2011.XXXIX. Lengua Inglesa

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George Washington felt that the most outstanding soldiers should receive some type of award. In
1782, he started giving the “Badge of Military Merit,” which later became the Purple Heart. This medal
is now given to all soldiers wounded in battle.

1.- According to this paragraph…

a) In the beginning the medal was called the Purple Heart.
b) The “Badge of Military Merit” was given to all soldiers in battle.
c) Nowadays the Purple Heart medal is given to all soldiers injured in battle.
d) George Washington was awarded with the “Badge of Military Merit.”

The Declaration of Independence of the United States of America was written mainly by Thomas
Jefferson and adopted by the Continental Congress in 1776. The Declaration listed twenty-seven
ways the British king had hurt the colonies. Patriots agreed with the Declaration. They now viewed
the colonies as thirteen states making one nation.

2.- According to this paragraph….

a) The Declaration of Independence was approved formally by the Continental Congress.
b) The Continental Congress adopted the Declaration in 1767.
c) The Declaration of Independence was approved mainly by Thomas Jefferson.
d) Thomas Jefferson adopted the Declaration 1776.
a) The Declaration was written against the British king.
b) The Declaration listed thirteen colonies.
c) Patriots did not agree with the Declaration.
d) Patriots viewed the colonies as thirteen states forming one people.

The International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) was established by the United Nations Security
Council on 20 December 2001. Since then the operational environment in Afghanistan has become
very complex. Besides ISAF, there are many actors such as the Afghan National Security Forces,
Afghan National Army, government and no-government organizations, local and national leaders,
regional and global media, etc.
4.- The International Security Assistance Force (ISAF):
a) Was established by the United States Government.
b) Was founded by the United Nations Security Council.
c) Was established on 11 September 2001.
d) Is an Afghan military organization.
5.- In the operational environment in Afghanistan:
a) There are many actors besides ISAF.
b) All the factors are very simple.
c) The most important actor is the Afghan Government.
d) There is only an actor, the Afghan National Army.

Afghanistan environment is more complex than in other current area of conflict. In order of
understand it, you must become familiar not only with the nature of the insurgent threat but also with
Afghan customs and conditions, learning how local facts, activities and aspects of Afghan
governance and development impact the population. The Afghan population is at the core of the
problem, and is the “centre of gravity” for both ISAF and the insurgency.

According to the writer…

a) Chimps act as men.
b) He is looking forward to the day the wars disappear.
c) Somehow the war is good.
d) There is no way the war benefits society.
a) Men cannot form groups outside their associates.
b) Chimps consider other chimps as accomplices at first sight.
c) Chimps join together to defend their symbols.
d) Only men tend to cooperate with strangers.
a) We can find the same kind of comradeship among soldiers and soccer fans.
b) Obviously, football cannot be considered as war in any way.
c) We can only find “the warrior instinct” in military bands of brothers.
d) Football supporters don’t exhibit aggression as a group but as individuals.

As we have seen, a world moving towards democracy, development, empowered women and less
disease is conducive to the end of war. However, there are factors working against world peace.
First, environmental degradation is leading to greater competition for scarce resources. Secondly,
overpopulation with its masses of unemployed, unmarried young men is another destabilizing factor.
Thirdly, religious fundamentalism and the cult of belligerent martyrdom tend to promote war, in part
because it reduces the mollifying influence of women in the public sphere. In the final analysis it will
be the relative strengths of these to rafts of factors that determine the future of war.

According to this paragraph...

9.- Which of the following is favourable to the end of war?
a) Environmental degradation.
b) Overpopulation.
c) The increasing number of democracies.
d) Religious fundamentalism.
a) Environment is in a degradation process.
b) There are not insufficient resources.
c) The Earth will have enough resources for the population.
d) People are more stable when they are single.
a) Any kind of fundamentalism is conducive to peace.
b) There is no way to reach the peace.
c) Martyrs work for peace.
d) Religious fundamentalism reduces the influence of women in the public sphere.

Physical Training (PT) is an important part of military life and the Company Commander or Platoon
Commander organises PT activities every day. Soldiers run every morning. They go to the gym twice
a week or three times a week and do weight lifting, sit ups and push ups. They usually go to the
swimming pool once a week. Soldiers take a physical test every year. A lot of soldiers usually do
more sports in their own time. Many soldiers play football every weekend. Some soldiers play tennis,
or do karate or boxing.

