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Grade VII – UMALI (7:40 – 8:30)

Grade VII – QUISUMBING (8:30 – 9:20)
Date: Sept. 17 - 19


A. Define conflict
B. Identify the type of conflict being shown in a given situation
C. Express the value of keeping good human relationship when conflict arises


Topic: The Elements of Narrative (The Types of Conflict)

Reference: Online Website – mpowell4.(n.d.). In slideshare’s slide hosting service

Materials: Visual aids, pictures, Powerpoint Presentation, Cardboards


A. Pre – Activities:
1. Prayer
2. Review:
Give a brief recap on yesterday’s discussion (Internal Conflict)
B. Motivation:

Present some pictures to the students. Let them describe the persons and
situations being portrayed. Ask the students what they think is the relationship of
these people. Present the word “conflict”. Let the students give their personal
definition of the word by completing the semantic map.

C. Presentation of the Lesson:

1. Unlocking of Difficulties:

Before starting the lesson, the students will have to define first the following
* Protagonist * Antagonist

2. Discussion of the Lesson:

The teacher introduces the types of internal and external conflict to the class.
Discuss each type and give examples. Allow the students to give their own examples
for each type for participation.

External Conflict

*Man vs. Man *Man vs. Technology

*Man vs. Society *Man vs. Supernatural

*Man vs. Nature

Internal Conflict
*Man vs. Self

3. Activity:

The teacher will post pictures of movie posters and scenes on the board. The
students’ task is to identify the type of conflict present in the movie and paste the
picture to corresponding area from the pentagon diagram.

Man vs. Himself Man vs. Man Man vs. Society

Man vs. Nature Man vs. Supernatural Man vs. Technology

4. Application:

Group the students into four. Provide each student with an answering
cardboard. The teacher will then give situations for the students to identify as to
what type of conflict is being shown. They must write their answers on the
cardboard. The first group to raise their cardboard will be the first one to answer.
They shall provide brief explanation to support their answers.

5. Analysis:

Let the students answer the following questions.

Identification: Identify whether the statement shows Man vs. Himself, Man vs.
Man, Man vs. Society, Man vs. Nature Man vs. Supernatural, or Man vs.

1. An old man struggles to learn how to use his new phone.

2. Sherri and her sister are fighting over a toy.
3. Mr. Smith is a secret agent who is tasked to retrieve the stolen data from
4. Charles had to cross the Rocky Mountains alone.
5. Sarah had to decide between babysitting her sister or going to the
football game.
6. Lisa had to fight over the evil spirits lurking in her house.
7. Andrew is being chased by the police for a crime he committed.
8. Olive lost his leg from an accident. Now, he must continue to live his life
and must never give up.
9. Patricia is a very unlucky girl. After losing her job, she was kicked out
from the house she was living in.
10. Darren experimented on a rat for his science project. Little does he know
that the rat became self-aware and starts attacking everyone.

6. Abstraction:

Ask ideas from the students as to what is the most effective way in dealing
with conflict.


INSTRUCTON: Write True if the statement states a fact or False if it shows an

error. If false, justify the sentence to make it genuine.

_______1. There can only be one type of conflict in a story.

_______2. Man vs. Nature is the struggle between the protagonist and a plant.
_______3. Someone who offers opposition is considered an antagonist in the story.
_______4. Man vs. Society is a type of conflict where the main character battles against
traditions, institutions, or laws.
_______5. A conflict is a problem that the main character or characters face.
_______6. Man vs. supernatural is a type of conflict where the main character struggles
against ghosts, aliens, spirits, etc.
_______7. There are only four types of external conflict.
_______8. Man vs. man is when the central character faces opposition from another
person or group of people.
_______9. Man vs. Self is also referred to as Internal conflict.
_______10. You and your friend had a disagreement and haven’t talked for two days.
This is an example of an external conflict.


Study in advance the plot and its essential parts.

Prepared by: Golo, Justine Lloyd C.

GIP Intern

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