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Philosophy of Sport: An





Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Philosophy of Sport & Physical Activity

Definition and Scope

 Sport philosophy is the systematic and reflective study
of the truth, meanings, and actions of sport.
 Sport philosophers use logic and reasoning to gain a
broader understanding of how sport contributes to our
lives and to analyze the principles that guide our
professional practices and actions.
 Sport philosophers study the values connected with
sport, examine the relationship between the mind and
body, and debate ethical dilemmas.
Philosophy of Sport & Physical Activity
Historical Development
 1875 – 1950: Eclectic philosophy of education approach
 Educational reform era that shifted towards progressive education; providing
individualized learning experiences for students.

 1950 – 1965: Comparative systems approach

 The major tenets of the traditional philosophies of idealism, realism,
pragmatism, naturalism, existentialism and humanism were compared and
applied to the goals, objectives, values, and conduct of educational programs.

 1965 – present: Developmental approach

 This era was focused on critically analyzing the many complex dimensions of the
sport experience; less attention was directed to the study of physical education.
 Questions addressed included the nature of sport, values achieved through
participation, the meaning of competition, and ethical issues (e.g., cheating,
intentional fouling, use of performance-enhancing drugs, and promoting equity).
Questions addressed…
 What is the meaning of competition for
athletes with disabilities?
 What role does sportspersonship play in
influencing the values derived from
 How does culture influence the meaning
derived from participating in sport?
 Why do some athletes risk permanent
disability by continuing to participate in
sport when injured?
 Why do adults persist in emphasizing
winning in sports when children want to
emphasize the fun elements associated
with play?
 Does participation in sport develop
 Does a coach have the right to control
the athlete’s lifestyle choices (e.g.,
curfew, code of conduct)?
Your Professional Philosophy

 …is reflected in your actions as a professional, the manner

in which you handle the responsibility of being a role
model, and mirrored in your behaviors toward and
interactions with the people you serve.
 …can serve as a guide in making ethical decisions as you
confront many issues and problems within the field.
 …can help solidify your commitment to your profession and
offer you a direction for your efforts.
 … is a dynamic process and will likely change as you mature
and gain experience in the field.
Developing Your Professional Philosophy

Guidelines Questions to Consider

1 Review your past experiences in physical What were some of your most outstanding experiences in this field? What were some of
education, exercise science, and sport. your most disheartening ones? Why?

Is there a professional that you particularly admire, one that served as a role model for you
and even prompted your entry into this field? If so, what was his or her philosophy?

2 Read about the different philosophies. What theories are compatible with your beliefs? What theories are at odds with them? How
do these theories translate into practice?

What are the characteristics of programs conducted from this philosophical perspective?
3 Review the philosophies of the leaders in After reviewing the philosophies of leaders in the field, which of their beliefs are
physical education, exercise science, and compatible with yours and which are not compatible?
4 Take advantage of opportunities you have What beliefs are evident in their teaching?
during your professional preparation to
talk to various professors about their As you critically examine your experiences during your professional preparation, do you
philosophies. ask yourself why things are the way they are? How could things change? How would these
changes influence the philosophy of the program? Would these changes align with your
professors’ beliefs and philosophies?

5 Review the codes of conduct and ethical Many physical education, exercise science, and sport professional organizations have
standards of various professional standards of conduct that serve as guidelines for their members. What are the standards of
organizations. conduct expected of professionals entering your prospective field?

What are the expectations for service to the profession and to others?
6 Express your philosophy. What are your current perspectives and beliefs about your prospective field?

If you have previously written a professional philosophy, how has your philosophy
changed or evolved? What factors influenced these changes?

Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Goals & Objectives Defined

 Goals
 Statements of purposes, intents, and aims that reflect desired
 Expressed as general statements and are broad in their direction.

