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PAPER 2009-023

Enhanced Gas Recovery: Effect of Reservoir

Heterogeneity on Gas-Gas Displacement
Alberta Research Council

This  paper  is  accepted  for  the  Proceedings  of  the  Canadian  International  Petroleum  Conference  (CIPC)  2009,  Calgary, 
Alberta,  Canada,  16‐18  June  2009.    This  paper  will  be  considered  for  publication  in  Petroleum  Society  journals. 
Publication rights are reserved. This is a pre‐print and subject to correction. 

Abstract Introduction
Experimental results on the combined effect of reservoir In recent years, enhanced oil and gas recovery by waste
heterogeneity, dispersion and gravity segregation between the gas or CO2 injection has attracted much interest 1-7 because it is
injected and produced hydrocarbon gases on gas recovery considered as a feasible mean to not only improve hydrocarbon
efficiency are presented in this paper. recovery but also, to permanently store greenhouse gases
Laboratory tests were conducted in both one-dimensional and underground. Alberta Research Council has been operating a
two-dimensional systems at ambient temperature and joint Industry Participation (JIP) project on enhanced gas
pressures in the range of 700 kPa to 3500 kPa, conditions recovery (EGR) for several years. This JIP project consisted of
typical of Alberta shallow gas reservoirs. The effect of several tasks including laboratory experimentation, numerical
heterogeneity on Enhanced Gas Recovery (EGR) in a system simulation, economic evaluation, surface facility designs and
containing two non-communicating intervals was investigated field pilot. The main resource targets of this EGR JIP program
with two parallel 2 m sand-packs of 5.4 and 2 Darcies (D). are Alberta’s 4200 gas pools which are in different stages of
Methane was recovered by injection of either CO2, or flue gas exploitation and many of them are approaching the end of their
production life. The laboratory program aims at achieving
from this heterogeneous system. The effect of gravity
better understanding of the gas-gas displacement process
segregation (between injected and produced gas) on EGR was
within porous media so that contamination of hydrocarbon gas
also investigated by means of a 2 dimensional physical model
by the injected waste gas can be mitigated. Results from
containing upper and lower compartments with permeabilities laboratory tests conducted with 2 meter long homogeneous
of 2 and 5 D, respectively. The layers were separated with a sand-pack to investigate factors such as pressure, displacing
thin barrier with moderate permeability allowing cross flow gas properties, flow rate and gas solubility in water, on gas-gas
and molecular diffusion between the two compartments. displacement efficiency were presented previously in the 2008
Results show that cross flow and transverse dispersion help to CIPC conference8. In the present paper, we present results
mitigate the adverse effects of heterogeneity during EGR. from displacement tests conducted in heterogeneous porous
Density difference between injected and produced gas can media.
either improve or reduce displacement efficiency depending on
reservoir geology. Effectiveness of various techniques to
mitigate the adverse impact of heterogeneity on EGR was also

Results show that the permeability ratio between the two
compartments was 2.2.
Preparation of 2m long sand-packs and 2 Determination of the production rate ratio:
dimensional physical model
If A = total flow rate of methane and ethane in production line
A schematic diagram of the experimental setup for the from the high permeability compartment
displacement tests 1-4 is presented in Figure 1. Two sand-
packs with different permeabilities of 5.4 and 2.0 D were B = percentage of ethane in the high permeability production
arranged in parallel to simulate two non-communicating layers line.
of a gas reservoir where the higher permeable layer was
C = percentage of ethane in the combined effluent from both
located below the lower permeable layer. Properties of the
restored sand-packs are presented in Table 1. The equipment
and procedure were very similar to those described RH = flow rate of methane in the high permeability
previously8. compartment

