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my best birthday present

JOS: good night, my name is jhosue and this time we are going to talk about "my best birthday

Maria: What is the name of your favorite technological device?

jos: my favorite device is the cell phone.

miguel: why is it important to you?

jos: very important to me because I use them for my daily life, for university, for my personal

maria: jhosue, what are its characteristics?

jos: has a good camera and at the same time I can perform multiple tasks has gps -allows the
installation of third-party programs-uses any interface for data entry, such as qwerty keyboard

miguel: Of all the features of your cell phone, which one do you like the most?

jos: his camera because i like to take photos in my spare time

maria: : which one is better/faster compared to the others?

In cell phones there are different models and qualities. between them, the main difference is
the physical appearance they have, the design and the brands.

miguel: how interesting jhosue

maria: well take care bye.

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