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AWAKE AND SING ‘Fon My FATHER AND MOTIER Awake and Sing was presented by the Group Theatre a the ‘Blasco Theatre on the evening of February sgt, 1935, with the following members of the Group Theatre Acting Company: Played by sco Momus eannowser sateH mca yous canny ‘once oR 3. mronaeng ‘The entre ection takes place in an epartment fn the Bronz, New York City The production war directed by worown cums The soning wae derigned by sous s20xs0n ‘THE CHARACTERS OF THE PLAY (All of the characters in Awake and Sing! share a fundamental activity: a argele for life amidst pety conditions. esr venta, as she herself states, isnot only the mother in this “home but alt the father She ir constantly arranging and tak- tng care of her family. She loves life, kes t0 laugh, has great Tebourcfulners and enjoys living from day to day. A high ogre of energy accounts for her quick exaiperation at inept de: Ske isa shrewd judge of relic qualitis in people in ihe sense of being able 10 gauge quickly their efetveness In hr ees ell ofthe people in the house are equal. Shei naive fond quick in emotional retponse. She is afraid of utter poverty. ‘Shei proper according 19 her own standards, which re fairly ‘lie fo those of most middleclass familier. She kpows that svhen one lve in the jungle one must look out forthe wild He. sartox, er Iusbend, i @ bor follower. He would lke $0 be a Teer. Fle woul like to make a million dollar. He isnot sad cor coo depresed Life ie a even sweet even 1 him, but the old daye” were sweeter yet. He has a digifed sense of him dal He likes people. He ites everything. But he is Beartbroken twthout being aware of it. seewntn iso gir who har had few frends, male or female. She is proud of Ker body. She won't ask avors. She travel lone. She Er fualnicebout being trapped, but wil escape if poible, She i selfrelons in the bes sence. Till he day she die she wil be uth 10 0 loved man. She inherits her mother’ sense of ‘humor and energy. saan asa Boy with a clean spirit, He wants to pow, wants to # exirros ovts learn, He i ardent, he it romantic, he is tencitive, He is nave too. Heis trying to find why 50 much dirt must be cleared way ‘Before its posable to "get 0 fit base.” noon t00, i eying to find aright path for himelf andthe others He is aware of justice, of dignity. He ix an obsercer of the ‘other, compres their sciiis with his real and ideal tense of life. This produces a reflective nature. In this home be is ‘constant boarder. He isa sentimental idealist with no power 2 ‘arm ideal t0 action. With physical jacte—ruch ax Boutework—he puters. But as @ barber he demonstrates the far of an ari. He i an old Jew with living eyes in ie tired face. cowcan monty ir a succesful American business man with five (good senses. Something sniter comer out ofthe fac that the lives of others seldom touch hi deeply. He holds to hie own line of life. When he is generous he wants others toe aware of it He is pleased by attentiona rch relative tothe wacen aly. He iso shrewd judge of material values. He will die ‘unmarried. Two and 1wo make four, never fie with hi. He ‘an Blink in the cu for hours, a fat tomeat. Tickle him, he laughs. He lives in a penshouse with a real Japanece butler 40 serve him. He sleeps with dees model, bs nt from his own showrooms. He plays cards for hours on end. He emokes ex- pensive cigars. He ses every Mickey Mouse cartoon that ‘appears. He i a zndegree Maton, He is relly deeply intoler- ct finally sor aszsnoo lita leg in the wor. He seldom forgets that fact ‘He has ied two men inextromartal activity. He is mordant, tier. Life has taught hin © dibeif in evrything, but he will fight his way through. He seldom shows his feelings: {ight epainst hs own sensitivity. He hat Been everywhere and ‘seen everything. All ke wants it wast. Hl is very proud. He ‘corns the inaily of othore to make thir way in ie, the likes people for whatever good qualities they pores Hie par Awane ax sivol 2 sionateoutburats come from a strong but contained emotional tmechanio so runacimen wet find home, He i lonely man, 1 forcigner in range Lind, hypercative shone to, tonditoned bythe human of wet mating hr wy alone Te thar seme ochre laughing st hn ab nigh he gets sp and sts aloe nthe dark He hws say all he oll ‘und fe He might hare Bee apt i anther tine ond fle He approaches hs wa aif he were aay orig her dite pei igh el wad wenig ooh and ts ho seman, the jn, con overworked German hoe wile ran tay with enter mon snd thm sth young danke ith in nom ran atayand ted lige hw chore Bl. The man fer hema paine He hs lt hs ety tety years bore "THE SCENE Exposed on the tage wre the dining room and adjoining front room of the atacin apartment. These two rooms are typically furnished. There ie @ curtain between them. A small door off the front room leads to yhns's room. When his dor is open fone seer a pictre of so and wanzernt on the wall and seo- fer shelves of Books. Stoge let of thie door presents the en- ‘ance tothe foyer hall of the apartment, The two other bed- rooms of the epartment are of this hall but not necesaily shown. Siage left of the dining room presents a cwinging door which ‘opens on the Kitchen. Awake end sing, ye that dell in dst: atan—26:19| AWAKE AND SING! ACT ONE ‘Time: The preset; the family finishing supper lace: An apartment inthe Bronx, New York City. raze: Where's advancement down the place? Woek lke eazy! "Think they seit? You'd drop dead frst. setae: Never mind, son, mest never goes unrewarded. Teddy Roosevele used to «3y-—— vmyyaes Ie rewarded you-thiny years a haberdashery cleekt (yaconTaughs.) aunt: AILT want's a chance to get to first base! reewnoe: That's all? saan: Stuck down in that joint on Fourth Avenve—a stock ‘cer in aaille house! Just lok at Eddie. Tin as good as be is pulling in two fifty a week for fory-cight minutes 2 day A adler, his name in all the papers acon: That's what you want, Ralphie? Your ane in the pa ‘ator: T wanna make up my own mind about things - «= be something! Dida’ I want to take up tap dancing, 0? eu: So take Iestons. Who topped you? sasoi: On what? susie: On what? Save money auton: Surg, five dolas a week for expenses and che est inthe house. I ean save even for hoe lacs. amsit: You mean we shouldn't have fod inthe hous, but youl ‘make a jig on the sreet corner? aazoit: T mean something. e cusrrose overs store: You so mean someting when you don the drum, ‘Mt Sarl sani dont know... Every other day tos around with the les and md in your mou sumo Thats ow i isi i ike data ake wall thine: Whats i get you? roo: A fourcrfanera fix? or? I thi if ede oa revolution is good Tie, Others for ootbig. sso: Nevermind, Pop! ass me the sat tacp: Hs ernyall my life T wants pair of Back and white ocean cat ge hem, eran ses Ina minute ge up from he ble Ten’ ae bitin my mouth no a a sera (resning her): Now, Momma jst doa exit you i stim: Tm 1 nervous Tent bd kif in my hand. tyne: I tht a way 10 tally Raphi? Dea Momma work tard oooh al day? (ean allows hel be erated) ssat: On my fee: ewenty out boue? tern: On he fe ‘on (impr up): What do I dogo to nightclubs with Grea ‘Gato? "Then when T come hone cat eten have my Own room? Slespon a daybed inthe front ol (Chote, he en ‘0 fot room) wae: Hes staring up thi stuff gun, (Shows him): When "Hane ere mares os have er rom shold en lve to wethe dye sm Me tn (They ele down to seriou xing) term This moening the sink was flo ate, Where hey ome from Tj dont know thought twas cote grunts and then thy bern moving som: You give te dg ett oon: I gave te dog et (ims dnb aie and vicki wp con) Aware ano sixol e susan: You got dopey tonight. sewsae: Companys coming. sermon: You can buy a ticket for fifty cents and win freunes. A ‘man came in the sore—it's the Ith Sweepsakes, sess: What? sevnow: Like a ral only diferent. A man came ia— asst: Who spends fity.cent pieces for Irish rales? They threw ‘out family on Dawson Stet today. All the furniture on the Sidewalk. A fine old woman with gray hai. woos: Come et, Ralph, devson: A butcher on Beck Steet won eighty thousand dollars sesat: Eighty thousand dollars! Youll excuse my expresion, you're bughouse! Deron: I sen it in the paper—om one ticker—765 Beek Steet asa: Imposiblel sox: He did... yese did, He says hell tke his ld mother to Europe « «an Austrian— senna: Europe » sertow: Six percent eighty thousand—fortyight hundred a yet. stu: TL gre you money. Buy ack in Hennics name Sy, you cant tel™lghning ever suck us ye. If they wine Beck Steet we could win on Longwood Avenue. oe (ronal): If sine pearle-who woud work? ent: Another couny heard frm. (hats enters and sendy eats imac.) aeraon: I forgot, Beauty—Sam Fenshreiber sent you a pres nt. Since I brought him for supper he jst can' sop talking about you, sumo: Whats dat “mackic” bothering abou? Who need him? aero: He's very lonely by. to: So TH down and Dust ot crying "case he's lonely? susie (opening candy): Hed mary you one two thre. tn: Too bad about him, sn (nll delighted): Chose peanuts * curros overs foe: Lh wand seca fr his Soul hk ou wo Me (ging) To quae Mo Rtn, "Dont ae me pee fever mind laughing. It's time you already had in your esd ssc huge Ail trent ost pow young Wheelin rspe cn then 2p og: Die, sr angling): Mabe a wt yo, Mo Soe Dat onl wa Tires Cut in phn? 1 fl i 1 jo fonnyt Sere ons flat ee ay me Swe Ste el Wn Mc es aged oki oy. de toe Heenan Sop tl mcs Boy ied wih he wan oy snd Jn Bien rn heya he ee eng Su tay tenes) st Tae wh, Mon, Tsavel ede e wa ead Pope Ean Det et cP tou Sete packing ayn nie Fd eva ver Win he mara fed i ous? ore pod Bale Baker Nae se ong “Eh me Reivers wee Foqe Lee ms Asean ape er eich it) Sophia Taker ao cep Pond ee woh ps sees Wine ook ol Cone owe el pod sen Mer wi ou had dae within igh Son kat Mane el him on bt he donk Bevel hin 0 te ot nde yon wane ano smvot s sermon: Don't break appointments, Beauty, and hurt people's feelings. (sts exitr) smn: His hands got free wheeling. (She exit.) erzox: T don't know. people ain't the same. N-O- The ‘whole works changing right under our eyes. Presto! No manners. Like the great Taian lover in the movies. What twas his name? The Sheik... .. No one remembers? (Exit, shaking his head) sateu (urmoving at the table): Jake yncos: Noo? aunts Fear’ sand it acoe: There's an expresson—"rong at iron you must be” suet Tes cock-eyed world. 