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Lesson Plan


Subject : Bahasa Inggris
Class/ Semester : VIII/ Odd
Main material : Present Continuous Tense
Time Allocation : 1 Meeting (2 × 40 minutes)
A. Kompetensi Inti
KI 1 : Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
KI 2 : Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (toleransi,
gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan
lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya
KI 3 : Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)
berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya
terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.
KI 4 : Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai,
merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca,
menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di
sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.
B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
Basic competency Achievement Indicators
3.8 Apply social function, text 3.8.1 Decide social function which involves asking and
structure, and linguistic giving information related to the usage of Present
features of oral and written continuous tense.
transactional interaction 3.8.2 Decide structure text which involves asking and
texts involving the act of giving information related to the usage of Present
asking and giving continuous tense.
information on situations/ 3.8.3 Decide linguistic features which involve asking and
actions/ activities/ events giving information related to the usage of Present
that are doing/ ongoing at continuous tense.
spoken time, according to 3.8.4 Compare the usage between simple present tense and
context ( pay attention to present continuous tense.
Linguistic feature “ Preset
continuous Text.)

4.8 Compose short and simple 4.4.1 Write oral transactional interaction texts in a form of
oral and written dialogue which present continuous Tense.
transactional interaction 4.4.2 Write written transactional interaction texts in a form
texts involving the act of of dialogue which present continuous Tense.
asking and giving 4.4.3 Write a story which involves simple present tense
information on situations/ and present continuous tense.
actions/ activities/ events
are doing/ ongoing at
spoken time, regard t to
social function, structure
text, and linguistic features
correctly and contextually.

C. Learning Objective
Meeting I
1. Listened to an audio recording, students are able to fulfill missing words and underline
the verb-ving.correctly.
2. Given some pictures, students are able to write people’s activities based on rules on
listening activities correctly.
3. Given words, students are able to act out the tasks using the same pattern correctly.
4. Given clozed-sentences, students are able to answer using positive, negative and
interrogative correctly.
Meeting 2
5. Given a situation, students are able to compose dialogue telling on going activities well.
6. Given a picture, students are able to compose a paragraph telling activities people’s
activities in the picture well.
Meeting 3
7. Given a clozed reading text, students are applying the structure of simple present and
present continuous correctly.
D. Learning Materials
1. Audio recording text telling about present continuous tense
2. Picture people are doing something.
3. Clozed sentenes about present continuous tense
4. Table of Present continuous tense ( language usage)
5. Various situations deal with the usage of present continuous tense

E. Metode Pembelajaran
Approach : Scientific approach , structure approach
Method : Discovery learning , TPR ( Total physical response)
Technique : small group discussion, snow drilling, presentation, act-out,

F. Media and tools

Media : Picture, PPT about Present Continuous Tense, Audio recording
Tools : Laptop, LCD, white board, Marker, whiteboard, worksheet.

G. Learning Resources
1. Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Kurikulum 2013 revisi 2018.
2. Buku Guru Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Kurikulum 2013 revisi 2018.
H. Steps
Meeting 1
4C Level
Learning activities
Competence HOTS

Pre - teaching ( 10 minutes )

1. The teacher says greeting to students
2. The teachers deliver the learning materials and
achievement indicator
3. The teacher do warming up the class by playing
games as review of simple present tense.`

Kegiatan Inti (60 menit)

1. The teacher deliver the questions :
a. How do you say when you want to tell others Creative
what’s going on?
b. Can tell the structure of the sentence?

2. In a group , The teacher deliver the worksheet and

play the audio recording, Students fill the missing
word and guess the sentence show what’s activity Collaboration
going on.

3. Drill the students to pronounce the listed words

changed to V-ing.

4. Play a games - act out Creativity

5. In a group, students apply the pattern to tell the Collaboration
picture ( doing exercises)

6. In a pair, using the listed words, they practice 5 Communication

questions “what are doing right now?

7. The teacher delivers a question

- How do you make negative and interrogative Critical thinking

8. Create one 1 sentence positive and negative, Communication C6 ( create)

interrogative, do snowball activities.

