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Second Edition

Book 15

Defense Language Institute

English Language Center
The American Language Course (ALC) is a comprehensive, multilevel language program
for teaching English for vocational and professional purposes. It is designed primarily
for intensive English language training in a classroom setting, but can easily be adapted
for slower-paced instruction. The ALC’s curriculum has been developed by the Defense
Language Institute English Language Center (DLIELC), which is a US Department of
Defense school under the operational control of the US Air Force. The primary focus of the
ALC is to provide a language curriculum for a diverse international military population. To
that end, the course includes not only general English topics, but also military topics of a
general nature highlighting the typical language military personnel will encounter in their
professional and vocational career fields. The ALC has, however, also been very successfully
used in non-military learning environments and in US high schools with immigrant student

Course components
The coordinated instructional packages for Books 1−30 consist of the following:
 Student text (ST)

 Instructor text (IT)

 Homework and evaluation exercises booklet (HW and EE)

 Audio recordings (tape or CD)

 Language laboratory activities student text (LLAST)

 Language laboratory activities instructor text with audio scripts (LLAIT)

 Computer-delivered interactive multimedia instruction (IMI)

 Quiz kit

 Optional training aids

Inquiries and orders

Please address inquiries and requests for more information about DLIELC publications to
2235 Andrews Avenue
Lackland Air Force Base, Texas 78236-5259
© 2006 by Defense Language Institute English Language Center and its licensors. Notice
of Rights: All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without
the prior written permission of the publisher.

Second Edition, June 2006

Electronic version, October 2009


Book 15 Homework and Evaluation Exercises Booklet


This booklet contains the homework and evaluation exercises for Book 3, Level III.
These exercises are exactly the same as those found at the end of Book 15 Student
Text. You may write the answers to the exercises in this booklet.

The homework and the evaluation exercises are designed to help you accomplish the
objectives of each lesson. The homework exercises for each lesson will require about
two hours to complete. They should be completed individually and will usually be
checked in class before starting the next lesson. The evaluation exercises are short
quizzes that will be given after each lesson is completed. The evaluation exercises
should be completed in class unless otherwise instructed.



Homework for Lesson 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HW-1

Homework for Lesson 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HW-11
Homework for Lesson 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HW-19
Homework for Lesson 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HW-25
Evaluation Exercises for Lesson 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EE-1
Evaluation Exercises for Lesson 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EE-7
Evaluation Exercises for Lesson 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EE-13
Evaluation Exercises for Lesson 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EE-19




homework for book 15 lesson 1
EXERCISE a Complete the crossword puzzle.
Number 1 is an example. 1
3 4

6 7





1. When we exercise hard, we . 2. length  height =
4. Use this to make your shoes shine. 3. the past of sweep
5. a way to walk in the military 5. a way to clean a floor
6. a place where trainees sleep 8. another word for teach
7. This workout is me! It’s tough. 9. practice something again and again
10. Use this to sweep a floor. 10. a short meeting
11. When you are 18, you can 12. a way to protect people
the military.
13. This makes your shirt smooth.

BOOK 15 lesson 1 homework HW-

EXERCISE b Write questions with How often.

1. Trainees have PT every morning.

2. They march to the mess hall three times a day.

3. They guard the barracks twice a week.

EXERCISE c Rewrite the questions using ever.

1. Do trainees go to the movies?

2. Has anyone complained about the food?

3. Will there be a woman president of the US?

EXERCISE d Rewrite each sentence with the adverb in ( ).

1. The TI repeats instructions. (frequently)

2. Trainees don’t go home during basic training. (ever)

3. Trainees have time to watch a movie. (seldom)

4. The DI yells at the trainees. (occasionally)

5. Trainees think about home. (often)


EXERCISE e Read the paragraph and complete the chart.

My Weekend Routine
On the weekends, I usually get up late. I frequently exercise, and I occasionally
take a walk in the park. I almost always go out to eat, so I seldom prepare a meal at
home. I frequently call my friends but never invite them over because my place
usually needs cleaning. I sometimes go to parties on Saturday night, but I don’t ever
go to parties on Sunday night because I have to go to bed early to be ready for work
on Monday. I guess you could say I’m pretty lazy on the weekend, and I like it that

frequently / often

never / not ever

My Weekend



go to parties Saturday night

get up late

prepare a meal at home

go to parties Sunday night

call friends

take a walk in the park

invite friends to my place


go out to eat

EXERCISE F Write about your weekend routine. Use frequency adverbs.

BOOK 15 lesson 1 homework HW-

EXERCISE g Complete the dialogs below.

Use the correct form of the underlined word in the blank.

1. A: Have you selected the house you want to buy?

B: Yes, we’ve made our .

2. A: I have been postcards for many years.

B: Really? You must have a large collection.

3. A: Did you already receive on how to salute?

B: Yes, the DI instructed us yesterday.

4. A: The doctor must immediately.

B: How long will the operation take?

5. A: What was all that confusion about?

B: The schedule change the students.

6. A: Can you locate the city of Los Angles on this map?

B: No, I don’t know the of Los Angeles.

7. A: Will you be getting a promotion soon?

B: Yes, the navy will me next month.

8. A: Whose job is it to educate children?

B: Children’s is the parents’ responsibility.


EXERCISE H Use the comparative or superlative with the word in ( ).
Change the adjectives in ( ) to adverbs.

1. Sue and James are new drivers, but James is more afraid than Sue when he
drives a car.  (nervous)

James drives .
Sue drives .

2. Lee, Phil, and Joe are students. Lee asks a lot of questions, Phil asks a few, and
Joe doesn’t ask any.  (frequent)

Lee asks questions of all.

Joe asks questions of all.

3. Richard thinks math is simple, but math confuses Tony.  (easy)

Richard does math .

Tony does math .

4. Everyone can hear my mother when she speaks, but no one can hear
Lisa.  (loud)

My mother speaks .
Lisa speaks .

5. Mr. Jones begins his class on time. Mr. Lee begins his class a few minutes late.
Ms. Smith starts her class 10 minutes after the bell.  (prompt)

Of the three teachers, Ms. Smith starts her class .

Of the three teachers, Mr. Jones starts his class .

6. At the accident, the policeman spoke calmly. The first driver was also calm. The
second driver was very upset and angry when he spoke.  (reasonable)

The second driver spoke .

The first driver spoke .

7. Of the two people, the woman seemed relaxed in her chair. The man was
uncomfortable and moving a lot in his chair.  (comfortable)

The man was sitting .

The woman was sitting .