The 2 dimensional (2-D) physical model was constructed of RL = flow rate of methane in the low permeability
stainless steel. The dimension of the cavity was 38.1 x 39.4 x compartment
11.4 cm. The cavity was equally divided into an upper and a RT = total flow rate of methane and ethane from both of the
lower compartment with a thin steel plate. The plate was compartments
perforated with 4 mm diameter holes (about one hole per inch)
to allow cross flow and dispersion of gas molecules between Then RH = A*(1-B/100).
the compartments. It was then overlain with a wire mesh to RT =A* (B/C).
prevent sand grains from passing through the holes. Each
compartment consists of one injector and one producer located Therefore, the flow rate of methane from the low permeability
at the opposite end of the chamber. These injection and compartment,
production wells consisted of 38 cm long and 1 cm O.D.
RL = RT - A = A*(B/C)-A
stainless steel tubing with an inside diameter of 0.25 cm. One
end of the tube was blocked and small holes of 0.16 cm And, production rate ratio RH/R L = A*[(1-B/100)]/[A*(B/C-1]
diameter were drilled along the side of the tubing to allow
fluids to enter and exit the tubing. Wire mesh was wrapped = (1-B/100)/[(B/C)-1]
around the wells to prevent sand production. A schematic of
the experimental set-up is shown in Figure 2. The two Results and Discussion
compartments were filled with silica sands of different particle Effect of heterogeneity in a system with
size distributions to create porous media of different non-communicating layers
permeability. The silica sands used to fill the compartments are
the same type of sands used for packing the 2 m long sand- Four tests were conducted in a non-communicating system
packs. The target permeabilities of the two compartments were consisted of two parallel sand-packs with different
5 D and 2 D respectively. After the model was evenly and permeabilities of 4.5 D and 2.0 D. In Test 1, methane was
tightly packed, a net overburden pressure of 2 MPa was displaced with pure CO2 whereas a synthetic flue gas (86% N2,
applied to the porous media. The total pore volume of the 2-D 14% CO2) was used to displace methane in Tests 2, 3 and 4.
model was determined by Boyle’s law method. Porosities of All tests were conducted at 0.7 MPa and ambient temperature
the two compartments calculated based on weight of silica with an interstitial flow velocity of 1-2 m/day in the presence
sand introduced into the compartments are listed in Table 2. of irreducible water saturation.
All the tests were conducted in the absence of connate water.

The permeability ratio between the two compartments was Test 1: Displacement of CH4 with CO2 at
determined by flowing methane through the model under
constant pressure drop condition and measuring the ratio of the
0.7 MPa in parallel sand-packs
gas production rate from the two compartments with the help (heterogeneous system with non-
of a tracer. As shown in Figure 2, a constant flowing stream of communicating layers)
ethane (at about 5% of the total volumetric flow rate through The sand-packs were first saturated with methane gas at 0.7
the 2-D model) was injected into the flow line downstream of MPa and at irreducible water saturation. During Test 1, pure
the producer of the higher permeability compartment. This CO2 was injected into both of the sand-packs simultaneously to
mixture was directed through a gas sampling device from displace methane at 0.7 MPa. As expected, because of
which small samples were taken at specified intervals for differences in permeability, the flow velocity in the 5.4 D
compositional analysis. The effluent from the lower sand- pack was higher than that of the 2.0 D sand-pack and
permeability compartment of the 2-D model is combined with breakthrough of CO2 occurred much earlier from the 5.4 D
that of the higher permeability compartment further sand-pack. Figure 3 shows the composition of the produced
downstream, resulting in dilution of the ethane content in the gas from each of the sand-packs and the methane recovery and
mixture. By analyzing the ethane concentration in the effluent composition of the combined effluents. The main results are
of the high permeability compartment alone and the combined included in Table 3. In Figure 3, it is shown that methane
effluent from both compartments, the ratio of the gas recovery at 2% CO2 contamination (allowable CO2
production rate from the two compartments were calculated. concentration in sale gas) is 47% for the combined Original

