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PAPER 2009-039

Developing a New Scaling Equation for

Modelling of Asphaltene Precipitation
Sharif University of Technology

University of Calgary

Petroleum Research Center-Tehran

University of Calgary

Sharif University of Technology

University of Calgary

This  paper  is  accepted  for  the  Proceedings  of  the  Canadian  International  Petroleum  Conference  (CIPC)  2009,  Calgary, 
Alberta, Canada, 16‐18 June 2009.  This paper will be considered for publication in Petroleum Society journals. Publication 
rights are reserved. This is a pre‐print and subject to correction. 

effective parameters in generating their scaling equations. The

major disadvantage of these models is that they cannot predict
Abstract the amount of asphaltene precipitation for different crude oils.
Therefore, this deficiency contradicts to the universality of these
Many recent investigations showed that the prevalent models. In this work by performing experimental activities on
thermodynamic models are incapable of predicting asphaltene different crude oils and analyzing their properties such as live
precipitation without extensive data fitting. This is primarily oil GOR, Resin to Asphaltene ratio, mole percent of plus
due to lack of knowledge of the asphaltene properties, its fractions and residual oil density, a new scaling equation
complex nature and the large number of parameters affecting developed in order to predict asphaltene precipitation for
precipitation. Therefore, many authors tried to generate a different oil samples. As far as this scaling equation has been
simple and universe mathematical model in order to predict the generated using different samples, it can be used to estimate the
amount of asphaltene precipitation. In spite of these efforts, the amount of precipitated asphaltene at different dilution ratios
authors only considered temperature and type of solvents as the and the onset dilution ratio of precipitation. It should be noted