According to this paragraph...

a) Commanders make a significant effort to keep soldiers fit.
b) Battalion commanders lead the PT once a week.
c) Soldiers sometimes do PT.
d) Being fit is very important but not for soldiers.
a) The days when soldiers go to the gym, they don’t run.
b) Soldiers usually work in the gym less than four times a week.
c) They usually do pull-ups.
d) They don’t work with weights in the gym.
a) They hardly ever go swimming.
b) They don’t have to know how to swim.
c) They go to the swimming pool about four times a month.
d) Swimming is not an important part of PT.
a) In military life, you don’t have to pass any physical test.
b) Only volunteers take a physical test.
c) Only when they’re abroad, soldiers take a physical test.
d) In military life, you have to pass a physical test once a year.
a) Running every day is enough for soldiers.
b) A large number of soldiers do sports in their free time.
c) Some soldiers play tennis instead of going to the gym during PT.
d) Boxing is forbidden in the army.

The Mediterranean diet is based on the traditional foods of countries in the Mediterranean region,
including Turkey, Italy, Spain, North Africa and the Middle East. Many experts think that this diet is
very healthy because people in this region have less illness and live longer than in other parts of the

According to this paragraph...

17.- .
a) Fast food made in the Mediterranean area is the base of the Mediterranean diet.
b) You can find this diet in several countries such as Germany, UK, or Poland.
c) Spain is an example of countries where you can find this kind of food.
d) The traditional African food has nothing to do with this diet.
18.- .
a) Many experts think that the Mediterranean diet is less healthy than others.
b) The Mediterranean diet doesn’t seem to be healthier than others.
c) It’s easier to find old people in the Mediterranean region than in other parts of the world.
d) People in this area have more diseases than in Northern Europe.

People in the Mediterranean eat bread and pasta or rice every day. They also eat vegetables every day and
they eat fresh fruit for dessert. They eat more fish than chicken and they don’t eat much meat. They only eat
meat a few times a month. People in these countries eat a lot of pulses and they cook with olive oil. In many
countries, people drink wine with meals but experts suggest no more than one or two glasses.

19.- People in the Mediterranean...

a) eat more bread than pasta.

b) eat fish every day.

c) eat a lot of chicken.
d) usually eat fresh fruit.
20.- People in the Mediterranean....
a) usually eat any kind of meat.
b) eat more fish than meat.
c) eat meat several times a week.
d) love sweets or ice-cream for dessert.
21.- .
a) Eating pulses is quite rare in this region.
b) Olive oil is hardly ever used.
c) It’s healthy to drink one glass of wine for lunch.
d) The more wine you drink, the better.
22.- .
a) Fresh food such as vegetables and fruit is healthy.
b) Rice is not one of the typical Mediterranean dishes.
c) Eating chicken seems to be better than fish.
d) Pulses are not part of the Mediterranean diet.

Deserts cover more than 90% of Egypt. The Western Desert goes from the Nile to the border of Libya. The
Eastern Desert goes from the Nile to the Red Sea. The Sinai is in the Northeast. The Western Desert is flat
but in the Eastern Desert and the Sinai there are large hills and mountains. The highest mountain is Mount
(Mt.) St. Catherine (2,641 metres) in the Sinai.

23.- According to the paragraph...

a) Egypt is fully covered by deserts.
b) Egypt goes from Libya to the Red Sea.
c) The highest mountains are in the west.
d) Half of the Nile area is covered by desert.
24.- According to the paragraph...
a) The Sinai is flat.
b) You can find high mountains close to Libya.
c) St. Catherine, which is 2.641 metres high, is a volcano.
d) You can hardly find hills or mountains in the western desert.

The River Nile is 4,187 miles long and it is the longest river in the world. The Nile valley is the most
populated part of Egypt and about 90% of the population lives here. About 45% live in towns and cities, but
most people live in villages. The capital city is Cairo, it is the biggest city in Africa and the Middle East. The
second largest city in Egypt is Alexandria on the Mediterranean coast. Egypt has borders with Sudan in the
South, Israel in the east, and Libya in the west.

According to this paragraph...

25.- .
a) there is only one river longer than the Nile.
b) most of the population live in towns and cities.
c) most of the population live close to the River Nile.
d) Egypt capital city is the biggest city in the world.
26.- .
a) no other city in the middle east is bigger than Cairo.
b) Alexandria is the second largest city in Africa.
c) Cairo is on the red sea coast.
d) the south border is the Mediterranean sea.
27.- .

a) Egypt is located in the south of Sudan.

b) Egypt has no borders with Israel.
c) Egypt is in the east of Libya.
d) Egypt borders on Lebanon in the north.


