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Teaching Dates and
Time: August 30-September 2, 2022, 7:30-8:30 Quarter: 1ST


I. OBJECTIVES Objectives must be meet over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if needed, additional lessons,
exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the
learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Program Standard The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of
Philippine Culture and those of other countries.

B. Grade Level Standard The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of Afro- Asian Literature and other texts types for a deeper
appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.

C. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of: African literature as a means of exploring forces that human beings contend with; various reading styles vis
– à-vis purposes of reading; prosodic features that serve as carriers of meaning; ways by which information may be organized, related, and delivered
orally; and parallel structures and cohesive devices in presenting information.

D. Performance Standard The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering an informative speech based on a specific topic of interest keeping in mind the proper and
effective use of parallel structures and cohesive devices and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.

E. Learning EN8V-If-6
Competencies/Objectives: Determine the meaning of words and expressions that reflect the local culture by noting context clues.
Write the LC Code for each
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
1. identify the meaning of words through context clues;
2. give examples of the different types of context clues;
3. express appreciation to local culture; and
4. write a paragraph using one or more types of context clues.
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
II. CONTENT Noting Context Clues
III. LEARNING Lists the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and manipulative
RESOURCES materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages

2. Learner’s Materials Pages

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3. Textbook Pages English for 21st Century
Learning (Afro-Asian), p. 13

4. Additional Materials from English 8 Quarter 1 - Module 1: Noting Context Clues

Learning Resource (LR) portal

B. Other Learning Resources ;

These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the students which
IV.PROCEDURES you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their
learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson or National Heroes Day Ask the question to the Activity 1: Who Am I? What are the first three How do we find the
Presenting the New Lesson student, “What do you do types of context clues? meaning of unfamiliar
The students will guess
when you come upon a words?
what is being described in
word you don’t know?”
the poem, ’A Hop, Skip and
a Jump …’ using context
A Hop, Skip and a Jump
I'll tell you about
the career that I chose;
it definitely keeps me
on my toes.

I've been practicing since

a very young age.
Now I travel around and
perform on the stage.

I'm graceful and pretty,

but I'm also real strong.
My body is thin
and my legs are quite long.

I often wear pink

and love satin and lace.
Watch me twirl, flit and
all over the place.

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B. Establishing a Purpose for the Find the meaning of words Name the different kinds of Name the different kinds of Name the different kinds of
Lesson through context clues. context clues. context clues. context clues.

C. Presenting Examples/Instances of Study the sentences below. The student will watch the Study the sentences below. The students will participate
the Lesson Take note of the underlined poem the animated Look for the meaning of the in collaborative
words. Can you give their illustration of the poem underlined word. conversations in small
meanings? ‘Jabberwocky’ by Lewis groups to identify the
1. The stench of the
Carroll. meaning of the underlined
1. As a writer, Dr. Jose garbage was like the
words in each sentence.
Rizal used several -What is Jabberwocky? smell of a rotten fish.
Afterward, they’ll share their
pseudonyms so as not to
Approaching any new set of 2. In ancient times, some of answer to the class.
reveal his real identity.
vocabulary can be our forefathers believed
1. She wanted to impress
2. We should always be something like reading in amulets, such as pearl
all her dinner guests with
prudent in what we say so “Jabberwocky” for the first of the crocodile, pearl of
the food she served, so
as not to hurt the feelings of time. By using context the ax, bullet necklace,
she carefully studied the
others. clues, analyzing the and bag of herbs to
necessary culinary arts.
structure of the word, and protect them from harm.
Look at sentence number 1,
breaking out the trusty 2. North American
what do you think is the 3. Matthew had few
dictionary, you’ll soon be predators include grizzly
meaning of the word infractions of the house
master of a whole new bears, pumas, wolves,
pseudonyms? rules that he should have
range of thoughts—and the and foxes.
How about in sentence words appropriate to done as part of his
responsibilities. 3. The monkey’s vociferous
number 2, what do you think express them.
chatter made me wish I
is the meaning of the word
had earplugs.
How did you know the
answers? What words
helped you identify the
meanings of those
unfamiliar words?
The words not to reveal
helped you identify the
meaning of pseudonyms in
sentence number 1 while
the words not to hurt helped
you identify the meaning of
prudent in sentence number
These words served as the
clues in the sentences.
Aside from using the

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dictionary, another way of
learning the meaning of an
unfamiliar word is through
noting context clues.

D. Discussing New Concepts and Based from the given Context clues are of The teacher will the Other types of context clues
Practicing New Skills #1 examples, what are context different types: sentences given above to are:
clues? help students name the
1. by Definition
other types of context clues.
(Context clues are words - the unfamiliar word is 7. by Cause-Effect
that appear in sentences to defined in a sentence - the meaning of the
help understand the 4. by Comparison difficult word depends on
meanings of difficult words.) Example: - a similar word with the the cause-effect
A treasure hunter is a same meaning of the relationship of other
person who searches for unfamiliar word is placed words as expressed in
treasures from sunken with an object to be the sentence
ships and ancient tombs compared
to obtain valuable relics Example:
and artifacts. Example: Since only a few
The stench of the followed the wearing of
(definition: a person who garbage was like the face mask, it was made
searches for treasures) smell of a rotten fish. mandatory by the
2. by Synonym (comparison: rotten fish)
- a similar word is placed (cause: only a few
in the same sentence to followed the wearing of
5. by Example face mask)
know the meaning of the
- samples are provided in
unfamiliar word
the sentence to
8. by List or Series of
understand the meaning
Example: clues
of the unfamiliar word
It is common for - to understand the
Filipinos to feel meaning of the unknown
Example: word, it is included in a
compassion or pity for
In ancient times, some of series of words given in
the suffering of their
our forefathers believed a sentence
in amulets, such as pearl
of the crocodile, pearl of
(synonym: pity) Example:
the ax, bullet necklace,
After the program, the
and bag of herbs to
3. by Antonym rubbish left were
protect them from harm.
- an opposite word is souvenir programs,
placed in the same (example: pearl of the flyers, leaflets plastic
sentence crocodile, pearl of the ax, bottles, and food
bullet necklace, bag of wrappings.

