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Registered charity no: 1095767

Thursday 4th August, 2022

Mr Ismail Mlawa
District Commissioner of Kyela
SLP 4, Kyela
Mbeya, Tanzania

Dear Mr Mlawa,

Potential infrastructure investments

I am writing to you as chairman and founder of The Mango Tree and as a prohibited immigrant to ask for your
assistance in the lifting of my Notice of Prohibition, which would enable this organisation to make further infrastructure
investments in Kyela and Mbeya.

You may be aware that since 2003, The Mango Tree has supported the education of over 18,000 orphans from Kyela
from primary level right up to vocational training colleges and universities. This has resulted in many young people
from Kyela to become qualified as doctors, nurses, dentists, bankers, lawyers accountants, engineers ( civil and
electrical |) and hundreds of teachers as well as masons, carpenters, welders, motor mechanics, tailors, hairdressers,
hotel and tourism personal, journalists, IT specialists and drivers. We also invested Tshs 3.75 billion in the building and
equipping of Kyela Polytechnic College which was handed over last year to VETA. This college has had a very positive
impact on the economy of Kyela over the last ten years, training up to 800 students a year in much-needed skills to
enable them to become self-reliant.

We also built the Mango Tree centre close to the kiteputepu bridge over the Kiwira river, the Mango Tree library and
the Shamba Darasa on the far side of the kiteputepu bridge.
Jessamine Cottage, Puddington, Cheshire CH64 5SX
0151-336 7393
Trustees: William Fulton, Gail Fulton, Giles Harrison, Rachel Lindley, Nic Merrett, Nick Moss, Ben Rudman

The Mango Tree continues to support many young orphans in Kyela through the Moravian Church ( Kanisa la
Moravian Foundation). We are currently supporting 145 students at secondary level and 40 students at colleges and
universities. A schedule of our current college and university students is attached. We are also supporting the Tanzania
Deaf Skills Foundation, which was founded by one of our former beneficiaries, who is deaf, and which employs a
further three former beneficiaries as sign language teachers.TDSF operates in both Kyela and Mbeya.

The Mango Tree would very much like to invest in more infrastructure projects in Kyela and Mbeya. We are currently
considering an investment in secondary school toilets and water tanks, which will result in 4,241 girls being able to
remain in school for the whole of each month, but will also benefit 4,557 boys with sanitary toilet facilities. Including
substantial local participation, the total cost of this investment will be Tshs 167.4 million - see attached schedule which
includes toilets for disabled students.

The Mango Tree trustees are also considering a most innovative scheme to turn the Tanzania Deaf Skills Foundation
into a self-sustainable social enterprise by investing in a number of small businesses, which will be mainly staffed by
deaf people. The first planned venture is a cafe at the mall at Manjelwa Market in Mbeya. You will see from the
attached appendix that the initial request for investment from ourselves amounts to Tshs. 153.4 million.
As you will realise, I am not currently able to finalise the investment in these projects until I am able to re-enter
Tanzania. I would be most grateful for any help which you may be able to provide to me, which should enable these
investment projects to proceed.

All good wishes,

William Fulton JP, DL, FCA


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