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LESSON 1 – p.30, 31
- NW: teacher, pupil, housewife, fireman, pilot, chef
- Game: 2 teams. Play outside.
Game cuop’ co`
- Grammar: He is a teacher. She is a nurse => He’s/ She’s

- Print (WS) – unit 4 – p.1, 4

LESSON 2 – p.32, 33 (2 tiết)
- NW: doctor, policeman, farmer, postman, zookeeper, nurse (tiết 1)
M -> mum, N -> nurse, O -> orange, P -> pen (tiết 2)
- Craft (extra activity): make a job hat: print – fireman, policeman, pilot, postman, nurse, doctor,
farmer, chef (tiết 1)
- Grammar: Is she a housewife? – No, she isn’t/ Yes, she is (tiết 1 + review tiết 2)
- Game (tiết 2): Ss take turns coming to T’s computer -> click to open the cards. Which teams open
more cards will win:
- Game (tiết 3): draw the job

In class, divide your class into 2-3 teams. Clean off the whiteboard and have all your teams
sitting together in groups.

Have one student from the first team come to the front of the class. The student takes one of
your job cards and them have a look. They cannot show anyone else the card. Take the card
back from the student and put it to the back of the pile. 

The student now has 30 seconds to draw a picture of the job which they chose. After 30
seconds their team can try to guess what the job is. If the team guess correctly, then they get
one point.
If they can't guess correctly, then one of the other teams gets to try. If another team guess
correctly, then they get two points. Keep taking turns until all your job cards have run out.
The team with the most points is the winner.

- Print (WS) – unit 4 - p.2, p.6

LESSON 3 – p.34, p.35
- NW: family, dad, mum, grandpa, brother, happy
- Game: Four corners – T calls some Ss in the centre of the classroom and draws 4 circles: one circle
is called DAD, one is called MUM, one’s called GRANDPA, one’s called BROTHER. T speaks out
a word “dad, mum, grandpa, brother”, the first student running to the exact circle wins.
- Print (portfolio) – unit 4 – p.79, p.80 – track 30

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