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PAPER CODE EXAMINER: — DrS WJones TEL No. CVE 343 SCHOOL: Engineering O51 734 5228 IVERSITY LIVERPOOL January 2014 Examinations Master of Engineering: Year 3 Bachelor of Engineering: Year 3 PRESTRESSED CONCRETE DESIGN TIME ALLOWED: Two Hours INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: Candidates should answer ALL questions. All dimensions in mm unless otherwise stated. (b) tc) (a) NIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL Briefly describe the fundamental concept of prestressed concrete, indicating how design approaches differ from those adopted for reinforced concrete. [6/40 marks) Explain what is meant by the ‘transfer’ stage in prestressed concrete construction. What different methods are used to implement transfer for pre- tensioned and post-tensioned concrete? [6/40 marks] Provide the basic design equations for the stresses in a simple prestressed beam at transfer, clearly indicating the meaning and significance of the terms used. [8/40 marks] A prestressed concrete beam has the dimensions shown in Figure Q1 and spans 22m simply supported. Calculate the stresses at the top and bottom surfaces at midspan for the in-service cases when it is carrying: (i) only its self-weight, and (ii) when it is also carrying an imposed load midspan moment of 300kNm. Briefly comment on the values obtained. The long-term prestress force is SS0kN at the eccentricity in Figure Qi. [20/40 marks] 450 175, 600 175 _Ts0 +——+ 200 Figure Q1 NIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL (a) Calculate the ultimate moment of resistance of the pretensioned beam shown in Figure Q2a. The characteristic cylinder strength of the concrete is 40MPa and 0.1% proof strength of the prestrassing steel is 1600MPa. The steel is stressed initially to 75% of the above value and losses can be taken as 25%. [See Figure Q2b for stress-strain curve for the prestressing steel] [24/30 marks] (b) Discuss the purpose and significance of grouting in post-tensioned construction, indicating how poor quality may influence performance and demolition. [6/30 marks] 450 175 100 400 650mm" 150 75 | Figure Q2a Stress foo rn/Yma (MPa) 205GPa Strain Figure Q2b: Stress-strain curve for prestressing steel fa) (b) (c) UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL List the causes of losses in post-tensioned construction, indicating their likely relative magnitudes. [6/30 marks] Estimate the long term deflection for a pretensioned concrete beam (of rectangular section 250mm wide x 500mm deep) with a final prestress force of 325kN located at an eccentricity of 100mm below the centroid of the section. The beam spans 1.0m and, in addition to its self-weight, carries a live load of 17kN/m. Comment on the practical acceptability of the result. It may be taken that the midspan deflection of a simple, uniform beam with @ constant eccentricity of prestress is ,"°——end for a udl is) "——-—= Assume E= 33GPa andthe creep coefficient, ¢...=23. [18/30 marks] Explain why special consideration must be given to the design of ‘end blocks’ in the anchorage zones in post-tensioned concrete beams. Indicate the nature of reinforcement typically provided in these zones. [6/30 marks] University of Liverpool CIVE343 - Jan 2014 School of Engineering PAPER CODE NO. EXAMINER: DrSW Jones TEL. NO45228 cIVe3a3 SCHOOL: & ering January 2014 EXAMINATIONS SOLUTIONS Master of Engineering: Year 3 Bachelor of Engineering: Year 3 PRESTRESSED CONCRETE DESIGN TIME ALLOWED: TWO Hours INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: ‘Candidates should answer ALL questions. All dimensions are in mm unless otherwise stated University of Liverpool CIVE343 - Jan 2014 School of Engineering “Question | Answers i (2) The student may answer using bullet points and the following points are looked for: (40/200) ® Tension in concrete caused by applied loads is controlled or eliminated by 1 externally applied compressive force of appropriate magnitude and eccentricity. * Compressive forces are commonly applied through high strength steel tendons Which are either pre-tensioned ar post-tensionad. * Design is based primarily on the control of stresses at the Serviceability Limit | 1 State. Limiting stresses depends on environment exposure. A ‘no tension’ limit is often adopted for external expased concrete, especially whan it is liable to salt spray. * Limiting compressive stresses are based on 60% of the characteristic compressive strength at the time of loading * Defiections and ULS capacity (bending and shear) have to be checked. ® Inreinforced concrete design, tension is carried by reinforcing bars designed at the ULS with SLS checks for deflections and cracking. (bo) Transfer: © When the prestressing force is first applied to the hardened concrete. 