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36. The Tyndall Effect is when light scatters in colloidal dispersion but no light is visible in a true solution.

This effect is used to assess if a solution or a colloid exists in a combination. It's a simple approach to see
if a mixture is colloidal. When light shines through a true solution, it passes through cleanly; however,
when light shines through a colloidal solution, the substance in the scattered phases scatters the light in
all directions, making it visible.

37. A substance's density, also known as its specific mass, is its mass per unit volume, or mass divided by
volume. Relative density, or specific gravity, on the other hand, is the ratio of a substance's density to
the density of a certain reference material.

38. The atom is the smallest unit of matter that can be divided without releasing electrically charged
particles, has chemical element properties, and is the fundamental building block of chemistry. A
molecule is a collection of two or more atoms that make up the smallest identifiable unit into which a
pure material can be divided while maintaining its makeup and chemical properties. In contrast, an ion is
any atom or collection of atoms with one or more positive or negative electrical charges. Ions are
generated when electrons are added to, or removed from, neutral atoms, molecules, or other ions;
when ions are combined with other particles; or when a chemical connection between two atoms is
broken, leaving both of the bond's electrons in association with one of the formerly connected atoms.

39. Isotope is one of two or more species of atoms of the same chemical element having the same
atomic number and location in the periodic table, but distinct atomic weights and physical properties.
Isomers are molecules or polyatomic ions with identical molecular formulas, that is, the same number of
atoms of each element but different arrangements of atoms in space. It is the existence of molecules
with the same number of the same kinds of atoms and thus the same formula but differ in chemical and
physical properties.

40. Absorption refers to the process of a material penetrating into the interior of crystals, amorphous
solid blocks, or liquids. Adsorption, on the other hand, is the ability of all solid objects to attract
molecules of gases or solutions to their surfaces when they come into contact with them. A physical or
chemical phenomena or process in which atoms, molecules, or ions enter a bulk phase, liquid, or solid
material is known as absorption. Absorption differs from adsorption in that molecules are taken up by
the volume rather than the surface during absorption.

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