Book 16 Homework & EE

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Second Edition

Book 16

Defense Language Institute

English Language Center
The American Language Course (ALC) is a comprehensive, multilevel language program
for teaching English for vocational and professional purposes. It is designed primarily
for intensive English language training in a classroom setting, but can easily be adapted
for slower-paced instruction. The ALC’s curriculum has been developed by the Defense
Language Institute English Language Center (DLIELC), which is a US Department of
Defense school under the operational control of the US Air Force. The primary focus of the
ALC is to provide a language curriculum for a diverse international military population. To
that end, the course includes not only general English topics, but also military topics of a
general nature highlighting the typical language military personnel will encounter in their
professional and vocational career fields. The ALC has, however, also been very successfully
used in non-military learning environments and in US high schools with immigrant student

Course components
The coordinated instructional packages for Books 1−30 consist of the following:
 Student text (ST)

 Instructor text (IT)

 Homework and evaluation exercises booklet (HW and EE)

 Audio recordings (tape or CD)

 Language laboratory activities student text (LLAST)

 Language laboratory activities instructor text with audio scripts (LLAIT)

 Computer-delivered interactive multimedia instruction (IMI)

 Quiz kit

 Optional training aids

Inquiries and orders

Please address inquiries and requests for more information about DLIELC publications to
2235 Andrews Avenue
Lackland Air Force Base, Texas 78236-5259
© 2007 by Defense Language Institute English Language Center and its licensors. Notice
of Rights: All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without
the prior written permission of the publisher.

Second Edition, April 2007

Electronic version, October 2009


Book 16 Homework and Evaluation Exercises Booklet


This booklet contains the homework and evaluation exercises for Book 16, Level III.
These exercises are exactly the same as those found at the end of Book 16 Student
Text. You may write the answers to the exercises in this booklet.

The homework and the evaluation exercises are designed to help you accomplish the
objectives of each lesson. The homework exercises for each lesson will require about
two hours to complete. They should be completed individually and will usually be
checked in class before starting the next lesson. The evaluation exercises are short
quizzes that will be given after each lesson is completed. The evaluation exercises
should be completed in class unless otherwise instructed.



Homework for Lesson 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HW-1

Homework for Lesson 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HW-11
Homework for Lesson 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HW-19
Homework for Lesson 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HW-29
Evaluation Exercises for Lesson 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EE-1
Evaluation Exercises for Lesson 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EE-7
Evaluation Exercises for Lesson 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EE-13
Evaluation Exercises for Lesson 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EE-19




homework for book 16 lesson 1
EXERCISE A Select the best answer.

1. You can use the big dictionaries here, but you can’t .
a. try them out
b. check them out
c. cut them out

2. Don’t let the baby too long. She might not sleep tonight.
a. nap
b. look after
c. skip

3. Some kind of physical is important for people who sit at work all day.
a. equipment
b. health
c. activity

4. It’s important to get a good night’s .

a. sleep
b. nap
c. energy

5. Please come and see me when it is for you.

a. convenient
b. gradual
c. fit

6. The gym will lend you a towel. It’s not to bring one.
a. open
b. necessary
c. impossible

7. All soldiers must wear the uniform to the promotion ceremony.

a. unnecessary
b. possible
c. proper


8. Jim likes to run. He’s going to a race on Saturday.
a. avoid
b. skip
c. take part in

9. Their plane was late leaving Chicago. It’s they’ll arrive on time.
a. proper
b. doubtful
c. unnecessary

10. Lori needs to lose weight. She’s decided to the amount of candy she eats.
a. cut out
b. take up
c. cut down on

11. Joan’s sister is going to the kids while we go out to dinner.

a. check out
b. look after
c. take up

12. Ted got a new computer game for his birthday. Let’s .
a. try it out
b. take it up
c. cut it out

13. The doctor told me not to meals on my new diet. He said to eat three
meals a day.
a. take part in
b. skip
c. avoid

14. I took Betty’s and left ten minutes earlier. It was a good idea; I missed all
the heavy traffic.
a. relaxation
b. suggestion
c. equipment


EXERCISE B Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences.

➊ – ➑  Luke Jones is a very 1 man. He

2 goes to the gym and 3
active several team sports. He 4 five miles every
even morning, and swims 20 5 at the base
regularly 6 three times a week. Soon he’ll
takes part in
swimming pool 7 take up lifting 8 .

➒  –   14 There’s no doubt that Luke is very  9 and

fit takes care of his 10 , but his wife still worries
about him. Sometimes he 11 meals, and he
gradually hasn’t taken the time to learn how to use the 12
in the gym properly. Also, he often does too much exercise too
had better
quickly instead of 13 increasing the amount

he does and the time he takes to do it. Luke 14

be careful, or he could hurt himself.

EXERCISE C Write questions about the statements using Why.

Number 1 is an example.

1. Why is it a good idea to exercise?
It’s a good idea to exercise because it keeps you healthy and fit.

It’s dangerous to use the fitness center equipment without training because you
could hurt yourself.
It’s a bad idea to skip meals because you may eat too many unhealthy snacks.


EXERCISE D Match the beginning of the sentence with the best ending.

1. Before Ken saw that movie, a. until she moved to France.

2. By the time they went on vacation, b. he finally found a job.

3. The doctor had already left c. he hadn’t liked foreign movies.

4. Ron hadn’t ever eaten deer meat d. they had packed 10 suitcases.

5. Before Sue bought a car, e. when the patient arrived.

6. After Tony had graduated, f. until he learned to hunt.

7. He hadn’t seen his baby girl g. she’d always taken the bus.

8. Ann hadn’t learned French h. until she was 6 months old.

EXERCISE E Complete the questions using the past perfect.

Use the words in parentheses. Be careful about word order. Number 1 is an example.

1. By the time Ellen ate breakfast, had she already taken a shower ?
(she / already take a shower)

2.  before he joined the army?

(Mark / ever shoot a weapon)

3. By the time Brian got home,  ?

(he / eat dinner)

4.  before you got that job?

(you / graduate from college)

5. Before Karen went to Hawaii,  ?

(she / learn to swim)

6. Before the Smiths moved to California,  ?

(they / ever see the ocean)

7. By the time you started school,  ?

(you / already learn to read)


EXERCISE F Write Wh-questions in the past perfect.
Use the question word in parentheses ( ). Number 1 is an example.

1. (what)  What had they done before they went shopping?

They had gone to work before they went shopping.

2. (where) 
James had lived in Spain before he came to the US.

3. (what) 
Tom had introduced himself to Linda by the time we arrived.

4. (where) 
We had been at the museum before we went to the movies.

5. (why) 
I had locked the door because I thought you were gone.

EXERCISE G Match each vocabulary word with its meaning.