14con: Boys like you could fix t some day. Lock oa the word, not on yourself so much. Every country with starving mik lions no? In Germany and Poland a Jew couldn't walk i the szreet. Everybody hates, nobody loves. sacon: [dont get all that acon: For years T watched you grow up. Wait! Youll grado. ‘ate from my university. (The others enter, dresed.) ‘evzow (lighting): Good cigars now fora nickel. sit (0 acon): After take Tootsie on the rot. (To nasoa): ‘What you do? suse: Don't know. sr: You'l se the boys around the block? patra: Tl stay home every night! sete: Momma don’ mesa for sauna Tim fying to Hollywood by plane, tha’ what Fn doing (Doorbell rings. os answers it.) ses: I don’ like my boy to be eeen with those tramps on the ern (without): Schlosse's ere, Momma, with the garbage sts: Come in here, Schloser. (Seto voce) Wit, Pl give hima plese of my mind. (sermon ushers in semen who cari 6 cuirroxo overs 4 garbage cen in each hand.) Wha’ the mater the dumbe ‘waiter’ broken again? serosa: Mr. Wimmer sends new ropes next week. I got a sees: He should live o long your Mr. Wimmer. For seven years already he's sending new ropes. No dumbwaite, no ht water, no steam-— In a respectable house, they don't ab low such conditions. sexossa: Tn a decent house dogs are not running to make dirty the hallway. ansrt: Toots’ making dirty? Our Tootsie’s making dirty in the hall? scruoueen (Co jon): I tll you yesterday again. You must not Teave her— sit (indignantly): Excuse mel! Plese don't yell on an old man, He's got more brains in hi finger chan you got—t doa't know where. Did you ever see—he should tlk 9 you an old man? sertox. Awful tusus: From now oa we don't walk up the stars no more. You keep itso clean weil fy in the windows seuzssn: I peak to Me. Wimmer. sur: Speak Speak. Tootsie walks behind me like a lady any time, any place. So goodbye .. «good-bye, Me. Schlosser. sernossa: I tell you dot—T verk verry hard here. My arm it (Esite in confusion) scsi: Tootsie should lay all day in the kitchen maybe. Give ‘im back if he yells on you. What’ funny? ‘con (laughing): Nothing. sass: Come. (Exits) acon: Henaie, take care... « tno: Sure. scot: Byebye.(iesae exits neon pops head back in door) ternow: Valentino That's the one! (He exits) ‘aur [never in ny fe even had a birthday party. Every time T went and cried in the wilee when mv birthday came. i Awaxe Axo sivol acon (seing matst remove hir He): You're going to aco: acon: "No, Tm putting on a clean shir. Why? I gota gid «.« Doa't laugh! Who laughs? Since when? ‘Thee weeks. She lives in Yorkville with an aunt and uncle. A bunch of relatives, ut no parent sco: ‘Aa orphan girl—tch, tc. | But she's got mel Boy, Ti telling you T could sing! it, ss le fare Sct a eu you ck at her aed | Gt Sis Ihe French word We went the pk the ove sighs Herd telat band snc yacoa: Music. « ALE (suing shit in trouser: ego cold and I gave her my to wear, We just walked along like that, see, without 2 ‘word, see. [never Wwas so happy in all my life It go late « we just st thee. She looked at me—you know what I mean, how a ‘25 “Ralph” I took her home. «1 wanted to cry. Thats looks at youright in the eyes? “I love you" she how 1 fll acon: acon coe: ya0on: : You know Mom's not leting my sixteen bucks out of is a beautifl feling, You std a mouthfull Her name is— Blanche. ‘A fine name. Bring her sometimes here She's sated t9 meet Mom. Why? the house if she can help it She'd take one look at Blanche and insult her in minutea kid who's got nothing, som Boycickl sno diferenco—a plan bourgensprejudce—but when they find out a poor gilt aia’ wo kosher, yaoos: ‘They don't have to know I've gota gic. ‘What’ in the end? e cxirron overs acm: Out Tol I don mean maybe! Jaco: And then hat? Manns Lie begin cies What He? ee: Th my gil oy, could ing when T thik about Her and me tagecr—tbats new el snag: Dot sake ite A new dh Le We ey bana sir erin the idea! Once 1 ad in my he a eam, @ i ‘vision, but came marriage and then you forget. Children come ele re Bee ae nee ran nse «man's soul ke no ther hing in the wie wel saan Why got excited? No one— aa ONE, wake up Be something! Make your Bf ome- Se ore Far the lve of an old man, who fs in Yur nee enol for sac oe take the wed 8 Yor Yeung a Ins make ft Uke new. Go out and fight 20 Me ‘foal be prised on dll il. A woman wai sau: Sy, Fn ol ei Pea my Bere T hope not Inthe meatine-— (Bal wr. hii wil you? (Sends off) Dont want Mom Sh meh a cat) tei: Came (Sat ae) Moe Axdad. (om eter ae se tons your wher? (To mars): Al dalled Sp. Wace the ay vi vo the a ose? sath, Plow nnd yor Busnes Yor: Okay sweater we cng hlden dlr from o Bok): Mom ais whee Twent— snes Tkaow. Esjy yours Bohn: Byebye: leas) yoco:Byebye Moet Wh ome? AWAKE AND suvel ® ‘cos: Me. ‘Mot: Good. Il stick around a few mites, Where's Henne? yacom: She went with Bese and Myron to a show. aor: She what?l acon: You had a date? Moe (hiding his flings): Here—I brought you some halavah, acon: Halavah? Thanks. I'l ext apiece ater. Mot: So Ralph's got a dame? Hie stuil—a kid can't even ply a card game Hoon; Moe, you'te a no-good, a bum ofthe frst water, To your ying ay you wont ug Mor: Where'd you ge cha sul, a nogood? acon: But like you. stce sot: Didn't I go fight in France for democracy? Dida‘ I get my goddam leg shot off in that war the day before the armis: tice? Uncle Sam give me the Order ofthe Purple Heart, dda Ihe? Whar you mein, a nogood? acon: Exe me }uor: IF you got an orange TH eat an orange. yacos: No orange. An apple Mot: No oranges, buh?—what 2 dump! acon: Bessie hears you once talking like this shel knock your ‘ead off ‘Mor: Hennie went with, huh? She wantsa sce me sJirm, only T don’t squirm for dames yacoe: You came tose her? Mor: What for? I gota present for our boy fiend, Myron, He'll ‘drop dead when I tel him his gentle horse galloped in fifteen to one. Hell de sscon: Te really won? The Dor! Where'd they go? Jacos: A. vaudevile bythe Franklin, ‘Mor: What’ special tonight? acon: Someone esa few jokes is filed with warving beggars. wor: Whatll they domstare a war? Gest time I remember and they forget the steee » ‘cutrroxp overs co: Td kom Mor You ugh Koow. What the Bll ou go all de ook fhe wee: ened ew word Aces Thats why te hd the ig war—to mck ¢ new wor hy mit for demowey Sure eve hg gnc lying pina Pars hol wih 2a doen broads aed on is Treache, Demos! I ened 2 les, acs An imperil war. You kaow what hit means? Mow Sng know ering! “ties By mony wen the interes mut be proaed. Who fe you such arotea aia? Plewe (foling in ise sche), ie we fra ent» dguete I dnt have sae ae de ints on): Dost make me gh (eet pases bk nd fot heron them, on fly hong or Bi chon Ge Doak so eda he tine, Youre a wow—altay toe shou meting acm: And you? F ee? You get oe hingyou cn ply pine TU take you asin game, Then youll have eating vo be wre on tes Wid wa der? (non ter deck fom. ballet ower ‘Mor: olen ‘after. Ten cents a deal. Jose: Who go ten ens? Neer tg tet cats Hl end i you Joo: Coen, Ne ating ew): The fis cme Thad my Bed on a pack Sho Saye Lemme shke p hve card FL make em alk jac gett hs rom where he pat on « Cano rerd) usin You hold Ive 90 on Acer iver ee oranges pow? 1 koow a ceria place — One im Ill uade’a wee aod Kx her fl ight ia my es music is playing: the card game begins): From es big explorer comes on a new land—"O AWARE AnD sisal Bs Paradiso.” From act four this piece. Caruso sands on the ‘hip and looks on a Utopia. You hear? “Oh paradise! Oh par adit on earth! Oh blue ek, oh fragrant air—" auor: Ask him does he see any oranges? (Susie, anon ond ene enter) sacon: You came back so soon? ‘emit: Hennie go sick on the way. anon: Hello, Moe.» «(08 puts cards Bak in pocket.) sisi: Take off the phonograph, Pop. (To wsxwit): Lay dawn Til eall the doctor. You should see how she got sick ot Prospect Avenue. Two weeks already she don't fel righ, sernon! Moe » =? mst: Go to bed, Henaie, sewn: TU it here. asa: Such a gir I never sw! Now you'l be eubborn? sen: It's for your own good, Beausy. Infvenza— sapwoe:T sit here rsa: You ever seen a gil should say no to everything. She ‘an’ stand on her fet, s0— repos: Don't yell ia my ears U hear. Nothing's wrong. I ate tuna fish for lnch, swevton: Canned goods... sess: Last week you aio ate tuna fish? ‘ve: Yeah, I'm fanny fortuna fish, Go tothe show—have a good time. ‘iss: I don't undersand what I did to God He blested me th such childen. From the whole world — ot (coming td of as): Pr Ci sk, dn hia 29 pest: You don' like i? ot (aping): No, T dont like ie aust: Tha's eo bad, Axelrod. Maybe it’s beter by your cigs store fiends. Here we're diferent people ‘Mor: Don't gimme that cigar store ine, Bessie 1 walked up fve fights — sit: To tke out Hennie, But my daughter ain’ in your dass, ‘Axelrod, Mor: To see Myron, serton: Did be, did he, Moe? uot: Did he what? devzon: “Sky Rocket"? tesa: You bet on a horse! ‘aor: Paid twelve and a half to one setow: There! You hear that, Momma? Our horse came in ‘You se, it happens, and cwelve and a half wo one, Just look a thal