BOOK 15 lesson 1 homework HW-

EXERCISE i Choose the best answer.
1. Private Roland, I want you to sweep this room. Go get the ______.
a. mop
b. polish
c. broom

2. Have you ever ______ an American football game?

a. attended
b. marched
c. complained

3. When a person gets too hot, ______ helps the body become cooler.
a. polish
b. sweat
c. break

4. Soldiers use dogs to ______ the base entrance.

a. join
b. guard
c. instruct

5. Al isn’t in good ______ condition. He can do only five push-ups.

a. physical
b. tough
c. sweat

6. We stood ______ when the colonel came into the room.

a. tough
b. physical
c. at attention

7. I bought the food, cooked dinner, and cleaned up. I did ______.
a. break
b. physical
c. everything

8. The ______ have marched all morning and look very tired.
a. trainees
b. drills
c. BDUs


9. The test was really ______! Only three students passed.
a. sweat
b. tough
c. afraid

10. Don’t ______ the lab now. Students are taking a test.
a. attend
b. enter
c. join

11. My boots look great because I ______ them last night.

a. ironed
b. mopped
c. polished

12. If you want to learn a lot and become strong, ______ the military.
a. drill
b. guard
c. join

EXERCISE j Match the beginning of the sentence with the best ending.

1. The training instructors a. protect people and places.

2. The trainees must follow b. fall in and stand at attention.

3. A guard tries to c. some trainees can’t complete it.

4. Trainees often complain about d. the soldiers had to scrub it twice.

5. Basic training is tough, and e. instruction on military topics.

6. The DI yelled at the men because f. the food, which is not very good.

7. Before marching, trainees g. they didn’t iron their uniforms.

8. Because the floor was very dirty, h. prepare men and women for
military life.

BOOK 15 lesson 1 homework HW-

EXERCISE k Put the sentences of the paragraph in order.

A Day in Basic Training

After lunch, we marched ten miles.
Then, we got our mail and went to dinner.
Later in the afternoon, we received instruction on medical emergencies.
Today was a tough day! We got up at 0530.
After that, we fell out, ate breakfast, and then had weapons training.
Next, we had 30 minutes to shave, shower, clean our area, and fall in for PT.
Last, we had to sweep the barracks and study.
There were only 30 minutes of free time before we had to turn out the lights.

EXERCISE l Put the sentences of the paragraph in order.

Start with Number 2.

How to Shine Your Boots

Then, put a little black polish on a dry cloth.
Now, take a clean cloth, and move it across a boot.
Next, remove any dirt from the top and bottom of each boot.
Get more polish. Repeat what you just did many times to cover both boots.
Repeat this action again and again on each boot until both shine.
1 It’s easy to make your boots look clean and shiny.
First, get your boots, polish, and several pieces of dry cloth together.
In small circles, put the polish from the cloth on a small area of a boot.


homework for book 15 lesson 2
EXERCISE A Label the foods with the words from the box.

barbecue sauce beer bag of chips

strawberries pickles
wine rolls cheese
chocolate sauce mustard
steak mayonnaise ketchup

➍  ➒ 


➎  ➓ 

➌  ➑ 

EXERCISE b Match each word with its meaning.

1. wedding a. a celebration for each year of marriage

2. celebration b. a backyard party where people cook food on a fire

3. honeymoon c. a ceremony for a couple who is getting married

4. barbecue d. a vacation couples take after they get married

5. reception e. a big party with food and, often, dancing

6. anniversary f. a party with a meal that takes place around noon

7. luncheon g. a get-together or party to celebrate happy news

BOOK 15 lesson 2 homework HW-

EXERCISE c Put each word in the correct category.

attend have got before will have stale

would miss fresh invite have over outside
as guests inside while company afterwards

Words with similar meanings Words with opposite meanings

company = guests =

= =

= =

= =

EXERCISE D Choose the best answer.

1. Mary joined a sports . 5. Fishing is a in my family.

a. club a. tradition
b. invitation b. rain check

2. The Smiths like to meat 6. Ann will send us in the mail.

a. an invitation
a. celebrate
b. a wedding
b. barbecue
7. I can’t come to your party tomorrow.
3. We’ll New Year’s Eve I’ll take .
a. a rain check
a. hold
b. an invitation
b. celebrate
8. The couple will the cake.
4. Will you come to my party?
a. slice
a. Help yourself.
b. invite
b. I’m afraid I can’t.


EXERCISE E Choose the correct word for each blank.

1. At the stadium, Sue looked for Jim but couldn’t find him .
a. anywhere
b. somewhere
c. nowhere

2. Jane guessed that she lost her earring in Betty’s house.

a. anywhere
b. somewhere
c. nowhere

3. Lisa couldn’t find pink shoes .

a. nowhere
b. anywhere
c. somewhere

4. Gary: Where did you finally go on vacation?

Mary: . I stayed home.
a. Somewhere
b. Nowhere
c. Anywhere

5. We don’t want to go this weekend.

a. somewhere
b. nowhere
c. anywhere

6. Jack: Where did you go for lunch?

Fred: . We didn’t have enough time.
a. Anywhere
b. Nowhere
c. Somewhere

7. I know she’s traveled around Spain .

a. somewhere
b. anywhere
c. nowhere

BOOK 15 lesson 2 homework HW-11

EXERCISE F Match each sentence with a purpose. Write the letter.

To talk about … Modals

a. possibility can

b. advice should / ought to

c. past routine used to / would

discontinued past habit,
d. used to
condition, or situation
e. deduction must / must not

f. want or desire would like (to)

g. obligation be supposed to

______ 1. Tom ought to rest before he goes to the meeting.

______ 2. No one’s wearing a coat outside. It must not be cold anymore.

______ 3. Would you like to drive instead of flying to New York?

______ 4. Rosa can buy a bicycle after the store orders some more.

______ 5. We’re supposed to keep the grass short and the yard clean.

______ 6. You should invite Ms. Novak to the luncheon.

______ 7. Did you use to have a cat?

______ 8. Where would your family go on vacation each summer?

______ 9. The Nelsons must be out of town. Nobody’s been home for a week.

______ 10. Is Joe supposed to take the test today?

______ 11. They can take the train, or they can ride the bus.

______ 12. I didn’t use to like vegetables.

______ 13. Do you know you ought to eat healthier food?


EXERCISE G Complete the sentences with would and the words in ( ).
Use contractions and short answers. Number 1 is an example.

