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Rex Anthony C.


Philosophically Filipino

Most voters may view this election or prior to it differently, for that matter, in a different
way. Filipinos believe that the May 2022 presidential election will be a turning point for our
nation and future generations, which necessitates the most deliberation on the type of country
we want to be. Fact Some voters need to think more about registering and casting their votes.
Others obediently adhere to the advice of their religious authorities. Most people use elections
to decide which patronage network they associate with, particularly on a local level where
politics is considerably more prevalent. They might appreciate this manifest identification more
than any money they get on election day. When viewed in this light, money may be presented
and accepted as a sign of a longer-lasting connection rather than as a bribe. This portrayal, which
may, in fact, be supported by various rationalizations, is less sinister.

All elections have a relational aspect, which means the significance of each one depends
on how each voter values their vote in connection to the realities they experience in their
everyday life. It all reflects on what candidate they may choose if the specific candidate has
more potential and knowledge because of a true degree holder that can fit in to lead the nation
or a candidate who has a political family background that gained popularity, many Filipinos
especially the elderly they always thought that in the day when Marcos lead the Philippines it
became so peaceful and our nation has wealthy resources, but it all contradicts when the truth
reveals by its own, they didn't know how cruel and murderous it became and how we deal with
our debts that we still paying this present day. Many don't accept the fact that we have been
fooled in that era. It simply represents some Filipinos as a pearl of lack wisdom, thus of their
insights and their beliefs.

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