Gen201 v11 New wk3 College Communication Worksheet

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GEN/201 v11

College Communication Worksheet

Part 1: Effective Communication
Write a 150- to 200-word response to the following scenario and questions:

Your class requires you to use a program you must download on your computer. You have waited
until day 5 of the week to download the program, and you need it for an assignment that is due in
2 days. Now you are having issues with the program.

 How do you approach solving this problem?

 Whom would you contact first, and why?
 What are the resources available to support you when obstacles arise?
 Why is effective communication important in linking you to these resources?

If this issue would arise, I would call technical support first. Tell them about the issues that I am
having with the program. See what help they can offer me while hoping it can fixed before the
assignment is due. Next I would contact whoever is my instructor, at the time, to let them know
what issue I am having. Also letting them be aware of the steps I am taking to fix the issue. See if
there are any tips they may have to help as well. Effective communication is very important in this
scenario. It helps you in expressing your message clearly and calm. Listen to the solutions and ask
question where you are not sure to gain the full meaning of your conversation. Effective
communication is always about understanding and being understood with someone.

Part 2: College Writing Process

Write a 150- to 200-word response to the following questions:

 When you have an essay due in an upcoming course, how will you manage your time to ensure you
are able to complete all 5 steps of the writing process (prewriting, organization, drafting, revising, and
 How can you apply what you have learned about the college writing process to enhance the
effectiveness of your written communication in the workplace?

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College Communication Worksheet
GEN/201 v11
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When ever I have an assignment due, I try to review the content early and strategize how and
when I can complete this task. If I had five days to complete this essay, I would break the
assignment down in days. On the first day, I would do my prewriting and organization. Next I would
complete the drafting and revising steps. After doing the editing on the third day, I would then put
the essay away. Early on the last day I would sit down and read through it like I would do someone
else’s paper. Read through it to see if there are any last minute changes I missed during my
previous editing. Finally submit my essay for grading. I learned a few new writing skills that I
believe will be effective in my workplace as well. Like, how written communication is a permanent
means of communication and is useful for maintaining records. Written communication develops
and enhance your image as an organization. These too can be very helpful to me as I advance to
the next steps in my job.

Part 3: Academic Integrity

Access the Center for Writing Excellence.

Review the following resources under the Academic Integrity heading:

 Plagiarism Tutorial
 Student Code of Academic Integrity
 APA Style: Plagiarism Guide

Write a 150- to 200-word response to the following questions:

 What are 2 examples of violations of the Student Code of Academic Integrity?

 What resources on plagiarism available to you as a student would be most useful in preventing each
of these 2 examples of violations?
 Why is integrity important in your professional life?
 How do you put integrity into practice in your professional life?

Two examples that violate the Student Code of Academic Integrity is plagiarism and cheating.
Plagiarism is when you take someone else’s work or idea and passing them off as your own.
Cheating is when you use unauthorized sources in a academic exercise. There are a lot of
resources on the university website in the “Center for Writing Excellence” resource tab. There are
some great PowerPoints, videos, and short articles that is available to students and are very
Integrity is very important and valuable in your professional life. Being someone who have great
character traits and work ethics. Doing the right things, through words and actions, even when no
one is supervising you. The way I use integrity when I am at work is by going above and beyond
everyday, and even help others if needed. Be very respectful to my fellow teacher, students and
parents. Follow all policies and lead by example on a daily basis. Be accountable for my error or
mistake I may make.

Copyright 2021 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

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