that various literature precipitation data validated the thermodynamic model that uses the Flory-Huggins theory of
predictive capability of this new scaling equation. polymer solutions. An equation of state was also used for
predicting the experimental data, but its predictions were found
to be in disagreement with the data. As an alternative, they
Introduction proposed a simple scaling equation that appears to be capable of
providing accurate prediction of the data. Figure 1 shows how
Asphaltene precipitation is one of the most common type of solvent and its dilution ratio can affect the amount of
problems in both oil recovery and refinery processes. In oil asphaltene precipitated, W. All curves in this Figure start at
recovery, especially in gas injection, formation of asphaltene about the same point (close to their onset point) and at large
aggregation, following their deposition causes blocking in the value of Rm, they become more or less parallel. With this sort of
reservoir. This makes the remedial process costly and curves, it is suggested that a scaling equation can be developed
sometimes uneconomical. The amount of asphaltene to collapse all curves into a single curve. Park et al. [16] assumed
precipitated is a crucial factor for determining the degree of that formation of asphaltene structure is to some extent similar
permeability reduction of the reservoir rocks. It is essential to to aggregation and gelation phenomena. These phenomena are
know how much asphaltene precipitates as a function of associated with universal properties independent of many
temperature, pressure and liquid phase composition. microscopic aspects of their structure.
To develop such a scaling equation Rassamdana et al.[1]
X = ………………………………………………………..……(1) identified three main variables:
Mz - W, Amount of asphaltene precipitated (wt%),
W - Rm, Solvent to oil dilution ratio (cm3/g),
Y= …………………………………………………..………….(2)
z′ - M, Molecular weight of solvent,
and combined them into two new variables X and Y
Unfortunately, there is no predictive model for asphaltene
problem treatment. Hence it is necessary to predict the onset of
asphaltene precipitation, as a pre-emptive measure. The major z and z´ are two adjustable parameters which must be
questions in facing such problems are "When" and "How much" carefully tuned to obtain the best fit of the experimental
heavy organic compounds will precipitate in operational data. They suggested z´= -2 as a universal constant
condition. Over the years, many researchers have tried to find regardless of oil and precipitant used and z = 0.25. A plot
the answer. They introduced experimental procedures or even of Y vs. X, resulted in a single curve that collapses all
analytical models, but a fully satisfactory interpretation is still data as depicted in Figure 2. The 3rd order polynomial
lacking. The problem is very difficult mainly because of the function Y=1.18-14.9X+39.16X2+0.92X3 represents this
fuzzy nature of asphaltene and the large number of parameters curve. They used this equation to back-calculate the
affecting precipitation. The existing models fall into three experimental data shown in Figure 3 and found that the
classes: (I) Molecular thermodynamic models in which predictions of the scaling equation are in very good
asphaltenes are dissolved in crude oil and crude oil forms a real agreement with the data. In general, the following
solution [3-7]. The validity of such models depends on the equation is adequate for representing the scaling equation
reversibility of asphaltene precipitation. In principle, only if this
phenomenon is reversible, one can use such models. Y = A1 + A 2 X + A 3X 2 + A 4 X 3 ( X ≥ X c)……………………...(3)
Reversibility experiments strongly support this type of models
. (II) Colloidal models in which, asphaltene is suspended
in crude oil and peptized by resins. The asphaltene precipitation where Ai (i =1−4) denote the scaling coefficients and Xc is the
is irreversible in such models [11-13]. Reversibility experiments value of X at the onset point of asphaltene precipitation.
are strongly against this type of models. (III) Models based on Presenting all gathered data with a 3rd order polynomial has
scaling equation, in which the properties of complex three important implications and consequences. First of all, the
asphaltenes are not involved [1,2,14,15]. Analytically, an EOS used possibility that such data can be collapsed into a single curve is
for calculating thermodynamic parameters assuming asphaltene novel and surprising. Usually only dimensionless groups can
precipitation is completely reversible. The calculation process is collapse the data into a single curve whereas X and Y are not
often found to be a difficult task because of the complexity of dimensionless. Secondly, such a scaling curve also provides
asphaltene. Nevertheless, neither using EOS nor assuming accurate prediction for those values of Rm for which no data are
asphaltene reversibility brings enough accuracy and trustable available because their measurement is difficult. Finally, the
results. Recently, Rassamdana et al. [1,2] introduced a scaling scaling representation of data implies a universal property for
equation as a new method for predicting amount of asphaltene the onset of precipitation. They also determined the critical
precipitation due to addition of n-alkane. The new method is dilution ratio Rmc, at which the onset of asphaltene precipitation
simple and the properties of complex asphaltene are not takes place, as a function of molecular weight of the solvent by
involved. Rassamdana et al.[1] gathered extensive experimental setting Y=0. The result was Rmc = 0.275M1/4 which shows that at
data for the amount of precipitated asphaltene formed with the onset, Rmc only depends on the solvent molecular weight. A
crude oil and various solvents (n-C5 to n-C10). Figure 1 shows general form of the above equation is Rmc= c M1/4 in which c is a
their experimental results for the weight percent of precipitated temperature dependent coefficient.
asphaltene W (in grams of asphaltene of the crude oil under
study) for five different solvents (n-alkanes) and various
dilution ratios, Rm, the ratio of the solvent volume to the mass Yu-Feng Hu et al. [14] performed a detailed study on the
of crude oil (in cm3/g). All experiments were performed at application of the scaling equation proposed by Rassamdana et
atmospheric pressure and room temperature. They employed a