 State long-term outcomes to be achieved by participants in the


 Objectives
 Are derived from goals, but are more specific.
 Describe learning, specifically what individuals should know, do,
or feel as a result of instruction.
 Short-term statements of specific outcomes that build
cumulatively to reach a goal.
Goals of Physical Education,
Exercise Science & Sport

 Primary Goal – improve

the well-being and quality
of life of individuals who
participate in our programs.

 Main Purpose – provide

people with the skills,
knowledge, and attitudes to
participate in regular
physical activity throughout
their lifespan.
Historical Development

 The goals and objectives shifted from an emphasis on the

education of the physical to a focus on education through the
physical (i.e., developmental model).
 1883 – Thomas Wood – physical education should contribute to
the complete education of the individual.
 1910 – Clark Hetherington – ‘father of modern physical
education’, viewed PE’s contributions to organic, psychomotor,
intellectual, and character education.
 1964 – Charles Bucher – identified 4 developmental objectives
for PE: physical, motor and movement, mental, and social
Contemporary Goals & Objectives

 Contemporary physical education, exercise science, and sport

programs are diverse in content, vary in setting, and serve
people of all ages.
 1995 & 2004 – National Association for Sport and Physical
Education (NASPE) developed Content Standards in Physical
 Identifies content standards and assessment guidelines to measure
student learning.
 Provides a framework that identifies goals and objectives associated
with quality programs.
 Professionals in all settings can incorporate the assessment
benchmarks, points of emphasis, criteria, and suggested assessment
Learning in the 3 Domains & Taxonomies

 Classifications for behavior and objectives for

 Cognitive – thinking
 Affective – feeling
 Psychomotor – doing

 Taxonomies
 Serve as a guide for professionals in planning for learning
outcomes and achievement of desired goals.
 Organizes educational objectives in a progressive hierarchy, from
low to high, using developmental theories as a basis for
formulating objectives.
Cognitive Domain

 Concerned with the

acquisition of knowledge and
the development of
intellectual skills.
 Professionals can contribute
to the knowledge of the
human body, exercise,
disease, and health.
 Bloom’s Taxonomy –
knowledge, comprehension,
application, analysis,
synthesis, and evaluation.
Affective Domain
 Concerned with how individuals’
feelings about themselves, the
learning experience, and the
subject influence their learning.
 Krathwohl’s taxonomy reflects
the development of values,
appreciations, attitudes, and
 Desired outcomes include a
positive self-concept,
enhancement of self-worth, self
respect, and social
Psychomotor Domain
 Main focus of our field.

 Objectives focus on the

acquisition of basic
movements and perceptual
abilities and emphasizes
the development of fitness
and highly skilled
 Motor skill development

 Physical fitness
Assessment of Learning

 Assessment should be a dynamic, ongoing process

integrated into programs.

 Assessment can provide important information about

participants’ progress, program quality, instructional
practices, and the effectiveness of professionals.

 Provides meaningful information about learning and

achievement related to goals, objectives, and outcomes
in the affective, cognitive, and psychomotor domains.
Assessment Defined

 Assessment – process of gathering information to

learn what participants know and are able to do in
order to determine their progress toward
achievement of the goals and objectives.

 Measurement – process of gathering information

or collecting data.

 Evaluation – process of interpreting the

information or data.
Purposes of Assessment
 Diagnosis

 Placement

 Monitoring of progress

 Determination of
 Motivation

 Program Improvement

 Leadership effectiveness
Role of Technology in Assessment

 Computers
 Help in maintaining records of test results or keeping a log of
participants’ involvement in the program (e.g., Fitnessgram,
Activitygram, HealthFirst TriFit).

 Heart-rate monitors and pedometers

 Hand-held devices

 Smart mobile phones applications

The Mind - Body Relationship
 Dualism – belief that the mind
and body are separate entities
(e.g., the mind is superior to the
 Education of the physical –
development of the body is the
only emphasis.
 Monism – views the mind and
body as a fused, unified entity;
neither one is superior to the
 Education through the
physical – medium for the
development of the total person

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