wor: What the hell, sure thing. I told you. ras: If Moe sid a sue thing, you couldn't beta few dollars insead of fifty cents? acon (laughs): “Ai, ai, aie” Non (at he wallet): Yn carrying six hundred “planks” in big ‘denominations esa A banker! ot: Uncle Sam sends me ninety 2 moath. sess: So you save it? non: Run it up, Runitup-Axclrod, that’s me asst: The police should know how. Moe (shutting her up): All righ, all right — Change twenty, sweetheart. eso: Can you make change? sesce: Don't be crazy. duor: TH mect a guy in Goldman's resaurant Vl met “im and ‘come back with change. veow (ering om pipe): You can gett me toro in este (ecquiive): Hel come back, hel come back! Dor: Licky Tet some bucks myself. (In derision 40 sets) Let's sep out womorrow night, Paradise. (Thumbs his m at her, laughs mordanly and exits) seven: Oh, thar’ big percentage. IE T picked a winner every ‘ey. wane ano srvol 3 ss: Popp dd you tke Tootsie on the roof? acon: All righ. Aernow: Just lok at that—a cake walk. We can make— ssn: I's enough tlk. I gota apliting headache. Hens, go in be, Yl call De. Cantor. yo Tl sit here + and don't call that old Tgoat ‘use T ‘won't sce him. ‘rt: If you get sick Momma cant nurse you. You don't want to go to a hospital s9cosi She don't look sick, Bes it’ @ fact aes: She's got fever. I seein her eyes so he tells me no. My ron, call Dr. Cantor. (enon picks up phone, But 1este ‘grabs is from him.) vmwyte: I don’t want any doctor. Iain’ sick. Leave me alone. Dtov: Beauty, it's for your own stke seas: Day in and day out pestering. Why are you alwaya right and no one else can say a word? aussie: When you have your own children— seve: im not sick! Hear what I say? Tm not sick! Nothing’ the mater with mel Tdoa't want a doctor. (asus ir watche ing her with slow progrenive underaending.) ‘astt: What’ the matter? tewvae: Nothing, I told you! seste: You tld me, but— (4 long passe of eximinaior follows) anes: See much? risa: Myron, put down the... the... (He slowly pu the phone down.) Tel me what happened smexsaz: Brooklyn Bridge fell down, six (approaching): Tm asking a question enon: Whats happened, Momma? ase: Listen to mel newvie: What the bell are you talking? este: Poppa—take Tootsie on the roof. remoue (Halding yacon bach): If he wants he can say here, svsow: White wrong, Momma? ans (hr voce quivering slightly): Myron, your fine Beauty’ in wouble. Out sory lady. «= « wemow: Trouble? T dont underit tk —? tmste: Lok in her face. (He Tooke, understands and slowly cite in o char, aterly rushed!) Who's the man? smpovir: The Prince of Wales. ress: My gal is busting in me. In ewo seonds— vem (in @wilentoudbure): Shut up! Shut up! Til jump out the window in a minute! Shut up! (Finally she gins control of herself say in alow, hard voice): You dea't kaow him. acon: Beste. aestt: He's a Bronx boy? spo: From out of torn sastr: What do you mean? moe: From out of towall sass: A long time you know him? You were sleeping by a Bil from the offce Saturday nights? You slepe good, my lovely lady. You'll go to him.» bell marry you. moa: That's what You say. tsa: That's what I say! Hell doit take ser word hel do itt tumynan: Whese? (To yacot): Give her the letter. (tacos doce 2) susut: What? (Reade) “Dear sir: In reply to your request of the 1h inst, we can sate that no Mr. Ben Grossman has cver Been connected with our organization . .." You don’ know where he is? mewvte: No. ose (walls Back and fort): Stop crying like a baby, Myron. sernow: Ir’ like a play on the stage. vssuit: To a mother you coulda say something before, Tm ‘ldashioned—like your friends I'm not smart dont eat chop suey and run around Coney Island with tramps. (She walks rectvely 10 but, picks up a bos of candy, puts it down, says to uraox): Tomorrow night bring Sam Fenschei- ber for supper smote: T won doit AWAKE AND so! 3 snsstt; Youll doit, my fine beaury, you'll do ith moss: Tim not marrying a poor foreigner like him. Can't even speak an English word, Not me! Tll go to my grave ‘without a husband. esse: You don't s31 Wel ind for you somewhere 2 millon: aire with a pleasure boat. He's going w night school, Sam Fora boy only thee years in the county he speaks very nice In thre years he put enough ip the bank, a good living. noon: This is serous? asst: What then? I'm talking for my health? Hell come to ‘morrow aight for supper. By Saturday they'e engaged noon: Such a thing you cant do, aesaz: Who asked your advice? seas: Such a thing— tsa: Never mind! 4acoe: The lowest from the low! ‘mss: Don't talk! Tim warning you! A man who don't beieve in God-ith erazy ideas— sacoa: So bad I never imagined you could be. mask: Maybe if you didn’t talk 20 much it wouldn't happo. Tike thi. You with your idear—'m a mother. I rase a fai they should have respect. sacoe: Respect? (Spit,) Respect! For the neighbors’ opin’ ‘You insult me, Bessel sesat: Go in your room, Papa. Every job he ever had he ls Tpecnuse he's got a big’ mouth. He opens his mouth and the whole Bronx could fal a. Everybody asd it— tertox: Momma, the'l bear you down the dumbwaiter. aesat: A good barber not to bold a job a week. Maybe you ‘ever heard charity starts at home You never beard it, Pop? sveoo: All you know, I heard, and more ye. But Ralph you ‘don't make lke you. Before you doi, Tl dic frst. Hell find f gil. Hell go ina fresh world with her. Ths i a house? (Mare sid itmaboish euch families sssx: Go in your room, Papa. acoe: Ralph you dant make like you! # cuirroxo overs ess Go ly in your rom with Caruso and the books together acon: All right! tesa: Go in the room! Swoon: Somne day TI come out I— (Unable. continue, he ‘urns, Tooke weno, goes this door and there says with fan attempt ot humor): Bessie, some day youll alk to me so fresh eve the howe fo good! He ene) esate (crying): You ever in your life seen it? He ae He should just dare sy in the house another word. Your fall could bust from such a man, (Bell rings, ntrow goer) Go to sleep now. It won't hurt uevnre: Yeah? (Mor enters, a box in is hand. sero follows rd sts down.) Mor (looks around first—puting box on table): Cake. (About to give exnow the money, he tars instead to ass): Sx iy, four bits change «some on, hand over half a buck. (She does s.Of exnon): Who bit him? sesit: We're soon kxing our Hennie, Moe. tor: Why? Whats the matter? brsie: She mide her engagement sot: Zat so? esr: Today it happened « he asked ber ‘Mor: Did he? Who? Who's the corpse? oe: In the bag, buh? remo: Yeah, « teste: When a mother gives away an only daughter it's no joke, Wait, when youll get martied youl know... « oe (bitterly): Don't make me laugh—when T get married! ‘What Ithiak e women? ‘Take ‘em all, cut em in litle pices like a herring in Greck salad. A guy in France had the right idea dropped his wife in a bathwb full acid (Whistler) sy down the pipel PRt—aot even a corset bution left! evn: Cores dot ave buttons von (fo esis): What's the great idea? Gone big time, Parae wane an srvol Ss die? Chris, it suicide Sure, kids youl have, gold teeth, get fat, big in the tangerine — spine: Shut your face! ok: Who's ic-some dope pullin’ down twenty bucks # week? Cut your throat, sweetheart. Save time. sess: Never mind your two cents, Axelod Dor: Lay what I thik—that's me! tuewnt: Tha’ you~a lousy fourfusher who'd steal the glases ‘off blind man wot: Get hot! smyvat: My God, do T need it—to liten o this mut shoo his ‘mouth of? ston: Please, ot: Now wait @ mints sweetheart, wait & minute, 1 dant have to take that from you. ses: Dont yell at her! ewxte: For two cets Td spit in your eye. 2 (dhrowing coin to table): Here's we bits. (nent looke at ‘ins and then starts acroe the room) asst: Where ae you going? mos (crying): For my beauty nap, Musolini. Wake me up ‘when its apple blstom time in Normandy. (Exite) Dot: Prety, pretty sweet gal, your Henne. See the look in her eyes? est: She dont feel well eon: Canned goods...» ese: So don’ sare with hex Mot: Like a batleship she's got it. No like other dames—shove “em and they ly. Not her. got yen for her and 1 don't mean 2 Chinee coin sas: Listen, Axelrod, in’ my house you don't tlk this way ther have respect or get ut woe: When I think sbout it.» maybe T marry her meet ress (suddenly aware of wot): You eould— What do. you ‘meat, Moc? 8 ‘Mor: You sin’ sunburat—you heard me. test: Why don’ you, Moe? An old friend of the family Uke you, Te would be a blessing on all of us. ‘wor: You std she’s engaged. imate: But maybe she don’t know her own mind. Say if— ‘Mor: Tneed wife lke a hole in the head... . What's to know hout women, I know, Even if Tasked her. She won't doit! ‘A guy with one leg—it gives her the hebiejecies. 