Gas in Place (OGIP) of both the sand-packs. Methane time, the methane recovery from the high permeability sand-
produced from the high permeability sand-pack accounted for pack accounted for approximately 86 % OGIP.
78% of its OGIP and this corresponds to 37% of combined
OGIP. Only 10% of methane recovered was from the low As soon as water entered into the high permeability sand-pack,
permeability sand-pack. there was a rapid change in the effluent gas composition. The
nitrogen concentration of the combined effluent gas decreased
These results are compared (Table 3) with tests conducted from 20% to 8.5% before increasing slowly back to 20%
previously (Test 7 reported in CIPC-paper 2008-145) in which during the next 12 hours. Based on the effluent composition, it
methane was displaced with CO2 gas in a homogeneous porous is estimated that the contribution to gas flow from the high
media under similar conditions. Methane recovery from the permeability sand-pack was reduced to about 25% of the total
homogeneous sand-packs at 2% CO2 contamination was 81% gas flow. Since the effective permeability of the low
of OGIP. Thus, one can conclude that, in heterogeneous permeability sand-pack should remain unchanged at 2.0 D, it is
reservoir with non-communicating intervals, earlier estimated that the high permeability sand-pack had decreased
breakthrough of the displacing gas from the higher permeable to around 650 mD during the period of water injection. Thus,
interval will result in a significantly lower overall recovery of by combating the preferential flow of flue gas through the high
marketable methane. permeability sand-pack by co-injecting a slug of water, the
methane recovery at 20% N2 content in the effluent increased
from 52% to 78% OGIP. This combined recovery of 78%
OGIP was comparable to that of a previous test (77% OGIP)
Test 2: Displacement of CH4 with flue gas conducted in a homogeneous sand-pack. The significant
at 0.7 MPa in parallel sand-packs improvement in the methane recovery of Test #3 compared
(heterogeneous system non- with Test #2, indicates that formation blockage by selective
communicating layers) water injection to improve sweep efficiency during EGR can
In Test 2, displacement of methane by flue gas (14% CO2 and be highly effective. However, it should be noted that as soon as
86% N2) was conducted under conditions similar to those of water injection into the high permeability sand-pack ceased,
Test 1. Figure 4 presents the composition of the produced gas the combined effluent showed a rapid increase in nitrogen
from each of the sand-packs as well as the combined effluent. concentration (from 20% to 42%). This indicates that gas flow
It indicates that nitrogen concentration in the effluent from the within high permeability sand-pack had increased rapidly after
5.4 D sand-pack reached 20% (maximum concentration of N2 termination of water injection. Based on the composition of the
in sale gas) at 19 hours after the start of the displacement. The effluent gases, the high permeability sand-pack contributed
main results of Test 2 are presented in Table 4. Methane 60% to the gas flow after termination of water injection. Thus,
recoveries at nitrogen breakthrough and at 20% nitrogen the calculated effective gas permeability of higher permeability
contamination are 42 % and 53 % OGIP of the combined sand- sand-pack decreased from 5.4 D to approximately 3.0 D as a
packs, respectively. Breakthrough of CO2 was significantly result of injection of 78 ml of water (0.08PV of the 5.4 D sand-
delayed due to its higher solubility in water and has lesser pack) and an increase of water saturation from 18% to 25%. It
effect on methane recovery. In comparison, a test conducted appears that formation blockage was mainly effective during
earlier in a single homogeneous sand-pack (Test 8 of CIPC the period of water injection.
paper 2008-145) under similar conditions gave recovery of
77% OGIP at 20% N2 contamination.
Test 4: Sweep efficiency improvement by
using foam to improve performance of
Test 3: Improvement of sweep efficiency EGR in a heterogeneous system (non-
by water Injection as a remedial action communicating layers)
Test 3 was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of partial While Tests 2 and 3 demonstrated that injection of a slug of
formation blockage by injecting water to preferentially reduce water in the high permeability sand-pack could improve
permeability to gas in the high permeability interval. The test recovery from a heterogeneous system, Test 4 was conducted
procedures employed in Test 3 were identical to that of Test 2 to evaluate the effectiveness of partial formation blockage by
except, after the nitrogen concentration of the combined foam to preferentially reduce permeability to gas in the high
effluent reached 20%, water was injected into the higher permeability interval. The test procedure employed in Test 4
permeability (5.4 D) sand-pack. Water was injected at a rate of was identical to that of Test 2 except that after the nitrogen
6.5 ml/hour until the N2 concentration of the combined effluent breakthrough, a solution containing 50 ppm (0.005 wt%) of a
reached 20% again. Cumulative volume of water injected commercial surfactant (AOS C1416) was injected into the flue
corresponded to approximately (8% PV). Injection of flue gas gas feed line upstream of the two parallel sand-packs. The flow
into both sand-packs continued at the same total rate during the rate (0.08 ml/min) of surfactant solution was adjusted to be
period of water injection. Results from Test 3 are presented in approximately 10% of the in situ gas flow rate. As a result, the
Figures 5 and Table 5 & 6. quality of the foam being generated should be approximately
From Figure 5, it can be seen that when the nitrogen
concentration in the combined effluent reached 20% for the Since the permeability ratio of the two parallel sand-packs is
first time, the effluent gas from the high and low permeable approximately 2.7:1 (5.4 D versus 2.0 D), it is anticipated that
sand-packs contained 30% and 0% nitrogen, respectively. the in situ gas rate of the 5.4 D sand-pack will be 2.7 times that
Thus, the higher permeability sand-pack contributed to of the 2.0 D sand-pack. Accordingly, the foam created due to
approximately 75% of the combined gas flow. At this point in mixing of the surfactant solution and flue gas will