1. Carol: Who will sing at our party?

Jean: I ’d love to .
(love to)
2. Jim: Who will fix my car?
Mark: My brother’s a mechanic. He .
(be glad to)
3. Amy: Do you think Mom will help with our class party?
Tommy: Of course. She .
(be happy to)
4. Wendy: Will you ask the neighbors to help us repair the fence?
Max: Yes, I .
(be glad to)
5. Susan: Will you watch the children while we are away this weekend?
Mother: Yes, of course. I .
(love to)
6. Danny: Uncle Carl, could you show me your stamp collection?
Uncle: Sure. I .
(be happy to)

EXERCISE H Read the text. Then write sentences using will.

Tom and Susan Sanders are having a birthday party this Saturday for their son
Teddy. They don’t want Teddy to know, so they asked their friends to help them
prepare. Here’s a list of what the friends offered to do:
To Do List
1. Nicole  . andles
y cake and c
Nicole: bu
2. Barry  . pare food
Barry: pre
an up
3. Rachel  . Rachel: cle
p presents
Daniel: wra
4. Daniel  . rinks
: b ri n g m usic and d
5. Steve  .

BOOK 15 lesson 2 homework HW-13

EXERCISE i Complete the chart with information from the text.

From To Distance Travel Time MPH

Tokyo 2.5 hours

Florence 160 miles

190 miles

Fast Trains
The world’s first high-speed train was Japan’s Tokaido Shinkansen.
This famous passenger train travels a distance of 342 miles between
the cities of Tokyo and Osaka. People began using it in 1964 when the
trip took 4 hours. Today it takes passengers about 2.5 hours to travel
between the two cities. This fast train can run at up to 124 miles per
hour (mph).
Italy also has one of the best high-speed trains. It started service in
1978 and connects the cities of Rome and Florence, a distance of 160
miles. The train’s highest speed is 155 mph. The trip between the two
cities takes about 65 minutes.
A third high-speed train, the TGV, comes from France. This famous
group of trains is comfortable and very fast. A TGV train can travel up
to 190 mph. Other countries in Europe want to be connected to the
TGV because of its speed. One of the most popular trains runs from
Paris to Brussels, Belgium. This 190-mile trip lasts only about 90


EXERCISE j Use the information in the text to select the inference.

1. Everything looked smaller from above. The shapes of the houses and rivers
seemed different, too. The clouds were very close, and I felt that I could almost
touch them.

This person was riding on a .

a. plane
b. boat
c. train
d. bus

2. Capt Mark Jones was preparing for his briefing to the generals. He thought
about the important people who would be there. He also thought about all the
difficult questions that they might ask. He started to feel sick. He didn’t have a
fever, but he had a stomachache, and his hands were sweaty.

Capt Jones probably felt sick because he .

a. was getting the flu
b. forgot to ask his boss for leave
c. ate some bad food yesterday
d. was nervous about giving the briefing

3. Eric, Mark’s friend, looked sad this afternoon. Eric didn’t talk much at the
briefing and went to his hotel room after it ended. Mark called Eric twice that
evening, but Eric didn’t answer the phone. Mark was worried about his friend
and decided that he should do something.

What will Mark probably do next?

a. He’ll watch TV and forget about Eric.
b. He’ll call his wife on the phone.
c. He’ll go to Eric’s room.
d. He’ll fall asleep.

BOOK 15 lesson 2 homework HW-15

EXERCISE k Read the text. Then select the topic and main idea.

A Beautiful Home
Every year about five million
people visit the Grand Canyon in
the state of Arizona. The Grand
Canyon is a large, or grand, and
beautiful hole, or canyon, in the
earth. It’s about 280 miles long.
The canyon, and the area around
it, is part of a very beautiful
park, and it’s home to many
plants and animals.
A long time ago, the Colorado
River slowly cut deeply into stone
to make the canyon, and the
river runs at the bottom of the canyon today. There are many different colors of
horizontal rock that go down into the earth, sometimes as deep as 6,000 feet. In the
morning at sunrise and in the evening at sunset, the canyon’s colors are the most
beautiful. Different colors of red, brown, gold and pink are everywhere.
The Grand Canyon area is a special home for many different plants and animals.
Sadly, some types of birds and fish that live in the park are few in number. The park
workers help to keep the animals safe from danger, and the park gives them a good
place to live. A lot of the plants in the canyon grow only in that area and nowhere
Every day, people come to the park to see the special plants and animals of the
Grand Canyon. They also enjoy walking through the canyon and looking at its
beautiful stone.


a. a beautiful place
b. the Grand Canyon
c. plants and animals
d. the Colorado River

Main Idea:
a. The Colorado River cut the Grand Canyon a long time ago.
b. Many people climb the Grand Canyon each year.
c. The Grand Canyon is 280 miles long and 6,000 feet deep.
d. Many plants and animals live in the beautiful and popular Grand Canyon.


homework for book 15 lesson 3
EXERCISE A Use words from the box to complete the paragraph.

overseas application applying

reason require
photos in addition to visa
unusual postpone

Traveling Overseas

People from some countries get their passports when they’re young. But in

the US, many people don’t have a passport. The most common ➊

to get a passport in the US is to travel ➋ . Before they travel,

people go to the post office to get a passport ➌ .➍

filling out the application, they must get a copy of their birth certificate and

two small ➎ for the passport. A passport is usually the only

document Americans need to travel outside the US for a short time. But some

countries also ➏ a travel visa. It takes around six weeks for

people to receive their passport or travel ➐ in the mail. Some

people don’t know this and ➑ filling out their application until

the last minute. ➒ for a passport is ➓ for many

Americans, but when they finally have their passport, it’s good for 10 years.

BOOK 15 lesson 3 homework HW-17

EXERCISE B Choose the best answer.

1. Bill:  What did you see at the museum?

Tim:  We saw many important from World War II.
a. detergents
b. holidays
c. documents

2. Jane:  What are your favorite kinds of books?

Rick:  I like to read about early American .
a. history
b. reason
c. chance

3. Capt Slater:  Where are your BDUs, lieutenant?

Lt Williams:  I’m sorry, sir, I them in my other suitcase.
a. shot
b. fell
c. left

4. Jim:  How long does it take to graduate from this school?

Tom:  Most students their diplomas in six months.
a. notice
b. earn
c. invite

5. Bill:  What’s your favorite American ?

Tim:  I think I like Christmas Day the most. I love to get presents.
a. holiday
b. history
c. museum

6. Gloria:  What happened this morning? I that you looked upset.

Sarah:  Well, I thought that I failed my test, but I got an 85!
a. applied
b. earned
c. noticed


7. Joe:  What time do you have to go to work tomorrow?
Dean:  The captain _____ me to report for duty at 0700.
a. noticed
b. applied
c. ordered

