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PNSG 112 Professional Practice Learning Plan (20%)

For your Learning Plan assignment, you will assess what you’d like to learn more about this
semester and create four SMART learning objectives/goals. The Learning Plan is based on the 4
BCCNM Professional Standards. You will evaluate how you completed this Learning Plan next
semester. See Marking Rubric & Template provided.

Marking Rubric:
Learning Plan
Self Assessment
 What do I want to learn more about and why /2
Learning Objective
 Create 4 SMART learning objectives/goals /4
Professional Standard & Indicator
 For each learning goal, identify the Professional Standard and
indicator it relates to.
 For each learning goal, identify the Entry-level Competency it relates
 How will you meet the learning objective you have set?
 What resources will you use?
 Provide 2-3 specific ways to meet your objective (use SMART)
 When do you intend to finish incorporating your plan? (the latest this
should be is the end of CPE1) /2
Evaluation (leave blank, will evaluate in semester 2) N/A
Self Assessment Learning BCCNM Plan / Resources Timeline (this section will be
Objective/Goal Professional (SMART) completed in
(SMART) Standard semester 2 after
you have completed
your plan)
I want to learn more on For the rest of the Standard 1 – Read a book during my free During
how take care of my semester, I will take a Responsibility & time for at least an hour to semester 1,
body and health properly day off for myself, do Accountability relax my mind. I will check
for the rest of the things that I enjoy such Indicator: my planner
semester (mental, as reading, exercising, Maintains own Go to the gym for an hour or and make
physical, and social) and spending time with physical, two to help relieve any sure that I
because sometimes my family and friends. psychological, and stress. take a time
school can be really emotional fitness off myself.
stressful and draining to practice.
due to its workload, I
often forget to take a Entry Level
step back and take good Competency #15
care of myself. I want to Demonstrate fitness
be able to spent more to practice
time with myself or even
treat myself after a really
stressful day, spent time
with my family and chat
about life, go for a walk
to clear my mind for a
little bit, or even going
to the gym because it
makes me feel better
after. By doing this, I
can show up to class
more stable and
mentally prepared.
Sometimes I fail to do I will do my readings Standard 2 – I will spend an hour to do I will make
all of my readings in every night for my Competency Based my readings every night. sure to
preparation for class. I upcoming class so I am Practice maintain
will make sure to take prepared and have Indicator: Knows I will put my phone on doing this
my time and read all of proper knowledge and how and where to silence so I can focus on my until the
my readings because the information to provide access information readings and tasks. end of
book has a lot great safe nursing practice. to support and semester of
source of information, provide safe, 1.
and all of the skills and competent and
knowledge that I will ethical nursing
need will be there. practice and care
for clients

Entry Level
Competency #73
Participates in
creating and
maintaining a
quality practice
environment that is
healthy, respectful
and psychologically
For me, I like doing I will speak out my Standard 3 – Client I will ask for my peer’s By the end
things on my own mind and voice out my Focused Provision feedback on what I need to of the
because I love having ideas every group of Service improve on and how I can group
my own personal space. projects no matter how Indicator: be a more effective group projects, I
I am also scared of being scared I am so I can Communicates, member. will made
judged when I share my become an effective collaborates, and sure to read
ideas or thoughts which communicator and a consults with I will ask my group all of the
is why I don’t like being reliable team member. clients and other members when I need help feedbacks
in groups. However, I members of the and am not sure what needs given to me
learned that in nursing health care team to be done. by my
school you will always about client care peers and
need to work with big reflect on
group of people whether Entry level it.
you like it or not. Also, competency #64
there will be a lot of Communicate
talking and interactions collaboratively with
everyday. the client and the
health-care team
I still have a lot of things I will be more Standard 4 – Ethical I will spend my time I will check
to work on myself and understanding and Practice learning and reading about my journal
one of them is learning open about other Indicator: different values, beliefs and every week
how to provide the same people and their own Identifies the effect experiences to help widen during
care and empathy for values, beliefs and of own values, and broaden my semester 1
someone who does not experiences and will beliefs and understanding about and made
have the same values reflect on it every experiences when different point of views. sure that I
and beliefs that I have. night. providing nurse did what
Making sure that I let care. I will spent time with people needed to
others share their who does not have the same be done.
thoughts and being open Entry level values and beliefs that I do
to their own values, competency #7 and be open about their own
belief, and experiences. Provides client care personal values and beliefs.
in a non-judgmental

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