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In my opinion people are interested in heroes because they are do what we can't do, and they are

became what we can't become. Like, doctors, Engineers and scientists, they can save people lives
with their knowledge and their experience. And about what they do for our lives, as I said they saves
our live by their knowledge, like doctors they stays awake for days to complete research that maybe
heal a child in somewhere, even if they don't know if the research, they doing it is worth or not, but
they doing it anyway. And the engineers they doing research to make machine may save our lives,
like ECG, it’s a device to follow your heart beats and see if there any problem with your heart, or
make our life easier, like cars and the machines in factories. In the end, I want to say that I really
appreciate and thankful, to everyone who contributed and sacrificed his time and his strength to make
our world better, thank you.

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