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Hospital Number : 378466H Age : 19 Name : Anuradha Kumari

Appointment date :16/01/2023 Report to hospital : 8:00AM

Clinic :Medicin 2 Token No :……(R. counter)

Docter Name : General

Mode Of Payment : CREDIT/ DEBIT CARD

Invoice Number : W2485820 Amount : -***********

Bill No : A002221332 Recipt No :- WEBAPT21483
Paid On : 11/01/2023 05:21PM Printed On :-12/01/2023 18:13 PM

Before reporting to MEDICAL RECORDS OFFICER, Please Connect IRO (900B) to Complete Formalities

Thank You

General Instruction
1.If the patient requires in- patient admission a female/male attender is mandatory.
2.Appointment booked online will Not be refunded.
3.Change of Department /Unit Not Allowed.
4.Change in Appointment date will be allowed only once. Up to one day prier to the appointment
5.Please provide afort Government Related ID proof When you present Yourself at the Enterence
/ MRO Counter.
6.Please contact counter no. 2,3,4 (General) OR 402 (Private) in ISSCC Building Ground Floor
to collect your Hospital Number card.
7. Request for appointment via/phone /mail/website are allowed.
8. payment will only accepted at cash counter. Not via post.


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