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Journal of Positive School Psychology http://journalppw.

2022, Vol.6, No.4, 2784-2788


Reena Rebellow M * & Dr. Sam Deva Asir RM**

*Research Scholar, Department of Social Work, Bishop Heber College, affiliated to Bharathidasan
University, Tiruchirappalli
** Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli

In recent times, the deviance in the behaviour of adolescents has become a global issue
and it requires immediate attention. On one hand, the vigor and the aptitude of the
present generation were surprising the people in their mid-age and old age, however; on
the other hand, the social tension is increasing day by day due to the offensive
behaviours exhibited by adolescents. The deviant thought and behavior demonstrated by
adolescents has an influence over their peer group which further declines their morality.
The present study analyse the contributing factors towards the deviant behavior among
the adolescents such as their socio-economic status, parenting style, peer pressure,
addiction to social media, and an ineffective support system. The researcher would
suggest professional methods to help adolescents to modify their undesirable behaviors
that would help in reducing the intensity of the problem.

Keywords: Deviant Behaviour, Adolescents, determinants of deviance

Introduction there is a difference between being a child and

Adolescence becoming an adult. How this transition from
Adolescence is a transitional stage of physical childhood to adulthood is defined and
and psychological development that generally recognized differs between cultures and over
occurs during the period from puberty to legal time.
adulthood. Adolescence is usually associated Adolescence is one of the speediest phases of
with the teenage years, but its physical, human lifespan.Physical growthwould be
psychological or cultural expressions may begin dominant than the psychosocial maturity. The
earlier and end later.UN defines adolescents as characteristics of both the individual and the
individuals between the age of 10 and 19 years. environment influence the changes taking place
They have been categorized as Early adolescents during adolescence.Younger adolescents may be
(10-14 years) and Late adolescents (15-19 particularly vulnerable when their capacities are
years).According to UNICEF adolescents still developing and they are beginning to move
contribute 16% of the world’s population that is outside the confines of their families.
roughly around 1.2 billion adolescents. More Early Adolescence (10-14 years) is the stage
than half of all adolescents globally live in Asia. that physical changes generally commence,
In absolute numbers, South Asia is home to usually beginning with a growth spurt and soon
more adolescents – around 340 million – than followed by development of the sex organs and
any other region. It is followed by East Asia and secondary sexual characteristics. These external
the Pacific with around 277 million. changes are often very obvious and can be a
Adolescence is a period of life with specific source of anxiety as well as excitement or pride.
health and developmental needs and rights. It is The internal changes in the individual, although
also a time to develop knowledge and skills, less evident, are equally profound. In these early
learn to manage emotions and relationships, and adolescent years brain undergoes a spectacular
acquire attributes and abilities that will be burst of electrical and physiological
important for enjoying the adolescent years and development. The number of brain cells can
assuming adult roles.All societies recognize that almost double in the course of year, while neural