1.- I come from Spain. Where ______ you _____ from?
a) did / came
b) do / come
c) have / come
d) did / come
2.- Tom ____ Spanish very well.
a) speak
b) speaks
c) speaker
d) spoken

3.- Manuel wants to join the Army, so he is _______ English.

a) learn
b) learns
c) learning
d) learnt
4.- Mozart _____from 1756 to 1791.
a) lived
b) was living
c) live
d) had lived
5.- I _____ home when I met David.
a) walk
b) walking
c) have been walking
d) was walking
6.- Tom is looking for his key. He can’t find it. He _______ his key.
a) loos
b) loosed
c) losted
d) has lost
7.- He ______ never ______ a car before.
a) did / drive
b) was / driving
c) have / drove
d) has / driven
8.- John is a good footballer. He _______ since he was seven.
a) played
b) play
c) has been playing
d) had been playing
9.- ______ have they been married?
a) How long
b) How much
c) How far
d) How many
10.- When Sarah arrived at the party, Paul wasn’t there. He ______ home.
a) went
b) has gone
c) was going
d) had gone
11.- I’m too tired to walk home. I think _______ a taxi.
a) I take
b) I have taken
c) I will take
d) I shall taked
12.- Gary has travelled a lot. He _______ speak five languages.
a) can
b) could
c) was
d) shall
13.- You have been travelling all day. You ______ be tired.

a) can
b) must
c) won’t
d) have
14.- ‘_____ I come in, please?’ / ‘Yes’
a) May
b) Must
c) Am
d) Will
15.- I hate ________early.
a) get up
b) up
c) getting up
d) to up
16.- I wonder where Tina is. She ______ here by now.
a) is
b) will be
c) should be
d) have been
17.- It ______ be nice to buy a new car but we can’t afford it.
a) would
b) should
c) can
d) will
18.- The opposite of TALL is __________.
a) dry
b) wet
c) full
d) short
19.- The opposite of RICH is __________.
a) fat
b) clever
c) poor
d) new

20.- The opposite of DIRTY is _________.

a) clean
b) old
c) slow
d) ugly
21.- I ______ in 1970.
a) born
b) borned
c) was born
d) has born
28.- Tobacco is dangerous, you must ______ smoking.
a) give down
b) put down
c) give up
d) put of
22.- Which of these words is different?

a) British.
b) China.
c) Ireland.
d) Italy.
23.- What is the stressed syllable in the word ‘grandmother’?
a) grandmother. (esta es la Buena)
b) grandmother.
c) grandmother.
d) grandmother.
24.- What is the stressed syllable in the word ‘engineer’?
a) engineer
b) engineer
c) engineer
d) engineer (esta es la Buena)
25.- What is the stressed syllable in the word ‘restaurant’?.
a) restaurant (esta es la Buena)
b) restaurant
c) restaurant
d) restaurant
26.- My father’s wife is my _____.
a) grandmother
b) mother
c) sister
d) daughter
27.- My daughter’s brother is my _______.
a) father
b) brother
c) son
d) niece
28.- My sister’s son is my _______.
a) nephew
b) niece
c) brother
d) daughter

29.- This is very interesting, _______?.

a) is it
b) aren’t it
c) isn’t it
d) will it
30.- The ______we work, the ______ we finish.
a) hard / soon
b) harder / sooner
c) harding / sooning
d) late / soon
31.- Leave early _______ you don’t miss the bus.
a) so that
b) in order to
c) to
d) as
32.- You must study hard _______ pass the exam.

a) because
b) so that
c) in order to
d) so as
33.- It’s our own fault. We should blame ______.
a) us
b) our
c) ourselves
d) we
34.- How long have you and Bill known _________?
a) each other
b) each one
c) yourselves
d) you
35.- I’m going to a wedding on Saturday. A friend _____ is getting married.
a) my
b) mine
c) of mine
d) of me
36.- There isn’t ______ at the door.
a) anybody
b) someone
c) no one
d) body
37.- _______ enjoyed the party.
a) Everybody
b) All they
c) Whole
d) Lots
38.- Next Sunday I’m going to Barcelona ______
a) by bus.
b) with bus.
c) at bus.
d) in bus.

39.- David is _________ Peter.

a) tall as
b) taller than
c) taller as
d) tallest than
40.- _______ it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday.
a) But
b) Despite
c) Although
d) Upon

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