messages get spread.

That’s why we were able to build a ~20,000 person waitlist for Filippo
Loreti’s launch. And we had 18,550 buyers from that launch alone.
The word spread. It spread online. It spread on Facebook. People told
their friends. People tagged their buddies they know who would be
interested. And that’s one of the reasons why we were able to
produce the 18th biggest Kickstarter campaign of all time.

The Live Brain-A-Thon is one of the most talked about live events in
the personal development space every year. Our ads get seen by
tens of millions of people around the world. People talk about it.
People tell their friends. The ideavirus spreads. We registered
100,000 people for last year’s event alone. How many other
businesses are putting that many people on a webinar? There’s a
sales message there that’s not only easily understood… it’s easily
spread throughout the community.

The FB Side Hustle Course got 501 buyers in the first four days it was
live. People shared their experiences with their friends. Then, they
wanted to get in on it too. There were a lot of different ways we could
have taken that sales message. There were a lot of different hooks.
But if you read that sales letter, it’s making one big life-changing
promise and then spending the next 43 pages breaking down limiting
beliefs and installing a new, more powerful worldview and sense of
confidence in the person who decides to take that course. It
transformed people’s identities. And once that happens… the idea

How To Produce A Million Dollar Sales Message

There’s a simple process I like to take all of my clients through when
I’m working to uncover our Million Dollar Sales Message. There are a
series of questions I like to ask:

1. Who is our perfect client/customer for this product?

2. What are their goals and dreams?
3. What is their identity? Who do they believe they are?
4. What are their aspirations? Who do they want to
5. Why do they have these aspirations? What desires are
lying hidden beneath the surface?
6. What obstacles are standing in their way of achieving this
7. What would happen in their life if we removed these
obstacles and helped them get to where they want to be?
What would life look like for them?
8. What is our product?
9. Why does this product do for people?
10. Why is this product better than all of the other options
out there on the market?
11. What is unique about this product that other products
can’t claim?
12. What makes this product work? What’s the unique
13. What are all the benefits of using this product? What
is the most important benefit to the people we’re trying to
sell it to?
14. Who does this person become once they use our
15. How can we demonstrate that this product does what
it says it does? Can we show them? Do we have success
stories that are illustrative and demonstrative of the
benefit we want to convey?
16. What is this product’s creation story? Why was it
created in the first place? Is it easy to remember? Is it
easy to re-tell to others?
17. Why do people need to get this product right now
instead of waiting or not getting it at all?
18. What are this product’s flaws? How do we spin them
into benefits if possible? Or how do we use a damaging
admission to come out ahead?
19. What are ALL of the objections people could possibly
have to buying this product?
20. How do we counter each one of these objections?
21. What will this person’s friends or significant other say
if theu spend money on this thing? How do we help them
justify this purchase?
22. What is the story people are telling themselves about
their current problems?
23. What is the story they will tell themselves once they
decide to buy this product?
24. What is the story we want them to tell their friends
about this product… and how will they explain why it was
such an awesome decision.
25. Once we know these questions, we can fit all of this
into 1-2 sentences.
26. Then… we test it out. We talk to people in real life.
We meet with them face-to-face. We have a conversation
with them. Ask about their problems. And goals. And
obstacles. And wants. And needs. And fears. And
dreams. And hopes. And desires.
27. Then, we introduce our idea. We see if our research
and theories hold up in real life.
28. If they do, we roll out our brand new multi-million
dollar message.
29. If they don’t we question our prospects deeper until
we find a way to pivot our message.
30. What we end up with is a one or two sentence sales
message that lets the prospect completely understand
why they need to buy… that’s easy enough for them to
remember… and easy enough to repeat it to their friends.

This is how great, viral ideas spread.

They need to be simple.

They need to be easily understood.

There needs to be a clear and obvious benefit.

And it needs to align with people’s aspirations.

If we can do all of those things, we can create incredible sales

messages that sell millions of dollars of product.

If we don’t do this effectively, we might sell a little… or nothing at all.

If it looks like a lot of work, it is.

But that’s what it’s going to take to get thousands of people to pull out
their credit cards and send you millions of dollars, year after year.

Why not give it a try and let me know how it goes?

Create your own sales message for your product, or for your client’s…
and leave a comment for me.

Or just leave a comment and let me know what you think.

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