1 know ‘what she's loking for. An arrow-olar guy, aero, bt with 1 wail of jack, Only the two don't go together. But T go what re takes. plenty, and more where it comes from. (Breaks off, snore and rabs his Race. A pause. I his roo acon pods om Carn singing the lament from “The Pearl Fishers”) sme: Is right—she wants a millionaire with a mansion on ‘Riverside Drive. So go fight City Hall, Cake? aor: Cake sstts Tl ake tea. But one thing—she's gota fine boy with a ‘business brain. Carasol (Exit into the front room and stands in the dark, at the window) wot: No wet smack «a fne gil... Shell burn that guy ‘oat ina month, (9on retriever the quarter and spin it om the table) seynon: I remember tht song «. «beautiful. Nora Bayes sng Te a the old Proctor’ Twenty-third Steet—"When It’s Apple Blesiom Time in Normandy. Mor: She wants see me crwl—oy head on a plate she wants "A soovball in Hell's got a beter chance. (Out of sheer fury be opin the quater in is fingers) enon (as hit eyes slowly ill with teers): Beau Mor: Match you for a quarter. Match you for any goddam thing you got. (Spins the eoin vicoudly.) What the Fell kind of Rouse is this it ait got an orangell Slow Certain ACT TWO, SCENE 1 One year later, a Sunday afternoon. The front room. 308i i= ‘ng his son wormecat (UNE MoRTY) «hire, newspapers [pread around the base of the chair. mos is reading 0 news Peper leg propped on a chair, xs, in another char, spar rodialy reading 2 paper. uwcas moxry reads colored jokes. Silence, then wh enter. ‘este: Dinners in half an hour, Morey. Deonry (ill reading jokes): I got time tanst: A duck. Don't get har on the rug Pop. (Goes window and pulls down chade) What's the mater the shade's up to the celling? acon (pulling it wp ogain): Since when do I give a bait io the dark? (He mimics her tone) uss: When youte Snished, pull it down. I like my house to Took respectable. Ralph bring up two botles seltzer from Weis, aso: Im reading the paper. ssn; Uncle Morty likes a ile seltzer. fate: Tim expecting a phone cll fusun: Noo, i it comes youll be back. Whats the matter? (Gives hime money from apron pocket) Take down the old bats, sate (10 sacon): Get that calli comes ay Tl be right back (scan node arson) water (geing change from ves): Get grandpa some cigs: aati: Okay. (Exits) Saco: Whats new in the paper, Moe? 6 curror overs uot: Sell jumping off the high buildings like fierthe big shots who lost all their cocoanute. PA acon: Suicides? Mor: Plenty can't take it~good in the break, but cant take the whip in the stretch -Morry (without looking up): 1 saw it happen Monday in. my building. My hair stood up how they shoveled him together ikea pancake—a biakripe manufacturer. Mot: No brine. sorry: Enough « «all ver the sidewalk aces: If someone said fvesen yeas ago T eoulda't make for myselé a living, 1 woulda’ believe — or: Duck for dinner? ass: The best Long Island duck, Mowry: T like goose. aussie: A duck is just like a goose, oly beter. Dorr: I ike goose sass: The next time youll be for Sunday dinner TM make a gore. sorry (nie deeply): Smells good. Yim a grest boy for smells, sss; Aint you ashamed? Once ina blue moon he should come to an only sister's howe. worry: Bes, lave me live sssie: You should be ashamed! >aoery: Quack quack! esse: No, better to lay around Mecca Temple playing cards with the Masons, on (with gzod nature): Bei, doa’ you se Pops sing susie: You doa't need no baireut. Look, two hairs he tok off Monty: Pop likes to give me a haireut. IFT sid no he dont forget for a year, do you, Pop? An old mans like that. yacos: I sill do an A jb Monty (winking): Pop cuts hai to Bt the face, don't you, Pop? 4ncoe: For sure, Morty. To each face a diferent haircut. Cat- tom built, no ready made. A round face needs special — wane ano sine 6 Be cea to npn fam Te (Sat Bo A pra no ee Sead oie peor aaem do a a oat rr taf aryl Tha a Aer cy we eee ac te ae ee ee Sm He SD ere eer ei ttt mt Mg wig en ae yw ym bt ee eta foe ares ae i Mee Seo ee hn at es Tessar ares pecs eee acer rea tte a Te ame oe oy re ay oe es os eee pee ae ee eter a hope aoe oe ea ee Ee cee ee mm ee ele hp oa fe oe ae er. (sn008 looks at her and goes back t0 ie ae a ee ee Sees bedroom.) a aa be eee ae eee oe roca erate ene ae eee rela four legs in the closet. a — sorry: Four wooden legs? = =e Preis ae ae ae legs. ee eee ane ae a Su ee role ee necesary. ssvaRe ano sivot o sone Soy, you shuld ck. The re of your fe Und Sm ey you nay 2 mont, Lok ota worry inthe wed. sin oat make te ugh Uncle Sansa ke his vey Tucks ani (Pies with «ges Neshng fod bre (Gievab h oxmp) sme Ua crt hace Give the un are Mind your busines Pots es ene ‘Who shed you? Tank be same Sy Ast Fay. Feat (eel): Who's go an Aut Fanny? (Sh ens rab "er plants ares with hereon) sear I jolt Neti dont want my pper ces fore Tread 8. want feeb. Pay tes id tat sre! Dont ge 0 eel for fice piper—our sr ‘toner sort And 1 dont want n0 one wing my ror eer. Get + Suight Tin nt buying ten Bde 4 weck fr the Berger Esl, Puiu, be Hin out) seat: Haye Fm ning inn 10. smo road! sre You eed lick with pla ida can of the aes ins nowt see ou esp the Boe pin nT ike your king. “Any tine Myron fies you, come to me, Bes T ket he Bat go and pool be may borer do Hk Jp 9 imc unc: ay you can't. Maybe any day Tn coring os. (ean ir) isn: Fhe. orev: How much, Ed. Paaod? (Diergge sl from chi) om Fe eat oer Sl five et for «Bact to the fz? meses bye. (ae dlr) a oes so Rep i By youl a Pasa Hb Jaco (tn linge ee ctope fom pore) a, ou he hance Rar rage "PRO: Pet ll ep Jc: My inne poly. Idont Uke sold ly end whe smcing old Taps scr What could apes? Jen: Who Knows tee hey ok net dei dollars fom OReilly, i y/ won: Sy cy 2 Berger dd fo ie Jhon Pat davon tee: Bee dx vet aww, em: sade ot Bec! yn No Rah Menno a Jeon: He dnt know, Someday hele ree tua, wor: You go god yar shed Jncw: Bein (et ener) Mion: Giga Dido el foe? Jie: Aw mic, She don lt me ane ‘ure Dil Mor sy T was coming bck? Stn No (aor bck tno foes) ‘on Sh ring at lo oe nt) A cle ses (tr for fom milk bole: A ong nue jot Dea yay Boe tin: Blanche wd shel me ot owo—wa ihr? ‘an: I's eng numer Stn Paw, Mom ft se me tom: You il ea Tate You go 90 same—to sata sete in font of Une Mowry. nee in 2 lay tn he ssi Wace che shame? I my gilt anna kaow i wn: You made cough i wth her ul ow, wane AND envel 6 ‘worry: Tm suprised, Bessie, For the love of Mike ell him yer esr: T did tell im? Not ory (fo maura): No! (eaten goer fo 6 window and looks ou) semi? Morty, I dida' say before—he runs around steady with git uot Terrible. Should he ron around with a foxiewoxie? furs A gil with no pent. Sonn: At orphan? Mots euld di from shame, A yar skeady he runs sound rt her, He bough ber ence fr supper. Believe me, she dat come gain nl suum: Do tink | didnt ak her TESE: You her? You rae them and wha inthe end for ll your ole? ston: When youl layin grave, no more wouble (Eis) own: Quack quack! ne! Ag ie tat he wants to mary. A skinny consump Seelooing «sat months aedy shes not working—tak ing erty nan sunt. You shoul er. Tn aya she dad on his hand sa Youd cat her dot i you could Mote Thats igh! Hele shed run ice boy's fe T would en goto proon. Mas Nobody shold ep inthe pare and Tl sand by wih my mou shat sacri: Mis Nobody! Who am 17 Al Joon? ss: Fi your del ives ke cre of my own fe it: Yul ule ef Ese my ern yo ant cen ripe your nove yt! Hell take exe san do noe) Tm surprised, Don't wory 20 mich, Bese iets nh on ty ns wl Sin the Lng run commen sneei tcker than Tove. Ti o great by for live sd et ve C7 ‘cuirvoxo oorrs ‘set: Sure, i cay to say. In the meantime he eats out my heart. You know I'm not strong, Morr: I know «a pusy cats «hay hay ha rset: You got money and money talks. But without the dollar ‘who seps at night? aur: I been working for years, bringing in money here~put- ting it in your hand like a Kid. Allright, T cant get my tech fixed Allright that anew suits ike trying to buy the Cheys Jer Building. You never in your life bought me a pair of sates even—ahings I died for when T was kid. T dont care shout that stuf, se. Only jut remember I pay some of the Fils around her, jus afew... and if my gil calls me oo the phone Talk to her any time I please. (fe exits. nena spplauds:) ust: Don't be so smart, Miss Americal (To story): He did't have skates! But when he got sick, «twelve year-old boy, who calle a big specialit forthe lst a5 in the house? Skate! ean (ht in. Adjusts window shade): Tt lok ike mow t- ay. MomTY: T's about time—winter rest Poppa here could talk like Samuel Webster, too, but its jus tak. He should try to buy a twocent pickle in the Bur, land Marker without money sorry: Tm getting an appetite. sat: Right away well est I made chopped liver for you omrv: My specialty! sess: Ralph should only bea suces like you, Mory.¥ should ‘only live to sce the day when he rides up tothe door in a big ‘ar with a chaufeur and a radio. Icould die happy, belen. \onr?: Success she says. She should see how we spend thou sands of dollars making up a winter line and winter don ‘come—summer in January. Can you beat it? acon: Don't lve, uit make soca, torre: Chopped liver—hal wane ano sine! & a (Est: Ye ihe thy art aging dnt be Suey Dm Sak Tn eat hy or the prac ie (He lok ore to Stoo who as rabing ber Bonds with ton.) sen: Hands ike ara poate. inav: Whats the mater? You don ok 3 well 0 pp ve: Tim wel ony: You wed tobe auch a prety sth oe: Maybe Igoe the Bes. You can el Stow: You cul! wand a new dre mw: Thats no al Toul sand co rvs Come down to the place tomorrow and pick out 2 pup frm the “evencighty” line, Only do sng me the sho sae: Thanks 1 need some new clothes orwy: got wo thousnd pices of merchandise wating inthe oxk rom for winter : sunmen: Tneer had ayia fom Me Sam do' ep Noes Hes crazy sb the ki Ian: Gay its Tynan a eck fe tng ina igs don have iw bard I wore my fngers off on an Underwood for year or what? Now I wath bby diapers Sure Tim cary about the ka too. But bl the aight the BEI up iy wo sep. You don Kaow how i iy Unde cer NU dot ow, Ua tna yes, Ha, rere NO tae you le ee oxo eet Hed wai as heh Tn dea add ‘Noah Pea a bared yh tv oh ea hI know: om oe) Mitton: Trever ake a dank in js surprised at mys, I ee epee cee wey ne ie My, Bose pe soy sa Na acy | Hise he Tak bh « cuirrosn ones vero: get biter hn Take dink ut pris me Mr Lak how fe Say, yo ve me“ Gun gu (Gah ca oe sds ty ne dry st (nein) lake Les ene no te” Nob hag Sms Tbe se te ape, (Be does, Exits.) aid woe (drag int th ram); That your hubend? ‘uzntg: Don't you know? on Mor Mab ce me you ied for the iit ke = Tow he ese gy ens Rowing your i ey ey tine you lnk age Des dep eh se ssn Dont few wl ter (aden eno): He dane age er wih wie Clee nik him Why ent you aa Leterrier) sen Why yo ea og Aaa? Mor Thi? fw any yy Foc Had biel one