preferentially flow to the higher permeability sand-pack effluent from the two compartments. It indicates that the
causing permeability reduction. This was confirmed as shown relative flow rates of gas produced from the two compartments
in Figure 6. As indicated from the nitrogen content of the remained relatively constant throughout the course of the
effluent of each of the sand-packs, the flow rate of the 5.4 D displacement. This observed similarity in the composition of
sand-pack was reduced to a level below that of the 2 D sand- the produced gases suggested that extensive mixing of gases
pack. The composition of the effluent from the 2 D sand-pack occurred due to diffusion/dispersion of gas molecules between
is quite similar to that of the combined effluent indicating that the two compartments during the course of displacement. The
most of the produced gas consisted of effluent from the 2 D effect of diffusion–dispersion is larger than the combined
sand-pack. Injection of the surfactant solution continued until effect of heterogeneity and gravity segregation. It is therefore
the nitrogen content of the combined effluent reached 20%. At concluded that at this pressure, the effect of gravity segregation
this point, the cumulative volume of surfactant injected was 60 between injected gas and produced gas is not significant. As
ml corresponding to 2.7% of the combined pore volumes of the indicated in Table 7, overall recovery of methane from this
parallel sand-packs. Methane recovery from the parallel sand- heterogeneous 2-D model was 40% OGIP at 20% nitrogen
pack at 20% N2 contamination was 78% OGIP of the contamination. The reason for the low recovery of methane
combined sand-packs. This shows that upon foam treatment, from the 2-D model relative to the 2 m long parallel sand-
we have drastically improved the performance of EGR by packs (53% OGIP in Test 2) can partly be attributed to its short
partially mitigating the adverse effect of heterogeneity. displacement length (40 cm).

