ACL 017 27-Oct.-2021 05-19-29

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97. Lametired ....... reading. Let's go for a walk. a. to ee atu a (oa bs Cue F — 98. The student has gone back to his y eligi ele EMS Com erthuotitss as Comite) Cag osetia 99. The company had to go through a lot of Pmt ace eT Ey eo creg a. bureaucratic procedures _ PE ah Alu coe c. quick preliminary meetings d. unexpected cost increases — 100. The snow covered the ground. The snow ......... ECR aa has b. made the ground dry Peer Rata cum comic ice Co) i d. hid the ground eae sto od wa THIS IS THE END O DIR e tit usually ee cme » aed ce oc hile a. So does b. Neither does c. Either does d. So too is 7 be OU Com Cras Ce sir auta@ br a. Have b. Ought to c. Couldn't 90. 1 will probably eat my lunch before I leave. CPA Ctl cy LO cette CRO cok bi Pritts — 91. The man asked, "Do you have any y used tires for sale?" SU rere ea ee ont mere rae oe a. The store is out of them now. Pee emu mee (ew Ure ecole d. The store doesn't carry used ti 92. Some of the most spectacular discoveries since the beginning of the twentieth century are in the field of medicine. Should progress in the field eer oma die ces a oe it is probable that the life expectancy of the individual by the year'2000 AD ATU eeeritey com servi 00 corte y According to this paragraph, ........ ORT OS TSO hott cua aco kes iag (0) Pitce eC Sect e ee nad Pees ee Busrann aeeCee Cosi kas c.)by the beginning of the twenty-first century et ees sO Ceo Cece (Ceca hg no one lives to be one hundied i kee. \ cs re PSCOMNCH MMe eect iby understood the lesson. a. study “a Leary arts FC c) Pomrarte tC | CAE Watireaciarcel (se by 94. Will you please open the desk .... a. cage U4 c. handle Cle aco 88. My new instructor, Miss.Clark, gave me a book ........ a EM ct ; arts tht 4 ba c. to read PCB ebtil eg - y 89. Cadet Moore ........ een eit before I leave. a. is liking Lem thc rem ete @ bl <3 reMrwe Cem ttc) 86. He's such a poor driver that it'll be a wonder if he arrives without an acejdent . Should he get in without an accident, it'll be ......... a.agoodthing — Econ iii c. a surprising thing hs Pe ay 87. You will learn more if you ........: attention. PM r Lec c. do d. pay 84. The white book on the table is ......... Fray r beams Ce hey t d. their ~ 85. The passengers on the plane are relaxed. ER veanh tits b. tense Car aot Ye Pam AC Ai (1)! eee Pema Oise hoa attra b. our visit very much to the zoo Roam eons Cree ms Cts d. to the zoo our visit very much SME DIOR Cem ie el nye la ey a. Do you want to take Mary home? b. Do you have any objections if I take Mary home? c. Do you care to take Mary home? d. Does Mary want to go PY ta 81. Man: Do you have single rooms for less than thirty dollars? = MAEM Cone hcoeM a oltid Pera perCem sian ceed comfortable. They all have new TV sets. Man: WelL, I'll take one. RUMOR eke le ena ee heattetg PUB emcees mec lee b. He is getting a room without a TV se! Cees Ce meee mtd bce d. He will get a room. 82. In general, the weather is good. OUR aC ener EMotostitooeceele ; b. too good c. seldom clear d. usually good al y a 83. We used to go to the movies frequently. We went there ........ Fonte b. often c. without missing one d. once in a while 77. Did:you read all the lessons that Mr. Long ....? a. assigned = LST Tota) CAE (at) b d. been assigned — y 78. Dr. Miller said, "Why don’t you Seva icc rst 6 eens (4 a. come era ita} c. will come d. is coming 69. When water is boiled, it changed to .......... EM eyes = b, waves Nj Pop re rite b d. solid 70. Charles: Can you understand Y English well yet? Sherry: No, but I'm trying ..... more. a. of learning b. for learning c. to learn d. for learn 75. Hurry upywe're pe Ele hy LOBEL e Poe ELC d. slow 76. If I had enough money, 1 .......... Puerto 8 Pc il ce ml eee th CMPECeMeleitals 65. a.on the base ar atinyi ate WO mien vise CRE a Cycler s (Ce a 66. a. leave b. dictate a letter ay a er Nai oT | Arts THIS IS THE END OF THE LISTENING PART OF ¥ 67. The teacher asked us to stand up. What did heask us to do? =. a. open our books ; b. do another exercise — eva acme cy d. get to our feet . y 68. The sign told us of a road hazard ahead. It told us about ........ 2 PRP Boren b. a place to sleep c. a dangerous place CACC ona [vary Ly es —— | 73.. Cotton is the principal product mC cice ER Sra Labret " c. unpopular d. cheap 74. An overall view of a city is a ........ a. pleasant view b. nice view c. specific view d. general view 62. a. He doesn't care what he eats. b. He doesn't want to eat. ~ c. He wants very little to eat. d. He will eat a lot. 63. a.asong b. a poem y (are B rH) Aral 64. a. He is exhibiting it. b. He is painting it. a c. He is hiding it. A zr d. He is disposing of it. Pe 59. a. He is an officer. b. He works in the building. CME S CSO UNE eee Sm CMs sock Niue eR oam i ochis 60. a. He will turn the light on. b. He will change the light bulb. c. He will move the light. d. He will install a new switch on th 61. a. January b. June c. October d. December Paseo Cee Mm tics conversations or persons giving information. 