al. [1] for asphaltene precipitation. They checked the predictive different authors do not consider oil properties in developing a
capability of the scaling equation by comparison with literature mathematical model to predict the asphaltene precipitation. All
precipitation data and reported that the scaling equation is an of these models lack generality for predicting asphaltene weight
attractive tool for modeling asphaltene precipitation. They percent at different dilution ratio for different crude oils.
examined the universality of the exponents z and z´ and found Therefore these models cannot validate different experimental
that z´ is a universal constant (z´ = -2) while z depends on the oil data for different crude oils.
composition and is independent of the specific precipitant (n- Generating a general scaling equation which is capable of
alkane) used. For the experimental data used, they found also predicting asphaltene precipitation weight at different dilution
that the best matching value of z is generally within the range of ratios is a novel method. In this experiment, three crude oil
0.1 ≤ z≤ 0.5. Despite the simplicity and accuracy of the scaling samples from different reservoirs were investigated. By
equation mentioned above, it is limited to use at a constant analyzing different parameters of crude oil such as GOR, resin
temperature, since temperature is not involved in the equation as and asphaltene content, Resin /Asphaltene ratio and heavy
a variable. Hence, it is not adequate for correlating and component mole fraction, a new scaling equation generated in
predicting the asphaltene precipitation data measured at different order to predict asphaltene precipitation at different dilution
temperatures. In this regard Rassamdana et al. [2] modified their ratios. This scaling equation validated with another crude oil
scaling equation by implanting a temperature parameter in the from different source which showed its validity and generality.
scaling equation. Based on previous equations they defined two Although the effect of temperature and pressure is not included
new variables X′ and Y′: in this scaling equation but by modifying it in order to consider
these effects, one can expand its usage at different conditions.
X ……………………………………………………………....(4)
X′ = In order to generate subjected scaling equation we used
T c1 three different crude oils with different asphaltene content in
Y ……………………………………………………….……..(5)
Y′ = order to use oil composition for generating our model. The
X c2 reservoir fluid composition of each sample is shown in Table 1
through Table 6.
in which X and Y are variables defined as in Eqs. (1) and (2),
and constants c1 and c2 are adjustable parameters. They reported
that a good fit of their experimental data can be achieved by
Experimental Results and Discussions
setting c1 = 0.25 and c2 = 1.6. Again the new scaling equation is
a 3rd order polynomial in the general form of the following
Determination of Asphaltene Content of the
Crude Oil with IP 143 Test
Y′ = b1 + b 2 X′ + b 3X′2 + b 4 X′3 ( X′ ≥ X′ c) ……………..……....(6)
Three asphaltenic crude oils were selected: Sarvak oil A,
[14] Sarvak oil B and Fahliyan oil reservoirs from southwest of Iran.
Yu-Feng Hu et al. studied experimentally the effect of Asphaltene content of each sample at different dilution ratios
temperature, molecular weight of n-alkane precipitants and was measured by standard IP 143 method. For this purpose,
dilution ratio on asphaltene precipitation in a Chinese crude oil. solvent and crude oil were mixed at different dilution ratios and
The amounts of asphaltene precipitation at four temperatures in placed in dark place and ambient conditions for 24 hours in
the range of 293-338 K have been measured using seven n- order to cause asphaltene particles come out of solution. After
alkanes as precipitants. They found that their experimental data that the mixture was filtered by No. 42 Wattman filter paper in
cannot be well correlated by setting c1 = 0.25 and c2 = 1.6 as order to separate asphaltene precipitates. The effluent called
recommended by Rassamdana et al. [2] and reported that all Maltene used to determine the other fractions of crude oil by
available experimental data can be correlated successfully by using SARA test as described in the next section. To ensure
choosing c1 = 0.5 and c2 = 1.6. They mentioned that all that the remaining precipitates on the filter paper are pure
precipitation data well collapsed onto a single curve. Yu-Feng asphaltenes, it has been refluxed by n-heptane to separate other
Hu et al. [14] showed that the proposed new scaling equation is particles such as resins and waxes. Then the filter paper that
adequate for correlating and predicting the asphaltene contains pure asphaltene was washed with Dichloromethane in a
precipitation data measured at different temperatures using reflux process. Finally after drying, the weight percent of
various n-alkane precipitants. asphaltene was calculated by using of equation 7.
M asp
W= × 100 ………………………………………...…………... (7)
M oil
Experimental Work At each dilution ratio the experiment was repeated for
three times to prove the repeatability of data. The results are
shown in Table 7 through Table 9. At a special dilution ratio,
Generating Scaling Equation to Predict increasing the volume of solvent (n-heptane) does not have any
effect on increasing the amount of asphaltene precipitation. This
Asphaltene Precipitation occurs when the graph becomes flat. Therefore, it is obvious
Rassamdana et al. [1] used different solvents to investigate that the maximum asphaltene precipitation occurs at dilution
asphaltene precipitation for only one crude oil sample. ratio of Rm=7, 7 and 6 for Sarvak oil A, Sarvak oil B and
Rassamdana et al. scaling equation for modeling of asphaltene Fahliyan crude oils, respectively as shown in Figures 3 through
precipitation and the other proposed scaling equations by 5.

