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Colegio del Santisimo Rosario, Inc.

Libmanan, Camarines Sur

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Module No. 23-24 Module Title: PREVENTION OF SUBSTANCE USE
No. of Lessons in Q4: Grade Level: 8 May 2-13, 2022

Module Overview
In this module will help the learner to understand about the dangers of gateway drugs
and teach you the various strategies to prevent substance use and abuse. You will also
learn about the implications of cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption to self,
family, community, and the country.
Gateway drugs a habit-forming substance that may not be addictive but may
lead to the use of other addictive and dangerous drugs.
BAC or blood Concentration amount of alcohol in a person’s blood.
Antigen is any substance that causes your immune system to produce antibodies
against it.

Lesson Content
Mabuhay and blessed be God forever!

In our previous lessons, we discussed about the Communicable diseases are

transmitted from one person to another either directly or indirectly. Respiratory infection
is the most common communicable diseases in the country. Communicable diseases
comprise the majority of the causes of morbidity in the Philippines. Vectors are living
organisms that transmit disease from one person to another or from animal to human.
The four stages of infection are incubation, prodrome, acute disease and
convalescence. It is very encouraging to know that you are through with this unit,
Disease Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases. Your readings,
accomplishments in doing the activities, projects, or performances, interactions, and
discussions with your classmates are assurances that you have learned a lot from this
unit. The saying, “Prevention is better than cure “, becomes more significant to you
because of the importance of practicing preventive measures. It is also a challenge on
your part to practice daily these preventive measures you have learned. I know that you
will share them with your family, friends, and classmates especially how this module
influenced you. As the saying goes, “Learning without application is no learning at all.”

Let’s start our discussion!

1|W23&24 HEALTH 8
Colegio del Santisimo Rosario, Inc.
Libmanan, Camarines Sur
Tel. No. : (054) 511-8217
Email Address:



The term “Gateway Drug” is used to describe any drug that a non-drug user
might try out that can lead to the consumption of a more dangerous drug. Cigarettes
and alcohol are “gateway drugs”. Gateway drugs are legal drugs that are readily
accessible. People who abuse more dangerous drugs such as marijuana and shabu
often start from cigarette smoking and drinking alcohol. Since cigarettes and alcohol are
readily available and generally accepted in our society, many people use them for
various purposes. Teenagers are especially vulnerable because they are curious and

According to the study done by the National Youth Commission (NYC), 2 out of
5 Filipino teenagers aged 13 to 15 years old, smoke cigarettes (, March 16,
2012). Furthermore, in a study conducted by an anti-tobacco group in the year 2011,
ten Filipinos die every year of tobacco-related diseases (Philippine Daily Inquirer, Sept.
19, 2011). Health experts explained that the continuous increase in cigarette use and
alcohol consumption by Filipino teenagers is due to its very cheap price. Many pro-
health groups asked the government to increase taxes from cigarette and alcohol
companies. In response, President Duterte signed Republic Act 11467 imposing
additional excise taxes on tobacco and alcohol products including e-cigarettes
(, Jan. 23, 2020). Prices on cigarettes increased up to 500% while alcohol
increased approximately 50 php per liter. Banning of sale of tobacco and alcohol
products is enforced for minors.


Tobacco is a tall, leafy plant, originally grown in South and Central America,
but now cultivated throughout the world. There are many species of tobacco but
“Nicotiana tabacum” or sometimes called “common tobacco” is preferred for producing
present day cigarettes.

According to the World Health Organization, tobacco smoking and chewing is

the second leading cause of death around the world. It is responsible for the death of
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Colegio del Santisimo Rosario, Inc.
Libmanan, Camarines Sur
Tel. No. : (054) 511-8217
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one in ten adults worldwide, approximately reaching about 5 million deaths in a year. It
is estimated that the death toll will rise to 10 million each year, by the year 2020.

Every time a cigarette is lit, smoke is emitted. There are three type of smokes
produced by cigarettes namely:

1. Mainstream Smoke - refers specifically to the smoke that a smoker directly

2. Second-hand Smoke – the smoke that comes out of the lighted end of a
cigarette or pipe. It is also a smoke that has been exhaled, or breathed out, by
the person smoking This is also called sidestream smoke or environmental
tobacco smoke (ETS). This is more dangerous as it exposes and harms adults
and children that are non-smokers near the person smoking.
3. Third-hand Smoke – smoke that settles or left for a long time on clothes, sofa,
beddings, pillow, carpet, car seat and other objects. This smoke also called
“residual tobacco smoke (RTS)” settles along with dust and can last for months.
This smoke still contains harmful chemicals and carcinogens. This is even more
dangerous as it exposes and harms everyone even if the smoking person is no
longer around.