57.. a. something to eat — b. something to wear c. something to drink ~ Coit titbitea Coes rit) 58. a. get something to eat oe Bite uiicd c. go shopping OMG laconteee tue) 48. a. I can meet him later. b.Imethim before. Cap Enero crite cog tr ae d. I am eager to meet him. CS a melee ima Cri b. It's about 1100 miles. WEE Bacco d. about a day and a half by car 50. a. logistics lee reer Chicco d. statistics by Oe Cae te cot come tii b. The wind began to blow. c. It became foggy. CRB Tere Cor Cas 52. a. It was printed. b. It was sold. 7 c. It was stolen. POSSE CES ate e 53. She was walking ............. Emma hae Nd LOMB rm CB cs c. in the desert Momma! Renate aac oa mail UCN ery camille aR Cette OCC Whe stata CAS arena bth moro mite 55. He is ........0 ER ei) b. ignorant @ Caption Cor lc Reha 56. a. cook good food b. spend lots of money c. learn English easily d. ensure that his ideas M ——— 42. a. put them outside b. lowered the prices = og usenet Creed tig 43. a. He has excellent poise. b. He is in good physical condition. y c. He has a good job. d. He is an excellent employee. 44. a. the bats and the balls Les ty oee meee) var Cee Cereb az CM ode ericieaiaiog SS 45. a. They had a car accident. b. They had an appointment. OM am eC Rr on Or Bi Ccash ta d. They met unexpectedly. COM CBOE ont soe Meise Cs es Corona oem ia ay c. He is going to a sale. d. He is going to look at some cars. 47. a. She forgot all about it. b. She tries to describe it. c. She became aware of it. CR year a le lane az 37. a. The progress is small. ~ PWS Oya Ce ose aCe race eben T CRA MALT CMU CP uce ce tan oe Ce y eee Bhicovatto Cem Cour @ tte bm ee Cerri etic Ce Bienes d. John interrupted us. 34. a. He spoke more than anyone else. b. He recorded the discussion. c. He directed the discussion. d, He kept people outside the room. 35. a. Yes, it was a lucky accident. b. Yes, I found out about it later. y c. Yes, it was a surprise to me. d. Yes, I planned it carefully. Kier Oe WC leoace lea eet od WR lear Bred (Musica c. The weather hasn't changed,,, Re ' 31. a. Yes, | would like to correct it. b. Yes, I would like to destroy it. c. Yes, I like the size of the paper. Co Pa Cee Rte eager yl on crm toc CVA Ec meme TIE tater Cone y eC Cm CRA eT T| Ce ome Xm ace Ce ut hit 4 ete CeCe lose Cy em Cbeoet lc d. have a quick look at the mate! ng 22. a. The cat cannot come down. Wee leech ee c. The cat cannot come across. d. The cat cannot come around. 23. a. We encountered traffic. b. We did not see any traffic. 7” c. We glanced at the traffic. CPS eo meer sates 24, a. He could go today b. He may got today. c. He must go today. d. He won't go today. 25. a. He doesn't have any fun. Ws CRS Ma Cena bein c. He doesn't have any money. CPs COL Wairoa ieee 26. a.a train b. a movie EB ate) y d. a plane 27. a. He was finding fault with it. b. He was supporting it. c. He was reading and writing a rat | d. He was explaining it with pi a . Pm, ee on 28. a. He enjoys eating vegetables. b. He enjoys eating with friends. WS sCKoN ceramic la d. He enjoys eating a snack. 29. a. You are speaking too loudly. b. You are not speaking. y” c. You are speaking roughly. d. You are not speaking loudly enou 30. a. before we arrived UR Cortes t cael eee OhMus coke ete s: d. an hour after we arrived 13. a. on top of the engine PHB cy asst 4 tt Pe Toe esi ‘ CA ie ie mu marist 14. a. fora few days b. for a day only c. for a short period of time d. for a long period of time 15. a. between his foot and his leg Oe oa rot CR Elm CeBi Ce: ettl Ce aCe Coe emer (a 4 y 5. a. He likes it. LMP Co ve (aceite c. He misses it. d. It bores him. 6. a. She saw a light nearby. a PP ares Clare h a c. She saw a light next door. d. She saw a light in a f 7. a.»She removed her coat. b. She bought her coat. | c. She held her coat. d. She sold her coat. Per eC eB aoe ace b. He could not lift the box. ay” c. He could not broadcast his voice d. He could not show the pictures. 9. a. It will start at 3 o'clock. b. It will be over at 3 o'clock. c. It will close at 3 o'clock. d. It will continue at 3 o'clock az 16. a. with the cooperation of others RAAB otic lies a c, without stopping d. with consideration for others 17. a. It's about a ten-minute drive. ENR rl an ud a St c. I go to work by car. d. I ride to work with Bill. 18. a. He mailed a letter. b. His sister gave him a letter. c. He didn't write a letter. d. He called his sister. 19, a. instructor's name Om Weta aortic 3 c. instructions d. notebooks VE ah ue ssw Cie ie b. I remembered what he looked like. y c. Isuddenly remembered his name. CMR Chwar mu C were 21. a. It's complete. b. It's necessary. c. It's confusing. A " d. It's optional. SURE MA ACRE Te tre Mei tre os b. We played the games, AAC e laste ko a) Coa MAAR Col ate ke a Cai 11. a. sleepy hit sa 4 ay c. hot CAB atts 12. a.asmall room b. an air-conditioned room (oer remo morse NY ———_ CREB mast) iat cE —<$_ a rt 5 earn Te oe 3. a.He is aslow driver. b. He is a careful driver. c. He drives cheerfully. d. He drives carelessly. y” 4. a. It is the wrong size. b. It is too tight. c. It is the right size. d. It is bright. ECL TES1I FORM E17 PARTI: LISTENING pr ersd sc ¥ 24 ol Lom UE c. slowly d. fast y ya Matas UNM mtb acee) b. eat lunch alone c. do Bill's work for him d. eat lunch with Bill AY y “

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