In Table 6, the efficiency of different blocking agents is

presented. The incremental gas recovery obtained by injection Test 6: Displacement of methane with
of a slug of water was comparable to that of a slug of nitrogen at 3.5 MPa (fining upwards
surfactant. However, it should be noted that the water slug was geology).
considerably larger (25% PV as compared to 2.7% PV in case
of the surfactant). Moreover, the surfactant concentration
required to block the high permeability interval was very low Three additional tests were conducted at a higher pressure of
(50 ppm) thus making it very attractive. In gas reservoirs, 3.5 MPa to investigate the effect of gas gravity on recovery
application of foam technology appears very promising, efficiency in a heterogeneous system. Test 6 was conducted
especially in the absence of crude oils which tends to de- with the high permeability compartment located below the
stabilize the foams. lower permeability compartment. Figure 7b presents the
production rates from the high permeability compartment
2-Dimensional Physical Model: Effect of relative to the low permeability compartment as a function of
gravity segregation and heterogeneity in time. It shows that, shortly after the displacement started, the
system with communicating intervals ratio of production rate in the lower compartment (5 D) to that
in the upper compartment (2 D) increases from the initial value
In the preceding sections, the effect of reservoir heterogeneity of 2 to a maximum value of nearly 14. This result shows that,
on EGR recovery was simulated by means of two linear sand- due to both gravity segregation and permeability difference,
packs of different permeability mimicking a two layer system most of the injected nitrogen, which is significantly denser
with non-communicating intervals. In this section, a 2- than methane at 3.5 MPa (ρN2 = 39.8 g/L versus ρCH4 = 24.3
dimensional model is prepared to model the situation where g/L), tends to flow through the lower (higher permeability)
the two intervals of different permeability are in compartment i.e. underrides. The production rate ratio from the
communication through a barrier of moderate permeability. two compartment return to the initial value of 2 after most of
Four displacement tests were conducted in the absence of the methane gas has been produced.
connate water. The first three tests were conducted with the
higher permeability compartment located below the lower Composition of the effluent from the producers (Figure 9) also
permeability compartment mimicking a fining upwards indicates that the break-through times of nitrogen from the two
geology, whereas the fourth test was conducted with them compartments are quite different. In contrast to Test 5 where
reversed mimicking a coarsening upward geology. molecular diffusion led to significant mixing of the gases
between the two compartments, the lower molecular diffusivity
Test 5: Displacement of methane with at a pressure of 3.5 MPa resulted in very little mixing.
nitrogen at 0.7 MPa in 2-D model with Methane recovery in Test 6 from the 2-D model was 39.4% at
fining upwards geology 20% nitrogen contamination. This recovery is similar to that of
Test 5. It was anticipated that lower molecular diffusivity at a
During Test 5, nitrogen was injected through the injection high pressure of 3.5 MPa should lead to better recovery.
wells of the two compartments of the 2-D model, which were However, due to adverse gravity effect leading to severe
saturated with methane gas at 0.7 MPa and ambient underriding of the displacing gas, the overall methane recovery
temperature. The effluents from the producers from both is similar to that of Test 5.
compartments were directed into the same back-pressure
regulator. Figure 8 shows the effluent composition from the Test 7: Displacement of nitrogen by
producers of the two compartments. It is interesting to note
that, in spite of the relative large difference in permeability and methane at 3.5 MPa with fining upwards
some difference in density (ρN2 = 8.9 g/L versus ρCH4 = 5.2 geology.
g/L), the breakthrough of nitrogen occurs at almost the same
time. Figure 7a presents the ratio of the flow velocity of

In order to confirm our observation that gravity segregation The fact that the gas recovery of Test 7 – when using methane
occurred during Test 6 at a pressure of 3.5 MPa due to the to displace nitrogen in a fining upwards situation – is almost
density difference between nitrogen and methane, Test 7 was identical to that of Test 8 (nitrogen displacing methane in a
conducted using methane to displace nitrogen, again at 3.5 coarsening upwards situation) clearly shows that the combined
MPa. In this case, it is anticipated that the injected methane gas effect of heterogeneity and gravity segregation is real and it
will tend to override the nitrogen gas and be directed to the should be taken into account. If gravity segregation is
upper (lower permeability compartment). Results of Test 7 are important over such short distances, definitely it is important
summarized in Table 8 and Figures 7c and 10. on the larger field scale.

