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IDGC – 1/07
1. I…………….. to London every year.
a.- am going b.- go c.- going d.- have

2. He always ………… in the mornings.

a.- play b.- plays c.- going to play d.- playing

3. We never …………tea for breakfast.

a.- have b.-has c.- going to have d.- are having

4. We …………….. to the cinema on Sunday evenings.

a.- are going b.-going c.- go d.- have

5. The mother ……………… to the children every week.

a.- is giving b.- is going to give c.- give d.- gives

6. The children …………many things when they play.

a.- are breaking b.- breaks c.- break d.- breaking

7. I…………….water when it is hot.

a.- drink b.- drinks c.- am drinking d.- drinking

8. We ………………….TV every evening.

a.- watching b.- are watching c.- watch d.- watches

9. She ……………….letters to her mother every week.

a.- write b.-writes c.- is writing d.- writing

10. I………….. very cold this morning.

a.- have b.- has c.- am d.- had

11. It…………..very hot yesterday morning.

a.- is b.- had c.- was d.- have

12. These people never…………….on time.

a.- comes b.- are coming c.-come d.- coming

13. He always ………………coffee after lunch.

a.- have b.- has c.-is having d.- having

14. Children always ………….a lot of water.

a.- drinking b.- drink c.- are drinking d.- drinks

15. We never ……… tennis on Sundays.

a.-play b.- are playing c.-plays d.- playing

16. Those boys ……………….. football now.

a.-play b.- are playing c.-playing d.- plays

17. He ………….a lot of water when he runs.

a.- drinks b.- drinking c.- is drinking d.- drink

18. The teacher always…………clearly.

a.- speaking b.- is speaking c.- speak d.-speaks

19. We never…………….water with meals.

a.- drinking b.- drink c.- drinks d.- are drinking

20. Mrs. Smith……………tea at 5 every day.

a.-have b.- has c.-having d.- is having

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