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Research about Haemophilia

All of us may know someone close to us who has a disease, or maybe we have heard of or seen others
on social media, but didn’t we ask ourselves what these diseases are? First of all, you have to know that
there are many diseases, like Fabry disease, fragile x syndrome, and down syndrome, but today we are
going to speak particularly about Haemophilia disease.

Haemophilia or Hemophilia is an inherited and rare disease that makes your blood stop clotting. So
usually, when we cut ourselves there is a substance in our blood, this substance is responsible for
affecting our blood to make it heavier and more sticky, and eventually, the blood will stop. But people
who have this disease, don’t have enough factors of substance as ordinary people have, so their blood
wouldn’t stop in a short time. Ironically, most of those who get this disease are men, and unfortunately,
there is no cure yet, but there is a treatment kind of injection to reduce the risk of bleeding, but it’s so

As a symptom, there are a variety of symptoms, and it may look different from others depending on the
level of the factors of the substance like, nose bleeding and stopping after a while, bleeding from a
wound that happens a long time ago, internal bleeding (bleeding inside the body). So clearly any
bleeding from an old wound or a new one that doesn’t stop, it may be a symptom of this disease, so you
have to go right away to diagnose by a specialized blood or genetic disease doctor.

In conclusion, this disease has a lot of words, meanings, and symptoms I can talk about, but all this
information wouldn’t fit inside this essay, so I made it brief and easy but valuable at the same time to
enjoy and understand it while reading.

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