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Trae 3.2 Horizontal Projectile Motion 1 250:mvs dom A military plane which flies at @ velocity of 250 mys, at a height of 2000 m, drops a bomb as it approaches a target, and hits it. 2) How many seconds after being dropped does the bomb strike the target? b) What is the height of the bomb 5 safter being dropped? c) How many metres away is the target from the vertical projec: tion of the point where the bomb is released? d) How does the pilot see the motion of the bomb? 2g 2910 ms , 45cm =r) ‘An electron is launched at @ hor zontal speed of 3° 107 m/s. How many metres should the electron travel in the horizontal direction to have a declination of 45 cm? (p= 10 m/e sin 37°» cs 53" = 06 :5in 53° «con IP 4, A river which flows at a constant velocity of 1 m/s, flows over a waterfall from a height of 20 m. How many metres horizontally does the water fall from the crest of the waterfall? ‘A man on a railway car which ‘moves along at a constant velocity of 5 m/s, drops an object in his hand from a height of 1.8 m to the floor of the car. At the same time that the man drops the object the railway car starts slowing at a deceleration of 1 m/s? At what distance from point L does the object fall? #08 ; sn 30° = c08 60" «1/2. sn 60° «con ao AA child on an 17m high buiing jumps down onto a pile of sang alter running horizontally at » velocity of 3 m/s. Ifthe child lends at a point which is 1 m above the ground, how many seconds was the child in the air? How many meters horizontally away from where he jumped, does the child land? Plate is pushed from a 80 om high table which has a shiny top. f the plate lands at a point 120 cm ‘away from the table; #) how long is the plate in the ait? >) what is the velocity of the plate at the moment of leaving the table? ‘A marble moving on a flat surface at a speed of 1.2 m/s, reaches the end of the surface and starts rolling down the stairs. If each step is 22.5 cm high and 24 cm wide, which step does the marble hit first? At this moment, how many centime- tres away is the marble from the ‘end of the surface from which it fell? In a competition, balls which are released from a 25 m high tower ‘are shot by rifles placed 200 m way from the foot of the tower. ‘One of the competitors fires Is atter a ball is dropped and hits the ball at a point 5 m above the round, ®) Find the initial velocity of the bullet ») Find the height of the rifle from the ground, (9+ 10m an 37 con 59 «0.6; n 5B = cos 37 + 8; 3030" = cs 6D" 1/2, hn 6 = x8 30" = VI/2 sand In a competition, a motorcyclist, wants to jump over cars which are lined up to 13.5 m away from a platform which is 1.25 m above the cars. The motorcycle is 1.5m long. What should the motorcycle's min- imum velocity be to be able to land without crashing into any of the cars? 3.3 Projectile at an Angle som se A football player kicks a football at a velocity of 50 m/s, making an angle of 37° with the horizontal. 1a) What is the velocity of the ball 2s later? b) What is the magnitude of the position vector of the ball 2 s later? ‘c) What is the time the ball takes yum height? to reach its map d) What is the ball's maximum height? ) What is the total time of flight? f) What is the ball's range? 12. Jina football match, the ball is kicked so that it passes over three players blocking the front of the goal post. The player kicks the ball at @ veloc- ity of 14 mvs, making an angle of 30° with the horizontal and the goal keeper catches the ball 2 m above the ground, What is the horizontal distance between the goal post and the place where the ball was kicked? An object exhibits projectile ‘motion at a speed of v at an angle of «with the horizontal a) Express an equation for height of the object at any instant of time, in terms of a, v and g. b) What are the magnitude and the direction of its acceleration? (g: gravitational acceleration) A golf player can strike a golf ball 0 that it has @ maximum range of 40 m. Find the ball's maximum height. cos 45° = V2/2; take ne3,) 137 A child throws a stone towards the sea, at height of 20 m above sea level, at @ velocity of 25 m/s ma- ) For how many seconds does the stone stay in the ait? b) How many meters does the stone fall horizontally away from where it was thrown? c) What is the velocity of the stone at the moment it strikes the water? 15. 138 2ms Br ‘balls thrown from the surface of the Moon at a velocity of 25 m/s ‘making an angle of 37° with the horizontal 2) How many seconds later will the ball strike the ground? b) How many metres away will it fall? c) Re-calculate parts a and b for the case of the ball being thrown from the surface of the Earth and compare the results with the ones on the Moon. (Goon = Dear/6) jOm/e; sin 3 17, To extinguish fire on the fourth floor of a building, a fireman squirts water into the window of the fourth floor, from a point 24m away from the building, The water rushes out of the hose pipe at @ velocity of 20 m/s, making an angle of 53° with the horizontal. If the fireman holds the pipe J m above the ground; a) how many seconds does it take for the water to reach the win- dow? b) what is the height of the fourth floor's the ground? window from. ‘c) what is the velocity of the water at the moment of entering the window? 200m/s 12012 m/s fa a ” tL Cannons at points K and L are at the same height. 2 s after the can- hon at point K Is fired, the cannon at point L is fired and the cannon balls collide in the air. 8) How many seconds after being fired does the cannon ball from Point L hit the ball from point Kk? b) What is the distance points K and L? between We 30" » 008 0" 1/2, sin 00°» com 307 = While 9 gymnast runs at cag, velocity, he throws the bat ej. hand vertically upwards 2 3 veep. ty of 20 m/s. I the gymnast can, € the ball when he cores to go Ls @) for how many seconds does ball stay in the air? b) what is his velocity? c) what type of motion does te ball exhibit relative to t& Earth? ‘At the moment an object is 6% from point K with a velocity another object is dropped 1% Point Las shown in the igure ™ objects collide at point M. What is the initial speed od ‘object thrown from point 7 P28 ssin 49% = con 49% = 12/2; the 2. ‘The horizontal position time graph of an object which is thrown upwards making an angle of 45° with the horizontal, is as shown in the figure. Draw vertical and hori- zontal velocity-time graphs of the object. A skier skiing down a hill, leaves the ski trail at a velocity of 30 m/s, making an angle of 37° with the horizontal and lands back on the ‘rail making an angle of 53° 2) What are the horizontal and Vertical components of the velocity of the skier when he lands on the trail? ) How long does the skier stay in the air? ©) How many metres down verti cally and away horizontally is the point he landed at from the Point he left? (9 10m: in 37» con 53" =D: an 59° = eas 37" = 08; sin 30" » os 60" = 1/2, sn 60" 1oms em A round shaped chimney stone of an 11 m high building, falls down at a velocity of 10 m/s making an angle of 37° with the horizontal. If some children are playing on the ground 6 m away from where the stone falls, does the stone fall on the playground? What is the verti- cal velocity at which the stone hits the ground? ‘The diagram in the figure is a ver- tical velocity-time graph of a stone, which is thrown towards a hill, making an angle of 53° with the horizontal a) For how many seconds does the stone stay in the ait? b) What is the distance travelled by the stone in the horizontal direction? c) How many metres above the point where it was thrown does the stone land? “eg aaa { 2s ~ @m ‘An object is projected horizontally with a speed of 20 m/s at a height of 60 m, from a hot air balloon which rises at a speed of 20 m/s. a) What maximum height does the object reach relative to the ground? b) For how many seconds does ~ the object stay in the air? ) How many metres horizontally away from where it was pro- jected, will it land? ‘An object, after being thrown from point K at a right angle to the sur- face, lands on point L of the surface perpendicularly, at a velocity of 50 m/s, What is the time taken for the object to travel from point Kto point 1? How many metres away and how much lower is point L from point A? 08 30° + VB/2 sn 45" » os 45*« 2/2; tke n=) 139

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