Individual Assignment Itb Aug 2022 Question & Rubric

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Diploma in Business Administration

Individual Assignment
Semester : S1 Aug 2022
Student Name & ID. :
Subject Code & Name : MGT1213 Introduction to Business
Semester 1 Theme: Sustainability & Green Technology
Date of Issue : Monday 7th November 2022
Date of submission : Friday 25th November 2022
Lecturer : Ms. Noorhayati, Mr Andrew (Velocity)

Students MUST submit your assignments to the Turnitin system via eLearn in adherence to the
programme plagiarism detection regulation.

Plagiarism involves the unacknowledged use of someone else’s work and passing it off as if it were
his/her own. This category of cheating includes the following:
 copying or insertion of another person’s work (published or unpublished and including material
freely available in electronic form) without appropriate acknowledgement;
 the deliberate and detailed presentation of another person’s concept as one’s own;
 unacknowledged quotation of phrases from another person’s work.

The percentage of plagiarism score should not exceed 30% of similarities.

SLO – Assessment / Questions Mapping Table
No Subject Learning Outcomes (SLO) Questions
1. Explain business concepts (C2, PLO1,) Whole Question
2. Express business concepts with ethical and social Whole Question
responsibility. (C2, A2, PLO3)

Additional Instructions to Candidates / Students

1. This is an individual assignment that is to be submitted online on the due date mentioned
and, in the portal, mentioned above.
2. This assignment will contribute 20% to your final grade.
3. The assignment must be type written & submitted in a business report format in MS-
Word using Times Roman, Font size 12 pt. and 1.5 vertical spacing and justified paragraph
format with a blank line before and after headings and two blank lines between paragraphs.
4. The word count for this assignment is 1,300 (+/- 10%) & does not include:
 Cover page
 Table of Contents
 Any diagrams, tables, graphs, charts or other types of graphics.
 Appendices (if any)
 Reference list.

5. Work must be presented with a cover sheet, which should include individual details such as;
Programme Name, Subject Code & Name, Student name & ID number, Assignment number
and topic, submission date & Lecturer's name.

IMPORTANT: Extensions and Late Submissions

The programme requires students to adhere to submission deadlines for any form of assessment.
Penalties applied in relation to unauthorized late submission of work are as follows:
a) Coursework submitted within one week after the deadline face a deduction in marks of 20%.
b) Any coursework handed in after seven days, without an agreed extension, will be regarded as
non-submission and awarded zero.

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Assignment Overview
Sustainable Development (SD) is a concept where businesses are obliged to ensure that natural
resources used to meet current and future human needs are done in an environmentally and socially
friendly manner. Practicing SD could be used to brand the business organisation as a caring
corporate citizen by building loyalty with customers that are increasingly more aware of the need to
safeguard our environment for future generations. In turn this can lead to a differentiated
competitive advantage among competitors.

Task 1:
a) Collect information on Coca Cola’s ethical and CSR activities from credible and publicly
available sources.

Task 2:
a) Write a report to identify Coca Cola’s ethical and CSR activities and explain how it can help
gain value for their organisation.

 Cover Page
 Table of Contents (include page numbering in justified format)
1. Introduction [10]
i) Objective(s):
 What you want to achieve by the end of the report?
ii) Purpose:
 Why are you doing this report (i.e. aim or main reason)
iii) Scope:
 What areas you are going to investigate & analyse?
 What theories are you going to use?
 Where are you going to find information to complete this report?

2. Sustainable Development (Sd) [10]

 Content in this section would be a literature review of SD
 Discuss the objective, purpose & importance of SD & its impact on businesses

3. Overview of Coca Cola [20]

Describe the following key areas:
 When was it established & who is their founder?
 Core business model & range of products.
 Number of outlets across the world & total global work force
 Latest financial highlights
 Recent challenges

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4. Business Ethics and CSR Of Coca Cola
Identify and discuss the following: [40]
 FOUR (4) CSR activities of Coca Cola based on the research you have done and explain
how it can help Coca Cola gain value.

Summarise your findings in Section 4 above and explain any long-term implications for Coca

You are required to use APA referencing style from the following sources
o 2 – 3 from textbooks
o 2 – 3 from journals
o 2 – 3 from related articles

APA referencing style must be used throughout the business case/report to correctly acknowledge
all sources in the body of your report with a matching entry in the reference list. Show all quotes
and in-text citations correctly, especially if you are quoting from websites, which students often
neglect. There are many good guides available for how to do correct Harvard referencing including
that from the Sunway library website: <

The reference list must be formatted properly in accordance with APA referencing style guide and
be in alphabetical order.

Demonstrate use of each reference in the reference list by providing appropriate citations (APA
Style) throughout the body of the business case.

Students who have committed acts of Plagiarism are guilty of academic dishonesty and will
FAIL the assignment.

Plagiarism involves taking someone else’s words, thoughts, ideas or essays from online essay
banks or colluding with your classmates and trying to pass them off as your own. It is a form of
cheating which is taken very seriously. Take care of your work and keep it safe. Do not leave it
lying around where your classmates can find it.

