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Genetic Testing & Laughter Therapy

Have you ever asked yourself what Genetic testing is? Why do they do it? Is it for everyone? And what
Laughter therapy is? Is it an approved treatment? For whom is this therapy? I will answer all these
questions today and explain them to you in this essay and I will compare them to each other.

First, Genetic testing is a test for your gene to show the patient if his gene contains disease and provides
information about the patient’s body, so it helps the patient prevent the disease from getting worse. No
one can do it, yes it’s for the public, but the issue is the price, it’s very expensive so the poverty people
can’t handle it. It takes a short time and needs a specialist and must be done in a specialized center and
might be difficult to interpret, which is why it’s so expensive.

Second, Laughter therapy is a kind of alternative therapy because it doesn’t approve by science and
doesn’t need a specialist. It takes a long time and it can make changes in the chemistry of the body with
little cost, also can be done anywhere which is why it takes little cost.

About the comparison, both of them have nonconventional techniques also all of them are accessible to
the public and involved in medical care and can do under of the patient’s choice.

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