1. to cut out a. to test first

2. open b. to stop; to quit

3. to cut down on c. a short sleep, usually during the day

4. to avoid d. to decrease or reduce

5. regularly e. not shut

6. to take up f. to not do something for a reason

7. little by little g. following a schedule

8. to try out h. to start

9. activity i. gradually

10. nap j. something people do


EXERCISE H Complete the sentences with the correct word forms.

1. My mother taught me how to do many things .

proper / properly

2. This meal is the worst meal I have ever eaten.

possible / possibly

3. Have you noticed the increase in gas prices?

gradual / gradually

4. It’s very warm, so a coat is completely .

necessary / unnecessary

5. I didn’t have the tools, so I couldn’t fix the car.

proper / properly

6. Is it to drive 500 miles in one day?

possible / possibly

EXERCISE I Complete the sentences with had better or had better not.
Number 1 is an example.

1. You’d better not be late , or your supervisor might get angry.

(you / be late)

2.  , or we’ll be late.
(we / leave now)

3. If it’s going to rain,  .

(you / take an umbrella)

4.  , or he might have an accident.

(Paul / be careless)

5. If the baby’s crying,  .

(you / go see her)

6.  , or you’ll fail the test.

(you / study tonight)


EXERCISE J Offer advice using Why don’t you or Why not & the words in ( ).
Number 1 is an example.

1. I’m hungry.  (eat something)

Why don’t you eat something?  / Why not eat something?

2. I think I work too hard.  (take a vacation)

3. I’m too weak.  (work out more)

4. I don’t have enough money to buy a car.  (try to save more)

5. I feel so tired.  (sleep longer tonight)

6. I can’t find the correct address.  (look at a map)

EXERCISE K Fill in the blanks with to-infinitive verbs that you think fit.
Answers will vary. Number 1 is an example.

1. It’s interesting  to try food from different countries.

2. It was impossible  the test on time.

3. It’s a mistake not  an officer with a higher rank.

4. It’ll be possible  a lot of English in five months.

5. It’s necessary  before a test.

6. It’s fun  a new sport.

7. It’s exciting  new people.

8. It will be convenient  in the library.


EXERCISE L Fill in the blanks with It + BE (+ not) & an adjective or noun.
Be careful to choose the correct verb tense. Answers will vary. Number 1 is an example.

1.  It was not easy to understand Matt because he spoke too quickly.

2.  to travel overseas next summer.

3.  to see that movie last night.

4.  to jump out of airplanes.

5.  to drive a car in the rain.

6.  to eat out all the time.

7.  to learn English in five weeks.

EXERCISE M Write questions with words from the boxes or make your own.
Number 1 is an example.

possible to go to the movies

interesting to be on time for class
Is it…? to meet at 6 p.m.
Was it…? to meet new people
Will it be...? to study after class
Why is it…? to buy a house
a problem
a good decision to fix your own car
a mistake to ride to work with you

1. Is it possible to be on time for class?







EXERCISE N Scanning a text to complete a chart

Look at the chart. Then scan the text to complete the missing information from the chart.

Population (in millions)


200 7 seconds =

100 = 1 death
31 seconds =

= 1 total gain

A Quickly Growing Country

The United States is a country made couples began having fewer children,
up of both native-born people and but world changes kept pushing
immigrants. Many Americans that are immigrants toward the US. In 2006, the
born in the United States, or native- population hit the 300 million mark.
born, have family who moved to the US The government believes that by 2040,
from other countries, or immigrated, in the United States will have 400 million
the past. New immigrants make up people.
40% of the 2.4 million people added to The US population is counted once
the population of the US each year. every 10 years. The government uses
In fact immigrants have always birth and death numbers in addition to
played an important role in the growth information on immigration to guess the
of the United States. In 1915, population in the years between the
immigrants from Europe pushed the US counts. The government’s “population
population to 100 million. The birth of a clock” shows that a new baby is born
large number of babies after World War every seven seconds, a person dies every
II in the 1940s, and the arrival of 13 seconds, and an immigrant enters
immigrants from non-European the country every 31 seconds. This
countries put the US population at 200 equals a total increase in US population
million in 1967. Later, American of one more person every 11 seconds.




homework for book 16 lesson 2
EXERCISE A Select the best answer.

1. If you’ve lost your driver’s license, you get a new one soon because you
can’t drive anywhere without one.
a. are able to
b. have got to
c. might

2. A senior officer always sits or walks on the right side of a junior officer because
the right side is the place of .
a. honor
b. salute
c. loyalty

3. When I don’t know how to eat something properly at a dinner party, I observe
the other guests and by them, I learn how to do it.
a. showing
b. watching
c. telling

4. Before Dora became a vice admiral, she was .

a. a rear admiral upper-half
b. an admiral
c. a rear admiral lower-half

5. Mr. McDonald is against the idea of a shopping center near his farm and has
told everyone that he .
a. hopes it opens soon
b. wants to shop there
c. doesn’t want it to open

6. When Mr. Masters says something in a meeting, all say, “Yes, sir.”
a. the bosses
b. his subordinates
c. the generals


EXERCISE B Select the best answer.

1. Mr. Joseph B. Low has more 4. This has 50 dormitories and

seniority than anyone else in the 1,000 houses available for military
company because he than personnel.
everyone else.
a. regulation
a. is more loyal b. installation
b. has worked there longer c. subordinate
c. has earned more money
5. Saying please and thank you are
2. It was a to serve under common .
General Westfield.
a. courtesies
a. privilege b. rights
b. right c. salutes
c. authority
6. Customs are things that people
3. In some countries, military service do.
is compulsory, so you join.
a. usually
a. can’t b. seldom
b. never c. never
c. have got to

EXERCISE C Combine the sentences using the words in parentheses ( ).

Number 1 is an example.

1. I was in class. The bell rang.  (until)

I was in class until the bell rang.

2. Can we study at the library? Then can we go out for dinner?  (before)

3. CPL Greene is leaving now. CPL Foote must stay at work.  (but)

4. There’s the school. I want to attend it.  (which)

5. Sally wants to pass her test. Sally will do her homework every night.  (so)


Exercise D Match the word(s) that can replace the underlined words.

Number 1 is an example.

a. closed f. respect for

b. responsibilities g. regulations
c. behavior h. a right
d. observe i. sense
e. rendering

f  /e 1. One way that we show honor to our flag is by giving a salute.

2. The downtown library is not open after 5 o’clock on Sundays.

3. The drill sergeant is talking to the private about his actions.

4. I had a feeling that he was lying.

5. I have a lot of duties that I have to perform in my new job.

6. Good medical care should be something that is given to everyone.

7. You should always follow the laws when driving on an installation.

EXERCISE E Unscramble the words.










EXERCISE F Complete the sentences, then the crossword puzzle.


4. The meeting is . Everyone must attend.

7. An is the highest senior officer rank in the US Navy.

8. It’s difficult for children to all the time.

9. There are many about saluting.

12. During the wedding ceremony, it is a US for brides to

wear something that is blue, something that is borrowed and something that is

13. It’s every student’s to be in class on time.


1. Since Sally was also going to the library, Michael

the opportunity to get a ride.

