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JUMP Bikes brings motorized, pedal-assist bicycles to Staten Island by Staten Island Advance

on YouTube

Jump Bikes was founded in 2010 by a former N.Y.C. D.O.T. Planner.

Urban planner named Brian Ross Becky.

The company has over 40 systems around the world in six countries.

Um And we put about 50,000 or more bikes on the ground.

So this is a pedal assist electric bicycle. And that means that as you pedal you get a motorized assist.

Um which is awesome because it basically allows you to go farther, ride longer with less sweat and with
a lot more enjoyment.

So this bike has a UR lock which allows you to lock it. Um To a standard bike rack.

The bikes also come standard equipped with active Gps, which means you can always see where the
bike is. As a rider, you can always see any available bike on the mobile app.

There are three ways that you can rent and unlock a bike.

The first is through your mobile app, through your phone.

Another way that you can access the bike is using an R.F.I.D. Card

Another way that's really simple to access the bike is to use your account number.

Again, the keyboard on the back, you just enter your six digit account number plus your pin, and that
unlocks the bike as well.

The bikes cost $2 for 30 minutes after 30 minutes, it's seven cents per minute. Um which is the same as
$4 per hour. Just prorated to the minute. We've been doing this for a really long time. So we always
make sure that they're in great working order so that our riders always have a good experience.

Traducción de la transcripción del discurso original [1]

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