INTRO TO IT 2 (Theory)

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Diploma in Business Administration

Group Project
Semester : Semester 2
Student Name & ID. :
Subject Code & Name : DIT1313 Introduction to Information Technology
Date of Issue : 09 Jan 2023
Date of submission : Week 6
Lecturer : Dr. William Eng

Students MUST submit your assignments to the Turnitin system via eLearn in adherence to the
programme plagiarism detection regulation (If Applicable).

Plagiarism involves the unacknowledged use of someone else’s work and passing it off as if it were
his/her own. This category of cheating includes the following:
 copying or insertion of another person’s work (published or unpublished and including material
freely available in electronic form) without appropriate acknowledgement;
 the deliberate and detailed presentation of another person’s concept as one’s own;
 unacknowledged quotation of phrases from another person’s work.

The percentage of plagiarism score should not exceed 30% of similarities.

DIT1313 / Project 2 (Q) / JAN 2023

SLO – Assessment / Questions Mapping Table

No Subject Learning Outcomes (SLO) Questions
1 LO1: Identify the components of business information Assignment 2
2 LO2: Apply appropriate networks and communication Assignment 2
3 LO3: Use business-oriented computer software. Assignment 2

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DIT1313 / Project 2 (Q) / JAN 2023

Project 2 ( 100 Marks )

This project contributes 20% of the overall course assessment


(1) Understand the components of business information system.

(2) Understand the different types of networks and communication.
(3) Understand various business-oriented computer software.


This is a group-based project. Student must form a group with maximum FOUR (4). Each
student in the group is responsible for finding, analyzing and preparing the project report. All
students should contribute evenly to the tasks assigned.


Industry 4.0 refers to the transformation of industry through the intelligent networking of machines
and processes with the help of information and communication technology (ICT). You are required
to carry out an investigation of types of technologies (e.g. IoT, cloud computing, AI, Big Data.) can
be used by a small business.


To produce a report to summarise the findings of your investigation into the types of technologies
tools that used by the small business you have selected. The small business could expect to gain by
using the technologies and the key issues associated in using the technologies.


You are required to prepare a report that will outline your findings on the opportunities for the small
business to utilise the technologies. This should include a review of the main issues associated with
the different technologies that will provide an improved service to customers and the business
organization efficiencies.

Task 1

To produce a report which will address the following issues:

 Introducing the small business activities.

 An analysis of the components of technologies used in the small business.
 Critically evaluate how the technologies would help the company achieve competitive
advantage in the industry.

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DIT1313 / Project 2 (Q) / JAN 2023

 Comment on the challenges brought about by the technologies to the small business in the
new business environment.

Submission Requirements

 This is a group project.

 The length of the report should not exceed 2,000 words.
 The report should be prepared using font type: Times New Roman, font size: 12 (except
titles and headings) and 1.5 lines spacing. You must demonstrate competent use of word
processing features such as header, footer, page numbering, and etc.
 Any ideas extracted from other sources must be referenced and cited within the report (APA
 Must submit softcopy (eLearn) of the report.
 Must submit project cover page and marking criteria.

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