wa: Yok? soe Yet You wanna kaw what Ie when Uk a your at ‘er Tel Lewis plying the cris some of thse igh cay ox! Cis, oe gy wi me sed ck sues sud bol aby se sc: Ming yout tor Meming wee swt Thnk yu pty pd son Vad knw Ug jou asin, won Tl enc our bens mine wor You do snl beak your rm: (lds ap pp) Take iat Rea): day nary ce Fee ae the tf ous Bu ey tet enc wa ‘tempepe Now pave ted'down te “Sake hae We fr? Wars ge outa 3 ft on ect «a puma kl gene vane an sine! ® so; Wha’ cto you? Sone know jou tom the ld day: How you ike to spend it Shue mean! Lirrdskin sos, perfume behind the eas ewe in ames ParaticlBaradie—ihas 2 bot one jel cyto eat a hs at your ow weddig sue: 1 get ~youte jlo. You eat get me. oe Dont make me lush H Mewes Kid Jali besa trying t9 make me fryers. Youd Sine your ter Teg. Tm hooked? Maybe, be youre in the Ee owe Ony ite worse for you 1 dnt gie a damn 20 pores but you get yen make Joo sr: Bont rake me gh two, Compared to you Tin ssi’ ontop ofthe wor NE Youve lung your leks A dune ont say young for sue: You'e a Tr. Tm only went fur tows When you coi’ ome 1 837? two: Wouldnt you like to aow? Sows Tl get yu apn tmot: Think 0? TEN" Sare whatever goss up comes down, Youre eay—you Lice two for ickel—a pushover (Suddeny she dope Tin They both sem stuns) Whats the idea? snr: Go on +» break my atm Nor (er fwying “love you): Lien, sy. soe: Go en do someting! Non Liter — Ivan: Youve 1 damn tough! Now! You lke me. (He ter er) Stouts Take your land ol (Paths him away.) Come around rhe i food agsn and they pt you i the ark withthe hima Not even then=if owas Ge hs maa sou: Baby if you id 1 dog 1 love the dog. tv Geil (Exe. nar exes) thio: Were you bere bere? or (ot): What? Mut: When the el eme forme? wena i The ell ame, (4m eter) woe (big he) Jeon! Dea wry, Ralph se al bck Mt Maybe no T ek cme te mae pico Wha Mn I dott baow. I wok her bone foe the movi at Pig, She sed me wt Td thik she went sy, acon: Do ory el agains Mo: Maybe no Mom ied hr. She geo bth cody he por hid Lived in an rp a moto ht Hie "They ve ber aun ke a en) ea Jwcm: Alte diner go he tht: Tw thy ied me down the ai Ht: Li lt ve one Say Ms Every tine Ig oa We ps I gt hea xl. The ce dies ba You oh we hinclie Be Rah vow Ue your bain Sop tng Ike sd whol we the De Hiram meres cb om fr wn mens tat Not tht Lindo prope, Moe tee: Dont es bah gu all or le ‘lu: ut ke Moe (on «den spurge of emotion: Ber ep with ne rasehiyral bist ce 4 sBenke” sono dt now br owen ete Lads one st undeed tl the vada taker works on her. Bean sain Why gee the acl al he tine? What ‘oy? ow: Noa thing. Yue a ice ki. Bur row al Ta fe ere ‘wo kind—the men thats sure of themselves and th ones who sat! 1s time you qui bing a sling and go ia ‘the first class. vee ae oe yacom: And you, Axelrod? 2uor (20 acon): Scratch your whiskers! (To nate): Get inde- aowane AND s1vol n rete, Gti deel De wt oe sulpus Gata uggion? (Won eters, ting oer Sur pk eu 4 rake Shake down te rans. Se vit tha doe sore: We know what ¢dos—pos a pudding on your noel Sing Sing! Easy moneys gun the lw. Aga the law dat nA roche eit, no? sion la rackee—fom horse acing dow. Mariage pol i, bg buinsreveryidy plays cps and robber. You, pote s rater youre scares Who? Me? Pesenly T manucure dese on! Hone fete! Nery (eval): Doo’ make ach remarks 10 me witout ron Tena get oo foe pod. Thats why Y made a sucess Erpasne Prot pu up o chat op he & game of dT ia he ee ah i ek who ea fom te por Peso, Ido ket 1 ig el soot You dot ike by youl «Be nd tm—and go> gh your own wa. tee ie Bray Jon and Wop ine sop cs ny bead and Ehind ny back wy" onli" Tare pot boy who worked onan ce wap foro dls gece Pops Fight bare=bel tll you T made oes In dhe whe Inyo a beter ame jac. an excep, sch sae New: Ralph coo do'he same hing? Jams Noy Mery 1 dont thik, In howe Tike chi be don't ete even the polits of He. Eeoomiy comes down Theo of coal on the head. st: Re ove ed oe Ja come ove! ‘reas my dey the progaganda was fr Gods Now its for soca Ao dot urn sand wit having shove in him fe could mae soz secre Pop, youve» comedian, regular Chae Chapin Jen: He deans all nt of fates Why nat? Dont it oy nthe move he shold have pal seams pyjamas p cuiFForn ovits foe Sty dollars a pair and a toilet like a monument? But in the morning he wakes up and for ten dollars he can't fx the teeth. And millions more worse off in the mills of the South-— starvation wages. The blood from the worker's hes. (o87Y laughs loud and long) Laugh, laugh « » . tomorrow not Dorry: A real, a real Boob McNutt you're gesting to be scot: Laugh, my son. Morr: Here isthe North, Pop. acon: North, south, is one county ‘Monty: The county’ allright. A duck quacks in every pol sacou: You never beard how they shoot down men and women which ask a bewer wage? Kentucky 1932? ‘Moery: That’ a pile of chopped liver, Pop. (stsux and others enter) cos: Piusburgh, Passaic, inoie—slavery—it begins where success begins in a competitive system. (MoerY howl with de- ight) orrr: Oh Pop, what are you bothering? Why? Tell me why? Hahaha, [bought you a phonograph. wick to Caruso, ssssk: Hes sarting up agin wonr¥: Don't beh with Kentucky, Is full of mooashiners. acoo: Sue, sure— Morr: You don't Know practical afar. Stay home and cut Tair to ft the face. sncoe: It says in the Bible how the Red Sea opened and the ‘Egyptians went in and the sea rolled over them. (Quoter two lines of Hebrew) In this boys life & Red Sea will happen ‘again. Ise itl Morr: Tm geting ore, Pop, with allthis sweatshop talk amsit: He don' sop a’ minute. The whole day, like a phono- graph, ont: T'n surprised, Without a rich man you dont have a roof ‘over your head. You don't know it? aentox: Now you can’ bite the hand that feeds you, axea: Let him alone—be's sight! est: Another couny heard from. Awaxe axo sinol B aut Tes the truth. es — SMonrY: Keep quiet, sootnose! acon: For sre, charity, 2 bone for an old dog. But in Rusia an ‘old man don't take charity ao his eys tara black in his head, In Rusia they got Mars aortr (ccoffingly): Who's Maex? Mor! An outfielder for the Yanks. (Mowry dow with delight) done: Ha ha a, is better than the jokes. Tm telling you. This {i Uncle Sam's country. Put i in your pipe and smoke i. nse; Rusia, he says! Read the papers. ‘acs Here ir opportunity temos: People can't believe in God in Russia, The papers tell the erath, they do. z neon: So you believe in God... you got something for i ‘You! You worked forall the capitalists. You harvested the fruit from your labor? You got God! But the past comforts you? ‘The present amis on you, yes? Te promises you the awure something? Did you found a piece of earth where you could lve ike a human bing and die with the sun on your face? Tell me, yes tll me. 1 would lke to know myself. But fon these questions of this theme—the struggle for existence you cant make an answer. The answer T se in your face. « the answer is your mouth can’ ak. In this dark comer you. fitand you die, But abolish private propery! ess (ting the ieue): Noo, go fight City Hall Monty: He's drunk! acon: Yn studying from books a whole lifetime. omy: That’ what i ishe's drunk. Whac the hell docs all ‘that mean? scan: Ifyou don't know, why should T tell you Monty (jiumphant at lest): You ve? Heat him? Like all hose nuts don't know what theyre saying, scot: know, Tkaow. Morr: Like Boob MeNute you know! Don't go inthe park, ‘Pop-the squireell get you. Ha, ha, ha ” curros overs ss: Save your appetite, Morty. (9 sernos) duck, aewton: Were ready to ext, Mora orry (0 yacoe): Shame on you. It’s your secohd childhood. (Wow they file out. serox firs withthe duck, the others bee Kind him) assur: Come eat, We had enough for one day. (Este) ‘worrY: Ha, ha, ba. Quack, quack. (Erits) (yscos sts there trembling and deeply humiliated. moe ap- ‘roaches him and thumbs the old man's noe in the direction of the dining room.) ot: Give em five. (Toker hi hand away) They got you pasted ‘on the wall ikea picture, Jake. (He limps out to seat himself 1 the table in the next room) acon: Go ext, boychick. (aateH comes to him.) He gives me ea, 10 I'l climb in a needle. One time I saw an old here in sume mer «he wore a straw hat. . «the ears atic out on top, ‘An old hors for hire. Give me back my young days «give me fresh blood... arms... give me— (The telephone rings. Quickly nace goes 10 i. yacoe pall the curtains and stands there, a sentry om guard) maupn: Hello... Yeah, T went to the sore and came right back, right afer you called. (Looks at hoon) noon: Speak, speak. Don't be afraid theyl hear aura: Tim sorry if Mom said something. You know how ex. ‘able Mom is... Sure! What? . Sure, Tm listening. + + Put on the radio, Jake. (ja00n does eo. Music comes i ‘and up, a tango, grating with an intent nostalgic pale. Under the cover oj the music eatnn speaks more freely) Yes «yes. Whats the matter? Why're you crying? What hhappened? (To yxcon:) She's puting her uncle on. Yes? Liste Mr. Hirsch, what'e you tying to do? What's the big idea? Honest 9 God. Tm in no mood for joking! Lemme tale to heel Gimme Blanche! (Waits) Blanche? Whar’ this? Is this-2 joke? Is that ue? Tim coming right downl I know, bbur—You wanna do that? Tknow, but Tm coming awake AND sine! B own .. «tonight! Nine oldock sure sre, ves (ifange up) swcon; What happened? : Jor (enter): Listen, Pop. Vm surprised you dida't— (He owl aes hi eal i mock despa, ets) oon: Hoch, what? We Laon grit scuight. (To sc): She's leaving rote: Where? Miu: Oa Wes — To Gevdand Joe: Clad? : Beers weck or two Can you picture i? 16a pop iu Bu hey cant getaway wth Bat sila: Well fad someting ; Tn: Sure the angel of feavenl come down on er unk's ‘ab and whiger im hin ice: Came ee» Well iad something awe Tim eng he tnigh, bu Thao — (throws