SARA Fractionation Y = 6.439 x − 8.334 ………………………………………………..…..(10)

The maltenes from the n-heptane extractions are used for

fractionation into saturates, aromatics and resins. The separation Validating the Scaling Equation
into these petroleum fractions is performed using the Alumina -
Gel Adsorption Chromatography method. In this procedure In order to validate the prediction capability of the new
approximately 50 g of silica gel and 50 g of alumina are spread scaling equation, another crude oil sample, Oil C, taken from
evenly on two trays and dried in an oven at 120 °C in order to west of Iran. IP 143 and SARA tests were performed on this
be activated. After that these materials charged to the column sample in order to provide the input data to the scaling equation
(Figure 6). Silica Gel and Alumina adsorbed aromatics and (Table 14). Comparison of experimental results with prediction
resins respectively by charging the diluted maltene with n- results of new scaling equation, showed that the predictability of
hexane to the column. Since the saturate particles can not be this scaling equation is within maximum 10% error (Table 15).
adsorbed on the chromatography column, they passed the
column and gathered at the effluent. Different colors of crude Determining the Critical Point of Asphaltene
oil constituents are shown in Figure 7. The weight percent of
SARA fractions for different crude oils are shown in Figures 8
through 10. The most important application of this unique equation is in
the determination of critical point of asphaltene precipitation,
Checking Experimental Data with known as onset point which is a valuable quantity in core
flooding tests. For reaching to this goal we put W=0 which
Rassamdana Scaling Equation leads to Y=0 and solve the Equation (8) to find Rmc. As
For showing the deficiency of Rassamdana et al. scaling Equation (11) shows, by performing IP 143 and SARA
equation [1], our experimental results checked with this model. fractionation tests on a crude oil sample in order to determine
As it is obvious in Tables 10 through 12 the Rassamdana model asphaltene and resin content in addition to know the mole
deviation from reality is very much. As are clear from above fraction of C31+ and GOR, it is very easy to determine what is
tables their model never predicted our experimental data the critical dilution ratio in which asphaltene starts to
correctly specially for those oils that have lower content of precipitate.
asphaltene since it showed much more deviation respect to
those oils who have higher asphaltene content. 4.4 × Rt × X c
Rmc = ............................................................... (11)
Ct × GOR
Developing a New Scaling Equation
Despite the simplicity and accuracy of the Rassamdana et
al. scaling equation mentioned above, its restriction is
neglecting the oil properties. Therefore, it is not adequate for Conclusion
correlating and predicting the asphaltene precipitation data 1. For the investigated crude oils, the amount of
measured based on different crude oils from different places. precipitated asphaltene increases with dilution ratio
Due to this issue, different oil properties were analyzed in a trial (Rm) and remains constant at a special dilution ratio.
and error approach in order to reach to the best combination of 2. A new linear scaling equation has been developed to
these variables as a unique scaling equation. One of the determine the onset of asphaltene precipitation for
advantages of using this process is that it can give the chance to different crude oils.
see the effect of different parameters that have the dominant 3. The validity of scaling equation checked based on
role in collapsing the experimental data on a single curve. For experimental titration data from one of the Iranian oil
example one of the most important parameters is resin to reservoirs and it matched experimental data very good
asphaltene content ratio of each crude oil sample obtained from within maximum 10% error.
the SARA fractionation test, since by multiplying weight 4. As far as the oil properties considered in generating
percent of asphaltene by this parameter, it showed the tendency this new linear scaling equation, it can be performed
of collapsing data on a unique curve (Figure 11). on a wide range of crude oils with known oil
Therefore, by analyzing different parameters of various properties.
crude oils such as GOR, Resin to Asphaltene ratio, heavy
component mole fraction, residual oil molecular weight, oil
specific gravity and etc. (Table 13) a new scaling equation Acknowledgements
generated in order to predict asphaltene precipitation at different
dilution ratios. Equations 8 through 10 show the best The authors acknowledge the Petroleum University of
combination of dominant variables that have the brilliant effects Technology-Research Center for providing the laboratory
on prediction capability of linear scaling equation. facilities. We also thank Iranian Central Oil Field Company
(ICOFC) for their technical support.
Rm × Ct × GOR
X = ……………..……………………………...…….(8)
Xc × Rt

