Dialogo Ingles

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Doctora: Buenos días. ¿Cuál parece ser el problema?

Paciente: Me siento horrible, tengo dolor de garganta y cabeza

Doctor: Parece que tiene algo de inflamación. ¿Has estado tosiendo?
Paciente: Sí, toda la noche.
Doctora: Tu temperatura parece estar normal. Te enviare medicamentos y en
un par de días estarás bien
Paciente: Gracias, doctor

Doctor: Good morning. What seems to be the problem?

Patient: I feel horrible, I have a sore throat and headache.
Doctor: It looks like you have some swelling. Have you been coughing?
Patient: Yes, all night.
Doctor: Your temperature seems to be normal. I'll send you medicine and in a
couple of days you'll be fine
Patient: Thank you, doctor.

Patient: I feel horrible, I have a sore throat and headache.

Patient: Yes, all night.

Patient: Thank you, doctor.

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