pen th ears beeen theta rooms and enters) 0c Mighe well sce foe you 8 seca Dla late super in the garden? ional sgh all it (rse goes veto the window el “he shade end on her wy ot eke o he rai) sess within): Leave te ms, Bai. (Sh clicks 0 sn, ‘nok them, eit) int Thaow s+ : Joma on ey, boyhick, (Goer overt sur.) Why sould sou mae ike hn? Tell me why you sol yu tll me. oe Cicer na init aeaxd Dah yng fo Kop siete ying early sorta be hardy the others tie ining room, bate ening) You msn GY. (Tie engin nie he ater of dies andi ath of Tay ound ont beis tol wih pier) Curtain * curros overs SCENE I That night. The dark dining room., AT RISE json i hard in his ighed room, reoing from a sheet, declaiming aloud as if to an audience. fe ico: They ar thre to rind ofthe horo—unde he rome nt een of ores nd es wh murdered each eter in nlform forthe gear gly of Caplin. (Comer out of biz rom.) "The ne impel wat wel sed milion ote dehy wl ring proxpity othe pockar of the eapaltie, Merty—and wil bring aly rote Bunge and misery othe mui of worker sad re tr The memoria of telat wold sage se all vid in oor minds (Haring « nie he guy vee fo hs ‘oom. a comes in fom the tect He a with hat snd ‘oat on acm tetatly opens doar sd ak): Ralpi? aston ts ting prety el ot Inco (enr rom aly, ceaning blr clipes): We sould ave seam al twee ined tn. Go complain tothe Baud of Heh sscon Tight snow seo: It don't hurt - .extea work for men. tater: When I was kid I laid awake at nights and heard the sounds of trains. faraway lonesome sounds -. . boat suing up and down the river. 1 wed to think ofall kinds of things I wanted to ox What wat i Jake? Just 2 bunch of tov in my ead? con (wating for news ofthe gi): You wanted to make fr yourself a cetain kindof work. sutras gos I didnt Tim fing prety, prety low, Jeon: Youre a young boy and for you Ie ial in font the a big mount. You got fet toc, same T don't kw how ‘eon: So youl find out Never a young man had sich opor- ‘tunity like today, He could make history. is suaurn: Ten rat, and all is well. Where's everybody? roan: They went. smart: Uncle Morty too? Jnooe: Hennie and Sam he drove down. saan: Tew her. acon (alr and eager): Yes yo tll me. Uses T waited in Mount Morris Park til she came out. So cold did buck'n wing to keep warm, She's ward to death. acon: They made her? tar: Sure She wants to go. They Keep yelling at her—they "want her to-marry a milinaire 0. acon: You tld her you love her? Mite: Sure."Marry me" Tsaid. “Marry me tomorrow." On ss: ten bucks a week. On top ofthat I had to admit Mom'd have Uncle Morty get me fired in a second, .. Two can starve ay cheap as one! noon: So what happened? havent: made her promise to meet me tomorrow yacoo: Now shell go in the West? funn: Vd fight the whole goddam world with her, but not her "No guts. The bell with her. If she wantsa gomall right—T1l et along. acon: For sure, ther’ more important things than gels ate: You said a mouthful... and maybe I don't seit. Shel ce what I ean do, No one stops me when T get going. « (Near to ters, he hast top. jncon examines hs clippers wry lore) ncoe: Electr clippers never do job like by hand. tates Why won't Mom let us ive here? noon: Why? Why? Because in a society like this today people don't love. Hate suuon: Gee Tm no bum who hangs around pool parlors got the stuff to go ahead. I don't know what to do, acon! Look on me and learn what 1 do, boychick. Here sia “old man polishing tool You think maybe Tl use them ‘gsin! Look on this failure and se for seventy years he talked, Py cuirror> overs rh gre es, bt onlin the ed 1 enoagh forme som Taide yor opines. Thins why Tell gor DO! Dy that is in your hat and you cryin yous + Frotiog, Hie you tl Neve me, Amun no Ba ple pprtnic but dik instead gas tx Non -" Cd } of silence.) Cm sain ienng: Her The Boson st ml pln. Te in } ‘utes late. I get a kick the way it cuts across the Bronx | nigh (The bell rings wou, exe, dere enters) nen: Yo cane backs on? | Whee Nam ern: Mom? Losk onthe chandli. tise Nata home ‘Heo: St down ight away they coming, You wea a ‘street without a tie? 7 oY. a sae Maybe if me iene: Bee me Hc Yat ads gh wih Hemi ai? sc Shel ght one «some days (Lape in lense) ‘Ina ye ner a as Nw cme st; Once too ien sh gh wih me, Henne T meine ‘ean tie saying Tm apron wid 2 bed en Tat hie, bo ine Tat 2 sabi: What happen ‘tT Nom Tee Mom, ico: Take an ape tik Pes Rel me apples ‘tn: Why op sound Le bial ball? {i en oes should deena Je: My gk id emching Sm To i fate inthe ld sounty they dia joke «1 tl yous One day fn Olah eked w ante ow othe feet They lt ihe jumped ohn He 2 wd smavrit: Who? aware ax sivol » unt: Cossacks. They cutoff his beard. A Jew without a beard He came homeI remember like yesterday how he came home and weat in bed for ewo days. He pur lke this the aver ‘on his fe. No one should se. The third moraing he died. jaunt: From what? fist: From a broken heat... Some people are ike thin. Me too, I could die lke this fom shame. ssco8: Henne told you something? fist: Stight out she said iLike a lightning from the skye “The baby ain't mine. She said it. suurt: Don't be a dope. Sreon: For sure, 2 joke tuoi: She's kidding you, fioe: She should kid a policeman, not Sam Feinschriber. Please + you don't know her like me. I wake up in the nightie ‘and she sts watching me ike I don't kaow what. 1 make & nice living ffom the store. But i's n0 use—she looks for 2 sar inthe sky Tm afraid like anything. You could go crazy feom less even. What I shall do Tl ask Mom. acon: "Go home and sleep,” shell say. “Its a bad dream.” tase: It on’ satify me more, sch remarks, when Hennie could Till in the bed. (jacon laughs) Don't laugh. I'm s0 nervous— look, two times I weighed myself on the subway sation. (Throws reall cards 10 table) acon (cramining one): One hundred and thirey- een te ees ba & sxcoe: TL take up Tootsie now. denon (eating bread and jum): He come on us like the wild ‘man of Boro, Sam. I dont think Hennie was fool enough to tell hrm the tra like that. ‘ ausae: Myron! (A deep pase) ratsts What did he sy? Never mind. TIhcard him. U heard him. You don't needa tll me. Never mind. You trapped that guy Dont sy another word. Jt have respet? That's the idea? ‘sit: Don't sy another word. I'm boiling over ten times inside, sari: You wont let Blanche here, huhy Tin not sure 1 want er. You put one over on that ite shrimp. The cats whiskers, Mom? sesir: Tm telling you something! ‘tari: I got the whole idea. T ge itso quick my head's swim. ‘ming. Boy, what a laugh! T suppose you know about this Jake? acon: Yes. ‘ari: Why did't you do something? yacos: Tm an old man. ‘spre: What's that got to do with the price of bonds? Sits around ‘and lets a thing like that happen! You make me sick to. seston (efter a pause): Let me say something, son, asap: Take your hand away! Sit in a corner and wag your tal ‘Keep on boasting you went to law school for two yeas. seraon: T want to tell you— suarit: You never in your life had a thing to tell me. iste (iter): Donte say a word. Let him, let him eun and tell Sam. Publish in the papers, give a broadcast on the radio. “To him it don’ matter nothing hi family site with teae pour. ing from the eyes (To yacoe): What ae you waiting for? dida' tell you twice already about the dog? Youll sand sround with Caruso and make a bughouse It ain't enough all ay long. Fifty times I told you Tl break every recordin the house, (She brushes pat him, break the recarde, comer out) ‘The ne time T sy someting youll maybe baie i Now maybe you learned exon. (Pate) oon (ety): Bess, new leaoos «nt for an old dog. (Gr eves) aeyton: You dda have to doit, Momma sae Talk beter our son, i; Bret Me, Ion ay down ad efor im and Poppa 90 more. 1 werk ikea tigger? For what? Wai, the day comes when youll be punished. When i¢s woo ate youl remember bow You socked away a smother’ ite Talk him tll him how I doa sleep at night. (Burts ina tere and ext) saosin’): "Goody tal your wxzows. You never hear them talk about the war, athe land of Yama Yama.» seraon: Yes, Momma's sick woman, Ralph. shure Yeah? toe! Wel be ou ofthe wenches by Chriss Pu, put pe Oe here, sinker,» (Picky wp Toots, «smal white poodle that jut then enters from the hall) If there's enc Son inthe net fe wanna bea dog and la in a fat ldy+ ip Burg over? How tt hd le, op? soos: Nano. rn (aking dog): TM ake ber up. (Conary) Jeon: No, dot (Taes dog) tae (ashamed) e's cold out co: I was cold before im my He. A man sngyseven. «+ (Stroker the dog) Tootsie is my favorite lady in the howe (He slowly pases crore the room and ext A weting pause.) aumox: She cried all le night Toowie— herd her ia dhe chen like a youn ge auor: Tonight I could “do something. I gota yen -. 