8. Bill:  What _____ is the country of Russia on?

Tim:  It’s part of Europe and Asia.
a. continent
b. museum
c. invitation

9. Sally:  Why was Mary late to class?

Carol:  I don’t know. She didn’t tell me the _____.
a. reason
b. order
c. while

10. Peter:  Did you buy that beautiful necklace for your wife’s birthday?
Bob:  No, I liked it a lot, but it was _____ expensive.
a. unusually
b. pleasantly
c. naturally

11. Jeff:  When did you get your _____ to go to the US?
Dan:  I got them on Friday after our morning briefing.
a. orders
b. friends
c. photos

12. Glen:  What do you want to do today?

Mike:  Let’s rent a car and take a _____ in the country.
a. visa
b. ride
c. life

13. Maggie:  Why did all my plants die?

Tom:  They’re _____ because I forgot to water them while you were gone.
a. dead
b. alive
c. left

BOOK 15 lesson 3 homework HW-19

EXERCISE C Match the best ending to make a complete sentence.

______ 1. There’s lots of ice a. his death.

______ 2. We’ll meet at b. in Antarctica.

______ 3. An accident caused c. usual foods.

______ 4. I’m happy to be d. lives.

______ 5. Bread and rice are e. a photograph.

______ 6. I want to take f. around 8:00.

______ 7. Doctors save g. Asia.

______ 8. China is in h. alive.

______ 9. I’ll study for i. travel by air.

______ 10. They like to j. a while.

EXERCISE d Put the words in the correct order, and write the sentences.

1. else / the accident / did / see / anyone / ?

2. like / to go / we’d / else / somewhere / .

3. came / else / the meeting / nobody / to / .

4. else / could / have /something /we / please / ? / ,

5. can’t / anything / do / we / else / we get orders / until / .


EXERCISE e Finish the sentences about plans that changed. Add but.
Use the words in parentheses ( ). Use the correct verb tense. You may have to add words.
1. They were going to have a picnic,  (it / rain)

2. Tom wasn’t going to eat more dessert,  (pie / look extremely delicious)

3. Jim wasn’t going to join the military,  (he / change his mind)

4. We weren’t going to buy a new car,  ( it / be so cheap)

5. Sally was going to call her friends,  (she / lose their phone number)

6. I was going to buy tickets for the game,  (I / not have enough money)

EXERCISE f Complete the sentences with your own endings.

1. Sally was going to call her brother, but 

2. Tom wasn’t going to slice the fresh bread, but 

3. He was going to buy two tickets for the game, but 

4. Jim was going to join the navy, but 

5.  , but she had to postpone

it because some friends came to visit.

6.  , but he got a promotion.

7.  , but we brought some potato

salad instead.

8.  , but too many people

were waiting in line to buy a ticket.

BOOK 15 lesson 3 homework HW-21

EXERCISE g Fill in the chart with information from the text.


New York

The Top Ten in Population

The ten cities of the world with the highest populations are on only two
continents: Asia and North America. Six of the world’s largest cities are in Asia,
and the world’s largest city is Tokyo, Japan. It has about 36.5 million people. Osaka
is another large city in Japan with a population of 17.5 million. The second largest
city in Asia is Seoul, South Korea, with under 22 million people. Two Indian cities
also have large populations: 19 million people live in Mumbai, and 17.5 million live
in Delhi. One other large Asian city is Jakarta, Indonesia, with 18 million people.
North America is another continent that also has some of the largest cities in
the world. Two are in the United Sates, and one is in Mexico. The second largest
city in the world is New York City which has more than 22 million people. The
world’s third largest city is Mexico City. It used to be the biggest city in the world,
but now it has almost the same number of people as New York City. The third
largest city in North America is Los Angeles, California, with a population of 17.5
million people.


homework for book 15 lesson 4
EXERCISE a Circle the best answer.

1. Penicillin is a .
a. drug
b. lab
c. muscle

2. The patient took his every four hours.

a. pharmacy
b. medication
c. allergy

3. The returned the results to the doctor immediately.

a. lab
b. shot
c. tablet

4. is at 0700.
a. The clinic
b. Prescription
c. Sick call

5. Because I’m to bananas, I don’t buy them.

a. ill
b. dizzy
c. allergic

6. Hospitals give patients the they need to get well.

a. flu
b. care
c. injury

7. SSgt Clark can’t put on his boots. His ankle is too .

a. swollen
b. allergic
c. dizzy

BOOK 15 lesson 4 homework HW-23

8. On the last day of school, the children are very noisy. The teacher often tells
them to .
a. sign out
b. quiet down
c. sign in

9. The young man received many in the car accident.

a. injuries
b. records
c. mirrors

10. John won’t be in class for a while. The doctor ordered two weeks of .
a. blood pressure
b. bed rest
c. prescription

11. If I don’t eat all day, I get .

a. dizzy
b. pulled
c. swollen

12. Bill has heart trouble. He has to take a lot of and every day.
a. labs, records
b. clinics, muscles
c. pills, tablets

13. People who run a lot have strong leg .

a. mirrors
b. shots
c. muscles

14. Pat doesn’t look very happy. She very sad.

a. seems
b. bleeds
c. wipes


EXERCISE B Match each vocabulary item with its meaning.
______ 1. record a. a place people go to for medical help

______ 2. clinic b. information about a person

______ 3. wipe c. not healthy

______ 4. ill d. an order which a doctor writes for medication

______ 5. aspirin e. a place to get prescriptions filled

______ 6. mirror f. a drug for pain or fever

______ 7. prescription g. to clean a dirty or wet area

______ 8. pharmacy h. something we use to see our reflection

EXERCISE C Use the words from the box to complete the text.

blood injured allergies treat bled appeared

clinic examined calm shot treatment prescribed

Last week my cat, Koko, himself when he fell from a tree. He

cut his ear, and it a lot. Koko wouldn’t down, so

I took him to the animal where Dr. Smith could


After I signed in, I filled out a medical form. Some of the questions were How

old is your cat? Has your cat received here before? Does your cat

have any ?

Later, Dr. Smith carefully Koko. He gave him a

for the pain and wiped the from his ear.

Everything else okay, but the doctor some pills

to help Koko sleep. Afterwards, I thanked the doctor and went home.

BOOK 15 lesson 4 homework HW-25

EXERCISE D Read the sentence. Then choose the question it answers.

