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1° grade - English

Let´s Practice

✓ Write the number where correspond.

(Escribe el número donde corresponde)

1° grade - English

✓ Read,count and write the correct number.

(Lee, cuenta y escribe el número correcto)

1-TEN + TEN = __________________________
2-SIXTEEN + ONE = __________________________
3-TWO + ELEVEN = __________________________
4-SIX + SIX = _______________________________
5-TWO + TWO = ____________________________
6-SEVEN + TWO = ___________________________
7-ELEVEN + FIVE = ___________________________
8-TWELVE + THREE = _________________________
9-SIXTEEN + TWO = __________________________
10-SEVEN + THREE = _________________________
11-NINE + TEN = ____________________________
12-EIGHT + SIX = _____________________________
13-FIVE + SIX = _______________________________
14-SEVEN + SIX = ______________________________
15-TWO + TWO = ______________________________
16-TWELVE + FIVE = ____________________________
17-TEN + ONE = _______________________________
18-THIRTEEN + ONE = ___________________________
19-FIFTEEN + THREE= ___________________________
20-ELEVEN + SEVEN = ___________________________

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