eSIP UHV-I Quiz 3

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‘iasre020 (Quiz 8103 - Google Forms Quiz M1D3 Questions Responses 6,834 responses Message for respondents Quiz M1D3 (Open from 01:00 PM to 02:00 PM on 11th Nov 2020 only) Summary Question @ Insights Average Median 2.98 / 6 points 3/6 points Total points distribution 2,000 | as © Frequently missed questions @ hitpssdocs. google. comiformsidlOdmW2KzAqxqluGISWy_8d_5yYABPIOSYUSMX42L_Aleittresponses er :@ Total points: 6 Individual Range 0-6 points wm ‘iasre020 (Quiz 8103 - Google Forms Question Correct responses Which of the following statement is true? 1698 / 6834 The feeling of relationship exists between 2088 / 6834 The naturally acceptable feelings in relationship are 2315 / 6834 Scores Release scores, Too many recipients to display. Confirm Email address 6,834 responses ‘ in hitpssldocs. google. comiformsid1OdmW2KzAqxqluGISW_Bd_5yYAB:PIQSYUSMXA21_4 am ‘niasre020 (Quiz 103 - Google Forms Name 6,834 responses Pooja ‘Shubham. ‘Swetha Harsh kumar Archana Rahul Mishra AKSHAT MITTAL, Akash Das Aditya Kumar hitpssldocs. google. comiformsidlOdmW2K2AqxqluGISWy_8d_5yYAB:PIOSYUSMX42L_Aleittresponses amt ‘niasre020 (Quiz 103 - Google Forms Mobile No 6,834 responses 8590437763 9693010904 8295196149 9964333705 9447578868 9405600252 9003353555 9748313603 9744773333 hitpssldocs. google. comiformsidlOdmW2K2AqxqluGISWy_8d_5yYAB:PIOSYUSMX42L_Aleittresponses ant ‘niasre020 (Quiz 103 - Google Forms Branch 6,834 responses CSE ECE Cse EEE iT civil Mechanical Computer science Civil Engineering hitpssldocs. google. comiformsidlOdmW2K2AqxqluGISWy_8d_5yYAB:PIOSYUSMX42L_Aleittresponses sit ‘niasre020 (Quiz 103 - Google Forms College 6,834 responses National Engineering College Cochin University of Science and Technology National engineering college ‘Asansol Engineering College USAT Annamalai University GITA JIS University Vimal Jyothi Engineering College hitpssldocs. google. comiformsidlOdmW2K2AqxqluGISWy_8d_5yYAB:PIOSYUSMX42L_Aleittresponses ent ‘niasre020 (Quiz M103 - Google Forms City/Village 6,834 responses Bangalore Kochi Kovilpatti Ernakulam. Kolkata Jabalpur Mangalore city Asansol State 6,834 responses @ Andaman and Nicobar Islands @ Andnca Pradesh @ Arunachal Pradesh @ Assam @ Binar SS © chanaigarh @ Chhattisgarh @ Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman a. 15 0 hitpssldocs. google. comiformsidlOdmW2K2AqxqluGISWy_8d_5yYAB:PIOSYUSMX42L_Aleittresponses m ‘niasre020 (Quiz 103 - Google Forms Nationality 6,834 responses @ indian @ other @ American © United States of America @ Nepalese @ iraq @ Yemeni @ usa Ry lama... 6,834 responses © student @ Facuty @ Aur © Assistant Registrar © Recistrar © Assistant Liraian © ocer Quiz Section hitpssldocs. google. comiformsidlOdmW2K2AqxqluGISWy_8d_5yYAB:PIQSYUSMX42L_Aleittresponses ant ‘niasre020 (Quiz M103 - Google Forms The feeling of responsibility in the Self for the Body is termed as 4,234 / 6,834 correct responses Pleasure ¥ Selfregulation Heath 1900 (27.8%) Expectation ° 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5.000 For Health, what is not required? 5,936 / 6,834 correct responses Physical Labour 407 (6%) Ensuring a Dally Routine 308 (4.5%) Proper intake ¥ Competition 5936 (66. 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 hitpssldocs. google. comiformsidlOdmW2K2AqxqluGISWy_8d_5yYAB:PIQSYUSMX42L_Aleittresponses om ‘niasre020 (Quiz M103 - Google Forms What is NOT true among the follwing? 4095 / 6,834 correct responses Posture for regulating internal &| ‘extemal body organs ensure heat] No physical facitty is produced by physical exercises} YA family with intemal ste, fighting etc. i less prone tol iness| Sel-regulation holds a higher| priority over health ° 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5.000 Which of the following statement is true? 1,698 / 6,834 correct responses Imenton ofa man bing 718 (10.5%) One's intentions avaye ae 1698 (24.8%) Imenton of ran Kops 3465 (50.7%) Inet of @ human bing an 993 (13.9%) 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 hitpssldocs. google. comiformsidlOdmW2K2AqxqluGISWy_8d_5yYAB:PIQSYUSMX42L_Aleittresponses son ‘niasre020 (Quiz M103 - Google Forms The feeling of relationship exists between 2,088 / 6,834 correct responses Self and Body Body and Body ¥ Selfand Self Self and Brain ° 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 The naturally acceptable feelings in relationship are 2,315 / 6,834 correct responses ¥ Definite} 2315 (33.9%) Indefinite] 634 (9.9%) ‘Sometimes definite, sometimes| indefinite Vary from person to person] 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 hitpssldocs. google. comiformsidlOdmW2K2AqxqluGISWy_8d_5yYAB:PIQSYUSMX42L_Aleittresponses am

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