2. At DLI, generals have the special of having a separate

graduation ceremony.

3. Lackland AFB is a military .

5. An army has four stars.

6. It’s a regulation to salute officers.

7. It’s military regulations to mix the uniform with civilian


10. A private is to a sergeant.

11. Rendering a salute is a sign of .

12. It’s a to stand and give an old person a seat.


EXERCISE G Complete the sentences with the past perfect progressive.
Use the words in parentheses ( ). Number 1 is an example.

1. The tourist had been relaxing (relax) on the beach for only 20
minutes when it started to rain.

2. I (take) a test when my cell phone rang.

3. Gary (not study) for very long before he took a


4. She was tired because she (watch) a movie late at


5. We (think) about leaving before the teacher came.

6. Her mother (talk) on the phone for more than an

hour before she hung up.

EXERCISE H Write questions in the past perfect progressive.

Use the words in parentheses ( ). Number 1 is an example.

1. (How long / you / run / before you hurt your foot)

How long had you been running before you hurt your foot?

2. (Where / they / drive / when the tire went flat)

3. (Where / you / expect to go / before your orders were changed)

4. (What / Jim / read / when the lights went off)

5. bonus: (Who / mop / the floor / when the colonel came in)


EXERCISE I Complete the sentences using the BE passive form.
Use the words in parentheses. Number 1 is an example.

1. Flag officers are given (give) special privileges.

2. Respect (earn) by honorable behavior.

3. The chain of command (follow) by all service


4. Children (look after) by their parents.

5. All injuries (treat) at the emergency room.

6. Bad commanders (not respect) by their subordinates.

7. Checks (not cash) at the snack bar.

EXERCISE J Change sentences from active to passive.

Number 1 is an example.

1. The general expects everyone to come to the meeting.

Everyone is expected to come to the meeting (by the general).

2. Drill sergeants teach recruits how to salute.

3. The officer who is in charge assigns work to the soldiers.

4. Doctors examine patients as soon as possible.

5. The installation closes some of the gates at night.


EXERCISE K Write questions in the BE passive form for each answer.
Number 1 is an example.

1. Are recruits allowed to drive?

No, recruits aren’t allowed to drive.

Yes, your brother is invited to the barbecue.

Yes, senior officers are given authority to change regulations.

4. What
Proper identification is required by the gate guards.

5. How
Students are chosen for tours by a computer program.

6. When
The gym is cleaned at night.

EXERCISE L Rewrite the sentences using have got to.

Use contractions when possible. Number 1 is an example.

1. I have to pick up my medical records.

I’ve got to pick up my medical records.

2. You need to pack your luggage.

3. Jack must report to the personnel office.

4. Soldiers must buy new uniforms.

5. Jane has to make copies of her orders.


homework for book 16 lesson 3
EXERCISE A Use the words from the box to complete the dialogs.

types modern theater furthermore

actors play classical
either talent antique instrument

1. Bob: Do you want to go to the gun show today?

Dan: I sure do. You know that I have a collection of all

of old guns.

2. Paul: Which are we going to?

Margo: The Roxy. We need to hurry because the

begins at 8:30.

3. Derek: Which do you want to learn to play,

the piano or the guitar?

Ben: is fine with me.

4. Olga: get paid very well for their performances.

Steve: Yes, but only those with the most get paid a lot.

5. Linda: My grandmother doesn’t like to listen to music.

She prefers the symphonies like Mozart’s.

Tom: There’s nothing wrong with that. Symphonies are wonderful to listen

to. , a person doesn’t have to be old to like them.

I also like them a lot, but I prefer Bach.

BOOK 16  LESSON 3 homework HW-19

EXERCISE b Match the words with their meanings.

1. comedy a. an exciting story

2. adventure b. serious play or movie
3. drama c. drama or comedy where actors sing their parts
4. opera d. humorous play

1. ballet a. classical music played by an orchestra

2. musical b. a part played by an actor or actress
3. symphony c. classical dance performed on the toes
4. role d. play or movie with singing and dancing

EXERCISE C Choose the best answer.

1. We have to quit practicing at noon. 5. I can’t stand cold weather.

a. stop a. I like cold weather.
b. continue b. I don’t like cold weather.

2. The colonel tells humorous stories 6. Sam will go to the library today.
at his meetings. Bill will do likewise.
a. long a. similarly
b. funny b. differently

3. Tom said the flight was scary. He 7. My daughter is studying drama.

isn’t going to fly for a while. She likes performing.
a. honorable a. She wants to be an actress.
b. frightening b. She wants to be a teacher.

4. Tom is famous for his roles in 8. I play a guitar in our group.

a. cards
a. He’s an actor. b. musical instrument
b. He’s a musician.


EXERCISE d Select the correct word.

1. Mary very angry. Do you know what happened?

quit / acted

2. A promotion depends on your job .

acting / performance

3. Vanilla or chocolate? I don’t like one.

either / serious

4. Pat and I sat in the fifth at the theater.

act / row

5. The guard his duty and stopped the people at the gate.
performed / acted

6. My son fish. He won’t eat it.

hates / loves

7. Who will the commander with Soldier of the Year?

stage / award

8. Who’s Romeo in Romeo and Juliet?

playing / acting

9. It’s wonderful to see him in any movie or play.

behave / act

0. The theater isn’t far. It’s

1 my house. Let’s walk there.
close to / close

1. Living in another country can be

1 .
an adventure / a performance

12. I like to laugh, listen to songs, and see people dance. I often go to

scary / musical

13. Which house do you like? . I want to keep looking.

Either / Neither

BOOK 16  LESSON 3 homework HW-21

EXERCISE e Answer the questions. Use enough and the words in ( ).
Use pronouns where possible. Number 1 is an example.

1. Did the teacher explain the directions clearly? (yes / clearly / understand)

Yes, she / he explained the directions clearly enough to understand.

2. Is Mary advanced in math? (yes / advanced / take another course)

3. Is that car safe? (no / not safe / drive)

4. Did Bob run fast? (no / not run fast / score many points)

EXERCISE F Circle the best word order in sentences with enough.

1. Please for me to understand 4. Sam didn’t last year to lose

you. any weight.
a. slowly enough speak a. exercise long enough
b. enough slowly speak b. long enough exercise
c. speak slowly enough c. enough long exercise

2. The new furniture for us to 5. That big sofa to fall asleep in

move easily. while watching a movie.
a. light enough is a. is comfortable enough
b. is enough lift b. is enough comfortable
c. is light enough c. comfortable enough is

3. The fish in the lake have to 6. Mary to attend elementary

catch and eat. school yet.
a. large enough grown a. isn’t enough old
b. grown large enough b. old enough isn’t
c. enough large grown c. isn’t old enough


EXERCISE g Circle the correct answer.

