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NAME: Justine Mae Montilla YEAR AND SECTION: BSTM 2B

What constitutes your sex?

I have a straight
I prefer to wear crop tops and long hair
than oversized shirt

I love wearing
accessories like earrings,
ring and necklace

I love pink color

I have a fair skin

I am 5'3, average
height for a girl

I like wearing dress

I have a small hand

I have skinny arms

and legs
NAME: Justine Mae Montilla

Who am I as a person? I am a person who loves going out with family and
friends, but I'm not that good to socialize and have an interaction to many people.
I prefer going out with someone whose I'm comfortable with. And also I'm a
person who always get angry easily hehe I have a little patience in certain things,
but I'm a soft hearted person and crybaby.
What are my likes and dislikes? My likes; watching K-drama, answering sudoku,
listening to music, and travelling. While my dislikes are; a person who has a rude
attitude and the arrogant one. I don't want in my self I always procrastinate,
whereas laziness involves being voluntarily unwilling to exert necessary effort.
What are my strengths and weaknesses? First, my strength are I can do multi
tasking sometimes, I can do my activities or assignment last minute before
deadline. And I am determined person. In my weaknesses; Sometimes I'm being
too reckless and impulsive.
What motivates me in life? of course my parents who's been there for me they
are my biggest source of inspiration and my strongest supporters as well, their
dedication to working is what motivates me to be like them. and also my friends
who always encourage me and saying that I am doing well to what I'm doing and
of course the status we have right now. I want my parents to have a better life.

What turns me on sexually? Has a good smell and having a close contact.
What are my sexual desires? Since one of my love language is physical touch, I
think I'm into hugs and kisses.
Why do I want/ not want to engage in sexual intercourse? I don't want to
engage in sexual intercourse because aside from that I'm not in the right age to
have that kind of intercourse I still have a dream that I want to fulfill first. And I
don't want my parents get disappointed to me.
What is okay/ not okay for me in terms of my sexual well being? It is not
okay to me and it will never be if it is only pure lust and not a genuine love.
What do I want from my significant other in terms of his/her attributes:
Physically - Slightly fat, in a pleasant way. Taller than me, neat, moreno and
have dimples.
Mentally (Intellectual) - matured enough and mentally stable
Emotionally - kind
Sexually - respectful of and sensitive to the other
What are the things that we can have in common? We can have in common in
terms of how we listen to each other generously and remain curious about each
What are our differences that I am okay/ not okay with? I'm okay if we have a
differences at all aspects in life but knows how to respect each others decision.

How easy/hard is it for me to socialize?

Physically - Having an interaction to people is hard for me, I rather choose to
be alone sometimes, but one on one interaction is okay to me. And I am
actually a type of person, If you don't talk to me first then I'll don't talk to you
Using social media platforms - It's also hard to socialize in social media
because I'm too lazy to reply or to have a conversation to people. I prefer to
watch k-drama than having a conversation to people.
How easy/hard for me to enter into a romantic relationship? Of course its not
that easy to enter into a romantic relationship because its all about commitment.
Entering to that kind of relationship is a big decision that I need to think carefully
and I know I'm not yet ready for that kind of relationship.
To what extent am I willing to connect my self with my partner? If my
partner is willing to connect with me, then I'll do the same I am more than willing
to connect my self.
What are my personal attributes (ex. body, dreams, fears, post experience,
family and friends) that I am willing to let my partner know about me? If I'm
that comfortable to my partner and I trust him that much I am willing to let him
know everything about me.

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