Unit 0

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GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CLASSMATES BJ Write the questions under the correct topics. The first one has been done for you. 1 Where ore you from? 6 2 Whats your favourite subject? 7 3° What's your favourite hobby? 8 4 How many brothers and sisters do you have? 9 5 Whats your favourite port ofthe day? 10 FAMILY AND FRIENDS, ‘What do you lke to do at wookends? What job would you like to have inthe future? ‘What do you like most about your hometown? ‘What's your fovourite kind of food? Who are the mott important poeple in your life? EDUCATION “AND WORK BB 100k at the phrases below. Which questions in Exercise 1 are they answering? 1 come from ... which is in 2 Thaveone ... and two 3 One of my favourite subjects is. becouse 4 One of he best times of the day is... because 5 Inmy city, there is@ .. which I love because 6 | would really like to be a... in the future becouse 7 On Soturdys, | usualy 8 Im really interested in 9 My... is an important person in my life becouse 10 One thing I love eating is IH Ac¢ one question of your own to each topic. Then talk to your classmates and ask and answer at least one question from each category. Use the phrases in Exercise 2 to help you. VOCABULARY ADJECTIVES TO DESCRIBE EMOTIONS [Bl Workin pairs and answer the questions. Te dee 1 How often do you use emojis? Do you have a favourite emoji? | Tt Pim bap ers 2 What are the benefis of using emoj By Match the emojis (1-6) inthe picture with [I] Work with a partner. When was the last time you felt the adjectives (A-F). the emotions in Exercise 2? Explain what happened. BHonooyed Free eat eee anreree ace eteertigraseedl the bce B dalighied | arrived one hour late for my English lesso € _disoppointed D shocked E upset F worried [starrer fiers taux KA emia EMOJIS [Bl Look at five text messages (A-E) that Miranda sent in reply to her friends? questions (3-5). Match the questions with the text messages. 1 What have you been up to? 4 Have you been shopping? 2 What did you do lst night? 5) its Mum and Dad's wedding anniversary this weekend. 3 Is everything okt T We Sel all evenin uw ig: [Bi Look at the emojis (A-E] in Exercise again. Replace the emoji Yes! I’ve just bought I've been _*, all day. Imso “SF! {ci Thanks for the reminder. 1 (2 they've been (for 30 years! @ ! We lost my and now | can't get into my aes the answers with words. I Read miranda’s blog post about using emojis and choose the best summary. 1 Using emojis has had @ negative impact on our written communication. 2 there are « lot of benefis to using emo 3 Wsbetter to express yourself with emojis than with words PMN AL ae) F COMMUNICATING Home About OK, | admit it. im albig fan of emojis. These days, I cant stop using emojis! You can't stop me! There's hardly a text Why® | hear you ask, Can't you express Search I send out or & comment | post on yourself in words? Of course | can! But social media which doesnt have « big smiley foce, 0 stylish flamenco dancer or cule little puppy! Initaly, | was o bit scepticel. When mej appeared afew years ogo, my best friend used them cll the time. My first impression was that hey were a bi, well, childish. Why was she putting picures all over her messoy media, | realised | was olvays looking at her posts frst] These bright red broken love-hearts and freshly sliced cucumbers, or whalever emo she used, were working because | was looking at them! hen you're writing messages or responding fo comments on social medio, emai help you to get your ine tege ecossnmoel eqickaetton sing oo fll sentences Whats more, ‘eye universal, meaning that people epee eerie tet Ccralilansertard ham teneeleg: They alto make your message seem fo me instead of expressing herself in idlier. That's true even when you're words like the rest of us® But then giving bad news, like refusing on ‘whenever | was looking through social invitation to see friends. Somehow people don't seem to mind when you Eancel plans with an emoji of a bunch of flowers Itdoesn't mean thet every word can be replaced by an emoji, though, so ifs important fo find a balance between the two forms of communication. [By Bead the text again. Decide ifthe statements are true or false. 1 Atfirs, Mirando loved emojs ond used them all the tim. 2 Miranda didn't understand why her friend used emojis instead of words. 3 Miranda noticed her best friend's social media posts because she used emojis. 4 Miranda thnks i's harder for people who speck different languages to understand emoji. 5 Miranda believes that emojis can moke message less uakricndly 6 Miranda thinks that people should always use emojs instead of words [i Work in pairs and answer the questions. 1 Do yeu agree with Miranda that emojis ‘help to get ‘your message across much quicker than writing out ful sentences? 