1 doo Know. acon (rubbing his head): My sap is impoverished. tart: Mor bus al i ear. % euirror overs serton: She didn’t have to do it. ‘ot: Tough tit! Now I‘can seep in the morning. Who the bell wantsa hear a wop air his tonsils all daylong! aati (handling th fragment of « record): "O Paradiso!” ow (gets cords): Is snowing out, gil. sexaow: Theres no mete big sows like inthe old days. think ‘the whole world’s changing. T sce it, right under our very eyes. No one hardly remembers any more when we used 10 have gasight and all the dishes had lite fishes on them. mor: Is the sytem, gies. >ernox: Iwasa litle boy when it happened—the Great Blizzard, 1 snowed three days without @ stop chat time. Yes, and the horse cars sopped. A. silence of death was on the city and Tile babies gor'no milk. they aya lot of people died that year. som (singing ar he dele himel} cards): “Lights are blinking wihile you're drinking, ‘That’ the place where the good fellows go. Goodby to all your sorrows, ‘You never hear them tal about the wat, In the lnd of Yama Yama FFunicale,funicala,funial. . srw: What can T xy t0 you, Big Boy? tune: Not a dima word, Mon (goer “ta rata ra" throughout) aerson: I kaow how you fel about all ehoe things, I know. sacri: Forget it dusnow: And your gid -- sate: Don sot soap me all of a sudden sro: Ii not foreign bora Tm an American, and yet [never ‘gor lose to you. Irs an American fathers duty to be his son's fiend, sari: Who sud that—Teddy R.? Mor (dealing cards): You're breaking his heart, “Lia” sernow: It just happened the other day. The moment I began AWAKE AND sine! % losing my hair Tjust knew I was destined to be a failure in Wife «and when I grew bald I was. Now isn't that funny, Big Boy? uot: Tes a piscuter! dara0%: I believe in Destiny. wor: You get whacittakes Then they don't catch you with ‘your pants down. (Singr out): Eight of clube.» « sermon: I really don't know. I sold jewelry onthe road before 1 ‘arted.I’s one thing to— Now here's a thing the druggist gave me. (Reads): “The Marvel Cosmetic Git of Hollywood {i going on the air. Give this charming litle radio singer © name and win five thousand dollars. If you will send —" woe: Your old man sil believes in Santy Claus, ernow: Someone's got to win. The government isn't gonna al low everything to bea fake. woe: Tes a fake. There ain't no pris fake. snow: Ie say satet (enzichng it): For Chris's sake Pop, forget it. Grow up Jake's right—everybodys crazy. Is lke a 200 in this house, Tm going to bed sot; In the land of Yama Yama... « (Goes on with 12) Sexaos: Don’ chink life's easy with Momma. No, but she means for your good all the time. I tll you she doe, she — saan: Maybe, but Tm going to bed. (Downstairs doorbell ings violently) uot (ring): Enemy barrage begins on sector eight seventy-five sauna: Thavs downsaire Drow: We ait expecting anyone this hour of the night. uot: “Lights are blinking while you'e drinking, that’s the place where the good fellows go. Goodby to tara tara atm Teter see who iti. Drnow: Il ck the button. (As he start, the apartment doorbell ‘begins ringing, followed by large knocking. w¥20N goer out) save: Who's ever ringing means it (4 loud excited voice out vide) 8 ‘cutrrono oers nor: “In the land of Yama Yama, Funcales, funical,funie—" (hemo enter followed By sos the janitor. aS tn Irom she other side) aes: Who's ringing like a lunatic? \ sau: What the mater? Denton: Momma. aust: Noo, what's the mater? (Downitairs bell ontnuer) raurt: What’ the mater? esse: Well well? damon: Poppa. «+ deste: What happened? Scaosse: He slipped maybe inde snow. sit: You're sure hel come tnight—the insurance man? asumts Who? deonrt: Why nt? Tshupped hima ten-dllar bill. Everything's ows (to mess): Your fader fall of Je rook. Ja. (A hot deat. dead pase. ais then rin ot) aesie: Why must he come so soon? saat (dared): Myron.» Call Morty on the phone «all Drone: Beeute you had a big expense. You sede once and for him, (era stort for phone.) No, Tl doit mye. TH ll. Tm a grea by for making hay while the sun sine. doit (sermon esi.) ast: Stay tl elcome, Most. seamoss (sending sepia): Since 1 was in dis country. deorrt: Noy T got strike downtown. Busnes don't sop for was pudding out death can ... The snow is et. personal life. Two dimes already in the pas weck those bastards om (0 scuuonen): Sera. (cnosin ex) threw sink bombs in the showroom. Waitt Well give them (esse gos Bindly to the phone, fumbles and get it. won it tuikerin the kihkas well give them. ‘quietly, lowly arming cards over, but watching her) sesan: Tm a woman, I don't know about policies. Stay tl he asst: He sipped com. Dear (deeply moved) Sinped? ore: Benie—sweethear, lave me liv esr: Ica ae the numbers. Make i, Moe make it... ses: Tim afai, Morey ot: Make i younell. (He look at her and souly goer back DMonrr: Be praccal. They made an invesigation. Everybody 10 his gume of cards with shaking hands) ‘knows Pop had an accident. Now well elle. esa: Riverside 7— (Unable to tlk she dae slowly. The sernon: Rape do't know Papa eft the insurance in his name dil whisses om) oer: es not his busines. And 1 tel him. veor: Don't «make me laugh. ... (He sur ove card) rs: The way he fc (Enter nai into from rom) Hell do ‘somthing czy. He thinks Poppa jumped off the roo ont: Be practical, Bese, Ralphie wil sign when I tell him. ‘Everything is peaches and cram. ast: Wait fora few minute.» » orev: Look, 1 show you in black on white what the policy ® ACT THREE A week later in the dining room, Monty, wssit end vernon eat ing, Siting inthe front room is Mos marking a “dope sheet,” but relly listening tthe other, Curtin » cuirroso overs says. For Gos sake leave me lel (Angrily exist itchen, In parlor so peaks 1 astm whos veaing a eter) amon: Whats the ketersy? sun: Blanche won't se me no more, she says B couldn cre ‘ery much, she sje If T didnt come like 1 sid.» » Shel hove before she eaves. ‘aon: She don't know about Pop? tsi: She won' ever forget me she sys, Look what she sends me sa lite locket ona chain «if de calls Tm out sot: You mean it?’ tari: Fora week Ti trying to goin his room. I guess he'd ike te to have i but Tea» wot: Wait minute! (Crocs over) They'e trying to rook you=a fcezeout satan: Who? ‘Mog: That bunch sf’ ther gut with hot postr. Morty in perl Joke te inane howd di sara Fo me? ou: Now you got wing kid. Pop figured you could we it "That's why. sacri: Thats wiy what? Dok Te ane the only resto he done it Sate: He done it? Seok: You thinks breze Mew him of? (saxon enters and sit) sate: im nt sre what I think. woe The inne guy cing nigh Many “supped” sata: Yeah? ors Tl back you up, Youre dead on your fet Grab a seep for eee yo step salon: Nol eae: Go onl (Pathe boy into 100m) fist (whom sonny asset infor the paper): Morty wanes the Pape seo: So? sane sx sine * suc: You siting ont. (Gets paper) We old go ome no, Henne! Leon ln by Mit Saber a whole ey. svat: Goo home if youre anxious All wb of apes sts Why should yo ac this way? eon: Cane thar no bons in ce cream. Dont ouch me Thee Plewe whats the mater = sou: She ot ie you Plain a te fc om our ns. Xs To me my end, you tlk foreign language Nou: A guaeryou'e lou. (ac ext) Gimme a buck TU ron sumo: Dot do me no fave Nos Take a chance (Stopping her ar she rose to door.) tran Ta power Sow: Isy things You dnt know me es T know. o--when, you knock ‘em down you're through sr (ly): You sil dont Kaow me ‘este ow wht gos a your wi guy hed Mow Dont un awojse 1 aint go Bydropbotia, Wait 1 rat to tell ou. i ling san Leaving? Now Tong: Aledy packed Ison: Where? Moy (o heer followed by th othe): My cargoes though Snow lke a dee of ste ese’ Hens go et Morr: Wheres Rabie? oT his ne tum, (Monee into dining rom) Notes dint have aes of ot pon my mouth for scour Take a sandwich, Hennie. You did’ xt all day. «+ {Us window) A whe wc ined ext and dogs soon Ran iy go avy Come oan ome ot day. (Pate ‘hee on Be on: Wher ny glove? es cutrvoxo overs sae (6s on tool): Tim sory the old man lays inthe rain oer: Personally, Pop was 3 fine man. But Vm a grat boy for an honest opinion. He had enough crazy ideas fora regiment, sermon: Poppa never had a doctor in his whole life... « (Enter ate) ony: He had Caruso, Who's got more from life? sesae: Who's go more? . sow: And Marx he had. (srnoy ond msn ot o cf ‘orev: Maral Some say Mare i the new God today. Maybe Ta wrong. Ha ha ha.» . Personally I counted my ten milion lastnight... «Tim seen cents shor. So tomorrow Til goto Union Square and yell no equity in the country! Ab, isa new generation sacri: You sid il onrr: Whats the mater, Ralphie? What are you looking funny? ‘eri hear Tm left nsurance and the man's coming tonight. n't leave no insurance for you. oer: In your name he lee it—but not for you. aura Tes my name on the oper. dorre: Who tid 10? sates (to his mother): The insurance man’s coming tonight? >aorry: What's the matter? axon: Tm not taking to you. (To hie mother): Why? smi: I don't know why. satrit: He dont come in this house tonigh. Mowry: That's what ou say saxon: Tin not talking to you, Uncle Morty, but TW tll you, too, he don't come here tonight when there's sill mud on a grave. (To his mother): Coulda’ you give the house a chance to cool off Dorr Ts thie a way to tal to your mother? auont: Was that a way total to your father? sorry: Don't beso smart with me, Me. Ralph Bergerl swans ano sivol 8 sauit: Doot be s smart with me. Deorry: What'l you do? Isay he's coming tonight. Who says no? Dow (suddenly, from the background): Me. on: Take a back seat, Axcrod. When youte in the fame so gli dcimen here. Produce pape) Teun deh plow tne night A gy who sp 4 oon Ie ote etre e da cnr (arin for won fr hd eens) Let ee hi pest Mony, doo tach ox: Not you rami, Donne Ie fake: Popa woulda — ton! Gat the nsrance gy ere and wel se how — (The Bel ving) Speak oe devs Anowe ye whe ap pes (noes forse tek) sna Mor, dont owe 7 Be prac, Bee Non Scie you doa cle on ides they know abou ser: You hold et. You hue him. (Ape in whch wu em dase. Bel ing inieny) on: Wel, weve wating oxrt: Give he oot oe Tl pve you th head off our souls. Non Bae youlsand fo tie? (Pain) Pll down Tis ane ad give im with op. sain ec el igs aaa): Hw show 2 fesse: Dont be cay Ife nt fal Mary adhe sould ome tonight fom te wo. dak von aw? Bet ae: Who the? ory: You dang 2 vngin my ca whole wek to ele ce sesuns Tm api. Mor, youre a big now: Moma linge tay be * cuirrox> opere ow: Line, In wo shakes of a lan il el art 2 rt ge andthe nobly wet ie cays Whee nya Bove? Ton ging davon, (Fo un)? You conng? Hi ire you dom « smc (sho los quiningy tb): Dot ok me. Go home if you want. i y sats yo ing ey a tmnt: Dent dom ny Evo Night nd day ees me, sorry: You made a cushion —sleep! oa INLET ge Tow my wa