Figure 7c presents the ratio of flow rates of the produced gas

from the two compartments. It shows that shortly after the test Conclusions
started, the ratio of flow rate between the high permeability
and low permeability compartments decreased from the initial Based on the experimental results described above, the
value of 2 to a minimum of one. This result indicates that the following conclusions were made:
flow velocity of the two compartments is approaching the
same value due to the preferential flow of methane into the 1. Under identical flow conditions, recovery of marketable
upper (lower permeability) compartment. Figure 10 presents methane by displacing with CO2 from a heterogeneous
the composition of effluent gas from the 2-D model. In system containing two parallel non-communicating sand-
contrast of Test 6 which shows differences in breakthrough packs of different permeability was lower than that of a
time of displacing gas between the two compartments, the linear homogeneous sand-pack. As expected, most of the
composition of the produced gas from the two compartments recovered methane from the heterogeneous system was
in Test 7 are quite similar. This indicates that the displacement produced from the higher permeability sand-pack.
fronts of the two compartments in Test 7 are quite similar to
each other during the displacement and thus substantiating the 2. Similarly, recovery of marketable methane by
conclusions based on the flow velocity measurements. displacement with flue gas from a heterogeneous system
was lower (52% OGIP) as compared to the recovery of
The overall recovery of nitrogen at 20% displacing gas (CH4 in 78% OGIP obtained from a linear homogeneous sand-
this case) was 60% of OGIP. Thus, it is suggested that the pack. Breakthrough of CO2 was delayed relative to
overriding of displacing gas into the lower permeability nitrogen and did not significantly affect methane recovery
compartment due to gravity segregation significantly reduced
the negative effect of reservoir heterogeneity. 3. In the laboratory, injection of water into the higher
permeability sand-pack of a heterogeneous system,
consisting of two parallel sand-packs, was effective in
improving the recovery of marketable methane by
Test 8: Displacement of methane with mitigating the degree of heterogeneity. However, this
nitrogen at 3.5 MPa (coarsening upwards effectiveness was reduced after water injection had been
geology). terminated.
In Test 8, the 2D model was re-oriented such that the high
4. Application a relatively small slug size (2.7% PV) of 90%
permeability compartment was located at the upper part of the
quality foam by co-injecting a dilute (50 ppm) surfactant
model. Nitrogen was injected to displace methane from the
solution with the displacing flue gas was also shown in
model at 3.5 MPa, under identical flow conditions as that of
the laboratory to improve methane recovery from a
Test 6. Figure 11 presents the composition profile of the
heterogeneous system with non-communicating intervals.
produced gases from the individual compartments, as well as
that of the combined effluent. It indicates that the breakthrough
5. The effect of gravity segregation between displaced and
times of nitrogen from the two compartments are quite similar
displacing gases appears to be significant at a pressure of
and they occurred at about 3.1 hours after the start of the test.
3.5 MPa. This conclusion is based on results from three
This is compared with the N2 breakthrough time of 2.3 hours in
separate experiments carried out with a 2-D physical
Test 6. As a result of delay in nitrogen breakthrough, the
model containing two communicating compartments
methane recovery at 20% N2 contamination was 60% OGIP, as
packed with dry sand with different permeability. When
opposed to 40% OGIP obtained in Test 6.
displacing methane with (nitrogen), gravity segregation
was observed due to the density difference between
Figure 7d presents the flow rate ratios between the two
methane and nitrogen at 3.5 MPa. Results also showed
compartments during the course of Test 8. It shows that
that this gravity segregation is unfavorable to methane
shortly after the start of the test, the rate ratio between the high
recovery in a reservoir which is fining upwards but
and low permeability compartments decreased from the initial
favorable in a coarsening upwards reservoir.
value of 2.5 to about 1.3 and remained unchanged until about
80% of the OGIP had been recovered. These results indicate
6. When methane was displaced by nitrogen from the same
that nitrogen flow into the lower permeability bottom
2-D physical model at a pressure of 0.7 MPa, the
compartment was enhanced due to gravity effect thereby
composition of the effluent gases from the two
mitigating the negative effect of reservoir heterogeneity. Table
compartments with permeability ratio of two was very
9 summarizes the results from three tests conducted at 3.5
similar. It is concluded that dispersion of gas between the
two compartments was occurring during the displacement
due to the relatively large molecular diffusion co-efficient
(estimated to be around 0.002 cm2/sec between N2 and

CH4 based on numerical simulation results) prevailing at
0.7 MPa. The results suggested that molecular diffusion
between communicating intervals of a heterogeneous
system has partially mitigated the negative effect of
reservoir heterogeneity on gas-gas displacement


Financial support and permission to publish this paper by the

Joint Industry Project Participants (Devon, Nexen, Paramount
Resources, Suncor, BP, AERI, Alberta Advanced Education
and Technology, and ARC) are greatly appreciated