1. I need to get my prescription filled. 6. Yes. It’s penicillin.

a. When is your operation? a. Is this the lab?
b. Why is your nose bleeding? b. What’s my pulse?
c. Why are you going to the c. Is this a drug?
7. Because I’m very nervous.
2. I think I will, thanks.
a. Why is your blood pressure so
a. Do you want to lie down? high?
b. Did you go by yourself? b. Why are you bleeding?
c. Do you take a tablet every c. Why did you wipe the mirror?
8. Yes. Now they’re not making any
3. Dr. Blair will start at 0700. noise.
a. Whose seat is this? a. Are all of the students ill?
b. When is the operation? b. Did the children quiet down?
c. Who’s going to sick call? c. Are their ankles swollen?

4. Yes, I do. I take this pill every day. 9. I just ran three miles.
a. Are you going by yourself? a. Why is your pulse so fast?
b. Do they have your record? b. Is the laboratory on this floor?
c. Do you take any medication? c. Are your injuries serious?

5. I feel dizzy and have a fever. 10. In a notebook at the front desk.
a. Do you have any aspirin? a. What’s the doctor’s name?
b. When is sick call? b. Why did he go to the clinic?
c. What are your symptoms? c. Where do we sign in?


EXERCISE e Circle the correct word.

1. Paul appears ( nervous / nervously ) today.

2. Mary should go to the dentist ( regular / regularly ).

3. This bread is really ( good / well ) for sandwiches.

4. Why does he drive so ( careless / carelessly )?

5. This cheese smells very ( strong /strongly ).

6. Andrew remained ( calm / calmly ) after the accident.

7. We heard a noise and went downstairs ( cautious / cautiously ).

8. Our team got ( lucky / luckily ) yesterday and won the game.

EXERCISE f Underline the linking verbs.

1. That dish smells delicious.

2. Robert looked upset after he talked with the boss.

3. I like wearing this fabric because it feels so soft.

4. The officer told us to remain calm in an accident.

5. I’ll tell you some news if you can keep quiet about it.

6. The children became loud after they ate the candy.

7. Basic training sounds difficult.

8. Food often tastes bad when you are ill.

BOOK 15 lesson 4 homework HW-27

EXERCISE g Complete the sentences with the correct reflexive pronoun.

Use myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, or themselves.

1. When did John make a sandwich?

2. Mary burned when she got too near the fire.

3. Jane, why are you so angry with ?

4. Everyone, please help to some cookies.

5. Little Mary is proud that she can tie her shoes now.

6. I made sure that the iron was turned off.

7. Every hour, John gives a five-minute break from studying.

8. My mother cooked all our meals .

9. We have to make our own decisions in life.

10. The dog knows how to open the door and let outside.

EXERCISE h Change the phrase in ( ) to an -ly adjective or adverb.

1. I wash my hair .  (every night)

2. Jim weighs himself .  (once a day)

3. Paul takes a short break .  (every hour)

4. Do you get that magazine ?  (every month)

5. We take a trip to the country.  (once a week)

6. The news comes on television .  (once an hour)

7. It’s very dry here, so we need to water our lawns .  (every day)

8. Doctors recommend a flu shot for patients.  (once a year)


EXERCISE i Use the information in the text to select the inference.

1. Jane and Tim live in San Antonio, Texas. They had company over on Friday
night. Jane fixed a nice meal while Tim showed their guests the house and
the yard. After dinner, the guests showed Jane and Tim pictures of their
families and their small town. The guests talked about the ways their town
was different from San Antonio. They also talked about the trouble they were
having with the language and new traditions. Everyone enjoyed the evening.
The guests probably .
a. got tired of talking.
b. come from another country.
c. left Jane and Tim’s house late.
d. want more dessert.

2. Just ten minutes ago, a car which was going too fast didn’t stop at the
intersection and hit another car. Everyone heard the sounds of tires stopping
quickly and glass breaking. Afterwards, the two drivers couldn’t get out of their
cars. The people on the street ran to see if the drivers were okay. Both drivers
were hurt, so one man made a call on his cell phone.
What will probably happen next?
a. Someone will have an operation.
b. Someone will sweep up the glass.
c. The drivers will get out of their cars.
d. An emergency vehicle will arrive.

3. All the doctors and nurses arrived and washed their hands very carefully.
Everyone checked the machines to be sure that they worked. The nurses laid
clean tools on a small table near the doctor. Then they gave the patient some
strong medication. The patient was asleep at 9:00, and they were ready to
What does this paragraph describe?
a. a patient asking questions during an examination
b. doctors and nurses getting ready for an operation
c. nurses recording medical information for doctors
d. medical personnel taking a patient’s blood pressure

BOOK 15 lesson 4 homework HW-29

EXERCISE j Read the text. Then write its topic and main idea.

A Good Sign
Hand signs can have a variety of thumbs-down, or weapons-down, sign.
meanings in different countries. For If they wanted the gladiator to die, they
example, in some places, moving your gave the thumbs-up, or weapons-up,
fingers up and sign. After many
down together years, the signs
means goodbye. exchanged
In other meanings.
countries, it US pilots
means come started using
here. People in the thumbs-up
the US hand signal
frequently use during World
hand signs War II to show
while they are their mechanics
talking or that they were
instead of ready to take
talking. One off. Now US
popular hand sign is the “thumbs-up” magazine and newspaper writers use
sign. Americans often say something is the hand sign frequently to say that a
okay or good by closing their fingers and movie or restaurant is good or bad. A
raising their thumb. picture of a thumb pointing up means
Hand signs usually have an good, and a thumb pointing down means
interesting history, and the thumbs-up bad.
sign does, too. The thumbs-up and In some countries the thumbs-up
thumbs-down signs started in Rome long sign is rude. In other countries it’s the
ago. At that time, people liked to watch sign for counting the number one.
soldiers and animals fight to the death Thumbs up may have more than one
for entertainment. They called the meaning around the world, but in the
soldiers gladiators. If the fans wanted US, a thumbs-up sign means everything
the gladiator to live, they gave the is okay.




evaluation exercises for book 15 lesson 1
EXERCISE a Select the sentence with the correct word order.

1. a. How does it snow often in San Antonio?

b. How often does it snow in San Antonio?

2. a. We use usually black polish on our boots.

b. We usually use black polish on our boots.

3. a. The DI’s instructions are always clear.

b. The DI’s instructions always are clear.

4. a. Trainees don’t go home ever during basic training.

b. Trainees don’t ever go home during basic training.

5. a. Have you ever swept a floor?

b. Have you swept ever a floor?

6. a. We frequently march early in the morning.

b. We march frequently early in the morning.

7. a. Don’t be ever late!

b. Don’t ever be late!

8. a. She can understand never anything I say.

b. She can never understand anything I say.

