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Day Max Mini Ave Daily

Weather and Climate Temp Temp Temp

Weather and Climate
Sunday 27 11 19
Season Months
The climatic conditions of a place Temperature
influence what agricultural activity Rain
can be carried out.
Monday 21 9 15
Summer and Climate
Weather November, December, January, February Hot Wet
Day 28
Mini 12
Ave Daily 20
- Weather isTemp
Autumn the state of March,
Temp April, May
the atmosphere.
Temp Mild Dry
- It is described as being hot or cold, wet or dry, calm and stormy, clear or cloudy.
Winter 1131
- The weather27conditions
Sunday June, July,
are the
19temperature, 22
August rainfall, humidity, wind
Cold Dry direction.
speed and wind
- These
Monday weather
21 aspects
9 are recorded
15 at a weather station.
Spring 33
September, 15
October 24 Very Hot Dry
Climate 28 12 20
Wednesday 31 1333 22 19 26
- Climate
Weather - is theiscondition of weather
the average the atmosphere at a particular
conditions experienced in a place and
particular time.or country,
Thursday 33 15 24
determined through 36
measurements 20
taken over a 28
very long period
Climate - is the weather conditions prevailing in an area over a long periodof time (30-40
of years).
time (30 years).
Friday 33 19 26
find the between
To Saturday weekly weather
36 average and 28climate
20 temperature we add up the average daily temperature for the week and
divide by 7. (19+15+20+22+24+26+28) = 154 = 22 Degrees Celsius
To find the weekly average temperature we add up the average daily temperature for the week and
Weather 7= 154 = 22 Degrees Celsius
divide by 7. (19+15+20+22+24+26+28) 7 Climate
7 7

c)c) changes
Monthly inTemperature
Average cloud cover,
- - rainfall, Arrived at after analysing weather records for 30
- and humidity
- Monthlyaverage temperature is calculated by adding the
average temperature is calculated by addingaverage daily years theof average
temperatures the daily temperatures of the
month and dividing by the number of days in a particular month.
month and dividing by the number of days in a particular month.
Can change very quickly during the day Takes many years to change
Rainfall Measurements

A rain gaugeMeasurements
is an instrument for measuring the amount of rain that falls on a particular day.
Daily, weekly
- Rainfall and monthly temperatures
is measured in millimetres.
a)-Daily Temperatures
The rainfall - is measured at the end of the day and recorded as the total
collected in a rain gauge
- -The A
daily rain
rainfallgauge is an
for that particular instrument
day. for measuring the instrument
amount of rain usedthat falls on a daily
particular day.
At themaximum
end of the month and minimum
the total thermometer
daily rainfall recordings are added is the
and recorded as the total to measure temperatures
- monthly
at Rainfall
a weather is measured
rainfall. station. in millimetres.
-- The
The rainfall collected
monthly average incalculated
rainfall can be a rain gauge
by dividingisthe
measured at the
total monthly rainfall by end of the
the total day and recorded as the total
- Thenumbermaximum
of days for the and minimum
month. thermometer measures highest and lowest temperatures
Annual rainfall
on any forgiven
is calculatedthat particular
day.up the total
by adding day.
monthly rainfall figures.
- At the end of-Maximum the month temperature
the total dailyisrainfall recordings
the highest are added
temperature and recorded
recorded as the total
that day.
monthly rainfall. -Minimum temperature is the lowest temperature recorded that day mostly at
- The monthlynight average time.rainfall can be calculated by dividing the total monthly rainfall by the total
number of days for
-The maximum the month.
and minimum temperatures will be averaged to get
- Annual rainfall is calculated by adding up the total monthly rainfall figures.
the mean/average daily temperature.
-For example, on Monday 11th October Onthe thehighest
left: shows 2
temperature was 210C
types of rain gauge
and the lowest was 90C.
So we say 21 + 9 = 30 and we divide On 30 theby 2right:
a = 150C.
b) Weekly Temperatures -
-The weekly temperature is obtained by adding the mean daily temperatures and
getting the average weekly temperature.
-The table below shows us the weekly recordings from 10th to 16th October 2021

- A thermometer is a device used for measuring temperature. It can measure the temperature of a
solid such as food, a liquid such as water, or a gas such as air.
- Zero degrees Celsius is the freezing point of water, and 100 degrees Celsius is the boiling point
of water.

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A Windvane
A Windvane
Weather and Climate
- A wind
Wind - A
and Climate
vane isvane is used
used to find
to find the the direction
direction ofofthe
wind. Wind
mayblow from
blow different
from directions
different on
directions on
different days.
- days.
A Windvane The wind vane must be able to turn freely.
- TheWeather
- Thevane
and must
pointer be able
will point into to
theturn freely.
wind, in other words pointing to where the wind is blowing from.
- The pointer
- A wind vane
Wind is usedwill
to point
find theinto the
of thein other
wind. words
Wind pointing
may blow from to where
different the wind
directions on is blowing from.
different days.
- The wind
A Windvane
vane must be able to turn freely.
- The pointer will point into the wind, in other words pointing to where the wind is blowing from.
- A wind vane is used to find the direction of the wind. Wind may blow from different directions on
different days.
- The wind vane must be able to turn freely.
- The pointer will point into the wind, in other words pointing to where the wind is blowing from.

Cup Anemometer

- Is an instrument for measuring the speed of the wind

Cup Anemometer
- The wind turns the cups, which rotate. The speed of the cups’ rotations are recorded and the wind
Cup Anemometer
speed can be calculated.
- Is anCup
instrument for measuring the speed of the wind
- Is an instrument for measuring the speed of the wind
- The
- The wind-wind
turns turns the
the cups,
Is an instrument cups,
for which
measuring theTherotate.
speed Thethespeed
of the of the cups’
cups’ rotations rotations
are recorded andarethe recorded
wind and the wind
speed - can
The be
speed can be calculated. calculated.
turns the cups, which rotate. The speed of the cups’ rotations are recorded and the wind
speed can be calculated.


- Humidity is the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere.

- This is measured by the Dry and Wet Bulb Thermometer.
Humidity - Humidity is the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere.
- This is measured by the Dry and Wet Bulb Thermometer.
- Humidity is the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere.
- This is measured by the Dry and Wet Bulb Thermometer.

- Humidity is the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere.

- This is measured by the Dry and Wet Bulb Thermometer.

The influence of altitude on weather and climate

- Altitude is the height above sea level.

- Altitude has an effect on weather and climate.
- Generally, higher places are cooler and receive higher average rainfall than low lying places.
- In Zimbabwe, we have the Eastern Highlands of Manicaland, which are at a high altitude and
receive more rainfall than the Southern Lowveld.

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Weather and Climate

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