(1) Mehran Pooladi-Darvish, and et al, “ CO2 Injection
for Enhanced Gas Recovery and Geological Storage
of CO2 in the Long Coulee Glauconite F Pool,
Alberta”. SPE 115789, Presented at the 2008 SPE
conference at Denver, Co. 21-24 September 2008.
(2) Mehran Pooladi-Darvish and et al, “
Chromatographic Partitioning of H2S and CO2 in
Acid Gas Disposal”, presented at the CIPC
conference in Calgary, June 17-19 2008.
(3) Curtis Moldenburg, “ Carbon Sequestration in
Natural Gas Reservoirs: Enhanced Gas Recovery and
Natural Gas Storage” Proceedings, TOUGH
symposium 2003, Lawrence Berkerley National
Laboratory, Berkerley, California, May 12-14 2003.
(4) Oldenburg, C. M. “ Carbon Sequestration with
Enhanced Gas Recovery: Identifying Candidate Sites
for Pilot Study”, reported by Lawrence Berkerley
National Laboratory, funded by US DOE contract.
(5) Bert van de Meer, “ CO2 Storage and Testing
Enhanced Gas Recovery in K12-B Reservoir”
presented at 23rd world Gas conference Amsterdam
(6) Turta, A. T. Sim, S. K., Singhal, A. K., Hawkins, B.
F., “Basic Investigations on Enhanced Gas Recovery
by Gas-Gas Displacement”, JCPT. Vol. 47, No. 10,
p39-44, Oct. 2008.
(7) Singhal, A. K., Turta, A. T., Sim, S. K., Hawkins, B.
F., “Enhancing Natural Gas Recovery from Nearly
Depleted Gas Reservoirs by Injecting Waste Gases”
Paper presented at the 8th CIPC held in Calgary,
Alberta, June 12-14, 2007.
(8) Sim, S. K., Turta, S. T., Singhal, A. K., Hawkins, B.
F.,“ Enhanced Gas Recovery, Factors affecting Gas-
Gas Displacement Efficiency”, Paper presented at
the CIPC/SPE joint conference held in Calgary,
Alberta, June 17-19, 2008.
(9) Sim, S. K., Brunelle, B. P., Turta, A. T., Singhal, A.
K., “Enhanced Gas Recovery and CO2 Sequestration
by Injection of Exhaust Gases from Combustion of
Bitumen”, Paper presented at the SPE Improved Oil
Recovery Symposium held in Tulsa, OK., USA, 19-
23, April, 2008

Table 1: Properties of Sand-packs
Pack #1 pack #2
Particle size of silica sand 45-106 μm 53-250 μm
Length (cm) 43 43
Diameter (cm) 4.14 4.14
Air permeability (mD) 2000 5400
Porosity (%) 43 36.5
Pore volume (ml) 1157 982

Table 2: Properties of 2-D model

Lower permeability higher permeability compartment
Particle size of silica sand 45-106 μm 53-250 μm
Length (cm) 43 43
Diameter (cm) 4.14 4.14
Permeability ratio between the two 1 2.2
Porosity (%) 38 35
Pore volume (ml) 8400 7700


Swi Velocity Methane recovery @ 2% CO2
(% of combined OGIP)
Test No. System % m/day From 2.0 D From 5.4 D Entire system
sand-pack sand-pack

Test 1 Heterogeneous 27 1-3 10 37 47

Parallel sand-pack
Test 7 of CIPC Homogeneous 21 1.17 81
paper 2008-145 linear sand-pack


Swi Velocity Methane Recovery @ 20% N2
(% combined OGIP)
Test No. System % m/day From 2.0D From 5.4 D Entire system
sand-pack sand-pack
Test 2 Heterogeneous 15 1-3 14.3 38.7 53
Parallel sand-pack
Test-8 of CIPC Homogeneous 21 1.0 77
2008-145 Linear sand-pack


Test # Displacing Swi Velocity Methane Recovery @ 20% N2 (OGIP)
% m/day from 2.0 D From Combined
Sand-pack 5.4 D sand- Recovery
2 Flue gas 18 1-2 25 84 52
3 Flue gas+slug 18 1-2 72 86 78
of water
? Flue gas 21 1.0 77 - 77
* Homogeneous system

Test No. Displacing gas Swi Velocity Methane recovery
Blocking agent (%) (m/day) (% combined OGIP)
Test 2 Flue gas /no blocking 15 1-3 53
Test 3 Flue gas / water 18 1-2 78
Test 4 Flue gas / 15 1-3 78


Pressure Recovery @ Breakthrough ( % ) Recovery @ 20% N2 (%)
combined Upper Lower Combined
compartment compartment
(2 D) (5 D)
5 0.7 13.0 12.2 27.8 40.0
6 3.5 24.2 13.4 26.0 39.4


Test Recovery @ Breakthrough Recovery of N2 @ 20% displacing gas (CH4)
Upper Lower Combined Upper Lower Combined
compartment compartment compartment compartment
(2 D) (5 D) (2 D) (5 D)
15 11 22 33 22 38 60
Note: connate water saturation = 0