EXERCISE b Read and complete the dialogs below.

For each dialog, use the correct form of the underlined word in the blank.

1. A: Clark has collected stamps since he was twelve years old.

B: How large is his ?

2. A: Who the trainees on weapons safety?

B: Sgt Miller gave the instruction.

3. A: Lt Collins the new mess hall easily.

B: Yes, it’s one of the easiest locations to find on the base.

4. A: Were you all confused by the last question on the test?

B: Yes, there was a lot of about that item.

BOOK 15  LEsson 1 evaluation exercises EE-

EXERCISE c Read the paragraph. Then select the topic and the main idea.
A Military Meeting
A briefing is a special kind of meeting where a person gives a group information
clearly. Briefings are very common in the military. They follow certain rules and are
often short, usually 5 to 15 minutes. The speaker is friendly but usually doesn’t try
to be funny or entertain the listeners. People don’t ask questions during the briefing,
but they have time to ask any questions at the end of the briefing. In the military,
there are different kinds of briefings. For example, there are briefings which just
give information, there are briefings which ask people to make a decision, and there
are briefings which help workers understand what the boss wants to happen.
Briefings are a very useful way of exchanging information in the military.

a. the military
b. questions
c. information
d. briefings

Main idea:
a. Briefings should be short and friendly.
b. Briefings are a good way to give information.
c. Speakers give listeners time to ask questions.
d. There are several kinds of briefings.

EXERCISE d Match the words that belong together.

Number 8 has two correct answers.

1. training a. range
2. shoe b. mop

3. hot c. attention

4. firing d. trainee

5. basic e. polish

6. fall f. iron
7. at g. instructor

8. wet h. in


EXERCISE E Choose the best answer.
1. Someone spilled a drink. Please get the ______.
a. iron
b. broom
c. brush
d. mop

2. Mr. Lemon is very ______, but you’ll learn a lot in his class.
a. tough
b. physical
c. strong
d. correct

3. Mike climbs a rope ______ Jim.

a. more easily than
b. most easily
c. easily than
d. the most easily

4. I’m supposed to sweep the floor, but I can’t find the ______.
a. iron
b. mop
c. broom
d. instruction

5. The teacher never raises her voice. She never ______.

a. drills
b. polishes
c. sweats
d. yells

6. Don’t let anyone enter the building. ______ the door.

a. Guard
b. Drill
c. Mop
d. Polish

7. Howard drives ______ of all the drivers.

a. the more cautiously
b. most cautiously than
c. more cautiously than
d. the most cautiously

BOOK 15  LEsson 1 evaluation exercises EE-

8. When people are unhappy with something, they often ______ a lot.
a. instruct
b. complain
c. march
d. sweep

9. The army trainees must obey their orders.

a. mess hall’s
b. doctor’s
c. drill sergeant’s
d. cadet’s

10. Please ______ the other students in Room 212.

a. join
b. drill
c. attend
d. yell at

11. Dan studies Arabic ______ Tim.

a. less regularly
b. less regularly than
c. the least regularly
d. least regularly than

12. We cannot park near the building. We must keep that ______ clear.
a. break
b. drill
c. area
d. guard

13. Your shirt looks like you slept in it. You need to ______ it.
a. polish
b. iron
c. dry
d. join

14. The mess hall is one of the easiest ______ to find on base.
a. locations
b. located
c. locates
d. locating


15. After you sweep the floor, it with soap and water.
a. polish
b. iron
c. drill
d. mop

16. The ______ have 300 beds.

a. irons
b. dorms
c. mops
d. guards

17. I want to ______ a military school after this course.

a. complain
b. polish
c. sweep
d. attend

18. Trainees shoot their rifles at the .

a. dorm
b. firing range
c. dining hall
d. briefing

19. We had no problems. ______ went well.

a. Anything
b. Something
c. Everything
d. Nothing

20. A will become an officer after graduation.

a. trainee
b. guard
c. TI or DI
d. cadet

21. I had to ______ under the fence to get to the other side.
a. crawl
b. swim
c. sweep
d. march

BOOK 15  LEsson 1 evaluation exercises EE-

22. _____ exercise helps keep people in shape.
a. Relaxed
b. Expensive
c. Physical
d. Quiet

23. After I ______ the floor several times, my hands were red.
a. entered
b. marched
c. drilled
d. scrubbed

24. If you want those boots to shine, ______ them!

a. polish
b. guard
c. join
d. mop

25. Basic trainees usually wear .

a. PT
b. TIs
c. BDUs
d. DIs

26. Lucy laughs ______ Robert.

a. the most loudly
b. most loudly than
c. more loudly than
d. the more loudly

27 Don’t go in! The sign says Do Not______.

a. Join
b. Enter
c. Sweep
d. Drill

28. We march very well because the instructors ______ us again and again.
a. drilled
b. guarded
c. joined
d. swept


evaluation exercises for book 15 lesson 2
EXERCISE a Listen to the question, and select the best answer.
1. I like .
a. chocolate
b. mayonnaise
c. ketchup
d. barbecue

2. I’m going to buy some and soda.

a. steak
b. cheese
c. wine
d. sauce

3. Yes, there are some in the refrigerator.

a. dinner rolls
b. cheese slices
c. cold drinks
d. fresh vegetables

4. I’d like , please.

a. chocolate, pickles, and rolls
b. mustard, cheese, and mayonnaise
c. strawberries, pickles, and steaks
d. potato salad, sauce, and wine

5. I usually put some good on it and then cook it.

a. wedding cake
b. barbecue sauce
c. fresh strawberries
d. potato salad

6. Sure. Please buy two more .

a. bags
b. steaks
c. gifts
d. rolls

BOOK 15  LEsson 2 evaluation exercises EE-

EXERCISE b Give advice using ought to or should (not).

1. Mary hasn’t seen her brother in a long time. (call him)

2. I borrowed Helen’s radio, and I broke it. (tell her right away)

3. My car won’t start. I don’t know what to do. (call the garage)

4. Tom is coughing a lot. (smoke so much)

EXERCISE c Show obligation using be supposed to.

1. What will Jane and Rick bring to the party tonight? (bring the drinks)

2. I never bring my book to class. (bring it every day)

EXERCISE d Underline the correct word in parentheses ( ).

Ron: Are you going (anywhere / nowhere) this evening?

Bob: No. Let’s go (somewhere / anywhere). I haven’t been (nowhere / anywhere)
in a month.
Ron: Is there (somewhere / nowhere) special you’d like to go?
Bob: No. (Nowhere / Anywhere).
Ron: Okay! How about that new restaurant near the stadium? I’ve heard there’s
(nowhere / anywhere) better. It has a TV, so we can watch the football
Bob: That’s great, but I have some work to finish first. I can’t go (somewhere /
anywhere) right now. Give me the address, and I’ll meet you there later.