1. Actors and actresses in plays 5. Don’t smoke in class. , don’t

and movies. eat at your desk.
a. prefer a. Would rather
b. perform b. Prefer to
c. promote c. Furthermore

2. Actors perform on the . 6. Bill plays the guitar. He’s .

a. row a. a trainee
b. stage b. an actress
c. play c. a musician

3. How many musicians are in the 7. Mary’s a wonderful actress. She

school ? just gave an excellent .
a. orchestra a. sleep
b. stage b. award
c. role c. performance

4. What you said is not funny. I see 8. Betty’s very . She always
no in it. helps people.
a. humor a. kind
b. drama b. humorous
c. stage c. scary

EXERCISE h Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

Answers will vary.
1. The lieutenant hates 

2. Mary dislikes  .

3. My son received an award for  .

4. My house is close to  .

5. I went to the concert to see  .

6. John didn’t want to take the test, so he acted  .

7. Mary plays four instruments. She plays the 


BOOK 16  LESSON 3 homework HW-23

EXERCISE i Answer the questions. Use prefer and the words in ( ).
Use pronouns where possible. Answers may vary. Number 1 gives 3 examples.

1. Does Mary prefer coffee to tea?   (yes)

Yes, she prefers coffee to tea. / Yes, she prefers coffee. / Yes, she does.

2. Do the students prefer reading to writing?  (no)

3. Do you prefer soccer or baseball?  (soccer)

4. Which does Bob prefer, pie or cake?  (pie)

5. What do you prefer, swimming or playing tennis?  (playing tennis)

EXERCISE j Make sentences using prefer + to-infinitive + rather than.

Number 1 is an example.

1. I / read / books / magazines

I prefer to read books rather than (read) magazines.
2. recruits / march / run

3. Does / your mother / shop / watch TV / ?

4. Do / they / walk to school / drive / ?

5. Would / Mark / eat at home / eat out / ?


EXERCISE K Match Mike’s answers to Betty’s questions.

Betty Mike

1. I’m going to the theater a. I’d rather you get them. I won’t be
Wednesday. Do you want going anywhere near the ticket office.
to come?
2. Then what performance b. Seven will be fine. I’d rather be early,
would you rather attend, too. See you Sunday!
Friday’s or Saturday’s?
3. That will be fine with me. c. Neither. I’d rather go on Sunday.
Would you rather get the
tickets or do you want me
4. Okay. What row would you d. I’d rather wait till the weekend. I can’t
rather our seats be in, the go on Wednesday night.
first row or the last one?
5. That sounds good to me. e. I’d rather have seats in the first row if
I’ll try for row one. I’d you can get them.
rather be early than be
late for the show. Let’s
meet at seven.

EXERCISE l Complete the sentences and questions with your own ideas.
Answers will vary.

1. I don’t like vanilla. I’d rather  .

2. My brother prefers to go  .

3. The teachers would rather not  .

4. Lt Miller would rather not live  .

5.  than basketball?

6.  than chicken?

7.  , the park or the theater?

BOOK 16  LESSON 3 homework HW-25

EXERCISE m Choose the best answer.

1. Katie would rather than walk.

a. jogging
b. jog
c. to jog
d. jogged

2. Mr. Burke received an award for his in the movie Good Morning, Paris.
a. seat
b. musical
c. role
d. theater

3. What’s your , Chinese or Mexican food?

a. preference
b. comedy
c. instrument
d. adventure

4. He likes singing. He prefers .

a. to singing than to dance
b. sing to dance
c. singing rather dancing
d. to sing rather than dance

5. We prefer .
a. walking to running
b. rather walk to run
c. walk than run
d. walking to run

6. It’s hot enough .

a. to swimming
b. swimming
c. to go swimming
d. swims


EXERCISE N Use the information in the text to select the inference.

1. While she was in college, Stella Morgan took many courses. She studied
serious drama and comedy, and she learned to sing and dance. She has
performed on stage and in movies. She has also been in many TV dramas.
a. Stella is a teacher.
b. Stella is an actress.
c. Stella likes school.
d. Stella likes movies.

2. Greg saw a musical for the first time last week. The story itself was good, but
he didn’t like the actors and actresses who sang every few minutes. He also
didn’t like all the dancing. He felt the music was unnecessary. It bothered him.
a. Greg will probably see another musical.
b. Greg likes classical music.
c. Greg would rather not see another musical.
d. Greg enjoyed the actors dancing.

3. Car accidents are the number one cause of death among children in the US
every year. Fifty-seven percent of the deaths happen because the children
aren’t sitting in a child’s special car seat. In addition, among the children
that die while in a child’s car seat, eighty percent of them aren’t sitting in the
seat correctly at the time of the accident. Using child car seats properly could
decrease the number of children’s deaths which are caused by car accidents
each year.
a. Most people put their children in car seats.
b. Correct car seat use can save children’s lives.
c. Car seats can stop accidents.
d. Most people use car seats correctly.

4. When America’s fast food restaurants first opened, people were very excited
about eating a fast meal out instead of making one at home. People liked the
salty and greasy food the restaurants offered, and customers began eating fast
food frequently. Gradually, eating fast food began causing health problems for a
lot of people in the US. To help solve the problem, these same restaurants have
begun serving healthier menu items, like salads and fruit, in addition to the
greasy hamburgers and salty French fries.
a. People can now eat more fast food without gaining weight.
b. People now have the opportunity to order healthy fast foods.
c. People can order extra lettuce on their hamburgers.
d. People must order less salty and greasy fast food.

BOOK 16  LESSON 3 homework HW-27

EXERCISE O Combine the sentences to make a paragraph.

• Daisy is stuck in a traffic jam. Daisy can’t get to work.

• She is the worker. She is going to give a briefing today. She will be late.
• Instead, David will have to give the briefing. He must prepare in a short
amount of time.
• David is nervous. The commander will be there.


homework for book 16 lesson 4
EXERCISE a Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.

was unable to installation for example

copy print
air conditioner experience components
enter shut off

1. The stereo were expensive, so John had to wait

until the store put them on sale.

2. My math homework was too difficult, so I

complete it.

3. Jim says a new dishwasher is too expensive to buy because the cost of the

is almost as much as the cost of the machine.

4. There are many different kinds of cheese; , there

are Swiss, cheddar, and blue cheeses.

5. I need another of this report; one for me and one

for the commander.

6. Every student should his cell phone before class


7. SGT Walters has been in the Army for fifteen years and has a lot of military

8. It’s very hot in this room. Please turn on the .

9. Jamie has lost the document you gave her earlier. Can you

another one from the color printer?

10. SSgt Wilson will the new military ID numbers

into the computer this morning.