Smoking can cause diseases and harms nearly every organ of the body. The
illustration above are pictures from cigarette packaging. The Philippines government
issued an Order on May 24, 2010, which required graphic health warnings on all
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Colegio del Santisimo Rosario, Inc.
Libmanan, Camarines Sur
Tel. No. : (054) 511-8217
Email Address:


tobacco packages. This is to discourage smokers and would-be smokers to smoke. The
major disease that is caused by smoking are classified as follow:

1. Cancer – refers to diseases where abnormal cells divide out of control and
invade other tissues or organs. Most cancers are named for the organ or type of
cell in which they start. For example, lung cancer begins in the lung and oral
cancer begins in the mouth.
2. COPD – (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) refers to a group of diseases
that cause airflow blockage and breathing-related problems. COPD includes
emphysema; chronic bronchitis and asthma.
3. Heart Disease – this includes several types of heart conditions and blood vessel
disorders. The most common type is coronary heart disease (also known as
coronary artery disease), which is the narrowing of the blood vessels that carry
blood to the heart. Also includes atherosclerosis, the hardening of the artery.
4. Pregnancy complications – smoking during pregnancy increases the risk for
pregnancy complications including miscarriages and birth defects.

There are major components of cigarette smoke - tar, nicotine, and carbon
monoxide. Tar contains most of the cancer-causing and other harmful chemicals found
in tobacco smoke. When tobacco smoke is inhaled, the tar can form a sticky layer on
the inside of the lungs. This damages the lungs and leads to lung cancer and COPD.
Nicotine is the addicting component of cigarette smoke. This is the reason why most
cigarette smokers can’t quit smoking. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous, colorless, and
odorless gas. Lack of oxygen in cells forces the heart to work harder to distribute
oxygen around the body. Carbon monoxide is a major contributor to heart disease,
including heart attacks and atherosclerosis.


Alcohol is a colorless, bitter-tasting substance that humans have been

consuming since the ancient times. It comes from plants that underwent fermentation.
Fermentation is the process of extracting alcohol from a plant or fruit. An example of
fermented alcohol is a beer. A beer is extracted from grains. On the other hand, wines
are from grapes and other fruits. There are three types of alcohol: isopropyl, methanol
and ethanol. Isopropyl and methanol are used in laboratories and are poisonous and
fatal if taken. On the other hand, ethanol is also called the beverage alcohol. This is
what humans consume that intoxicates and alters the nervous system.

4|W23&24 HEALTH 8
Colegio del Santisimo Rosario, Inc.
Libmanan, Camarines Sur
Tel. No. : (054) 511-8217
Email Address:



When alcohol enters the bloodstream, it goes in all the parts of the body. The
main effect of alcohol drinking reflects on a person’s central nervous system (CNS). The
CNS control’s one’s mental processes, memory, speech, learning, and decision making.
It also affects a person’s senses, feelings, movement and breathing. The amount of
alcohol that entered in the bloodstream at a certain period can be measured in
percentages through blood alcohol concentration (BAC) or most often called blood
alcohol level (BAL). A BAC of 0.05 percent means there is 5 parts of alcohol per 10,000
parts of blood in the body. A 0.3-0.5 percent BAC could lead to coma, brain damages
and even death.

The use of a gateway substance can lead to the use and abuse of illicit drug.
Short-term of nicotine and alcohol relate to mood, appetite and cognition. Their long-
term effects are harmful and affect almost all parts of the body. Smoking cigarette and
drinking alcohol also have adverse effects on the family, environment and the

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Colegio del Santisimo Rosario, Inc.
Libmanan, Camarines Sur
Tel. No. : (054) 511-8217
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Written Work 1

Name :____________________________________________Score:_______________
Grade Level:________________________________________Date:_______________

A. Instruction: Write acrostic poems using the topic words “SMOKING” and
S = ________________________________________

M = ________________________________________

O = ________________________________________

K = ________________________________________

I = _________________________________________

N = ________________________________________

G = ________________________________________

A =_________________________________________

L = _________________________________________

C = _________________________________________

O= _________________________________________

H = _________________________________________

O = _________________________________________

L= __________________________________________

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Colegio del Santisimo Rosario, Inc.
Libmanan, Camarines Sur
Tel. No. : (054) 511-8217
Email Address:


B. Instruction: Identify the required information and write your answer at the box

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Colegio del Santisimo Rosario, Inc.
Libmanan, Camarines Sur
Tel. No. : (054) 511-8217
Email Address:


Mini Performance Task 1

Name :____________________________________________Score:_______________
Grade Level:________________________________________Date:_______________

Instructions: Make slogan showing how you will help in the prevention and control of
Smoking and Alcohol. Use the box provided in the answer sheet.


Neatness 20 pts.
Creativity 40 pts.
Relevance to the Theme 30 pts.
Effort 10 pts.
TOTAL: 100 pts.

Parent’s Signature:_________________________________
Date Submitted:___________________________________
8|W23&24 HEALTH 8

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