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Speech Notes

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November 11, 2022


1st Slide

Hello everyone! In this presentation, we will explore the issues the students face due

to the novel education curriculum for the COVID outbreak. In the first slide, it has been

introduced that this study is regarding covid-19.

2nd Slide

In the next slide, the definition of Covid-19 and how the outbreak has affected the

world has been described. The death rate and its consistent rise have brought the world to this


3rd Slide

This slide has focused on discussing the social situation that has come forward due to

the covid-19 outbreak and it has been stressed here that the disruption has prolonged for a

long time.

4th Slide

The connection which is present in one society makes it stronger and as the covid

outbreak tore that apart, it has become an issue to continue with the daily life for every


5th Slide

It has been witnessed and proved later by scientists that Covid-19 is a highly

transmissible disease and the rate of transmission of this disease has been quite high from the

very beginning, thus, social distancing was necessary.

6th Slide

Social distancing and to enable that more strictly, it was necessary to incorporate the

rules for all to follow lockdown and the patients and their families had to follow quarantine


7th Slide

This has affected one crucial component of our society, the education system. Both

teachers and students faced several issues while they were not capable of continuing regular


8th Slide

Thus, most schools and colleges relied on E-learning as it was the only feasible

solution for continuing classes. If this was not taken into practice, that would have disrupted

the system to a greater extent.

9th Slide

The next slides have focused on discussing the issues faced by the students. The

technological issues are the prime-most.

10th Slide

For over-connecting to the devices, students often find themselves being addicted to

social media platforms, leading to many other consequences which are discussed in the next


11th Slide

One of the biggest issues is time management. The routine itself in most educational

institutions is unrealistic and the engagement in social media also affects the rate of

engagement to studies, leading to huge time gaps often.

12th Slide

Social media platforms distract students in a greater amount, leading to them losing

interest from studies. As the classes do not involve group learning, this situation is more


13th Slide

All the above-mentioned issues lead to failing grades. The education system, in this

context, loses its potential in the society and cannot influence and help in the growth


14th Slide

The teachers also have been witnessed to lose interest in this new e-learning system

and that can be more concerning as they are the ones students are directly connecting to.

15th Slide

The failing grades along with lack of understanding regarding the subject and the

influence of social media leads one student to face mental health issues. This can affect their

lives for a very long time until professional help is sought.

16th Slide

In this slide, the dynamic of students enrolled in the education system has been

presented to regard the fact how falling standards of education can affect a greater number of


17th Slide

The author has stressed upon the training for the hardships faced by students due to

technological issues.

18th Slide

In this case, the government can be helpful by normalizing E-learning as a better

approach to education and must select the best options as well.

19th Slide

Also, in the E-learning system, the teachers must be active enough to encourage

students by implementing different strategies to engage students.

20th Slide

Lastly, it can be stated that the interaction should be more firm for the system to

become stronger and influential for education to facilitate at a normal rate.

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