BOOK 16  LESSON 4 homework HW-29

EXERCISE B Match each vocabulary item with its meaning.
Number 1 is an example.

f 1. data a. to put in order

2. lend a hand b. to stop the operation of something

3. put together c. to divide into pieces

4. install d. to help

5. screen e. to make ready for use

6. take apart f. information

7. organize g. electronic area where information appears

8. shut down h. to assemble parts

EXERCISE C Write the names of the items in the picture.

Use words you have learned in Lesson 4.


1. 4. 7.

2. 5. 8.

3. 6.


EXERCISE d Read the sentence. Then choose the question that it answers.

Number 1 is an example.

1. Yes. You need to adjust it a little. 6. We can lend you a hand.

a. Is the TV too large? a. Can somebody help me?
b. Is the picture too dark? b. Is anybody in here?
c. Is the show on tonight? c. Will somebody lend me a pen?

2. Mrs. Jones is the most capable 7. No. They decided that he was
French teacher. incapable of doing that job.
a. Who’s been to France? a. Did John get a promotion?
b. Do you like French fries? b. Did Paul finish his homework?
c. Who can teach French the best? c. Did Bob quit today?

3. I have 25 years of experience. 8. No. I always shut them off.

a. Why should I give you this job? a. Did you leave early?
b. Who needs this job? b. Are those new lamps?
c. When does the job start? c. Did you leave the lights on?

4. She can only handle six. 9. No. He replaced it with a new one.
a. How many books is John a. Is Mrs. Smith’s computer on her
carrying? desk?
b. How many children will Cindy b. Does your brother still have his
look after? old computer?
c. How many rooms does Lora’s c. Is Jim looking at new
house have? computers?

5. It’s part of the hardware. 10. Yes. He needs to organize his ideas.
a. How do you fix it? a. Is Bill’s paragraph hard to
b. When did you buy it? read?
c. What’s the keyboard? b. Will Steve take his book quiz
c. Can Bob join the students after

BOOK 16  LESSON 4 homework HW-31

EXERCISE E Complete the sentences, then the crossword puzzle.


3. I want to manage my money on my computer. I need to buy a special

5. The commander needs a of your orders.

6. Carl will put a toy airplane together. He’ll it.

8. This math problem is easy. It’s not hard to .

11. Is Susan of running three miles without stopping?

12. It’s hard to see the picture on my computer monitor. I need to

the picture.

13. SGT Walters has been in the army for fifteen years and has a lot of military

16. Samantha gets the best grades in class. She’s very .

17. I’m of carrying that heavy bag. Can you lend me a hand?


1. I need to give you a document to read. I’ll it for you.

2. This computer is not working properly, but it’s not a software problem. I think it

has a problem.

4. The tires on our car are too old. We have to them.

7. My computer can do more things with this new .

9. People are more than animals.

10. Jane has the to solve problems quickly.

14. When can you the new program on these computers?

15. The drill sergeants were able to the problem in very little time.


BOOK 16  LESSON 4 homework HW-33
EXERCISE F Complete the sentences with BE unable to.

Use the correct verb tenses. Number 1 is an example.

1. The baby is only three months old.

She is unable to walk.

2. My brother didn’t have a license last year.

He drive last year.

3. Our family will be out of the country in March.

We attend your graduation.

4. The engine didn’t start.

I start my car this morning.

5. The police have been looking for the lost boy.

But they find him.

6. This recruit broke his leg last week.

He run today.

EXERCISE G Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

Answers will vary.

1. Junior officers are unable to  .

2. Last year, I was unable to  .

3. Tonight the tired trainees will be unable to  .

4. In ten years, Nora will be unable to  .

5. The new barber is unable to  .

6. In 1910, people were unable to  .


EXERCISE H Select the correct word and write it in the blank.

1. Tom filled out an before he started his new job.

apply / application

2. Are you for the test tomorrow?

preparing / preparation

3. I get a lot of from learning English.

satisfy / satisfaction

4. My English instructor said I should more verbs.

memorize / memorization

5. The commander our training last week.

observed / observation

6. The best I ever made was to join the military.

decided / decision

7. What’s the to this math problem?

solve / solution

8. They hope to the number of car accidents.

reduce / reduction

9. The teacher the class into three groups.

divided / division

EXERCISE I Combine the sentences using the words in parentheses ( ).

1. SSgt Clark is the drill instructor. SSgt Clark teaches recruits to salute. SSgt
Clark teaches recruits to march.  (who, and)

2. That is the movie. Bob wanted to see. There were no more tickets.  (which, but)

3. Jim put gas in the car. Mary bought drinks. Mary bought snacks.  (while, and)

BOOK 16  LESSON 4 homework HW-35

EXERCISE J Write too much or too many on the line.

1. data 7. laps

2. information 8. clocks

3. monitors 9. sleep

4. deer 10. copies

5. energy 11. salt

6. actors 12. people

EXERCISE K Check () the box under your opinion.

How much is too much? How many is too many?

too much
not enough no problem
too many

1.  12 cups of coffee in 1 day

2.  3 teachers for 50 students

3.  2 students in a class

4.  7 months of winter

5.  3 inches of rain in a year

6.  10 children in 1 family

7.  5 hours of exercise in 1 day


EXERCISE L Use the information in the text to select the inference.

1. Hal has been sneezing all morning. He has a low fever, and he started to cough
right after lunch. His eyes are a little red and swollen, too.
He probably has .
a. a headache
b. a backache
c. a bad cold
d. an earache

2. John asked his friend, Thomas, to go to a play tonight. Thomas said that
he needed to think about it and would give John the answer later in
the afternoon. John really wants to see the play, and tonight is the last
performance. But Thomas has an important English test tomorrow. If he
passes, he will graduate next week. If he doesn’t pass, he will continue to study
English for several more months.
a. Thomas will stay home and study for his test.
b. John is the star of the performance.
c. John will forget about the test and see the play.
d. Thomas is having difficulty making a decision.

3. Dogs are usually good family pets. Most of the time, they are friendly. In fact,
at times, they are quite lovable. Often, they will only bark at strangers. They
are frequently great with young children and babies, and they seldom bite
family members.
This text says that .
a. dogs usually dislike children because they’re not friendly
b. there’s a small possibility that dogs are not good family pets
c. dogs prefer to be with large families with small children
d. cats would be a better family pet because they aren’t as large

4. The police officer flashed his lights and pulled over the car that was driving
over the center line of the two-way road. He looked at the driver’s license of the
woman behind the wheel and asked her to get out of the car. She had trouble
standing up. He told her to close her eyes, hold her arms out to her side, and
try to touch her nose with her finger. She almost fell when she tried to do it.
a. The police officer is bothering the woman.
b. The police officer thinks that she is a good driver.
c. The police officer thinks that she had too much to drink.
d. The police officer pulled over the woman for speeding.

BOOK 16  LESSON 4 homework HW-37

EXERCISE M Scan the paragraph to complete the chart below.