2 * Pre-tensioned: Stressed strands/wires are cut to transfer the prestrass farce fram the abutments to the concrete at a very early age (approx. 24 hours}. 2 + Post-tensioned: Tendons are threaded into ducts (voids) cast inthe section | , and stressed against the hardened concrete (usually at 3-7 days after casting) (ce) Transfer Equations: Sy ’ ® fe hein Where: Minimum Moment {self weight} reas at top of section at transfer linimum allowable stress at transfer 4 Where: Jastic section madulus (bottom) crass at bottom of section at transfer Maximum allowable stress at transfer University of Liverpool CIVE343 - Jan 2014 School of Engineering I-cont a) ‘ection ter: ¥ » ' Yee Arend 1 72 SSM oS SEY 1 ont acOReRCOOmSIE 4 soo) SMSO NINETIES vo a ‘waaay — Domaa BAPE 15a ie of Centra» om ‘eore Moment of Arens ‘Lrat+10men* ection Moa . ar he amet Teraon reg = om 01am rman hien a eam ean + yom! Mawes emi (28) Moment « stm tomere Mi i ree metas he a " rT Ms “ an 10 hea (Mea rete vm we wt tot ae we 0 ua ke we an a) ek Comoe (a AS He ISS ES re AO Ne Arco HR re University of Liverpool School of Engineering CIVES43 - Jan 2014 2 (20/200) (ab Concrete: Characterister Cylinder Strength, t, = Prestressing Steel 0.1% Proof Stress, f, = Initial Steel Stress as Percentage of abowe = Loss of Prestress Area of Steel Tendors. Centroid of Tendors above soft = Elastic Modulus of Steel Tendon = Cone rete Dimensions | Top Flange Web Bottom Flange 3i**s§ Maximum value of the ultimate tensile force (assuming the ste! ytelds) = O87 XAy xf, = ooa.8 kM Maumum compressive capacity of the top flange using an equivalent dress block = 0567 xf, xbad= 1786 kN So the compression sone & fully im the top Mange Depth of Compression, 6 = Depth of Neutral, x= 10.8 me Check Steel Strain: Effective Depth d= 0 mm Bending Strain = 0.0035 x (xj/x = 0.0170 Prestrain =), x stress after losses/Es © 6.0040 ‘Total Strain © 6.0210 Check ifstee! has yieided from stress-strain curve: fee ‘Yield Strain: - cba HOO 80 ae 0.0068 Total Strain => © Yield Strainy ‘Yield Assumption OK wow University of Liverpool CIVE343 - Jan 2014 School of Engineering | programme to inspect bridges of the type (noteasy). 0 (30/100) (o) Grouting: to completely fill voids around the stressed tendons with a cement/weter mixture. Primary Role: is to protect tendons from corrosion by surrounding the steel tendons with an alkaline material. Also prevents access of water, chlorides and oxygen. Secondary Role (but important): is to bond the prestressing steel to the surrounding concrete beam. This means bending strains sre compatible at the ULS. As well as enhancing ULS performance, this is crucial for the safe demolition {by controlling energy release when steal tendon is cut through. Stringent quality control procedures are needed (e.g. pressure test} to ensure full and effective grouting following collapse of bridges due to corrasion of prestressed tendons (eg. Ynys-y-Gwas Bridge, a precast prestressed semental bridge deck where the joints between segmems allowed leskage paths). This resulted ine major national inspection a Friction/Wabble 2 Elastic Shortening 3. eS ed 4 ‘Creep (of concrete) 210% 5: __ Relaxation of steal] - - 2-636 - _$ | Anchorage/Wedge Pullin | 2-5mm (loce! effect at anchorage) {e} Long Term Deflection: Acbd= 125000 mum? tepdi/iz= — 260an66667 mm* Permanent ioad: SW. Wg)" 25 mArea® 10 Asim For permanent Saad Kgs * Eoa/( (a5) © 10.00 GPs Note: SW & Prestress are Lorg Term (Permanent) Loads, UL & Short Term Long term and short term deflection companents: 1. Premtress (LT) © -Pot'/(Btgi) = “18.9 men (upwards) 2. Sw @T)= Sant AI84E gf) = 2.9mm ——_(dowernmards) LUST}= Sw UBER = 37.7 mm (downwards) Total Detection = 41.7 mm ——_(Dowmwards} Umiting Defiectian = Spary'250 = 4a mm Okay ur us University of Liverpool CIVE343 - Jan 2014 School of Engineering {e) End Blocks: © To ensure crushing of concrete under concentrated load does not occur by checking bearing stresses at the face of the anchorage — keep below limiting value related to concrete strength © Concentrated force from anchorage will cause lateral tensile (splitting) forces. Generally taken to extend distances equal to the lsteral dimension of the member from the end face as compressive stresses spread out. * Resisted by reinforcement usually closed links) around each anchorage [and groups of snchorages| soread slong the length of the end block This may lead to heavy reinforcement that can be congested. * EC assumes: oar Stress in reinforcement can be O.87f4, but if limited to 300MPa then no cracking checks are needed.

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