W × Rm × Rt
Y= t ……………………………….………………...……(9)

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Figure 1: Experimental data for the weight percent W of precipitated asphaltene as a function of the solvent to crude oil ratio Rm. Results are from top to
bottom for n-C5 , n-C6, n-C7, n-C8, n-C10 as the solvent [1].

Figure 2: Rassamdana et al.’s scaling equation collapses all data onto a single curve. Symbols represent rescaled experimental data [1].

Figure 3: Amount of asphaltene precipitation at different Rm (Sarvak oil A)

Figure 4: Amount of asphaltene precipitation at different Rm (Sarvak oil B)

Figure 5: Amount of asphaltene precipitation at different Rm (Fahliyan Oil)

Figure 6: Chromatographic column- Silica gel at the bottom and alumina on top of column

Figure 7: Saturates (colorless), aromatics (yellow) and resins (blue and dark blue)

Figure 8: Results of SARA test for Sarvak oil A by standard method

Figure 9: Results of SARA test for Sarvak oil B by standard method

Figure 10: Results of SARA test for Fahliyan oil by standard method


Rm (cc/gr)

Figure 11: Collapsing all the experimental data into a general single curve

Figure 12: Collapsing all the experimental data into a general curve

Table 1: Composition of Reservoir Sarvak oil A
Components Reservoir Oil (Mole %)
N2 0.13
CO2 2.07
H2S 0.02
C1 17.06
C2 8.05
C3 6.88
iC4 1.33
nC4 4.43
iC5 2.38
nC5 2.79
C6 3.35
C7 3.03
C8 1.6
C9 0.81
C10 1.67
C11 2.62
C12+ 41.79
Total 100

Table 2: Composition of Reservoir Sarvak oil B

Components Reservoir Oil (Mole %)

CO2 4.687

H2S 3.27

C1 34.007

C2 8.998

C3 5.993

iC4 0.905

nC4 2.932

iC5 1.431

nC5 1.804

C6 3.419
C7 32.554

Total 100

Table 3: Composition of Reservoir Fahliyan oil
Components Reservoir Oil (Mole %)

H2S 0.1600
N2 0.0000
CO2 2.2579
C1 49.5226
C2 9.4078
C3 5.9984
iC4 1.1779
nC4 2.9935
iC5 1.2210
nC5 1.4807
C6 2.6277
C7 1.6889
C8 0.6827
C9 0.5529
C10 1.1962
C11 1.8225
C12+ 17.2144
Total 100

Table 4: Reservoir Property of Sarvak Oil A

Molecular weight of residual oil 243
Molecular weight of C12 fraction 390
molecular weight of reservoir oil 179
Specific gravity of C12 fraction @ 60/60 oF 0.937
Asphaltene content in stock tank oil, wt% 7.9
Reservoir temperature, F 296

