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Isabel Narvaez Perez

UNIT 11 AND 12

1)Write 10 sentences about the things you did last week. Write 10 sentences about
the things you did NOT do last week.

1. I played badminton last week

2. I studied every night

3. I ate ice cream yesterday

4. I slept at my room yesterday

5. I got A+ in Math yesterday

6. I lent my book to my friend, last night

7. I heard many news about my classmates

8. I forgot to eat my breakfast, last morning

9. I caught a bird, last night

10. I began to write a letter yesterday

2)Answer the questions below.

1. Describe the appearance of one of your friends. Use 10 sentences to do this.

Use is or has correctly.


She 's a young woman.

She is thin and tall.

She is beautiful.

She has got long, straight, blonde hair.

She has got fair skin and blue eyes.

He has small eyes.

She looks young.

She is surprisingly strong.

She is very smart.

She is the tallest in the class.

2. A friend of yours doesn't feel well. Describe what is wrong with him or her in one
sentence. In, suggest what he or she should do.

Your friend is experiencing symptoms of an illness, such as a fever or a headache.

He or she should consult a doctor or seek medical attention as soon as possible.

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