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Getting Ready

Discuss the following questions with a partner.

1 What are the students doing in the pictures above?
2 How do you think classrooms have changed in the last 50 years?
3 How do you think technology affects the way we study or learn?

UNIT 10 CHAPTER 1 Internet Learning: The Future?

Before ·vou Read A Read the following sentences. Check (.!') the ones that apply to you.
Internet Survey
O I use the Internet to do research on essay topics.
O I go online to find out more about a topic.
O I go online to find answers to questions.
O I discuss my studies on Internet forums.
O I write or have written a blog about my studies.
O I've done or am doing an online distance-learning course.
O I've handed in homework to my teacher online.

B Discuss the following questions with a partner.

1 Can you think of other ways you can use the Internet for your studies?
2 Do you think the Internet is a useful tool for studying? Why, or why not?

Reading Skill ·A Skim the passage on the next page. Using information from the
Arguing For and Against passage, write five advantages and disadvantages of learning online.
a Topic
Advantages of Internet Learning
Many reading passages
present two sides of
an clfgument-one
argues for the topic,
presenting its strengths 5
or its advantages; Disadvantages of Internet Learning
the other argues 1
against it and presents 2
its weaknesses or 3
disadvantages. Words
and phrases such as
but, however, though,
in contrast and in
spite ofsignal that an
B Discuss your answers in A with a partner.
opposite or different
opinion is about to be
C Now read the entire passage carefully. Then answer the questions on
page 177.

174 UNIT 10 Chapter 1

When I was struggling with my chemistry
class last semester, a professor suggested
that I join a study group or get a tutor to
supplement what we were studying in class...
I couldn't afford a tutor and my schedule at 5 ·· -
university was so erratic-I couldn't arrange
anything with classmates, especially ones
I barely knew. Then a friend suggested
going online. I can't believe I didn't think
about it earlier! Online learning is perfect 10
Internet Learning Set Me Free! for me because it offers so much flexibility.
by Sam Tseng Whenever I have free time, I can seek out
lessons that revisit what my classes have been covering. And unlike being in class, I
can pause the videos or watch them many times until I understand the concepts.
15 Another great thing about online lessons is that there are so many different
educators out there, each with their own unique style and perspective. So if one
teacher's approach doesn't work for you or you need a different viewpoint, you can
always try another site. Each site also specializes in different subject areas. When I
want to learn about a science or math concept, I visit the Khan Academy website,
20 which explains topics using simple language and diagrams. For arts or philosophy,
I go to TED-Ed, which offers lectures from experts all over the world. These sites
have become so popular that prestigious universities like Harvard and Stanford
have started offering free online courses as well.
I love online learning so much that I'm going to do a fuU online course offered by
25 my university. I know that this requires an attention to deadlines that free lessons
don't entail, but the freedom to work when I want will be so helpful when scheduling
my other classes and getting a part-time job. Going online has opened up a whole
new world for me-I think it's a trend that's here to stay.

Internet Learning: The Future? 175

T his spring I had an internship in Paris.
Since I had time, I decided to take a couple 30

of university courses online. I also looked

for study material online to supplefment my
course, as recommen-ded by a professor.
At first, I found that resources online were
plentiful and varied. However, I spent a 35

lot of time locating lessons that offered

reliable content, and for the specific topics
I was searching for. When I did find classes
Internet Learning isn't for with helpful material, I often felt there was
Everyone something missing. 40
by Jess Wachter
I soon realized that I was missing the teacher­
student and student-student interactions of a conventional classroom and it was having
a negative effect on my learning. I realized I learn best in a social environment with lots of
opportunities for discussion; Studying on my own was boring and there were too many
45 things to distract me online. I also didn't have the motivation or encouragement you
get from teachers and classmates. Because I assumed I could study any time, I almost
stopped studying completely until everything was due at the end of the semester! I think
I'm the kind of person who needs the pacing and regular deadlines of a class.
To be fair, I certainly found material that was very helpful. But I was spending as much
50 time on these lessons as I was on my own classwork and didn't have anything to show
for it. I hear there are now online courses available where you can get your work marked
by professors and be awarded a certificate if you pass. But I can't see people choosing
to do these courses as a replacement for an actual university course and degree. It'll be
a long time before employers and companies recognize such online credits 1 or degrees.
55 It's really great that quality education is being made available for free, but for me,
online lessons probably work best as something extra to support my classroom

