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1) What’s the most popular form of entertainment with people your age?

I think that in these days one of the most popular forms of entertainment is to watch
netflix because due to the coronavirus you cannot go out and expose yourself a lot,
we must take care of our health
2) What do you do in your spare time? How do you feel about your spare-time
Currently I don't have much spare time, because I'm taking different marketing
courses and I have different lessons almost every day. so when I have a little spare
time I value it a lot, I like to watch a series on netflix or just go out with my friends.
3) What do you consider to be an extreme sport?
extreme sports is a popular term for certain activities which people perceive involve
danger. for example skydriving, car racing etc.
4) What is the most extreme activity you have tried?
the most extreme activity i have tried is bungee jumping in Tarapoto a few years ago.
I ended up terrified so I wouldn't do it again
5) Do you like playing video games? why? why not?
I like video games, but I don't play this nowadays. but I remember that when I was
younger I loved to play mario bros haha
6) are they a popular form of entertainment in your country?
yes, they are very popular in my country many children and young people play video
games. my younger brother usually plays minicraft or call of duty, also fornite
7) What are some popular video games that you or people you know play?
my younger brother usually plays minicraft or call of duty, also fornite
8) how often do you go out with friends?
I go out every weekend with my friends, we usually go to eat at my friend Roberto's
restaurant or to a party.
9) what kind of events do you enjoy attending?
I love concerts or parties. for example i think i will go to the luao from colan with my
friends this weekend and next month i will go to the rauw alejandro concert also with
my best friends
10) are u a night owl or an early bird?
i'm a night owl. I prefer the night, it's more fun for me. You can go out dancing and
have fun with your friends or you can also study more quietly at night.
11) do you enjoy sleeping?
yes i do I love sleeping, it's my favorite activity haha
12) do you think you get enough sleep?
No, I don't. I think that in the last few days I haven't slept enough because I've had
many exams, for example the one for this course as well as the one for other
marketing courses I'm taking.
13) do you often wake up feeling tired?
no, i like to sleep my 8 hours, i ask alexa to play music to relax me and i fall asleep
14) Do you leave things to chance?
no i don’t, I never leave things to chance. I like to plan things or at least organize
myself before doing something. I am very tidy
15) can you think of any things that happened by accident that turned out to be
yes, I can. i remember that I found a kitten in the street by accident so I decided to
adopt it, that was something good that happened to me because I rescued a small
16) Do you have a favorite number?
yes, my favorite number is 02 because it is my birthday
17) Do you use a significant number for PINs or passwords?
I use the date of my birthday or the date of my mother's birthday as passwords
18) What’s the most amazing coincidence that has happened to you?

19) How do coincidences make you feel?

the problems of my city are mainly environmental issues. for example there is a lot of
pollution, people throw a lot of garbage into the chira river. there is also a lot of
crime, so it is very unsafe if you want to go out at night

I think that a good gift to give to a friend is to buy him tickets for his favorite movie
because it can be a good form of entertainment for him

you can also buy him a game, this is entertaining, you can have fun together and
reuse the game when you are with friends

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