2 Do you think emojis have a negative impact on writen communication? Why? / Why nol? [lI Work in groups and complete the task. + Think of @ message in English, then decide how you could say this using emoii + Wiite the message for one of the other groups. + Exchange your messages with other groups. Decide what the other group's message means PRESENT PERFECT REVIEW GRAMMAR ON THE MOVE | Bi. Watch the video I Look at Miranda's text messages (A-E) in Reading Exercise on page 10 again, Match the rules with the correct text mestages. 1 We use the post simple for completed actions inthe past 2 We use the present perfec! simple to focus on the result cof a recent event 3 We use the simple form (not continuous) with stative verbs. 4 We use the present perfect continuous to emphasise the ceton rather then the resi 5 We use the present perfect with the phroses just ciready and yet (UK English). © GRAMMAR REFERENCE / Present perfect: Page 204 I Make questions using the present perfect sim ind and correct the mistakesin the verbs in the following sentences. 1 ve been knowing Richard fer about en years 2 Ive senthim a mossoge yesterday. 3 A You look really fred B Yes, lam. ve painted the Rt all ofternoon ve got my frst phone when | was eighteen years old | didnt see the new fim yet Hove you watched the docuentary on TV last night® {lived in London for the past Five months Ive alroady been drinking tree cups of coffee this morning @NOuA I change the second sentence so that it has a similar ing to the first, using the word given. 1 I moved here six months ago. uvING 1 for six months. 2 What have you been up to recently? DOING What recently? 3 im eating sushi for the frst time EATEN 1 sushi before 4 W's been two years since | saw Robert EACH Robert and I haven't two years. 5 Paulo and Antonia are married. They got married in 2016. BEEN. Paulo and Antonia since 2016 present perfect continuous. 1 best film / ever / see Whats the bes im you've ever seen? how loag / learn / English ‘ever / visit / another continent how long / live / present hone blogs / read / recently most exciting thing / ever / do ‘ever / meet / @ famous person Nowaon IB Work witha partner, Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 4. [smere [ierstax ani A BREAKDOWN IN COMMUNICATION [I Read the information about Poland. How similar or different is Poland to your country? NAME: Polond CAPITAL CITY: Warsaw POPULATION: approx. 38 milion LAND SIZE: approx. 312,679 km? AVERAGE TEMPERATURE IN WINTER (WARSAW): -2 °C HIGHEST PEAK IN POLAND: approx. 2,500 m (Rysy Mountain) BORDER COUNTRIES: Russia, Lithuania, Belarus, Slovakia, Ukraine, Czech Republic and Germany NATIONAL SYMBOL: White eagle NATIONAL SPORT: Football (other popular sports include basketbol, volleyball, ce hockey and cross-country skiing) FUN FACT: 30% of Poland is covered by forest. Bl © 002 Listen to Andrew talking about buying a tram ticket in Poland. Answer the questions. 1 When Andrew was in Poland, he was A. living clone B_iving with other people 2 Why didn't he osk for help to buy a tram tckel® A. tis flatmates were busy B_ He didet need any help. 3 Andrew thought the woman at the kiosk couldn't understand him becouse: A. she couldn't hear very wel, B he wasn't saying the words correctly 4 How many items did the woman give to Andrew? A Two B Three 5 Why did Andrew laugh? A. because the woman gave him the wrong items B because the woman finally understood what he wos soying [By Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions. 1 Have you ever been ino similar sivotion fo Andrew? What happened? 2. How would you communicate wih someone if you could’? speak each others language? COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES Eo IB Read about alice’s experience oftaking the train in Germany. Have you ever been in a similar situation to Alice? a GRAMMAR ON THE MOVE Watch the video The funniest thing happened to me and my friend on a recent trip to Germany. We went. to Berlin, which is the biggest city in Germany. Actually, it’s as big as my home city in terms of land area, but it has a smaller popultion. Ater a few days of exploring the city, we wanted to take the train to Hannover, which is about an hour and a half away from Berlin. My friend is much more confident than me and actually speaks better German, so she went to the ticket office to buy two train tickets. We decided to take the express train as it was faster than the regional train. It was nicer and more relaxing, too. We sat down in our seats and the train departed. We chatted the whole way and admired the beautiful view ‘from the train window. ‘After an hour and a half, we arrived at our final destination, Hamburg! We realised then that we had somehow got on the wrong train. I couldn't believe it! We ended up having a great time, even though we had originally planned to visit Hannover. ©} GRAMMAR REFERENCE / Comporotives and superlatives: Page 205 [By Read the text again. Underline the comparative and superlative adjectives. ive adjectives you underlined in Exercise 2 with the rules (1-7) below. 