een on wi nooan Samp ui 1S que ll) No mre fie ein Amaia? (Ge i Tut snd ot) Una nly pen Nod Hs me scm Jou Sen ‘(gig hi pty sing th xd; Pe go bo Sm Map bes" Ged and neem Teorey Team bee Uwe yo swab (She eh oh re ng) ssh 1 wl efor you. (0 ke at er Tre 1 oy ‘omg bt re he ap ith ming ag He twrcant eet the oom) secre: bid the fd wrth wo nthe bush, Remeber Ted Gt oat fr) (on deren mu ier op ell a the pr ent oe ret finally breaks the silence) cack vemos Ye tan aed wl me ¢esopone wih pearl buttons. But I— oe sala: e's baal pure, In hi nd sbady works Tobaly wor. Cone to bey Myron (Supra tear and ty fw) hase onthe fs esse Sony ssn Ley le dy. trom: I longer the whole family, Youtl get your wel sari Youle yo su Anda pa of Uk and white soa? aware ano srvol s sesur: Hennie needs a vacation. Shell tke two weeks in the ‘mountains and Til mind the baby. swans Tl take care of my own aftr. fest: A family needs fora rainy day. Times is geting wort. ‘Prospect Avenue, Davwon, Beck Sueet—every day funiture’ fon the sidewalk. satets Forget iy Mor. fst: Ralphs, T worked too hard all my years tobe treated lke ir. Its no law we should be stuck together like Siamese torins Summer shoes you didn't have, skates you never had, but T bought a new dress every week. A lover I kept—Mr. Gigolo! Did I ever play a game of cards like Mes. Marcus? Or ‘was Bese Berge’ children always the cleanest on the block Here Tm not only the mother, but aso the father, The fst two years I worked in a stocking factory for sx dollars while ‘Myron Berger went to la school. IF did't worry abou the {amily who would? On the calendar ies a diferent plac, but here without a dollar you don’t look the world inthe eye, Tall from now to next yeat—this is life in America sate Thea it’s wrong. It don’t make tense. If life made you his way, then ifs wrong! sess; Maybe you wanted me to give up ewenty years 352, ‘Where would you be now? Youll excuse my expresion— ‘bum in the park! sacri: Im not blaming you, Mom. Sik or swim=T seit. But ie cant stay like this aaste: My foolish boy. -- satet: Noy Tce every house lousy wit lis and hete, He sd i ‘Grandpa Brooklyn hates the Bronx. Smacked on the nose twice a day. But boys and gilscan get ahead like that, Mora, ‘We don't want lf printed on dolle bills, Moral ses: So go out and change the word if you don’t like it aun: T will And why? ‘Cause Lifes diferent in my head. ‘Gimme the earth in two hands, Tim strong. There «« «heat him? The sir mail off © Boston. Day or night, he 4 job to do, That’ us and its no time to die. (The airplane #6 curron overs sound fades off a snow gives alarm clock to mses which the begins to wind) sessn: "Mom, what does she know? She's oi-ashioned!™ Bur Til tell you a big secret: My whole life I wantell to go awar too, but with children a woman stays home. A fre burned ia my heart too, but now i's too lat, Tm no spring chicken, The clock goes and Beste gos. Only my machinery can’t be fined. (She bits a button: the alarm rings om the clock; she sop it, 496 “Good night" and exits) seow: T guess Fm prize bag.» esse (from within): Come to bed Myron. emton (tears page of calendar): Hmmm... (Exits 9 her.) sasent: Look at him, draggin’ after her like an old shoe. ‘Mor: Punch drunk. (Phone rings.) That's for me. (dt phone) ‘Yeah? « . Jus a minute. (To rate): Your gel «. sateu: Jeez, I dont know what to say to ber. aoe: Hang up? (eater slowly tae phone) sacri: Hello... Blanche, F wish... T don't know what to say «Yes... Hello? ... (Pais phone down.) She hung upon me. wot: Sorry? tari: No giel means anything to me uni ok: Till when? nate: Till can take cate of her. Till we dont lok out on an ‘aishat. Till we can take the world in two hands and polish off the dirt ‘wor: That's a big order. rates: Once upon a time I though Td drown to death in bal of sk and velour. But I ew up thse lat few wk. Jake or: Your memony’s okay? saten: But take 2 look at his. (Brings arma of Books from scons room —dumpr them on table) Hie books, I got them tothe pages sin cut in balf of them. ot: Pectct suxru: Dees it prove something? Damn toti'l A ten-centnail- AWARE AnD sivet ” fie cats them. Uptown, dowowa, Tred them on the se Seca tig mp ve the bed. (Picks wp one) My eye ae we bot poker) Sur, avery tomorrow: Cok Bio Doll to Beper thats how we works Is 3 tam See ihe wardowe Brille «show of 2 wiepuy, a Joe Sar? ess dy ad np. Bu hye like me, king foe eee st eto. Joe eezed me aboot my gi Be Edie know why. Hel fi Hel, be igh el Be using T dont know. Get teams together al ove. Tei Sur hands ad gett work, And with enough fears Sree aye wel get seam nthe warehouse wou Boge aN fees otf Maybe well Be 0 hfe wot be pine on os: i seo: Grin Day ma for door of Ks rom, wpe): Can VBA + ‘Grands nte? suo: Sue you want? Mths Pleo (won gine i) Hs blank! Sa ating nae Dck and tering p): Tat’ ah tons Than! (Est) ; ma Riad gtr! (To wan): Why are you ying? weters neve ered in my He (She snow) Gia fr doar Sips: You ad arn you love bi MoE fn sre ony why take ion. on him? TEYou wn forget me to your dyin day—L wat he st ons pr of your de You won forge wot ny name Er rind inkl ade One thing T won't forgethow you let me eng on The bed Hie I wat two for a! sor: Listen, do you tank — Mera ote Wall the Eau gest he open ai movi Tic brings me perfume «He gba my — ae ge Manne: How you tthe net we? TENS Tamale a mistake Bor Chris ak, dont at ike dhe ‘Quce of Bouman s currorp ovtrs tno: Dn’ mike me lg wow: What the ll oyu want, my head ona pote?! Was ny ies happy? Chris my od man was «Bom supported the whol dara fife kids and Morn. Wha they grow up they bat ice hell avy ike rab: Mom ied f went the war: ge clapped down like a Bed; woke up n'a oom witout leg. Wht the ell do you thik, anyones gor berer thn you? T never bad a home eter: Tm bok tal smo: So wat or: So jute youre home for me, a plice le! Thats the whale parade sickness eting oot your Bert! Somesies You mex. gishe stop ites bess So ke 2 hance! Be wih me, Pare. What to kn? so: My piel wor (jrabting her): What do you want? Soy the word—Tt tangb ona dime Da’ gimme ke when your hears on fel vn: Let me go (He ops her) or! WHEREMT aoa: Wht ys want Mos what do ou wat so. You toes: You be worry you ever arta — Not You! ‘aso Mos, nme go— (Tring to eave): Tn geting up renip—iemine gos ior Rol gp coough fever to bow the whole dana town 10 bel. (He muddy reeses her and all sumbls ack stad, Pores him quit down) You wanna boinc him? Soy the word. know what do sn (Aeplen): Me, don know wht wy to: Lien vo me sms: Wha? Not: Come anoy. A crsin place whee it moonlight and osc, Welly down, ont are Hear the big oan making fs. You by unde the tec Champagne fos like (lone int se nly ewer the teeplon): Fila? Josea mint. (Looe sane) aware ano sinel » es om ; wot oa for plone, bt changes her mind: on de sonia phone): Shs deping.... (Hangs up. Watcher wes ra who owl sits) He wants yout kaow be got bore OK. "Whats on your mind? sa: Nahi oe Sa es They say is a place on those Havana boas teow: Whats on Jour mind? Memon (eying 0 exape)s Moc, 1 dont care for Sam—t never ove him — vera? fevoaesAll my He T waited for this mine. ow (ling her): Me to, Made blee 1 walkin just bd- oom gl bu You aod me fever was what I mean! Chix, int, ter oe eto vel Live mw: Leave the baby? aoe: Yea fee: Tear’ « ow You cnt famoms No = doe But you not el moe: T dont know tor Male abe rand he ot of you ie i tre: Oh Ged I dont kaow where 1 san Nor: Dont ook up thee Paradise, yote on a big oat headed out. No more pins and pede a your heat, no sake jee Suited in your ame The whole word’ grezn grat and then you cy is bees yute bap. seme: Mos dont know." ; ‘ow: Nebedy knows, but you doit and God out. When yore cared the anayers zero. scree: Youre urtng my arm Mor: The decor said it—eut off your leg to sve your life! And they done it—one thing to get another. (Ester mass) susoa: I didn't hear a word, but do it, Heani, do it! Mor: Mom can mind the kid, Shell go on forexée, Mom. Well send money back, and Easter eggs. sari: TI! be bere. Dor: Get your cat «get ++ but get your coat and hut and kits the howe evra: The man I love... . (snow entering) left my coat in Mom's room. (Exits) ‘vron: Don't wake her up, Beauy. Momma fell aleep as son. at her head hit the pillow. I can’t sleep. It was a long day. Hmmm. (Examines his tongue in bullet mirror): 1 was reade ing the other day a person with a thick tongue is feeble- minded. T can do anything with my tongue. Make it thick, fat. No fruit inthe house lly Just a lone apple. (He gets pple and paring knife and start paring.) Must be smething ‘wrong with met say T won't ext but I eat. (HENNE enters Aresed 10 go ou.) Where you going, litle Red Riding Hood? terns: Nobody knows, Peer Rabbit aemiow: You're looking very prety tonight. You were a beauti- ful baby too. 910, chat was the year you was born. The same year Teddy Roosevelt come back from Afvca. mena: Gee, Pop: you're sucha funny guy. Dern: He was a boisterous man, Tedd. God night. (He exits, ‘ering apple) saars: Wien T look at him, Pm sad. Let me di ikea dog, i 1 ‘an’ get more from life mayne: Where? ‘usen: Right herein the house! My days won't be for nothing. ‘Let Mom have the dough. 'm twenty-two and kicki’I TM get slong. Did Jake die for us wo ight about nickels? No! “Awake sand sing” he suid. Right here he stood and sid it The night he died, I saw ic lke a thunderbolt! T saw be was dead end 1 srs bora! I sear to God in oe wk! ane he whole Sy w hear tics bd aw We got ‘om Were glad vel suse: T woud’ wade you for eo pitchers and an ould ade fort sua: So lng or! S og Thy go end ua sun al ed rng nh ren we . ‘ing them off as the curtain slowly falls.) Curtain

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