DLIELC’S Chain of Command

General English Branch


Just like every military organization, subordinate to the Chief of General

the Defense Language Institute English English Instruction, who, in turn, works
Language Center (DLIELC) has a chain for the General English Branch Chief.
of command. Each group of workers has The branch chief is responsible for both
a boss who has authority over them and the instruction and the textbook writing
is responsible for anything that is in General English. The branch chief ’s
connected to their jobs. The boss is the boss is the Academic Dean. The dean has
first person each worker talks to for responsibility for the Academics Division
information or about problems. In at DLIELC. General and Specialized
DLIELC’s chain of command, instructors English, Instructor Development, the
are at the bottom. In General English, Library, the Learning Center, and
where instruction in basic English skills Testing are parts of this division. Finally,
happens, instructors are divided into the Academic Dean’s boss is the
small groups of six to ten people who Commandant. The DLIELC
report to their boss, a unit supervisor. Commandant has authority over all of
There are several supervisors in General the people who work for DLIELC and is
English. Each unit supervisor is at the top of the chain of command.


evaluation exercises for book 16 lesson 1
EXERCISE a Select the best answer.

1. Amy likes to play basketball. She’s going to a match on Sunday.

a. cut out
b. take part in
c. cut down on

2. The train left the bus terminal three hours late. It’s that it’ll arrive on
a. positive
b. doubtful
c. proper

3. Lori needs to lose weight. She’s decided to eating snacks.

a. take up
b. look after
c. cut down on

4. The Johnsons really enjoy swimming, so they’re getting their own .

a. weights
b. pool
c. sleep

5. The banks in this town are on Sundays; they don’t open again until
a. closed
b. impossible
c. doubtful

6. I took my friend’s and bought some new tires for my car.

a. energy
b. suggestion
c. relaxation

7. I’m tired because I was awake all night. I need to get some .
a. sleep
b. activity
c. health

BOOK 16 lesson 1 evaluation exercises EE-

8. My sister will my children while I go to the dentist.
a. check out
b. look after
c. take up

9. It’s to study for the book quiz.

a. doubtful
b. necessary
c. active

10. The lake filled with water during the spring rains.
a. properly
b. proudly
c. gradually

11. The snack bar is downstairs. It’s really .

a. convenient
b. unnecessary
c. possible

12. Harry needs to three books from the library.

a. take part in
b. check out
c. try out

13. I take walks for .

a. suggestion
b. relaxation
c. sleep

14. Ted got a new computer game for his birthday. Can we ?
a. try it out
b. take part in it
c. cut down on it


EXERCISE b Listen to the question and select the best answer.

1. You use a lot of .

a. energy
b. lap
c. sleep
d. equipment

2. a. Yes, she’s always doing something.

b. Yes, she must sign in.
c. No, she’s not going to the wedding.
d. No, she doesn’t need a passport.

3. No, it’s .
a. convenient
b. impossible
c. necessary
d. dangerous

4. a. It’s the first meeting of the year.

b. Five people will be at the meeting.
c. The meeting is in the morning.
d. No, there isn’t time for it today.

5. Yes, he .
a. dresses properly
b. plans all our activities
c. thinks about his health
d. exercises regularly

6. She’s taking care of her .

a. job
b. car
c. health
d. family

7. No, I it.
a. ate
b. felt
c. washed
d. answered

BOOK 16 lesson 1 evaluation exercises EE-

EXERCISE C Give advice using Why not / Why don’t.

Use the words in parentheses ( ). Answers will vary.

1. After I drink coffee, I always feel nervous.  (drink tea instead)

2. I don’t have anything to do this weekend.  (go to the beach)

3. I have been sick for five days.  (see a doctor)

4. I need to lose weight.  (start to exercise)

5. I haven’t bought my husband a birthday gift.  (buy him a watch)

EXERCISE D Give advice using had better.

Answers will vary.

1. Bob has been working in the hot sun for over five hours.

2. Kate isn’t at work, and nobody has heard from her.

3. Mike has an important meeting early in the morning.

4. The traffic light at the corner of West Avenue and State Street isn’t working.


EXERCISE e Fill in the blanks with the past perfect or simple past.
Number 1 is an example.

1. The light had turned (turn) red by the time

I reached (reach) the intersection.

2. Before I (come) to work, I

(not watch) the news, so I didn’t see the big fire.

3. Danielle (live) in Paris for 12 years before

she (move) to Texas.

4. By the time the student (finish) the exercise, the

teacher (already, start) explaining the next one.

5. Mike (work) at the grocery store for several

years before he (receive) his promotion.

EXERCISE F Circle the best answer.

1. Steve had left the business 4. Harry marched before he

meeting before it . joined the army.
a. ends a. had never
b. ending b. has never
c. ended c. will have
d. is ended d. is never

2. A good way to lose weight is to 5. I’m buying 12 apples. I might

eating candy. buy 24 because I really like them.
a. take part in a. even
b. take it up b. properly
c. cut down on c. gradually
d. try out d. regular

3. By the time I found the right 6. We don’t need to make reservations

room, class . for that restaurant. It’s .
a. starts a. impossible
b. had started b. necessary
c. has started c. unnecessary
d. is started d. proper

BOOK 16 lesson 1 evaluation exercises EE-

EXERCISE g Select the best answer.

1. It will be interesting Colonel Jones at tomorrow’s reception.

a. meet
b. to meeting
c. will meet
d. to meet

2. It’s to drive over the speed limit.

a. danger
b. dangerously
c. dangers
d. dangerous

3. Usually it’s a bad idea meals because you eat more later.
a. to skip
b. skipped
c. skip
d. to skipping

4. tiring to take that big test tomorrow.

a. I am
b. It’ll be
c. You are
d. It has

5. I think it’s to complete this course in five months.

a. reasonable
b. reason
c. reasonably
d. reasons

6. hard to learn a new language.

a. It’s
b. Are you
c. It has
d. There’s

7. It’s difficult overseas for the first time.

a. go
b. to going
c. will go
d. to go


evaluation exercises for book 16 lesson 2
EXERCISE a Listen to a sentence. Then select the best answer.

1. Yes, all military personnel _______.

a. have got to observe the rules
b. should have responsibilities
c. have different ranks
d. live in barracks

2. a. free medical care

b. shopping at the BX
c. help with education costs
d. all of the above

3. They ______ them.

a. must follow
b. might accept
c. may change
d. can watch

4. His brother’s _____.

a. a general
b. an admiral
c. a vice admiral
d. a commander

5. John’s ______ to his friends.

a. convenient
b. closed
c. subordinate
d. loyal

6. Only he has the_______.

a. briefing
b. behavior
c. authority
d. record

BOOK 16 lesson 2 evaluation exercises EE-

EXERCISE b Circle the best answer.

