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KAA1 (SEMESTER 7// 2022/2023)




1) ERMA WATI BINTI ANDUN 1191357 017 811 9800

2) SITI NOOR ALEEFAH BINTI ZAKARIA 1191405 011 2805 6502

3) SITI RABIATUL ADAWIYAH BINTI 1191423 017 384 0143


4) FATIN ALYAA BINTI MOHD 1192695 013 853 4956


INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………… 2

CHAPTER 1: MAIN ISSUES……………………………………………………………….. 3



……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5 - 6


CONCLUSION………………………………………………………………………………… 8

REFERENCES………………………………………………………………………………… 9


" ‫سبِياًل‬ َ ‫شةً َو‬

َ ‫سا َء‬ ِ َ‫الزنَا ۖ ِإنَّهُ َكانَ ف‬
َ ‫اح‬ ِّ ‫" َواَل تَ ْق َربُوا‬
And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as
a way.
(al-Israa: 17:32)
As a prelude to this assignment, we begin with the proposition above which is related to
staying away from things that invite adultery. This shows that Islam attaches great importance to
social etiquette and a safe way of life for its followers. In addition, from the argument we can
conclude that to get close to things that invite evil such as adultery is prohibited, not to mention
that if doing such things must necessarily be a greater sin and get a reward in this world and the
Next, this case study is about dumping babies that happen in Malaysia. Case study based on
Berita Harian online newspaper. We are interested in doing a case study based on this article
because as Da'wah students, we feel responsible to study the causes and find a solution or
method to reduce the crime rate of dumping and infanticide. What we are more worried about is
that it happens among teenagers, especially Malay Muslims.
Therefore, in this case study we will discuss some important questions in completing this case
study. Among them are the most important facts about the case of baby dumping, the alternative
course of action and the discussion of the best alternative and the reason for the alternative


"Based on PDRM statistics, at least an average of 10 cases of baby abandonment were

reported in a month over the past four years starting from 2018 to 2021. Cases of baby
abandonment across the country in 2018 recorded 128 cases followed by 125 cases (2019), 104
cases (2020) and 86 cases last year. The total number of baby dumping cases for the four-year
period was 443 cases," said Siti Kamsiah Hassan who is the Assistant Director of the Bukit
Aman Sexual Crimes, Women and Children Investigation Division (D11), Bukit Criminal
Investigation Department Aman, Assistant Commissioner (ACP).

This article was published by the Berita Harian newspaper company, published in
February 2022. Based on the statistics that have been mentioned by Mrs. Siti Kamsiah, the main
issue in this case is the increase in abortion among Malaysian teenagers nowadays. The crime of
baby dumping is one of the paths chosen especially for teenagers who panic and don't know the
next step to take. However, what is more cruel is to kill the baby before throwing it away. This
case is getting worse among teenagers today. They put themselves at risk of being convicted of
The next major issue is how teenagers are more likely to commit murder and merciless
dumping of babies. Is it caused by the wrong education from the parents? Or because of mental
problems? Or other reasons?


From this case, we found that teenagers are now increasingly exposed to the culture of
free sex as it happens all over the world. What is more worrying, this sex culture affects the
quality of our youth. At the same time, they suffer from a serious problem of moral decay. At the
same time, it shows that the development process carried out in our country is in an unbalanced
In addition, teenagers are now increasingly losing judgment in making decisions. This is
because of the influence of peers and always wanting to try new things even though they are
aware of the consequences and mistakes. However, some other factors that drive the increase in
these cases are family background, parental education and pressure from third parties such as
lovers or family members. This is because sometimes teenage girls are victims of situations that
are forced to have sex by other people. this is also mentioned by Puan Siti Kamsiah:

"In D11 crime, the highest recorded cases are cases of rape followed by fornication and sexual

This baby dumping factor is also influenced by the pressure faced by the mother who is pregnant
with the child out of wedlock. Next, it is risky to induce psychological and mental disorders.
Finally, the lack of religious education is also the main reason why they can't stop
themselves from getting caught up in this kind of immoral scene. In the United States, for
example, approximately 40 percent of teenagers get pregnant out of wedlock. As a result of this
unexpected pregnancy, many teenage girls act to abort their pregnancies which eventually cause
health complications and death.


"Physical meetings that did not exist at that time (PCO) with movement restrictions led to
a slight decrease in the number of cases of dumping babies which resulted in no one getting
pregnant out of wedlock and the fact that many workplaces were closed also affected the act. But
in my opinion the number of dumping babies from 2018 to 2021 remains high with about an
average of 10 cases in a month," said Mrs. Siti Kamsiah.