Table 5: Reservoir Property of Sarvak Oil B


Molecular weight of residual oil 216

Molecular weight of C7 fraction 248

Specific gravity of C7+ fraction @ 60/60 oF 0.889

Asphaltene content in stock tank oil, wt% 2.6

Reservoir temperature, oF 238

Table 6: Reservoir Property of Fahliyan Oil
GOR (SCF/STB) 1233

Molecular weight of residual oil 210

Molecular weight of C12 fraction 270

molecular weight of reservoir oil 76

Asphaltene content in stock tank oil, wt% 0.9

Reservoir temperature, F 266

Table 7: Weight Percent of Asphaltene at different Dilution Ratios (Sarvak Oil A)

Rm(cc/gr) (Wt %)

1 3.005

2 5.2

3 6.7

4 7.01

5 7.39

6 7.75

7 7.9

8 7.9

Table 8: Weight Percent of Asphaltene at different Dilution Ratios (Sarvak Oil B)

Rm(cc/gr) (Wt %)

1 0.674

2 1.5

3 1.75

4 1.896

5 2.2

6 2.44

7 2.6

8 2.6

Table 9: Weight Percent of Asphaltene at different Dilution Ratios (Fahliyan Oil)

Rm(cc/gr) (Wt %)

1 0.278

2 0.5

3 0.6979

4 0.699

5 0.85

6 0.9

7 0.9

8 0.9

Table 10: Comparison of experimental results of Sarvak oil A with Rassamdana prediction model
Rm(cc/gr) Experimental (wt Rassamdana Error %
%) Prediction
(wt %)

1 3.005 0.452769 84.93282

2 5.2 2.088703 59.83264

3 6.7 2.720156 59.40066

4 7.01 3.066738 56.25195

5 7.39 3.293973 55.42662

6 7.75 3.460033 55.35441

7 7.8 3.590586 53.96685

8 7.8 3.698705 52.58071

Table 11: Comparison of experimental results of Sarvak oil B with Rassamdana prediction model
Rm(cc/gr) Experimental (wt Rassamdana Error %
%) Prediction
(wt %)

1 0.674 0.452769 32.8236

2 1.5 2.088703 39.24685

3 1.75 2.720156 55.43746

4 1.896 3.066738 61.74779

5 2.2 3.293973 49.72602

6 2.44 3.460033 41.80463

7 2.6 3.590586 38.09945

8 2.6 3.698705 42.25788

Table 12: Comparison of experimental results of Fahlian oil with Rassamdana prediction model
Rm(cc/gr) Experimental (wt Rassamdana Error %
%) Prediction
(wt %)

1 0.278 0.452769 62.86645

2 0.5 2.088703 317.7405

3 0.6979 2.720156 289.7629

4 0.699 3.066738 338.7322

5 0.85 3.293973 287.5262

6 0.9 3.460033 284.4481

7 0.9 3.590586 298.954

8 0.9 3.698705 310.9672

Table 13: Oil Sapmles Properties
Properties Sarvak Oil A Sarvak Oil B Fahliyan Oil
mole% of C31 (ST oil) 14 10.8 8.2

residual oil Mwt 243 216 210

GOR of live oil (scf/STb) 207 860 1233

Asphaltene Mwt 6700 6484 1791

Asphaltene Wt% 7.9 2.6 0.9

R/A 3.39 13.65 29.56

Oil Specific gravity 0.937 0.889 0.862

Oil Viscosity (cp) 15.06 1.887 1.0436

Table 14: "Oil C" Properties

Properties Oil C

mole% of C31+ (ST oil) 20.4

GOR of live oil (scf/STb) 568

Asphaltene Wt% 8.12

R/A 4.43

Table 15: Scaling Equation Validating Results

Rm Experimental New Scaling Rassamdana New Scaling Rassamdana
(cc/gr) Asphaltene (wt Equation Model Equation Error Model
%) Prediction (wt%) (wt %) % Error %

4 7.26 7.91 3.07 8.97 57.74

6 7.69 8.45 3.46 9.87 55.02

8 8.03 8.72 3.7 8.68 53.93


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