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1. Arrangement: Disposicin. Placement of one or more things according to an order or in a suitable position.

The wedding arrangements are not ready yet. 2. Neighborhood: Barrio. A number of persons living near one another or in a particular locality. The whole neighborhood was there. 3. Merchant: Comerciante. Is a person who buys or sell goods in large quantities, especially one who imports and exports. 4. Paragraph: Prrafo. Section of a piece of writing .It contains at least one sentence. The teacher made us copy the whole paragraph. 5. Abbreviation: Abreviacion. A shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase, like Dr. = Doctor. 6. Mysterious: Misterioso. Something that is strange and its not known about or understood. There is a mysterious inscription on the ancient tomb. 7. Unpredictable: Impredecible.Something or someone you cannot tell what there are going to do or how they are going to behave. The weather here is so unpredictable because It can be sunny a moment and then rain two hours. 8. Photographer: Fotgrafo. Someone who takes photos as a job or hobby. The photographer took some photos and then left the park. 9. Business:Negocio.A person, partnership, or corporation engaged in commerce,manufa cturing, or a service; profit-seeking enterprise or concern. His business is on the corner of Broadway and Elm Street. 10. Embarrassed: Avergonzado. A person who is embarrassed feels ashamed or guilty about something. You should be embarrassed because of your behavior last week. 11. Enthusiastic: Entusiasta. You are enthusiastic when you show you like or enjoy something with how you behave and talk. He seems very enthusiastic about his role in the play. 12. Unhealthy: Poco saludable. Something that causes illness or poor health. Junk food is unhealthy because it makes us fat. 13. Themselves: Ellos mismos. You use themselves to refer to people, animals or things when the object of a verb or preposition refers to the same person or thing as the subject of the verb. They made dinner by themselves. 14. Scholarship: Beca. If you get a scholarship to a school or university , your studies are paid by a school , university or by some other organization 15. Technician: Tcnico. a person who is trained or skilled in the technicalities of a subject.

16. Professions: Profesiones. Professional is related to a persons work; especially work that requires special training.My moms profession is being a doctor. 17. Syllables: Silabas. The parts of a word. Neighborhood has three syllables, neigh bor hood. 18. Statements: Declaraciones. Is something that you say or write which gives information in a formal or definitive way I agree with everything you said except for your last statement. 19. Tricycle: Triciclo: Its a cycle with three wheels, one at the front and two at the back. He likes to ride his tricycle. 20. Engineer:Ingeniero.A person trained and skilled in the design, construction, anduse of e ngines or machines, or in any of various branches ofengineering. The engineers were designing a new car. 21. Kindergarten: Jardn/preescolar. A school or class for young children between the ages of four and six years. 22. Appearance: Aparicin. When someone makes an appearance at a public event or in a broadcast, they take part in it. Shakira made an appearance in American idol. 23. Description: Descripcin. The act or method of describing. The description of the processes is in that book. 24. Worldwide: Mundial. Extending or spread throughout the world. Rock is heard worldwide. 25. Arithmetic: aritmtica. The method or process of computation with figures: the mostelementary branch of math ematics. 26. Household: Tareas domesticas. For use in maintaining a home, especially for use in cooking,cleaning, laundering, repairi ng, etc., in the home. I have to do the household chores. 27. Experiences: Experiencia. The process or fact of personally observing, encountering, or undergoing something. Jumping down that plane was the scariest experience I ever had. 28. Immigrant: Inmigrante. A person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent residence. There are a lot of Mexican immigrants in California. 29. Language:Idioma.A body of words and the systems for their use common to apeople who are of the same community or nation, the samegeographical area, or the same cultural tr adition. He speaks 2 languages , English and Spanish.

30. Difficult:Dificil.Not easily or readily done; requiring much labor, skill, orplanning to be perf ormed successfully; hard. Its a difficult job. 31. Collocations: Colocacin. The act of collocating. 32. Possessions: Posesin. Law. Actual holding or occupancy, either with or without rights of ownership. He packed all his possessions into one trunk. 33. Awful: Horrible. Extremely bad; unpleasant; ugly. These paintings are awful. 34. Dialogue: Dialogo. Conversation between two or more persons. They dialogued for two hours. 35. Delicious: Delicioso. Highly pleasing to the senses, especially to taste or smell. Those cookies smell delicious. 36. Counselor: Consejero/Abogado. a person who counsels; adviser. The counselor told me to do my homework. 37. Cosmopolitan: Cosmopolitano.Belonging to all the world; not limited to just one part of theworld. 38. Adventures: Aventuras. A bold, usually risky undertaking; hazardous action of uncertain out come. Indiana Jones adventures are the most exciting. 39. Insufficient: Insuficiente. Deficient in force, quality, or amount; inadequate. Your effort was insufficient thats why you failed. 40. Strawberries: Fresas. The fruit of any stemless plant belonging to the genus Fragaria. Those strawberries tasted good. 41. Truthfully: Sinceramente. Conforming to truth: a truthful statement. 42. Tortoise: Tortuga. a turtle, especially a terrestrial turtle 43. Assistant:Asistente. a person who is subordinate to another in rank, function,etc.; one holding a secondary ra nk in an office or post. My father assistant gave me a pen. 44. Rhinoceros: Rinoceronte. Any of several large, thick-skinned, perissodactyl mammals of the family Rhinocerotidae. Rhinoceros are like unicorns because they have only one horn. 45. Extracurricular: Extracurricular. Outside the regular curriculum or program of courses. I have many extracurricular activities and one of them is swimming. 46. Appointment: Cita. A fixed mutual agreement for a meeting. My mom had an appointment with the doctor yesterday.