EXERCISE e Choose the best word to complete the sentence.
1. We’ve been married 25 years. Our is this Friday.
a. honeymoon
b. anniversary
c. tradition
d. ceremony

2. I bought two of chips for my friend’s party.

a. dishes
b. bars
c. bottles
d. bags

3. How many of meat do you want on this sandwich?

a. slices
b. guests
c. clubs
d. bags

4. Bill: May I have one of those?

Tim: Sure. .
a. Help yourself
b. Take a rain check
c. Have them over
d. Look them up

5. He saw someone the classroom.

a. above
b. under
c. outside
d. between

6. When did you buy these rolls? They’re already .

a. fresh
b. afraid
c. inside
d. stale

7. How much water can this bottle ?

a. barbecue
b. miss
c. hold
d. mop

BOOK 15  LEsson 2 evaluation exercises EE-

8. How many are you inviting to the party?
a. guests
b. pickles
c. animals
d. babies

9. Bill: How many children do you have?

Tim: four.
a. I’ve gotten
b. I got
c. I’ve got
d. I am

10. Bill: Where did Jim go?

Tim: . He’s in the other room watching TV.
a. Any longer
b. Nowhere
c. Somewhere
d. No longer

11. How do I become a member of that sports ?

a. club
b. dorm
c. cuff
d. ring

12. Bill: How did you know about the party?

Tim: Mary called me the day .
a. around
b. outside
c. inside
d. before

13. Bob and Tom just to say hi.

a. had over
b. fell in
c. dropped in
d. put aside


14. Bill: I’m getting married on Sunday.
Tim: That’s great. Where are you going on your ?
a. physical
b. ceremony
c. honeymoon
d. luncheon

15. Bill: What’s your favorite fruit?

Tim: .
a. Barbecues
b. Strawberries
c. Mayonnaise
d. Chocolate

16. Marie: Have you seen John and Linda this week?
Tony: No. Let’s .
a. have them over
b. hold them up
c. have got them
d. turn them down

17. Bill: Is there something that box?

Tim: I don’t know. Let’s open it and see.
a. before
b. inside
c. outside
d. afterward

18. Bill: Let’s leave at 2:00 on Friday.

Tim: I can’t. The boss is a meeting, and I need to be there.
a. canceling
b. inviting
c. celebrating
d. holding

19. The came in the mail yesterday.

a. celebration
b. company
c. anniversary
d. invitation

BOOK 15  LEsson 2 evaluation exercises EE-11

EXERCISE f Match each question to the best response.

I’d have a big party
It must be her
with friends.
nephew from c.
Miami. Sure. I’ll take
the sodas.

1. What would you like to drink?

2. Can you and Charles come to a barbecue on Saturday?

3. Who is that man walking with Mrs. Burton?

4. Can you help me carry the drinks outside?

5. What is Al going to do this summer?

6. What would you do on your birthday when you were a child?

f. Coffee would be
He’d like to get fine, thanks.
a job overseas. e.
I’m afraid we won’t
be able to.


evaluation exercises for book 15 lesson 3
EXERCISE A Listen to the question and select the best answer.
1. I had to .
a. complete a visa application
b. throw away my old passport
c. buy new office furniture
d. clean the floors in the barracks

2. Yes. You’re lucky to be .

a. married
b. alive
c. retired
d. rich

3. I worked a lot and it.

a. cashed
b. earned
c. guarded
d. guessed

4. Because he didn’t like my .

a. service
b. roommate
c. medicine
d. reason

5. 2,000.
a. Behind
b. Around
c. Between
d. Across

6. We went to the downtown.

a. museum
b. restaurant
d. hospital
e. stadium

BOOK 15  LEsson 3 evaluation exercises EE-13

EXERCISE b Answer the questions with No and was / were going to.
Use words in parentheses ( ) and the correct form of the verbs. Number 1 is an example.

1. Did John study last night? (he / fall asleep)

No, he was going to (study) , but he fell asleep. .
2. Did you and Jane go to the beach last Saturday? (it / rain)

, but .
3. Did you and your friend go downtown last week? (we / have to study)

, but .

4. Did you call Tim yesterday? (I / forget)

, but .

5. Did your children watch that funny TV show last night? (it / be on too late)

, but .

EXERCISE c Put the words in the correct order and write the sentences.

1. called / else / this / no one / afternoon / .

2. I / to eat / something / need / else / .

3. anything / I / get / you / else / there / is / can / ?

4. never / anywhere / I’ve / lived / except / else / San Antonio / .


EXERCISE d Fill in the blanks with words from the box.

require noticed
ride unusual dead
ordered photos
usual around was going to
unusually in addition to

1. Since I was a small child, I’ve always wanted to take a on a


2. I’ve read that there are some really animals in the ocean.

3. Have you ever that there’s a face on the moon?

4. Most jobs that pay well a high school diploma and bachelor’s

5. My sister join the army, but now she’s interested in joining the

6. In the past, most family were in black and white.

7. We’re having cold weather this winter.

8. Mary would like to buy some music CDs some new English

9. When I came back from vacation, all of my house plants were .

10. There are 250 students who attend our school.

11. The captain everyone to stand at attention.

12. The winter weather in Canada is snowy and cold.

BOOK 15  LEsson 3 evaluation exercises EE-15

EXERCISE e Circle the best answer.
1. Where can I for a visa?
a. afford
b. wrap
c. retire
d. apply

2. Famous Americans sometimes get their picture on stamps after they .

a. close
b. die
c. dial
d. oil

3. University students study for about four years before they their
a. drive
b. drill
c. guard
d. earn

4. After the accident, the doctors had to work hard to keep the patient .
a. alive
b. full
c. dead
d. afraid

5. You need a good camera if you want to take beautiful .

a. appliances
b. celebrations
c. pedestrians
d. photographs

6. Sarah: You didn’t come to the party last night. What happened?
Julie: I’m sorry, I don’t have a good . I just forgot.
a. chance
b. reason
c. future
d. opinion


7. My friend drove me home because I my house keys inside my car.
a. died
b. left
c. sliced
d. lived

8. I forgot to get my early, so I couldn’t leave the country on time.

a. visa
b. broom
c. area
d. land

9. I love to try new food and hear new languages when I go .

a. holiday
b. history
c. overseas
d. museum

10. Some people say that cats have nine because they never get hurt when
they fall.
a. lives
b. deaths
c. meals
d. rides

11. It stopped raining, so the coach didn’t have to the important soccer game.
a. postpone
b. celebrate
c. instruct
d. bargain