Description of Test conduct 3.5 MPa Breakthrough time Recovery at 20%
@ 1% injection gas (hr) contamination (OGIP)
Test 6 N2 displacing CH4 in fining upward 2- 2.3 40
D sand-pack
Test 7 CH4 displacing N2 in fining upward 2- 60
D sand-pack
Test 8 N2 displacing CH4 in coarsening 3.1 60
upward 2-D sand-pack

2.0 Darcies

Flue gas
5.4 Darcies

Sampling loop

Wet Test

Figure 1: Equipment Setup to Study Effect of Heterogeneity on EGR

sampling ports

2 Darcies

Mass 5 Darcies wet test meter

controller 15.5” To GC


Ethane Injection

Figure2: Flow Schematic of 2 D Model Tests





CH4 (combined)

CO2 (combined)
CH4 (Hi-perm)
50 CO2 (Hi-perm)
CH4(low perm)
40 CO2 (low perm)
CH4 recovery




0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00
Time (hr)

Figure3: Effluent Composition and recovery during displacement of CH4 with CO2 in a
heterogeneous system Test 1



Composition(%), Recovery (% OGIP)

N2 (combined)
CH4 (combined)
60 CO2 (combined)
N2 (Hi perm)
50 CH4 (Hi perm)
(CO2 (Hi perm)
N2 (low perm)
CH4 (Low perm)
CO2 (low perm)
30 CH4 recovery



0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time (hrs)

Figure 4: Displacing CH4 with flue gas in Test 2 (heterogeneous system)

100 16


% CH4, % N2, % CO2, recovery (%OGIP)

N2 (combined)
C1 combined)

Cum. CH4 produced (SL)

CO2 (combined)
60 N2 (low perm)
C1 (low perm)

50 CO2 (low perm) 8

N2 (high perm)
C1 (high perm)

CO2 (high perm) 6
Recovery (% OGIP)
30 Cum CH4 produced (SL)
water injection


0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Time (h

Figure 5: Improvement of Sweep Efficiency with Water Blockage in Test 3


N2 (combined)
CH4 (combined)
CO2 (combined)
N2 (Hi perm)
CH4 (Hi perm)
Composition (%), Recovery (% OGIP)

CO2 (Hi perm)
N2 (low perm)
CH4 (low perm)




Injection of foam


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time (hr)

Figure 6: Blocking High Permeability Interval with Foam in Test 3


te Ratios


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

T ime (hr)

Figure 7a: Flow rate ratio of Test 5




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
T im e ( hrs )

Figure 7b: Flow rate ratio of Test 6




0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Time (hr)

Figure 7C: Flow rate ratio of Test 7


2. 5
Rati os



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time (hr)

Figure 7D: Flow rate ratios of Test 8

Time (hrs)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
100 100

90 90

80 80

CH4 Recovery ( % OGIP)

70 70
% CH4, % N2

60 % N2(combined) 60

% CH4 (combined)
50 50
%N2(2D upper)
% C1 (2D upper)
40 40
CH4 recovery (2D upper)
% N2 (5D lower)
30 30
% CH4 (5D lower)
CH4 recovery (5D lower)
20 20
CH4 recovery (combined)

10 10

0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
PV injected

Figure 8: Test 5: Displacement of Methane with N2 from heterogeneous 2-D model at 0.7 Mpa



% N2(combined, lab)
%CH4, % N2, Recovery (% OGIP)

% C1(combined, lab)

60 recovery (combined % OGIP)

50 % N2 (upper, 2D)

% C1 (upper, 2D)

% N2(lower, 5D)
% C1 (lower, 5D)


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Time (hr)

Figure 9: N2 Displacing CH4 @ 3.5 MPa from 2 D model in Test 6




CH4 (combined)
% CH4, % N2

N2 recovery (combined)

50 N2(low perm)
CH4 (low perm)
40 N2 (Hi perm)
CH4 (Hi perm)



0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (hr)

Figure 10: Displacing N2 with CH4 @ 3.5 MPa from 2D-model in Test # 7



Composition (%), recovery (% OGIP)

70 N2(combined)
60 N2(HI perm)
CH4(Hi perm)

50 N2(low perm)
CH4(low perm)




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time (hr)

Figure 11: Displacing CH4 with N2 @ 3.5 MPa from 2-D model in Test #8


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