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networks are radically recognized, with a contemporary social problems. The adolescents,
consequent impact on emotional, physical and though they have the potential to influence the
mental ability. The frontal lobe, that governs social and economic development of the
reasoning and decision making, starts to develop country, the offensive behaviour committed by
during early adolescence. As this development the adolescents is in increasing pace that
starts later and takes longer in boys, their threatens the peaceful functioning of the society.
tendency to act impulsively and to be uncritical Deviant behavior among adolescents has been
in their thinking lasts longer than in girls. alarmingly increasing every year. Especially the
It is during early adolescence that boys and girls social situation raised by the pandemic, the
become more keenly aware of their gender and lockdown procedures, and a complete transfer in
they make adjustments to their behavior or the mode of education, has made the
appearance in order to fit with perceived norms. psychological atmosphere still more complex
They may fall victim to or participate in bullying among the adolescents, which is too fragile for
and they may also feel confused about their own their parents, teachers or mentors to handle.
personal and sexual identity. The department of justice, US have reported that
Late adolescence (15-19 years) encompasses the people in the age group of 17 – 24 are the major
later part of teenage years where, the major contributors toward crime in the nation.
physical changes have usually occurred by now, The Cabinet Office of Japan has made a survey
although the body is still developing. The brain on Juvenile delinquency and have reported that
continues to develop and recognize itself, and juveniles conflict with law has increased to a
the capacity for analytical and reflective thought greater extant in last five years.
is greatly enhanced. Peer-group opinions still The NCRB report 2020 has stated that, a
tend to be important at the outset, but their hold majority (75.5%) of juveniles in conflict with
diminishes as adolescents gain more clarity and law apprehended under the Indian Penal Code
confidence in their own identity and options. (IPC) and the Special Local Law (SLL) crimes
Risk-taking a common feature of adolescence were in the age group of 16-18 years. The report
where the adolescents experimenting the “adult further shows that the rate of crime by juveniles
behaviours”, declines during late adolescents, as was 6.7.
the ability to evaluate risk and make conscious The number of murder cases in which juveniles
decisions develops. But still some of the were named as accused has more than doubled
experimental behaviours would continue during in the five years from 2016 to 2020 in Tamil
the late adolescence. Nadu. It has also been reported that 104 of the
It is during the period of adolescence, the 1,661murders (6.3%) in 2020 involves juvenile
individuals experiment with deviant behaviours, offenders. This illustrates how serious the
especially in the school environment and has the phenomenon is and necessary steps have to be
higher risk of accommodating those risky taken instantly.
behaviours into their personality. The miserable situation existing in our country is
Deviant behaviourcan be defined as non- that, a deviant behaviour is recorded only when
compliance to the norms and regulations of the it has well transformed into a crime. There is a
society, culture, organization, institution and dearth of evidence on adolescent’s deviant
legislation. The origin of deviant behaviourcould behaviour in its initial stage which is essential to
be traced along with the origin of human race. curb further deterioration. Therefore, the
Deviant behaviouris seen among people right researcher would like to explore the normative
from the beginning of the existence of human deviance among the school going adolescents
beings. Though it is an inevitable problem of and to further analyse the contributing factors
global society, research studies indicate that the that would help in reducing the intensity of the
density and intensity of deviance in human problem.
behaviourhas been alarmingly increased and is Determinants of Deviant Behaviour
creating a massive disruption in the balance of The majority of the deviant behaviors among the
the society. Deviant thoughts and behaviours of adolescents has its beginning in the school
people is the epicentre of majority of environment and seems to be continuing

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thereafter. There could be numerous reasons for study focusing on adolescent deviant behaviour
adolescents to involve in deviant behavior such in relation to the socio-economic influences at
as their socio-economic background, parenting Benin Metropolis and found that socio-economic
style adapted by the parents, peer influence, contexts, parental income, peer group influence,
ineffective social support system and the adolescents’ gender and age are linked to
influence of social media. adolescents’ attitude toward deviant behavior. It
Family Circumstances was also revealed in Angelo Reyes
Family plays a pivotal role in the life of Dullas’sstudy (2021) that gender plays a
adolescents or for anyone for that matter. Family significant role in determining deviant behavior
situation like dynamics of interaction and or the extent to which they involve in deviant
relationship that exist among the members acts. His study shows that female participants
would act as an influencing factor in the have higher tendency to engage in minor
behavior of the children and adolescents raised infractions of deviant acts, while males had a
in the family. If the family situation is not good higher rate of participation in severe infractions
such as continuous arguments, lack of support of deviant acts.
among family members, ego centric interactions, Parental Involvement:
lack of time to spent upon family members, Parents play a pivotal role in shaping the
towards children especially would create an behavior of their children in general and they
impact in the mind of the adolescents in the model the behviours to their children. When
family. As their trust upon family members gets parents show genuine interest in the
faded more the risk for the adolescents to development of their adolescent children it
become deviant as the children inclusive of would curb the majority of the problems to a
adolescents pick majority of their behavioural large extent. If the parents neglect the needs of
characteristics from their immediate family their children especially their emotional needs it
members. Angelo Reyes Dullas,, (2021) would compel the children who is already
made a study on Determinants of a Variety of confused due to teen crisis, to depend on other
Deviant Behaviors among Filipino Adolescents. sources, and the other sources has not been
His study was designed to look for the possible positive always. Gabriel Merrin, (2018)in
predictors of deviant behavior, as well as its his study stated that individuals who reported
association with family satisfaction and lower levels of parental monitoring and higher
personality trait and it was found that, there was levels of peer deviance reported the highest
a negative/inverse association between family levels of deviant and violent behaviors, and
satisfaction and deviant behavior. This implies adolescents who reported higher levels of
that respondents who participate more in deviant parental monitoring and higher levels of peer
behaviors are found to be less satisfied with their deviance reported less positive growth.
family life, while respondents who participate
less in deviant behavior are more satisfied in Peer Pressure:
their family life.Hence it was evident that family Peers are hero’s in the world of adolescents. A
circumstances is an important determinant that famous proverb says ‘Show me your friends and
has an influence on the behavior of the I will tell you who you are’. Proverbs do not
adolescents. make sense in the field of scientific research, but
Socio-economic Context: this one is proven though. Milliward J. Nkhata
The socio-economic condition in which the and MarisenMwale(2016) made an
person grows and lives has an impact on their investigation of the Contributing Factors to
behaiour. If the adolescents happen to live with Adolescent Deviant Behavioursin the Central
poor economic condition and has to face region of Malawi in Dowa district.It was
financial crisis to fulfill their needs, it would act established in their study that adolescents were
as a triggering factor to involve in deviant involved in deviant acts for the sake of
activities for the sake of remuneration. conformity because they see their friends doing
Omorogiuwa Tracy and Osamede the same. Adolescents behave antisocially to be
KingsleyOmorogiuwa (2017) conducted a accepted and for association. At school