9. Deliver quiz ( ten questions)

Penutup (10 Menit)
1. Summarize the materials
2. Do reflection and give feedback
3. Tell the students the next materials

I. Scoring Item
Technique : Written test

Form : Essay
Instrument : Attached
Scoring guideline

No Item Score
1 One number correct 10
Correct answer x 100

Total score

J. Remidial activities
a. Reinformance
Do the exercise (attached)
b. Re-test
Do exercise (attached)

Surabaya, 21 October 2018

The Principal Teacher,

Dra. Hj. ERNA SAIDAH Zainal Arifin, S.Pd

Material Meeting 1
A. Listening
Listen the recording and Choose the correct words to fulfill the blank sheet.

cars moving men stopping policemen bicycles limousine megaphone

Adriana: The ………….. aren’t …………………….. What’s the matter?

Mei-Ling: There are some ……………………….. They are wearing orange vests. They are working. I think they
are fixing the road!

Adriana: Hurry up, let’s go!

Adriana: (later) We are ……………………………. again. What is happening?

Mei-Ling: It’s a big black car, a limousine. There are …………………………….. on ……………………………... They are
riding behind the …………………………………………. There are some people next to the road. They are
waving their hands and shouting. The Police Chief is talking into a ……………………………………….. I

think it is the President! It’s OK, we are moving again.

Adriana: It’s the President. Hello, Mr President! (Adriana is waving, and shouting.)

B. Fill in the blanks about what is happening.

1. What are the road workers doing? They are ____________ the road.
2. What ____________ the policemen doing? They are ____________ behind the limousine.
3. What are the people doing? They are ____________ and ____________.
4. What is the Police Chief doing? He is ____________ into a ____________.
5. What is ____________ now? Adriana ____________ waving and shouting!

The answers

Adriana: The cars aren’t moving. What’s the matter?

Mei-Ling: There are some men. They are wearing orange vests. They are working. I think they are fixing the
Adriana: Hurry up, let’s go!
Adriana: (later) We are stopping again. What is happening?
Mei-Ling: It’s a big black car, a limousine. There are policemen on bicycles. They are riding behind the
limousine. There are some people next to the road. They are waving their hands and shouting. The
Police Chief is talking into a Megaphone. I think it is the President! It’s OK, we are moving again.
Adriana: It’s the President. Hello, Mr President! (Adriana is waving, and shouting.)

B. Fill in the blanks about what is happening.

1. What are the road workers doing? They are fixing the road.
2. What are the policemen doing? They are riding behind the limousine.
3. What are the people doing? They are waving and shouting.
4. What is the Police Chief doing? He is talking into a Megaphone.
5. What is happening now? Adriana is waving and shouting!

Material 2

NO Verb infinitive V-ing NO Verb infinitive V-ing

1 Sing Singing 10 Swim Swimming
2 Drink Drinking 11 Feed Feeding
3 Take Taking 12 Drive Driving
4 Dig Digging 13 Fly Flying
5 Talk Talking 14 Cry Crying
6 Mock Mocking 15 Run Running
7 Play Playing 16 Sleep Sleeping
8 Ask Asking 17 Cradle Cradling
9 Shout Shouting 18 Ride Riding
19 wave waving 20 stop stopping

Material 3 ( Act Out Games)

Sing wave Fly

Drink stop Cry
Take Open Run
Dig Swim Sleep
Talk Feed Cradle
Mock Drive Ride
Play Ask Shout

(You can use the words more than one)

The answer of Worksheet

No Answer No Answer No Answer

1 Singing 10 Singing 19 Cradling
2 Sleeping 11 Mocking 20 Taking
3 Driving 12 Crying 21 Playing
4 Sleeping 13 Playing 22 Riding
5 Flying 14 Playing 23 digging
6 Shouting 15 Swimming
7 Talking 16 Drinking
8 Asking 17 Running
9 Feeding 18 playing


Question Answer
1. she / go home now She is going home now
2. I / read a great book I am reading a great boo
3. she / not / wash her hair She is not washing her hair
4. the cat / chase mice? Is the cat chasing mice?
5. she / cry ? Is she crying?
6. he / not / study Latin He is not studying Latin
7. we / driv e to London We are driving to London
8. they / watch TV ? Are they watching TV?
9. where / she / go now? Where is she going now?
10. I / not / leav e now I am not leaving now