12. Which two words have opposite meanings?

a. briefing, meeting
b. mop, clean
c. anniversary, celebration
d. death, life

13. Sergeant Michaels got for his overseas assignment.

a. history
b. orders
c. holidays
d. applications

BOOK 15  LEsson 3 evaluation exercises EE-17

14. Does this job a driver’s license?
a. require
b. notice
c. order
d. guard

15. To enter this school, you’ll need to bring several .

a. rain checks
b. documents
c. statements
d. continents

16. The United States is on what ?

a. highway
b. company
c. holiday
d. continent

17. Tom: What was your favorite class in high school?

Bill: .
a. History
b. Death
c. Report
d. Future

18. US President George Washington was born in 1732 and in 1799.

a. ordered
b. applied
c. lived
d. died

19. We keep some old, beautiful, famous, and important items in .

a. restaurants
b. countries
c. museums
d. stations


evaluation exercises for book 15 lesson 4
EXERCISE a Write the letter of the answer that matches the question.

a. b.
Because she was crying She’s the doctor
a lot and wouldn’t quiet who’s operating
down. on me next c.
month. He ordered me to
wipe the water
from the table.

1. Why did you choose this hospital?

2. What did the DI order you to do?

3. Why is your daughter’s face so red?

4. What did the doctor do for you?

5. Why are we staying home tonight? d.

Because they
6. Who’s doctor Smith? give the best
and newest
treatment here.

f. e.
Because I’m not He examined my
feeling well, and I injuries and gave me
need to lie down. some pills.

BOOK 15  LEsson 4 evaluation exercises EE-19

EXERCISE b Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns .
Use myself, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, or themselves.

1. Jane: Do they ever go by to the movies?

Beth: Anna never goes by , but Jim usually goes by


2. Do you like my dress? I made it .

3. Bob: How did you get ready for the trip overseas?

Lee: We planned the trip, got passports, and applied

for visas.

4. People can stay well by exercising, eating well, and taking care of

5. Jane wrote the letter to the newspaper.

6. Mary: How did you hurt ?

Ron: I cut with a sharp knife.

7. That dog is looking at in the mirror.

8. Hal cooked dinner and invited us to come over.


EXERCISE c Use an -ly adverb or adjective to complete the sentences.

1. I take these pills .  (every night)

2. He has to go to the clinic .  (every day)

3. They must review the records .  (once a month)

4. Bob gets a checkup.  (once a year)

5. We have to wash our clothes .  (once a week)

6. My dad likes to watch the news.  (each night)

EXERCISE d Complete the sentences with a linking verb from the box.

Use the correct verb form. Try to use each word only once.

appear be become sound seem

get keep taste smell

1. Don’t tell Jane about the surprise party. She can never

2. Al sick today. He should go home early.

3. These strawberries will great with fresh cream.

4. My brother happy because he’s smiling.

5. Pat has a red face. He angry.

6. Tom called me at 4:00 in the morning, and he very


7. People should take care of themselves if they want to

healthy and live longer.

8. If you eat a good breakfast, you won’t tired before


9. Fresh bread delicious when it comes out of the oven.

BOOK 15  LEsson 4 evaluation exercises EE-21

EXERCISE e Circle the best answer.
1. You need to remain when someone takes your photo.
a. still
b. basic
c. easy
d. dizzy

2. You should rest, Mary. You tired.

a. seem
b. treat
c. doubt
d. mind

3. Which words go together?

a. dead, climate
b. fresh, airline
c. tough, midnight
d. ankle, sprained

4. Which two words have opposite meanings?

a. instruct, teach
b. prescribe, give
c. apply, fill out
d. injure, treat

5. When I stood up quickly, I felt .

a. humid
b. local
c. dizzy
d. spare

6. After Major Green’s operation, his doctor prescribed two weeks of .

a. laboratory
b. ankle bone
c. allergies
d. bed rest


7. Which two words have similar meanings?
a. seem, appear
b. enter, leave
c. slice, guess
d. earn, lose

8. Doctors tried to help the man quickly because he was a lot from his
a. bleeding
b. bathing
c. pushing
d. inflating

9. Doctors often send patients’ blood to .

a. barns
b. dens
c. stores
d. labs

10. Some people don’t like to take when they’re sick. They like to use natural
treatments instead.
a. drinks
b. drugs
c. breaks
d. records

11. If you’re in an emergency and upset, the first thing you should do is .
a. turn down
b. get back
c. calm down
d. pass out

12. can be a tablet or a pill.

a. Blood
b. A mirror
c. An aspirin
d. Labs

BOOK 15  LEsson 4 evaluation exercises EE-23

EXERCISE f Fill in the blanks with words from the box.

sprained pulled flu

prescribed laboratory pharmacies

mirror social security number penicillin

1. The first medication didn’t help, so the doctor

another kind.

2. I had to stop exercising for a few days because I

a muscle.

3. The doctor called me after he got the tests back from the .

4. Some people believe that they’ll have seven years of bad luck if they break
a .

5. Doctors often prescribe for their patients.

6. All workers in the US must have a .

7. Many in the US have drive-thru service. This means

that people can get their medicine without leaving their cars.

8. Jacob fell down on the ice and his ankle.

9. The doctor prescribed a lot of bed rest because I have the .


The American Language Course is a comprehensive, multilevel
program for adults that teaches English for vocational and professional
purposes. The ALC is designed primarily for intensive English language
training in a classroom setting, but it can be adapted for slower-paced
instruction. A significant feature of the ALC is the inclusion of basic
military topics and vocabulary.
Using traditional methods of language teaching as well as contemporary
communicative approaches, the ALC’s presentation is systematic and
carefully sequenced to ensure that learners can build on previously
acquired knowledge. Photographs, illustrations, charts, and tables
explain vocabulary and grammar, while dialogs and student-centered
activities introduce and reinforce language functions and skills. Each
book is supplemented by an instructional package that includes the
• Instructor text
• Student text
• Audio recordings
• Language laboratory activities instructor text with audio scripts
• Language laboratory activities student text
• Computer-delivered interactive multimedia instruction (IMI)
• Quiz kit
• Optional training aids
The ALC’s second edition features a completely revised student text
with an accompanying instructor text. Instructor notes offer detailed
guidelines for presenting classroom exercises, supplemental activities,
and pertinent cultural information. A variety of teaching strategies are
provided to keep students motivated and enliven the classroom.

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