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Materials Science and Engineering

Fall 2022

Worksheet 1
Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering
Name: Eleazar Garcia Robles date: 11/08/22

Please answer:

1. This is what the word “Science” means to me:

R: Science is that builds and organizes knowledge about the universe.

2. To me, the word “Engineering” means the following:

R: Engineering is the application of knowledge in order to innovate and design.

3. Five metallic materials that I know:

Metal I have seen it used in…
Example: Gold (Au) Jewelry (rings, medals, coins, etc.)
1. Copper Wire
2. Aluminum Wires, doors, Laptops.
3. Iron Steel, coins.
4. Silver Jewelry, coins.
5. Tungsten Turbine blades

4. Five “plastics” or polymers that I know:

Polymer I have seen it used in…

Example: Polyethylene Water bottles
terephthalate (PET)
1. Polyethylene Pipe, hand bags.
2. Polyester Textiles, ropes.
3. Nylon Clothing.
4. Polypropylene Auto parts, Industrial fibers.
5. OLED Television, computers.

Everything is made of materials, all materials are made of atoms
FIME-UANL M. Hinojosa
Materials Science and Engineering
Fall 2022

5. Five ceramic materials that I know:

Ceramic I have seen it used in…

Example: Porcelain Bowls, cups, etc.
1.-Glass Windows
2.-Clay Dishware, Art objects.
3.-Cement Floors, driveways.
4.-Bricks Construction of walls.
5.-Tiles Bathrooms

6. Five composite materials that I know:

Composites I have seen it used in…

Glass fiber reinforced polymer Public transport seats.
1. Carbon fiber reinforce Cars, Bikes.
2. Reinforce concrete Building
3. Wood Seats, Tables.
4. Paper School
5. Fiberglass Building

7. Metals have the following characteristics: High melting points, good conductors of
heat and electricity, high density.

8. Polymers have the following characteristics: Resistant to chemicals, can be

electrical and thermal insulator, very lightweight.

9. Ceramics have the following characteristics: High melting points, great strength,
considerable durability, low electrical and thermal conductivity.

10. I know the following industrial processes:

a) Molding
b) Electrolysis
c) Cutting
others: Chemical Processes
Everything is made of materials, all materials are made of atoms
FIME-UANL M. Hinojosa
Materials Science and Engineering
Fall 2022

11. (b) Sketch the atomic arrangement of a glass and a crystal.

Atomic arrangement on a glass Atomic arrangement on a crystal

12. Prepare a table with the following properties (or attributes): density, melting temperature,
mechanical strength, thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity and prices for the following
substances or materials: water, aluminum, gold, iron, tungsten, polyethylene and wood.
Indicate the units of thermal and electrical conductivity in corresponding columns.

Density (g/cm3) Melting Mechanical Thermal Electrical

temperature strength (MPa) conductivity conductivity
(C) ( W/mK ) ( S/m )
Water 0.997 g/cm3 0 C -33 – 0.598 W/mK 5 S/m

Aluminum 2.70 g/cm3 660 C 40MPa 88-251 W/mK 37 S/m

Gold 19.5 g/cm3 1063 C 220MPa 310 W/mK 45 S/m

Iron 7.83 g/cm3 1538 C 540MPa 80 W/mK 10.1 S/m

Tungsten 19.28 g/cm3 3442 C 980MPa 175 W/mK 175 S/m

Polyethylene 0.975 g/cm3 160 C 600- 0.4 W/mK 10.78 S/m


wood 0.90 g/cm3 151 C 140MPa 0.1-0.2 W/mK 0 S/m

Everything is made of materials, all materials are made of atoms
FIME-UANL M. Hinojosa
Materials Science and Engineering
Fall 2022

Lead (Pb) 11.35 g/cm3 327 C 5.5MPa 35 W/mK 7.2 S/m

13. Very briefly (one paragraph of 5-7 lines) describe (using your own words, NO COPY-PASTE,
PLEASE, NEVER), the manufacturing process of the following products:
a) steel sheets:
b) spaghetti:
c) glass bottles:
d) cement:

15: Determine, experimentally, the weight of a common glass bottle (empty) (see figure),
then calculate the weight if the bottle (with exactly the same shape and dimensions) were
made of PET:
Weight of glass bottle:
Calculations to obtain the weight of the PET bottle (please watch your use of

Weight of the PET bottle:

16.- Using Power Point (or any other appropriate software), prepare a drawing of the Materials Science
Tetrahedron, paste your drawing below (You are not expected to dedicate a lot of time to this,
this should take your around 10-15 minutes).

Please sign the following statement:

I declare that I have written my answers using my own words and/or calculations, I have not copy-
pasted anything. I know that cheating will not be accepted.
Signature: ________________________.

*Please remember that you must convert your worksheet to pdf format. Word documents will not be

Everything is made of materials, all materials are made of atoms
FIME-UANL M. Hinojosa

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