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Name: Jennifer Desert Perez

Registration: 23-EPSS-1-117

Subject: English

Teacher: Cecilia Troncoso

Section: 161

Theme: Greetings and farewells

I. Make a vocabulary with Greetings and Farewells

Hi Goodbye
Hello Bye-bye
Good mornig See you tomorrow
Good afternoon Good nigth
¿How are you? See you later

II. Make a conversation with the welcomes and farewells

Miguel: Hello Jenny

Jenny: Good morning Miguel. ¿How are you today?

Miguel: I´m very well. ¿and you?

Jenny: i fell so Good. Long time no see

Miguel: Yes, it's been three years since the last time we met.

Jenny: sure. Ans ¿how are your familly now?

Miguel: they are very well. And your family?

Jenny: we are fine.

Miguel: very nice

Jenny: see you later Miguel

Miguel: see you son Jenny.

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