47. Mushroom: Champin. Any of various fleshy fungi. I ate some delicious mushrooms yesterday. 48. Teenager: Adolecente. A person in his or her teens. Im a teenager because Im 15. 49. Excessive: Excesivo. Going beyond the usual, necessary, or proper limit or degree. She is such an excessive buyer. 50. Dishonest: Deshonesto. Not honest; disposed to lie, cheat, or steal; not worthy of trust or belief. Carlos is so dishonest; he always cheats on the exams. 51. Degree: Grado. A stage in a scale of intensity or amount. She has a master degree. 52. Unfriendly: Antiptico. Hostile; antagonistic. Carlos is so unfriendly. 53. Available: Disponible. Suitable or ready for use; of use or service; at hand. The computer was available so I played the whole night. 54. Happiness: Felicidad. The quality or state of being happy. Happiness is not a place its a road. 55. Interview:Entrevista.Aformal meeting in which one or more persons question,consult, or evaluate another person. She had a job interview last week. 56. Karaoke:Karaoke.An act of singing along to a music video, especially one from whichthe original vocals have been electronically eliminated. 57. Generous: Generoso. Liberal in giving or sharing; unselfish. Camila is so generous, she always gives me money. 58. Attitude: Actitud. Manner, disposition, feeling, position. Everyone needs to have a good attitude. 59. Candidates: Candidatos.a person who is selected by others as a contestant for an office, honor, etc. All the candidates were sitting on the floor. 60. Required: Necesario. To have need of; need. Your ID is required to enter here. 61. Background: Fondo. He ground or parts, as of a scene, situated in the rear. There was a blue wall as a background 62. Instructions: Instrucciones. Orders or directions. The general told the soldiers the instructions. 63. Coordination: Coordinacion.Harmonious combination or interaction, as of functions or parts. You need a lot of coordination to dance. 64. Responsibility: Responsabilidad. Reliability or dependability. The president has a lot of responsibilities.

65. Jealous: Celoso. Feeling resentment against someone. I feel so jealous because I dont have a car like Carlos does. 66. Autograph: Autgrafo. A person's own Signature. Ricky Marty gave me his autograph. 67. Recreation: Recreacin. Pastime, diversion, exercise, or other resource affording relaxation and enjoyment. 68. Ambitious: Ambicin. Strongly desirous; eager. She is so ambitious, she always wants more. 69. Equipped: Equipado. To furnish or provide with whatever is needed for use or for any under taking. The gym is fully equipped. 70. Outdoor: Al aire libre. Belonging outdoors. I like to do outdoor activities. 71. Martial Arts: Artes marciales. Any of the traditional forms of Oriental selfdefense or combat. Judo is a martial art. 72. Possibility: Posibilidad. The state or fact of being possible. There is a small possibility that you win the exam. 73. Persuade: Persuadir. To induce to believe by appealing to reason or understanding. I have to persuade my mom to let me go to the concert. 74. Disapproval: Desaprobacin. The act or state of disapproving. 75. Intonation: Entonacin. The pattern or melody of pitch changes in connected speech. Every word has a different intonation. 76. Approval: Aprobacin. The act of approving. I need my dad approval to drive. 77. Grammar:Gramatica.The study of the way the sentences of a language areconstructed; morphology and syntax. I hate to study grammar. 78. Online: En linea. Connected by computer to one or more other computers or networks. No one is online on facebook. 79. Profile: Perfil. The outline or contour of the human face. He has a beautiful profile. 80. Population: Poblacin. The total number of persons inhabiting a country, city, or anydistrict or area. 81. Independence: Independencia. Freedom from the control. The independence day of the US is on the 4 of July. 82. Underline: Subrayar. to mark with a line or lines underneath. Underline the wrong sentence. 83. Companies: Compaas. a number of individuals assembled or associated together;group of people.

84. Reason: Razn. A basis or cause. You had no reason to do that. 85. Children: Nios. a person between birth and full growth. All the children were playing outside. 86. Estimate: Estimado. An approximate judgment or calculation, as of the amount of something. 87. Billion: Billn. 1 followed by 9zeros. I have a billion of dollars 88. Million: Milln. A thousand times one thousand. I wish I had a million dollars. 89. Vacation: Vacacin. A period of suspension of work, study, or other activity. My next vacations are on July. 90. Endemic: Endmico. belonging exclusively or confined to a particular place 91. Climate: Climtico. Related to the weather. 92. Butterfly: Mariposa. Any of numerous diurnal insects of the order Lepidoptera. That butterfly is so beautiful. 93. Penguins: Pinginos. Any of several flightless, aquatic birds. Penguins cant fly. 94. Dolphin: Delfn. Any of several chiefly marine. Dolphins like humans 95. Destination: Destino. The place to which a person or thing travels or is sent. We are about to reach our destination. 96. Activities: Actividades. Animation; liveliness. I like to do a lot of outdoor activities. 97. Scuba-diving: Buceo. The activity or recreation of diving or exploring underwater. I went scuba diving when I was in Cartagena. 98. Evening: Tarde. The latter part of the day and early part of the night. Good evening sir! 99. Drawing: Dibujo. A sketch, plan, or design, especially one made with pen,pencil, or crayon.Camila did a beautiful drawing of herself. 100. Hiking: Excursionismo.

to walk or march a great distance, especially through ruralareas, for pleasure, exercise, military training, or the like. I dont like hiking.
Easy:9,12,17,18,19,20,24,25,26,28,29,30,33,34,35,36,40,41,42,43,47,48,50,51,56,57,58,59,60,63,65,70,71, 75,77,78,79,80,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,89,90,91,92,93,94,96,98,99,100. Medium:3,4,6,13,14,15,16,21,23,27,38,39,49,52,53,54,55,60,62,64,66,67,68,69,72,73,81,95,97. Hard:1,2,5,7,8,10,11,22,31,32,37,44,45,46,74,76.

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