1. A US Army officer who wears four stars on his uniform is .

a. a general
b. a vice admiral
c. a lieutenant

2. How did the children in school today?

a. render
b. honor
c. behave

3. The admiral was proud of the sailors’ during the emergency.

a. custom
b. behavior
c. privilege

4. Receiving an award from the base commander is a great .

a honor
b. custom
c. behavior

5. An army post is a military .

a. salute
b. privilege
c. installation

6. An admiral is to a captain.
a. junior
b. senior
c. equal

7. It’s a for a man to open the door for a woman.

a. right
b. courtesy
c. regulation


8. People who have a of duty always try to do their job well.
a. sense
b. custom
c. seniority

9. Each year on July 4th, Americans the “birthday” of the United States.
a. render
b. behave
c. observe

10. An O-9 in the US Navy is .

a. a rear admiral
b. a vice admiral
c. an admiral

11. Most accidents by bad drivers.

a. caused
b. is caused
c. are caused

12. Jane study.

a. has got to
b. got to
c. has gotten

13. My mother is against the idea of a mall near our farm. She it.
a. likes
b. doesn’t like
c. doesn’t think about

14. My friends and I study most days after class. We study after class.
a. seldom
b. sometimes
c. usually

BOOK 16 lesson 2 evaluation exercises EE-

EXERCISE c Use the past perfect progressive to complete the sentences.
Change the verbs in the box. Number 1 is an example.

work on prepare
read wait try
think stand

1. I had been working on my car for three days before I could start it.

2. Bob dinner when the meat caught on fire.

3. Col Hale to call Maj Clark when he dropped by.

4. Before the bus arrived, Kim at the bus stop for

20 minutes.

5. Betty about going on vacation before she

decided to go to Europe.

6. Magda her book for an hour before she fell


7. By the time the theater opened its doors, the people

in line for a long time.

EXERCISE d Use have/has got to to complete the sentences.

Use the verbs in parentheses ( ) and contractions when possible. Number 1 is an example.

1. You ’ve got to go (go) to work early tomorrow.

2. Linda (buy) more milk at the store.

3. PVT Cole (study) so he can pass the test.

4. Junior officers (salute) senior officers.

5. I (remember) to stop at the bank after work.

6. We (stop) eating a lot of ice cream.


EXERCISE e Use has / have got to to write 5 steps for preparing a party.

Answers will vary. Number 1 is an example.

1. I’ve got to make a list of people to invite.





EXERCISE f Read the sentence. Put A if it’s active and P if it’s passive.

1. Enlisted personnel salute officers.

2. Gifts are given at weddings.

3. The store’s telephone is not answered at night.

4. The general gives the orders.

5. Patients are seen by a doctor.

6. Flowers are grown in a garden.

EXERCISE G Complete the sentences with the present passive.

Use the verbs in parentheses ( ). Number 1 is an example.

1. Bread isn’t made (not make) here. We only sell cakes.

2. The equipment (use) by everyone.

3. Usually the general’s visit (honor) with a ceremony.

4. my wife (allow) to enter the base?

5. Where the money (hide)?

6. Exams (not give) at the clinic on Mondays.

BOOK 16 lesson 2 evaluation exercises EE-11

EXERCISE H Match each question to the best response.

a. b.
Getting free Your boss.
medical care. c.
your chain of

1. Does Mike have the most seniority?

2. Do NCOs render a salute to commissioned officers?

3. When will your husband retire?

4. I’m against the new regulation. When can I talk to the colonel?

5. Which military privilege do you appreciate the most?

6. Who has the authority to recommend me for a promotion?

e. Yes. He’s worked
Of course. here for 30 years.
It’s compulsory.

He has the right to
stop working after
20 years.


evaluation exercises for book 16 lesson 3
EXERCISE a Choose the best answer.

1. We bought tickets for Friday’s show at the .

a. row
b. seat
c. stage
d. theater

2. I want to go to the eight o’clock .

a. performance
b. preference
c. actress
d. humor

3. The city has about 80 .

a. orchestra, musicians
b. instrument, ballets
c. musical, plays
d. actor, rows

4. I don’t think any of Bob’s stories are funny. I don’t find any in them.
a. musical
b. stage
c. humor
d. opera

5. We’re going to a country music .

a. row
b. stage
c. actor
d. concert

6. Does Linda the piano?

a. act
b. play
c. render
d. behave

BOOK 16 lesson 3 evaluation exercises EE-13

7. My mother prefers music to modern music.
a. scary
b. kind
c. classical
d. loyal

8. Thanks for giving me a ride to work. You’re very .

a. kind
b. antique
c. classical
d. comfortable

9. The teacher was angry because the students acted .

a. late
b. badly
c. talking too much
d. too much noise

10. Let’s sit in the first . I want to see and hear the actors better.
a. apartment
b. musical
c. stage
d. row

11. Don: Which play do you want to see, Little Bob or My Friend Manfred?
Tom: play is fine with me.
a. Usual
b. Either
c. Both
d. All

12. Betty can sing and dance. She also plays the guitar. She’s a very person.
a. musical
b. serious
c. scary
d. fresh

13. The armed forces use many of weapons.

a. rights
b. weights
c. types
d. screens


EXERCISE b Listen then circle the correct answer.

1. Yes, he .
a. rarely laughs
b. likes funny stories
c. has many friends
d. often enjoys himself

2. Yes, he .
a. failed once
b. never started
c. believes you
d. does it well

3. Yes, Jane’s .
a. sick
b. asleep
c. in the play
d. by the bookcase

4. No, you have to .

a. walk
b. drive
c. turn
d. stop

5. Yes, it’s very .

a. funny
b. sad
c. late
d. long

6. Yes, I like things, too.

a. dark
b. old
c. cheap
d. large

BOOK 16 lesson 3 evaluation exercises EE-15

EXERCISE c Match the beginning of the sentence with the best ending.

1. Tom answered the questions quickly enough a. to cut the meat?

2. It’s pleasant enough outside b. to finish the test early.

3. Is the knife sharp enough c. to stay in shape?

4. Are you hungry enough d. to hear the music?

5. That movie isn’t funny enough e. to be an antique.

6. Is the volume turned up high enough f. to go on a picnic.

7. The table isn’t old enough g. to make me laugh.

8. Do you exercise regularly enough h. to eat lunch now?

EXERCISE d Write answers using prefer and pronouns when possible.

Answers may vary. Number 1 is an example.

1. Do the trainees prefer jogging to swimming?

Yes, they prefer jogging to swimming.

2. Does your father prefer to hunt rather than fish?

3. Do you prefer the blue shirt to the white one?

4. Do you prefer to exercise in the morning rather than at night?

5. Which do the students prefer, adventure stories or scary ones?

6. Does your boss prefer asking questions to answering them?


EXERCISE e Unscramble the words to write sentences.
Answers may vary. Number 1 is an example.

1. than / rather / Paul / would / take / the train / the bus.

Paul would rather take the train than the bus.