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Terms Assessment Rubric of Work Presented

• Excellent • Relevant issues consistently identified/discussed/analyzed to a very high
• Very Good standard with very clear explanations/rationale/justification.
• Comprehensive • Very strong evidence of wider reading with relevant citations used providing
• Significant very strong insights into the topic of discussion.
• Critical analysis very well developed with strong identifications of pros and
cons and the impact/implications of both to the issue at hand.
• Very professionally and creatively presented quality of work that is very neat
and tidy with very coherent flows of arguments.
• Good • Relevant issues consistently identified/discussed/analyzed to a high standard
• Strong with clear explanations/rationale/justification.
• Clear • Strong evidence of wider reading with relevant citations used providing strong
insights into the topic of discussion.
• Critical analysis well developed with good identifications of pros and cons and
the impact/implications of both to the issue at hand.
• Some professionalism and creativity shown in the quality of presentation with
work that is neat and tidy with coherent flows of arguments.
• Fair • Relevant issues consistently identified/discussed/analyzed to a satisfactory
• Moderate standard with good explanations/rationale/justification. Some inconsistencies.
• Some/Somewhat • Some evidence of wider reading with relevant citations used providing good
• Average insights into the topic of discussion.
• Just Satisfactory • Critical analysis somewhat developed with some identifications of pros and
cons and the impact/implications of both to the issue at hand.
• Some professionalism and creativity shown in the quality of presentation with
work that is somewhat neat and tidy with some coherent flows of arguments.
• Poor • Relevant issues consistently identified/discussed/analysed to a inconsistent
• Little standard with poor explanations/rationale/justification. Many inconsistencies
• Partial detected.
• Just Satisfactory • Little evidence of wider reading with relevant citations used providing little
insights into the topic of discussion.
• Critical analysis poorly developed with little or no identifications of pros and
cons and the impact/implications of both to the issue at hand.
• Little professionalism and creativity shown in the quality of presentation with
work that is NOT neat and tidy with incoherent flows of arguments.

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Student Name & ID:

Marks Marks Allocation Marks

Allotted 0 1 2-4 5-6 7-8 9 10
1. INTRODUCTION: objective, purpose & 10 Not Unsatisfactory, Just Satisfactory Satisfactory to Fair Fair to Good coverage Good to Excellent Complete & very clear
scope of report ONLY – NOTHNING presented coverage of objective, coverage of objective, coverage of objective, of objective, purpose & coverage of objective, coverage of objective,
ELSE! purpose & scope purpose & scope purpose & scope. scope purpose & scope purpose & scope
2. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (SD) 10 Not Unsatisfactory Just Satisfactory Satisfactory to Fair Fair to Good Good to Excellent Exceptional
Explanation of SD concept & how it is related presented explanation of SD explanation of SD explanation of SD explanation of SD explanation of SD explanation of SD
to CSR & its impact on businesses concept & how it is concept & how it is concept & how it is concept & how it is concept & how it is concept & how it is
related to CSR & its related to CSR & its related to CSR & its related to CSR & its related to CSR & its related to CSR & its
impact on businesses impact on businesses impact on businesses impact on businesses impact on businesses impact on businesses
0 0 1-3 4-7 8 - 13 14 - 17 18 - 19 20 0
OVERVIEW OF COCA COLA 20 Not Unsatisfactory Just satisfactory Satisfactory to Fair Fair to Good overview Good to Excellent Exceptional overview
Key information such as; establishment, presented overview of overview of overview of of establishment, overview of of establishment,
founder, core business & products, size of establishment, founder, establishment, founder, establishment, founder, founder, core business establishment, founder, founder, core business
business, financial highlights, recent core business & core business & core business & & products, size of core business & & products, size of
challenges. products, size of products, size of products, size of business, financial products, size of business, financial
business, financial business, financial business, financial highlights, recent business, financial highlights, recent
highlights, recent highlights, recent highlights, recent challenges highlights, recent challenges
challenges. challenges challenges challenges
0 0 1-5 5 - 11 12 - 20 21- 31 32 - 37 38 - 40 0
BUS ETHICS & CSR of COCA COLA 40 Not Unsatisfactory Just satisfactory Satisfactory to Fair Fair to Good Good to Excellent Exceptional discussion
Discussion on 4 (FOUR) CSR activities of presented discussion on 4 discussion on 4 discussion on 4 discussion on 4 discussion on 4 on 4 (FOUR) CSR
Coca Cola & how it adds value for the (FOUR) CSR activities (FOUR) CSR activities (FOUR) CSR activities (FOUR) CSR activities (FOUR) CSR activities activities of Coca Cola
organisation of Coca Cola & how it of Coca Cola & how it of Coca Cola & how it of Coca Cola & how it of Coca Cola & how it & how it adds value for
adds value for the adds value for the adds value for the adds value for the adds value for the the organisation
organisation organisation organisation organisation organisation
0 0 1 2-4 5-6 7-8 9 10 0
CONCLUSION: Summary of major findings 10 Not Unsatisfactory Just satisfactory Satisfactory to Fair Fair to Good summary Good to Excellent Exceptional summary
of your analysis and draw any insights for presented summary of key summary of key summary of key of key findings & summary of key of key findings &
possible improvements. findings & insights findings & insights findings & insights insights findings & insights insights
PRESENTATION & REFERENCING: 10 Not Unsatisfactory writing Just satisfactory Satisfactory & Fair Fair to Good writing Good to Excellent Exceptional writing
Clear succinct academic writing presented in a presented style, bus. format & writing style, bus. writing style, bus. style, bus. format & writing style, bus. style, bus. format &
business report format with sufficient in-text Harvard citation & no format & Harvard format & Harvard Harvard citation & no. format & Harvard Harvard citation & no.
citations & Harvard reference listing with a of sources & citation & no. of citation & no. of of sources & citation & no. of of sources &
minimum of 2-3 sources from text books, referencing style sources & referencing sources & referencing referencing style sources & referencing referencing style
journals & related articles each. style style style
TOTAL (X/20) (X/20)

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