Based on data released by the PDRM, there was a slight decrease in cases when the
Movement Control Order (MCO) was implemented. It is because the people are not allowed to
hold any form of meeting and physical movement outside the house. However, if this method is
applied to the youth, it is inevitable that they will rebel because they feel confined when they
want freedom.
Therefore, among other alternatives that can be presented is for parents to monitor
their children's social media virtually by logging into their social media on the parent's phone. It
looks normal, but from there parents can know the activities and hobbies of the children.
Therefore, monitoring does not necessarily have to be with children 24 hours in front of their
eyes, it is enough just to know what the children are watching and reading to ensure that they do
not get caught up with pornographic materials and so on. Even parents will also educate their
children with religious education to shape their spirituality to be strong to fight against their own
Another method is to send children to religious boarding schools from the early teenage
years. This is because at the beginning of adolescence as early as 13 years old, their personality
can still be formed and taken care of. In addition, their time with smartphones is also limited and
their time is filled with studying academic knowledge and scriptures. In addition, the children's
discipline is getting better because they follow the dormitory rules. However, sending children to
the dormitory is also not exempt from the case of dumping the baby. This is because children are
more exposed to predators like enemies in a blanket. Baby dumping cases are not only caused by
promiscuity and free sex. It also involves involuntary sex that prompts other crimes. Therefore,

sending children to a boarding school is not a final decision because we do not know what the
real atmosphere and situation is like in the school.
For teenagers who have already had sex without marriage and become pregnant, they do
not need to panic by throwing the baby away. This is because the Malaysian government has
provided one of the alternatives to save them by registering be in government shelter institutions
or non-governmental organizations (NGOs) such as Raudatus Sakinah. They can register a child
who will be born to an adoptive family through an adoption deed or the teenager himself is
placed under the care of his parents at home. This is one of the contributions of the government
and non-governmental organizations in reducing the statistics of baby abandonment. However,
the statistics of births out of wedlock are at risk of increasing. This is because there are some
teenagers who will think that the baby they give birth to out of wedlock will be taken care of by
the charity. Therefore, this method is able to reduce sometimes cases of baby abandonment, but it
will increase the rate of births out of wedlock. This will have an impact on the babies when they
grow up, especially in the division of property.
The next method is to hold physical and virtual awareness campaigns. The physical
campaign can be carried out from school to school in collaboration with the school with the
Department of Health and the Royal Malaysian Police. Meanwhile, virtual campaigns can be run
on the media platforms most used by teenagers such as Tik Tok and Instagram. Virtual
campaigns are more effective than physical campaigns because teenagers and society are now
more exposed to smartphones. In addition, it is more effective if accompanied by idols or idol
artists of today's youth. This is because it has become a trend for young people to follow what
their idols or idol artists do. This can have an impact in a short period of time only. This is
because it is a seasonal trend. Therefore, this method is less productive if done to teenagers


Strategies that only solve the symptoms of this problem are no longer sufficient. The
solution to the case of baby abandonment should be implemented by all parties and start with
parents, teachers, as well as non-governmental and governmental organizations. Parental
monitoring of children is the best action in dealing with the issue of baby abandonment because
parents are the closest individuals and the most emotionally affected when their children are
involved in this case. This is because, the children's actions symbolize the parent's upbringing.
Therefore, in this study we tend to choose the monitoring of children's social media by the
parents as the best alternative action to reduce the cases of dumping these babies. The reason we
chose this method is that children today are not the same as children before 2000. Children are
now more exposed to gadgets and various forms of entertainment. It's even scarier when there is
information related to sex or pornographic films that increase the libido of teenagers until they
feel like trying. This is an important factor for parents to monitor their children's social media
and gadgets.
In addition to ensuring that children's viewing is safe from obscene matters, this monitoring
also aims to see what children are interested in. To foster children's trust, parents need to know
their children's preferences and find common ground to attract their attention when interacting.
Furthermore, children now need to be treated like friends. Whether they want it or not, parents
need to attract the attention of children so that they trust and make parents as their close friends
and become the main reference before doing something.
Parents' attention to children plays an important role in fostering children's trust. Nowadays,
teenagers talk more with their peers than with their parents. The main reason is that parents
spend less time with their children, pay less attention and are more critical of their children's
conversations or opinions. Therefore, children prefer to make peers who have the same opinion
as them as advisors.


In conclusion, in this case study we found that the thinking and psychology of children,
especially teenagers, is greatly influenced by parents and peers. The challenge of parents
nowadays is very challenging in educating and shaping the personality of children.

‫ فََأبَ َواهُ يُ َه ِّودَانِ ِه َأ ْو‬،‫ قَا َل النَّبِ ُّي صلى هللا عليه وسلم‏ "‏ ُك ُّل َم ْولُو ٍد يُولَ ُد َعلَى ا ْلفِ ْط َر ِة‬,‫عَنْ َأبِي ُه َر ْي َرةَ رضى هللا عنه قَا َل‬
‫سانِ ِه‬َ ‫ص َرانِ ِه َأ ْو يُ َم ِّج‬
ِّ َ‫يُن‬
"Each child is born in a state of fitrah (purity), it is his parents who shape him to be a
Jew or a Christian or a magi."
(Hadis riwayat Bukhari 1385)

Finally, as Muslims, we must carry out da'wah to invite others to goodness and avoid the
prohibition of Allah SWT (a'mar ma'ruh nahi mungkar). It is true the words of one of the Arab
scholars who stated that Muslims will cease to be the best ummah when the work of da'wah that
invites people to monotheism of Allah SWT and to do good is stopped. The effect is clear in
front of our eyes, which is that our society is wallowing in the sin of adultery and other vices.


Al-Quran, al-Israa:17:32.
Jenayah Buang Bayi Masih Berleluasa | berita harian. Berita Harian . (2022). Retrieved January
10, 2023, from
Sahih Bukhari, 1385.

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