2. Some people / eat / rather / than / would / at a restaurant / at home.

3. SGT Miller / rather / Would / play / than / tennis / soccer?

4. than / rather / Tom / read / Would / a book / a newspaper?

EXERCISE f Circle the correct answer.

1. Jim prefers to jog . 5. We would rather go home to

the store.
a. to swim
b. rather than swim a. than
c. than swimming b. rather
c. than going
2. Would you rather a car?
6. Which city would Mark visit?
a. buy a house to buy
b. buying a house to buying a. prefers
c. buy a house than b. rather
c. rather than
3. Linda prefers .
7. The baby juice to milk.
a. eating cake to ice cream
b. eat cake to ice cream a. would rather
c. to eat cake rather ice cream b. prefer
c. prefers
4. Would he ?
8. I prefer drinking coffee tea.
a. rather listen to music
b. rather listening to music a. to drink
c. rather than listen to music b. to drinking
c. rather to

BOOK 16 lesson 3 evaluation exercises EE-17

EXERCISE g Match the question to its answer.

a. b.
Because it has stories Because I can’t
that are very humorous. stand that
modern music.

I prefer scary ones.
1. When did you stop smoking?
2. Where did Bob go to college?

3. Why did you buy that book?

4. Which movies do you like?

5. Why did you turn off the radio?

6. Who’s Anita Long? e.

She’s a famous actress.

f. d.
I quit six months He went to a drama
ago. school. He wants to
be an actor.


evaluation exercises for book 16 lesson 4
EXERCISE a Listen, then circle the correct answer.

1. He must it.
a. shut
b. install
c. handle
d. take up

2. Certainly, I can .
a. take a chance
b. help myself
c. lend a hand
d. take advantage of it

3. Yes, I’ll give him a .

a. monitor
b. printer
c. copy
d. computer

4. Yes, I think he has a lot of for the job.

a. hardware
b. experience
c. copy
d. tools

5. Sure, .
a. it’s hot in here
b. I play the violin
c. he’s a junior officer
d. I’m feeling cold

6. Yes, I .
a. turned it off
b. shampooed my hair
c. studied at the library
d. assembled it

BOOK 16 lesson 4 evaluation exercises EE-19

EXERCISE b Select the best answer.

1. The of computers and typewriters are similar.

a. batteries
b. screens
c. keyboards
d. loyalty

2. Which two words are synonyms?

a. data, information
b. ability, health
c. install, give
d. mouse, copy

3. We must the machine to find the problem.

a. take up
b. take apart
c. cut down on
d. cut out

4. We need to the volume on the radio. It’s too loud.

a. handle
b. observe
c. play
d. adjust

5. Which two words are antonyms?

a. handle, operate
b. capable, incapable
c. stop, cut out
d. smart, intelligent

6. My boss needs a copy of my report, so I need to another one.

a. organize
b. install
c. print
d. replace


7. Cindy: Do you think Mike can help me with my math homework?
Linda: Yes, he can difficult math problems.
a. figure out
b. copy
c. replace
d. assemble

8. Mary: My computer doesn’t work very well.

Bob: I may need to replace the .
a. air conditioner
b. installation
c. hardware
d. stage

9. Which words are synonyms?

a. jog, rest
b. put together, assemble
c. gradually, quickly
d. closed, open

10. Kate: How many schedules did you to hand out?

Carl: Twenty.
a. install
b. print
c. skip
d. perform

11. Paul’s job is to numbers into a computer.

a. award
b. burn
c. enter
d. turn

12. Col Smith is a very good commander. He can any problem.

a. assemble
b. observe
c. replace
d. handle

BOOK 16 lesson 4 evaluation exercises EE-21

EXERCISE c Complete with BE unable to and a word from the box.
Use contractions when possible and pay attention to the tenses. Number 1 is an example.

attend talk install

go do
figure out locate afford

1. Tom’s in the hospital, so he ’s unable to go to the reception tonight.

2. Sara was sick yesterday, so she the reception.

3. Jim doesn’t have enough experience, so he the job.

4. The Smiths a new car because it’s too expensive.

5. I’ve been calling the doctor all morning, but I

to him.

6. I missed my appointment because I the doctor’s


7. The problem is too difficult. I it .

8. Dave doesn’t know a lot about computers. He the

new hardware tomorrow.

EXERCISE D Complete the sentences using BE unable to.

Answers will vary.

1. Bad drivers

2. Last night, I

3. For many years, doctors

4. Since last year, the colonel

5. While a person is on vacation, he or she

6. Until I got a better job, I


EXERCISE e Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1. My grandfather has a wonderful of international postage stamps.

a. collecting
b. collector
c. collects
d. collection

2. The trainee went to sick call for a physical .

a. examination
b. examines
c. examiner
d. examined

3. What is your ?
a. professional
b. profession
c. professionally
d. professors

4. I didn’t understand what to do. I need to read the carefully again.

a. instructor
b. instructing
c. instructions
d. instructed

5. The problem had an easy .

a. solution
b. solving
c. solved
d. solves

6. The hospital’s new allows the doctors to help more people.

a. add
b. added
c. adding
d. addition

BOOK 16 lesson 4 evaluation exercises EE-23

EXERCISE F Fill in the blanks with too much or too many.

1. Does the teacher give homework?

2. Has the child eaten candy?

3. Are there passengers in the taxi?

4. Does John put sugar in his tea?

5. I’m always tired at night. Have I been jogging miles?

6. Have you got cats?

7. Does Betty have shoes in her closet?

8. Am I sending e-mails to my friends?

EXERCISE g Complete the sentence with your own words.

Answers will vary. Number 1 is an example.

1. The doctor has too many  patients .

2. This room has too much  .

3. I eat too many  .

4. We haven’t had too many  .

5. Carol drank too much  .


The American Language Course is a comprehensive, multilevel
program for adults that teaches English for vocational and professional
purposes. The ALC is designed primarily for intensive English language
training in a classroom setting, but it can be adapted for slower-paced
instruction. A significant feature of the ALC is the inclusion of basic
military topics and vocabulary.
Using traditional methods of language teaching as well as contemporary
communicative approaches, the ALC’s presentation is systematic and
carefully sequenced to ensure that learners can build on previously
acquired knowledge. Photographs, illustrations, charts, and tables
explain vocabulary and grammar, while dialogs and student-centered
activities introduce and reinforce language functions and skills. Each
book is supplemented by an instructional package that includes the
• Instructor text
• Student text
• Audio recordings
• Language laboratory activities instructor text with audio scripts
• Language laboratory activities student text
• Computer-delivered interactive multimedia instruction (IMI)
• Quiz kit
• Optional training aids
The ALC’s second edition features a completely revised student text
with an accompanying instructor text. Instructor notes offer detailed
guidelines for presenting classroom exercises, supplemental activities,
and pertinent cultural information. A variety of teaching strategies are
provided to keep students motivated and enliven the classroom.

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