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Chapter 2


Research Design

This research is experimental in design aiming to determine the

antibacterial property of Meadow Weed leaves extracts liquid soap.

Include a definition of your design. It will be concerned with the

manipulation of the amount of the Meadow Weed leaves extract,

varying in each formulation while the rest remained constant. It will

be tested on common bacteria with the use of the hand imprint

method in which the percentage of colonies of bacteria killed will be


The quantitative approach to research will also be used in this study.

Include a definition of your approach. In this study, the researchers

will determine the number and percentage of bacterial colonies killed,

their means, standard deviation, and t-test.

Sources of Data

Instrumentation and Data Collection

The Meadow Weed leaves will be gathered from Saint Louis

College Junior High School grounds. The leaves for each of the two

formulations will be washed with 200 mL of distilled water to remove

impurities and will be cut into thin pieces for easier extraction. The

extract from the leaves will be collected using a mortar, covered with

cloth, and a pestle. During the extraction, the other mixtures will also

be prepared. 28 grams of water will be mixed with 56 grams of

glycerin. Potassium hydroxide, weighing 14 grams, will be added to

the mixture of water and glycerin after it becomes clear. In the first

formulation, 14.5 grams of the extract will be added to 14. 5 grams of

coconut oil while in the second formulation, 7.25 grams of the extract

will be added. The mixture of extract and coconut oil will be placed on

a Bunsen burner to be heated. After 15 minutes of constant stirring,

the mixture of potassium hydroxide and glycerin will be added. The

mixture will be removed from the Bunsen burner when the mixture is

no longer producing steam. After stirring and letting the mixture cool,

the excess oil will be removed from the surface of the liquid soap. After

two weeks, the products will be diluted; for every 5 mL of the liquid

soap, 20 mL of water is added. Since the potassium hydroxide is still

potent, the two formulations of the diluted liquid soap will be cured

for another two weeks.

Each formulation of Meadow Weed leaves extracts liquid soap

will have five samples. The petri dishes to be used in making the

plated medium will be sterilized using the autoclave. 28 grams of

nutrient agar will be dissolved in 1 liter of water. Using the autoclave,

the dissolved agar will be sterilized and poured into ten petri dishes.

To ensure that no contamination will occur, the science laboratory

table will be covered with cling wrap sanitized with alcohol. The plated

media, surrounded by alcohol lamps to ward off dust and microbes,

will be set aside to solidify and will be placed in the refrigerator for 24

hours. The hand imprint method will be utilized in the testing of the

antibacterial property of the liquid soap. Hands will be pressed over

the surface of the plated media for some time in order to have

imprints for observation. They will be refrigerated for 5 days to allow

microorganisms to grow. Microorganisms on the plated media will be

traced by placing them in front of a light source. For ease in counting,

bacterial colonies will be marked. The number of bacterial colonies in

each plated medium will be recorded. After which, each bacterial

colony is exposed to one drop of liquid soap. They will be set aside for

24 hours. The number of bacterial colonies that will be killed in each

plated medium will be recorded.

Figure 1. Flowchart of Steps Followed in Data-Gathering

Tools for Data Analysis

The researchers will use the two-tailed t-test for two

independent sample means to determine if there is a significant

difference between the percentage of bacterial colonies killed by the

two formulations of Meadow Weed leaves extracts liquid soap. The

mean percentage of bacterial colonies that will be killed by each

formulation of Meadow Weed leaves extract liquid soap will be

determined. After getting the mean, the standard deviations will be

computed to find the tstat. The degree of freedom will be obtained by

adding the number of samples per formulation and subtracting the

sum by two to be able to determine the t crit at 0.05 level of significance.

The tstat and tcrit will be compared to find out if the null hypothesis will

be accepted or not.

Data Categorization

After being approved by the ____________, the product will be

subjected to acceptability. To interpret the level of acceptability of the

Meadow Weed leaves extracts liquid soap, the following Likert Scale

will be used in the study.

Scale/Rating Range of Means Descriptive Interpretation


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