1 For one-syllable adiectves, add -er to form the comparative and -es!o form the superlative. For example: cond For one-sylable adjectives thot end inthe later o, edd -r fo form the comparative ond -st to form the superlative. For example: For tworsylable adjectives that end in the letter y, remove +, and add -ior to form the comparative ond “est to form the superlative. For example: For adjectives that have hwo or more syllables (thot don't end in -y], add the word more before the ceective to form the comporative ond add the words the most before the adjective to form the superlative For example: cond For one-sylable adjectives thot end in a vowel (a, i ©-and v) and one of the consonants -b,-d,-g,, por 1, repeat the last consonant and add -er to form the ‘comporative and -e3o form the superlative. For example 6 Some adjectives have iregulor comparative and superlative forms. For example: bad + worse -* he worst good + + the best 7 We use os + adjective + 0s to compare two things that core the same. For example: » e a w I correct the mistakes in each of the questions. 1 What isthe better fim you have ever seen? 2 What s the diffculest thing about learning English? 3 Would you prefer to live in the coldest or hotest place con earth? 4 |siteasyer to learn « musical instrument or leorn @ new language? 5 Do you think that nurses should be poid as much money than footballers? 6 Whats the more expensive thing you have ever bought? i workin Exercise (a ASTORY IMI You are going toread Sarah’sstory about a lost suitcase. Before you read, look at the four pletures. Put them in order and predict what you think happensin the story. Ask and answer the questions in Il Read the story and check your predictions. Then find and correct the eight spelling mistakes. THE LOST SUITCASE Whilé | was walking back home, | came ccross a brite blue suitcase just behind « café next to my house. Ik wos quite large and had a pink ribbon on the side of it, | looked for @ label to see who it belonged to but i didn't have one. As | only livec next door, | desided to take it home, open it up and see i there was a name or adress, anything that would help me to find the owner. The first thing | noticed when ! opened it was a gorgous ‘green dress. II wos beauliful. So beautiful, in fact, that Tried it on! I weat back out sill wearing the dress. | was just turning the corner when | bumaed into an old frend, who Thad seen for a while, She was in town viiing her sister. “Hey, nice dress!” she said. “I have one just like tha. Well, actualy, I had one just ile that” “What do you mean?” | asked. “left my suitcase here about 15 minutes ogo. | walked off ond just completly forgot about it | dor't know “think | know where it might be’ | sci, feeling extremely embarassed [Bl study how Sarah uses the highlighted words while and when. Complete the sentences below with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 While (watch) TY, the phone (ring). 21 {sit) on the sofa when suddenly there {be) a knock at the door. 3) Whent {walk) into the shop, the sales assistant talk) to a customer. 4 (break) a plate while | (prepare) dinner. IB Write a story using 140-190 words. tr must begin with the sentence below. White 1 was walking down the street, found a small {gold ring on the pavement. [rarer [iers tax MED THE PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE AND CONTINUOUS PRACTICE PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE: HAVE + PAST PARTICIPLE Posmve | | a newspaper. Ive read the article | 53. boent had lunch QUESTION Hove they orived yet? THE PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS: HAVE BEEN + PRESENT PARTICIPLE POSITIVE NEGATIVE QUESTION —_ | I’ve been watching | She hasn’tbeen Have they been the match, —_ waiting long. working with yout Both the present perfect simple and present perfect continuous tokk ccbout something which started inthe past ‘+ The present perfect simple isa completed action which has a result in the present: ‘She's possed her driving tes, so now she can take the children tothe day core centre herselé ‘The present perfect continuous is an action whichis sill happening now: Theyve been working hard on their presentation, but tis’ fished ye. The two fenses are often very similar in their usoge. However: PRESENT PERFECT SiMi | emphasises the result: They've worked on the environmental projec ll weck and they going fo present the final version tomorow focuses on how much ofan ecvty is complete: {ie listened to all ofthe austo | novels you recommended fecuses on how many fies on | ccton has been repeated: Weve wotched tha programme bout celebrities severl times. 2ESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS ‘emphasises the action: They've been working on the environmental projec all wee, but they've sill go! some wey go. focuses on how long an activity has been in progress: Ie boen listening tothe oudio novels you recommended and Ive sill got two left focuses on the process of change over ‘ period of ime and thot the changes | ate not finished: ‘My use of grammar has been geting | ‘mere accurate since | started testing | nysel. complete the sentences wi present perfect simple or continuous. 1B! Tickthe correct sentences. Correct the sentences with mistakes. 1 2 er the 1 (prepare) my presentation on ‘mammal al week, but | {oot finish) ity. Whot (yeu dole Your hands are covered in dit Your parents (look) exhausted recenly. Have they (work) too much? I {rot complete) my essoy yet, becouse | {chill out inthe ‘garden for over an hour. Have you gota plste? | {do} some work around the house and | (demage] the nail on my thumbs quite body \ (be 10 Spain several mes tis year. Every vist was reelly oustanding. Recently the government (become) more aware ofthe need to ‘promote music education 1 (change) « wheel on my eas 0 Im not really in the mood to go out The surgeon has just frished a nine-hour operation, so he's exhausted. | have finally been learning how to use the possive in English. feel over the moon that | can doit at last I can see that he hos eaten too much recently, He's gained a lot of weight The rain hos been pouring down all doy, 50 | chose fo stay indoors, They haven't mastered Chinese, but they can communicate at o basic level. Thats Some verbs ore not sed in the confinvous form, eg. know, hate, understand, wont 1've known Guy for a long fime. (NOT: Fre-beer knowing Guy fora long time) {I've understood everything youve outlined (NOT: Fre been “understanding everything you've outlined an incredible achievement! 6 They hove browsed for jobs in sport management for over four hours and sil haven't found anything 7 | have gone tothe weight lifing session ‘every weekend for years |[B) Make sentences with either the present perfect simple or continuous. 1 Scientists / discover / vaccines / to cure / mony fata illnesses He / not put / his recent qualifications on his CV / yet Wake up! You / sleep for / over two hours now. We all eel thirsty, / because / as usual / not / drink enough / during training, She / know him / since / he was o small child Insnow / heavily / all moming / and os o result / the roads / are slippery now. auaan OT 7 ‘The form of comporatives and superlatives depends on the PRACTICE umber of sylable in the original adjective or adverb. IF) complete the sentences with the correct ONE-SYLLABLE ADJECTIVES ‘comparative or superlative, 1 Today is the (bod) day I've had this year. —————— 2 You call in sick [often} than everybody else igh higher highest in the dls. smell smaller | smallest 3 This questionnaire about energy vse is the (complicated) Ive ever completed. ADJECTIVE ENDING IN A SINGLE oe CONSONANT 5 The ferry from Staten Island to Manhattan is the as ____ cheap) in the world. It’s free! BEADVECTIVE! | COMPARATIVE || “SUPERLATIVE. 6 This shope is much ___ irregular} than the fot loiter “fattest ther one. od sedder oddest : |B Purthe words in order tomake sentences with the ADJECTIVES WITH TWO SYLLABLES ‘comparative or superlative. ie z i 1 Hs ambition / than / hos always / his brother’. / __| comparanive | SUPERLATIVE ‘greater / boon / == 7 |idevrer/imiore! | clevored/imact 2 was.as accurate / the report / Her analysis / the | ea coe financial station / os / inthe magazine. / of / | narrow narrower / more | narrowest / most 3 The lecturer is / since she started / less / work on. L narrow narrow her / available to her students / thesis a 4 His skills / are rot / as fast / os people predicted. / developing / ADJECTIVES WITH THREE OR MORE 5 My interes in /consderobly / thon / he projec is / SYLLABLES greoter now / it was / at the beginning. ~ 6 ideally want, / high / My motivation is / as / not ‘ADJECTIVE | COMPARATIVE | SUPERLATIVE quite / as | woud / experienced more experienced | most experienced 7 thon / There are slightly / living in / fewer people / inconvenient | more inconvenient_| mos inconvenient ten yeors ogo. /the town / Note: 8 more / than by train, / I's / to travel by car / Acjectives wih two syllables, ending in -y, replace the y with: Ce IC ete cay easier easiest hapey —hoppier happiest These very common adjectives have itregular comparative and superlative forms ‘ADJECTIVE | COMPARATIVE | SUPERLATIVE good best bad worst litle less least much Hor more most further / farther _| furthest / frthest ‘Jrammar reverence ETE)

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