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2787 Journal of Positive School Psychology

adolescents get affected in one way or the other and be more empathetic rather than exercising
as they are socialised either positively or control over their behaviours.
negatively by their fellow students and teachers.
Most of the adolescents who involve in deviant Reference:
behaviours due to peer pressure consider that as • Angelo Reyes Dullas,, (2021)
a stylish act not really knowing about the in Determinants of a Variety of Deviant
intensity of its consequences. Behaviors: An Analysis of Family
Social Media: Satisfaction, Personality Traits, and their
Social media has become inevitable in almost relationship to Deviant Behaviors among
everyone’s life irrespective of the age. Filipino Adolescents, Frontiers in
Adolescents whose nature is being curious and Psychology.
distracted, get easily lost in the colours of social
media. Muhammed and Mohamedunni Alias fpsyg.2021.645126/full
Musthafa (2015) conducted a study on media • Gabriel Merrin, (2018) Developmental
influence on deviant behaviour of adolescents at Changes in Deviant and Violent Behaviours
Kerala state and found that Violence, Social from Early to Late Adolescents,
intolerance, Glamour and power and Psychology of Violence,9(2), APA PsycNet
Glamorizing and disrespect for women were the
recurring deviant thematic content and factors 001
like Family environment, Socio-economic • NCRB, Crime in India 2020, Statistics,
environment, Race and gender and Locus of Volume- I
control were vulnerable to deviant behavior.
COVID’19 pandemic had its impact on every I%202020%20Volume%201.pdf
part of the world and has affected every field • Milliward J. Nkhata and
and every sector and the field of education is no MarisenMwale(2016) investigation of the
exception. Children were provided with mobile Contributing Factors to Adolescent Deviant
phones to enhance their online mode of Behaviours in Rural Community Day
education, which lately was understood that, it Secondary Schools with Respect to the
doesn’t help the learning behavior rather made Social and Environmental Aspects, Journal
the adolescents spent excessive time on internet of Child and Adolescent Behaviour
and social media. Social media as we know
could be viewed as equivalent to knife which access/an-investigation-of-the-contributing-
has to handled carefully and the needed maturity factors-to-adolescent-deviantbehaviours-in-
is what lacking in adolescents who was easily rural-community-day-secondary-schools-
carried away by its glamour. with-respect-2375-4494-
Conclusion: • Muhammed and Mohamedunni Alias
This study has analyzed and assumes with the Musthafa (2015), Media influence on
help of earlier empirical studies that deviant deviant behaviour of adolescents: Teacher’s
behavior among adolescents was determined by Perception, International Journal of Current
factors such as family circumstances, socio- Research
economic context, parental involvement, peer
pressure, and social media. These factors play a influence-deviant-behaviour-adolescence-
vital role in influencing deviant behavior among teachers%E2%80%99-perception
adolescents. It requires immediate action with • Omorogiuwa Tracy and Osamede Kingsley
the collective effort of parents, teachers, Omorogiuwa (2017), Socio-economic
community and the Government to curb the influences as correlates of adolescent
problems. Regular check on the whereabouts of attitude towards deviant behavior, Journal
the adolescents be it technical or non-technical is of Nursing, Social Studies, Public Health
required. Mentoring system would be beneficial and Rehabilitation
to address the issues by understand adolescents,

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2788 Journal of Positive School Psychology
• ReenaRebellow M (2015) Factors
Influencing Deviant behavior Among
Adolescents, Indian Journal of Applied
Research, Volume:5, Issue:10
• UNICEF, Adolescents (2022),

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