Question Answer
1. she / go home now
2. I / read a great book
3. she / not / wash her hair
4. the cat / chase mice?
5. she / cry ?
6. he / not / study Latin
7. we / driv e to London
8. they / watch TV ?
9. where / she / go now?
10. I / not / leav e now

Question Answer
1. she / go home now
2. I / read a great book
3. she / not / wash her hair
4. the cat / chase mice?
5. she / cry ?
6. he / not / study Latin
7. we / driv e to London
8. they / watch TV ?
9. where / she / go now?
10. I / not / leav e now

Question Answer
1. she / go home now
2. I / read a great book
3. she / not / wash her hair
4. the cat / chase mice?
5. she / cry ?
6. he / not / study Latin
7. we / driv e to London
8. they / watch TV ?
9. where / she / go now?
10. I / not / leav e now

B. Listening
Listen the recording and Choose the correct words to fulfill the blank sheet.

cars moving men stopping policemen bicycles limousine megaphone

Adriana: The ………….. aren’t …………………….. What’s the matter?

Mei-Ling: There are some ……………………….. They are wearing orange vests. They are working. I think they are
fixing the road!

Adriana: Hurry up, let’s go!

Adriana: (later) We are ……………………………. again. What is happening?

Mei-Ling: It’s a big black car, a limousine. There are …………………………….. on ……………………………... They are riding
behind the …………………………………………. There are some people next to the road. They are waving
their hands and shouting. The Police Chief is talking into a ……………………………………….. I think it is the

President! It’s OK, we are moving again.

Adriana: It’s the President. Hello, Mr President! (Adriana is waving, and shouting.)

B. Fill in the blanks about what is happening.

1. What are the road workers doing? They are ____________ the road.
2. What ____________ the policemen doing? They are ____________ behind the limousine.
3. What are the people doing? They are ____________ and ____________.
4. What is the Police Chief doing? He is ____________ into a ____________.
5. What is ____________ now? Adriana ____________ waving and shouting!
C. Listening
Listen the recording and Choose the correct words to fulfill the blank sheet.

cars moving men stopping policemen bicycles limousine megaphone

Adriana: The ………….. aren’t …………………….. What’s the matter?

Mei-Ling: There are some ……………………….. They are wearing orange vests. They are working. I think they are fixing
the road!

Adriana: Hurry up, let’s go!

Adriana: (later) We are ……………………………. again. What is happening?

Mei-Ling: It’s a big black car, a limousine. There are …………………………….. on ……………………………... They are riding
behind the …………………………………………. There are some people next to the road. They are waving their
hands and shouting. The Police Chief is talking into a ……………………………………….. I think it is the President!

It’s OK, we are moving again.

Adriana: It’s the President. Hello, Mr President! (Adriana is waving, and shouting.)

B. Fill in the blanks about what is happening.

1. What are the road workers doing? They are ____________ the road.
2. What ____________ the policemen doing? They are ____________ behind the limousine.
3. What are the people doing? They are ____________ and ____________.
4. What is the Police Chief doing? He is ____________ into a ____________.
5. What is ____________ now? Adriana ____________ waving and shouting!
(https :// rfe ct-e sent-continuous-exercise-7.html )

Question Answer
1. they / not / read

2. I / cook tonight
3. he / see the doctor tomorrow
4. y ou / eat chocolate
5. what / y ou / do?
6. we / make a mistake?
7. y ou / come tomorrow
8. it / snow
9. John / sleep at the momen
10. he / not / dance
11. how / they / get here ?

12. when / it / start?

13. I / not / speak Chinese at the moment

14. Jill / drink tea now?

15. he / pay the bill at the moment?

16. I / stay with a friend for the weekend

17 . when / John / arriv e?

18. they / come to the party?

19. we / not / study

20. I / be silly


Question Answer
1. we / go to the cinema later

2. they / work now

3. y ou / not / walk
4. they / learn new things?
5. when / he / start work?
6. it / get dark
7. they / not / bring a cake
8. the dog / not / play with a ball
9. why / it / rain now?
10. how / she / trav el?

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