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The movie starts with 2 sentences (in 1814 French emperor napoleon Bonaparte was exiled to the island

of Elba. Fearing an attempt to rescue him, his British captors would shoot anyone who came asbore no
matter how innocent or desperate )so in the beginning of the movie we see our main character Dantes
docked at Elba island where were the French emperor napoleon Bonaparte was exiled because his
captain lecrec fall in a coma so he was needs treatment napoleon offer his help but Dantes had to do for
him a favor carry a letter to someone called carrion in marsiall, dantes accepted but after couple of hours his
captain died so he came back to marsiall, Mr. morel give him the captain for his brave, then he went to his fiancée
marsieds to marry her, after that in the night from nowhere the police came to take him because of treason charge
the judge call Villefort he sentenced him to prison, dantes ran from the police hand and he went to his friend
Fernand it’s appears that he is the one who told the judge about the letter because of jealous under his shock the
police capture dantes and took him to the prison after that it has been 4 years he met an old man, they made a
deal, for helping the old man for escaping from the prison, the old man had to teach dantes writing and speaking
and other stuff after, that the old man died and dantes escape from the prison with a brilliant idea, after he
escaped, he met pirates and become one of them, three months later he finally came again to marssil, after many
years away from his home he heard the news from mr morel that his dad suicide and his fiancée marsieds got
married from the one who betrayed him his friend Fernand, in a minute of silece dantes swear to revenge from
who made him suffer, he bought a boat and went to follow the map of the treasure which was left by the old man
in the prison then he became one of the most rich man in the world, now he is ready to take his revenge, he
started with donglars who was Fernand partner in dantes betrayal, then Villefort who sentenced him, then the last
one his friend Fernand the shock that elbert was dantes son not Fernand was amazing, in the end dantes killed
Fernand and lives with his family again
Elon musk who doesn’t know Elon musk for who never heard about him I will tell you now known by the nickname
(most rich man in the world) he is a business man he own the tesla company of electricity cars and he has more
than 120 billion dollars, he has a nice haircut he has a small nose and small eyes actually but not that small, he is
34 years old, he works at his company tesla and starlink it’s an alien project covers all the earth with internet that
can makes you use the internet whenever you are even if you in a cave or under the ground, one of his hobbies
that he loves playing tennis and he is a vid bridge player it’s a cards game, he is a funny guy not like when you see a
rich old man always surly no he has a nice spirit he is kind and generous, his responsibility on his job it’s very big
because he is helping the poor countries that they can’t use the internet and even about the electricity cars he
saves the planet from the car gas or from the smoke from the car, when he was young he was dreaming about
being rich and now he successful he is one of the most rich men ever.

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