1 Credits measure the student workload required for the successful completion of a study program or qualification.

176 UNIT 10 Chapter 1

A Choose the correct answer for the following questions. Reading
1 What will change when Sam does a full university course online? Comprehension
a He will have to keep to certain deadlines. Check Your Understanding
b He will have to attend classroom sessions.
c He will have to stop visiting sites like TED-Ed.
2 What does Jess admit is good about Internet learning?
a She can study alone without any distractions.
b She can study anytime she wants.
c There are many helpful resources available.
3 What does it refer to in line 51?
a the extra work Jess put in
b Jess' classroom work
c Jess' internship work
4 Why does Jess feel online credits or degrees aren't going to replace
conventional ones?
a She thinks employers won't recognize them
b She thinks the education is not high quality enough.
c She thinks the work won't be marked by real professors.
5 What is the overall message of the passage?
a Online learning is the future of education.
b Online learning will never replace the traditional classroom.
c Online learning is great for certain kinds of people.

B Read the following sentences. Check (v") whether they are true (T) or
false (F).

/" T F "\
1 Both Sam and Jess currently have jobs or
2 Sam's professor recommended going online for
help with his classes.
3 Khan Academy is a good site for exploring
chemistry topics.
4 Sam prefers to study at his own pace.
5 Jess prefers to have a structured schedule for her
6 Jess spent far less time on online lessons compared
\.. to her classwork.

C Discuss the following questions with a partner. Critical Thinking

1 What kind of personalities do you think Sam and Jess have? Who are
you more similar to?
2 Are there some subjects that might be more difficult to study online than
others? Which ones, and why?
Internet Learning: The Future? 177
Vocabulary A Match the words-in the box with the correct definitions. Write a-h. The
Comprehension words are from the passage.
b erratic c perspective d distract
e prestigious f entail g reliable h pacing

1 __ point of view
2 __ dependable
3 __ having a very good reputation
4 __ inconsistent; irregular
5 __ to involve or include
6 __ speed; rate of progress
7 __ added to complete or extend something
8 __ to draw attention away from your focus

B Complete the following sentences using the words from A. You might
have to change the form of the word.

1 The job may be well-paid but it probably ______ staying late

in the office.
2 My parents want me to be a lawyer or doctor because they consider
them occupations.
3 Many people their diets by taking vitamins.
4 His behavior has been really lately-he gets angry very
easily and even shouts at people.
5 I can't study in public places as I find the noise very ______
6 In Japan, trains are a(n) ______ mode of transport as they
usually arrive on time.
7 It's important to try to understand a political issue from many different

8 The ______ of the movie wasn't very good-the ending felt

really rushed.

Motivational Tip: Reevaluate the comprehension quiz. Review each of your

responses on the comprehension quiz. For the items you got correct, identify why you got them correct. For the
items you got incorrect, identify reasons why you think you missed those questions. When you review questions
you missed, you can identify your mistakes and learn from them.

178 UNIT 10 Chapter 1

A Look at the following words containing ven/vent. Write the part of Vocabulary Skill
speech and a simple definition. You may use a dictionary to help you. The Root Word ven/ vent
Discuss your ideas with a partner.
, Vocabulary Part of Speech Definition ' In this chapter you
read the adverb
1 conventional adjective usual or traditional conventional, meaning
usual or traditional. The
2 convene
noun form convenUon
3 circumvent means a large meeting
of people. Both words
4 intervene include the root word
ven (sometimes also
5 avenue
written as ven�.
6 revenue meaning to come. For
example, when you
prevention invent something, you

come upon it for the
B Complete the following sentences using words from the chart in A. first time, whereas a
You might have to change the form of the word. venue is a place to
which people come,
1 A common saying is that" is better than cure." often for an event.
For example, it's better to keep healthy by exercising and eating well
than to constantly visit the doctor.
2 A large crowd in front of the university last week to
hear the president speak.
3 Before Carl could hit Scott, Brett and stopped the
4 Thanks to a great sales team, the company has almost doubled its
_______ this year.
5 In the United States, cigarette companies can't advertise on TV.
However, many of these companies this rule by
advertising at sporting events that are televised.
6 If you walk up that , you'll be able to see his house.

C Can you think of any other words in English that include the root
words ven/vent?

Internet Learning: The Future? 179

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