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EDUC 3 01/23/2023 LESSON 2 MODERN AND POST - MODERN PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION MODERN EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM: PHILOSOPHICAL PERSPECTIVE Today, teaching is not just confined to learning skills or developing better teaching methods but attitude formation along with classroom management skills, cooperative —_ learning, one-to-one counseling, etc,. The role of the teacher is extremely volatile which is always on the move to try to imbibe the newer methods of teaching and learning, yet retaining what is essential, perennial in the method. Despite the apparent changes brought in by the techno-cultural society, essentially human nature has not changed, thus urging us to retain the essentials. PHILOSOPHIES IN MODERN EDUCATION PERENNIALISM > Is a teacher-centered educational philosophy that focuses on everlasting ideas and universal truths. Perennialism philosophy of education has been around for a long time. Despite being established in the 1800s, many modern educators still believe in these teachings. Perennialists argue that schools should focus on teaching basic skills, such as reading and writing, and leave advanced topics like math and science to be taught at home or by an outside tutor. They also argue that students should learn through experiential learning which often takes place outside of the classroom setting — ie., through field trips or hands- on projects with materials found within the classroom. Perennialist Teacher > > Believe that teachers are the intellectual mentors and models for their students. Believe that fundamental skills such as reading, writing, computation and research be developed starting elementary grades to prepare them for lifelong learning. > Oppose the inclusion of non-academic subjects in the curriculum because they defeat the primary purpose of the school which is to develop students intellectually. > They endorse subject-matter curriculum loaded with cognitive subjects that develop rationality and morality. PROGRESSIVISM > Progressivists belong to a reform movement that opposed traditional education. > They are against : authoritarian teacher, book-based instruction, rote memorization, authoritarian classroom management. > They believe that the school should be a laboratory for experimentation. > Progressivism theory of education states that learning is best done through doing things. > It purports that children learn best when they engage in activities that interest them. > It emphasizes on real-world problem solving and individual development. Progressivist Teacher > ve Believe that teachers should possess a repertoire of learning activities to be used in the teaching-learning process like problem-solving, field trips, creative artistic expression. Believe that the child should be free to develop naturally. Believe that interest motivated by direct experience stimulates learning. Believe that teacher is a facilitator of learning. Believe that there should be close cooperation between the school and the home. Believe that student’s needs, interests and readiness should be considered in constructing the curriculum. ESSENTIALISM > A teacher-centered philosophy that adheres to the belief that the basic skills of literacy ( reading and writing) and numeracy ( arithmetic) as well as subject matter knowledge should be developed in schools. They believe that these essential subject-matter need to be mastered to be able to function effectively in society. > > > These skills will prepare them to be competent and skilled individuals for the competitive global world. Ess process-learning approaches like constructivism, which allow the students to construct knowledge ntialists do not favor innovative or based on past experiences. They adhere more on teacher-directed instruction because they believe teachers are trained professionals who should guide the learning of the students. Essentialist Teacher > > > > Believe the teacher has the authority to discipline students. Believe that teachers should have the mastery of the knowledge and skills they teach. Believe in the use of deductive method of teaching. Believe that students should learn the essentials. SOCIAL RECONSTRUCTIONISM > > This theory is rooted on progressivism. In fact, social reconstructionists were considered the more socially-oriented progressivist. Social reconstructionist believe that people are responsible for their social conditions therefore education should prepare the students to meet the demands of society. Social Reconstructionist Teacher > Believe that the school is the ideal place to begin alleviating social problems. > Believe in using project - method and problem solving methods in teaching. > Believe that research is an effective means in solving the problems of society. > Believe that the intellectual, emotional and personal needs of the students should be considered in the learning process. POST MODERN EDUCATIONAL THEORY “ A change from the current modern perspective of education. * This theory emphasizes the uniqueness of each student and allows them to create an environment in which to learn. EXAMPLES OF POST MODERN METHODS > Teachers work as “co-constructors” of instruction with student. > Emphasized creativity and diverse learning environments. > > Allows for a different cultural background to be expressed, Multiple truths and values that can be expressed by both the student and the teacher. MODERN METHODS VS. POST MODERN METHODS Modern Methods > v Educators are administers figures who set rules and regulations. People are held to the same standard no matter what culture or background. There are limitations to learning styles. Structure and curriculum are strongly supported. POST MODERN EDUCATION VALUE > ve Allowing for diversity: expression of different cultures and values. Equality: all have equal powers; students and the teachers alike. The importance of creativity: encourages different ways of thinking. The importance of emotion. Intuition: thinking differently as opposed to a linear, rational truth Freedom of expression > Risk taking in the classroom HOW HAS EDUCATION CHANGED IN THE AGE OF POSTMODERNITY Post Modern is Diverse, consumerist, fragmented, media-saturated (hyperreal) and allows individuals much more freedom of choice than in the previous modern society. SCHOOLD ARE MORE ‘CONSUMERIST’ AND PROVIDE MORE INDIVIDUAL CHOICE * With the introduction of marketisation and open enrollment, parents now have more choice over which school to send their child to. * = Marketisation has effectively made schools into businesses and parents/ pupils into consumers. EDUCATION HAS BECOME MORE INDIVIDUALIZED %* Teachers are expected to use a variety of teaching approaches in their delivery of lesson, to take account of the variety of ‘learning styles’ of students, and where possible ‘facilitate’ lessons so that they are learner centered. * Tutors also spend time working out ‘learner pathways’ with students, so that their educational path is tailored to suit their future career aims. EDUCATION IS MORE DIVERSE * There has been an increase in ‘specialist schools’ which specialise in one subject in particular (such as maths), many more faith schools, and more recently a dramatic increase in the number of academies and free schools. %* There are also many more education providers today — the dramatic increase in apprenticeship places. INCREASING FRAGMENTATION * Despite the national curriculum, the experience of education has become more fragmented —-The recent increase in home-schooling is also a good example of education becoming more fragmented. %* Learning at school is fragmented into different subjects, split up into maths, English, history, sciences, withlessons lasting only 45 minutes to an hour. Knowledge is thus fragmented into different academic subjects, rather than being holistic’. EDUCATION IS MORE ‘HYPERREAL’ * A fairly obvious example of this is that schools are making much more use of ICT in education, and students are increasingly being directed to online sources for learning support, or even as the main source of tuition for some courses. * Online Education is fast becoming a major preferred mode of education among students. Enrolling in regular courses is increasingly getting highly competitive; so online education and distance education has come as wonderful alternative and several students opt for this. * Distance Education courses are very popular. One of the main reasons for this is the provision that one can get degrees from various renowned universities from anywhere. * Distance education is given through correspondence courses, where the student and the teacher are separated in time and space and sometimes both. Distance learning is doing a wonderful job by enabling the less advantaged sections of society to have an opportunity to get educated. PHILOSOPHICAL VISION OF NEW TRENDS IN y ~ EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM The education area is becoming now the place where many technologies meet, converge and are tested by real practice and coexistence. Education becomes a conductor and promoter of new technologies and areas where new approaches and new social imperatives are forming now.

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