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Among the siblings of thin
body structure, Isabel is (list: souvenir programs,
the only one who is portly. 6. by Explanation flyers, leaflets, plastic
- a description is given to bottles, food wrappings)
understand the meaning
(antonym: thin)
of the unfamiliar word
9. by Inference
- to understand the
meaning of the unknown
Matthew had few
word, one has to make a
infractions of the house
guess based on the
rules that he should have
description given in the
done as part of his
(explanation: house rules Example:
that he should have When one shows
done) belligerence, harsh
words, disruptive
actions, and offensive
behaviors can be
(description: harsh
words, disruptive action,
offensive behavior)

E. Discussing New Concepts and The students will participate THINK-PAIR-SHARE Determine the meaning of Study the each given
Practicing New Skills #2 in collaborative the underlined words using sentences below. Then, find
The students will identify the
conversations in small the types of context clues the meaning of the
meaning of the underlined
groups to identify the you’ve learned. underlined words.
words in each passage and
meaning of the underlined
the kind of context clues 1. My brother enthralled by 1. Rachel’s astonishment
words in each sentence.
that they’ve used to find its birds similar to the way was clear to all when she
Afterward, they’ll share their
meaning. that I am fascinated by opened the door and
answer to the class.
insects. everyone yelled “Happy
1. My opponent's argument
1. Phobias, such as fear of Birthday.”
is fallacious, misleading 2. Bats, owls, raccoons,
heights, water, or confides
– plain wrong.  and crickets are chiefly 2. She told her friend, “I’m
spaces, are difficult to
nocturnal creatures. through with blind dates
eliminate. 2.  Although some men are
forever. What a dull
loquacious, others hardly 3. It would be an egregious
2. The couple finally evening! I was bored
talk at all.  mistake to wear a dirty t-
secured a table at the every minute. The
shirt and shabby blue
popular, crowded 3. The patient is so conversation was
jeans to a funeral.
restaurant. somnolent that she absolutely vapid.”
requires medication to 4. The manager disliked
3. Piscatorial creatures such
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help her stay awake for obsequious behavior, as flounder, salmon, and
more than a short time.  such as fawning and trout, live in the coldest
kowtowing. parts of the ocean.
4. Celestial bodies, such as
the sun, moon, and 5. Television audiences are
stars, are governed by familiar with
predictable laws.  disingenuous ads that
make grand promises.
5. The mountain pass was a
tortuous road, winding
and twisting like a snake
around the trees of the
6. I really don’t appreciate
your duplicity. I expect
you to give me an honest
response from now on.
7. Stella has always
dressed flamboyantly.
I’ve never seen her wear
a dull color.
8. Felipe is a miser. He’s
always been cheap.

F. Developing Mastery The students will answer Determine the meaning of Identify the meaning of the Context Clues Galore
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) Activity 3-A on page 13. the underlined word using underlined words.
The student will read and
context clues and tell what
1. The movie was packed figure out the meaning of
kind of context clues are
with morbid scenes such each italicized word using
used in each sentence.
as the mother’s death, context clues.
1. Telepathy is defined as the father’s suicide, and
the ability to the accident of the young
communicate information girl.
to another person
2. He was so parsimonious
without the use of any
that he refused to give his
known senses or
own sons the few
communication devices.
pennies they needed to
2. The cheerleader buy pencils for school. It
appeared vapid— truly hurt him to part with
spiritless—as he his money.
delivered his pitiful
3. One can find a collection
performance in front of
of newer cars in the
the stands.
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3. Lions are solitary affluent section of the
creatures that prefer to city. You won’t see old
hunt alone, but hyenas cars in these wealthy
are gregarious creatures areas.
that hunt in packs.

G. Finding Practical Applications of Learning the meaning of a Context clues are like keys In finding the meaning of
Concepts and Skills in Daily Living word through its use in a used to unlock the world of unfamiliar words we use
sentence or paragraph is unfamiliar words. context clues, sometimes
the most practical way to we read in between the
build vocabulary, since a lines to their meanings. The
dictionary is not always same goes in life, we need
available when a reader to analyze the unfamiliar
encounters an unknown situations we are in to make
word. wise choices, just like
reading in between the

H. Making Generalizations and What are context clues? What are first 3 types of How do we find the What are the different types
Abstractions about the Lesson context clues? meaning of unfamiliar words of context clues?
by comparison? By
example? By explanation?

I. Evaluating Learning Make a short poem using Give one example of each Using the graphic organizer Activity 2: Think of Me
context clues. type of context clues you’ve give two examples of each
Filipinos are known for
learned today and use them type of context clues.
being strong in facing
in a sentence.
challenges. They don’t
simply give up.
Write a paragraph about
how you face your greatest
challenges using one or
more types of context clues.

J. Additional Activities for

Application or Remediation

V. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn?

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Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who require additional

activities for remediation

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of

learners who have caught up with the

D. No. of learners who continue to

require remediation?

E. Which of my teaching strategies work

well? Why did these works?

F. What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?

G. What innovations or localized

materials did I used/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by:


Teacher I
Reviewed/Checked by:

Principal IV

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