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Republic of the Philippines


F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education


Discussion Paper in the Contemporary World

Topic: Asian Regionalism
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
 Differentiate between regionalization and globalization;
 Identify the factors leading to a greater integration of the Asian Region;
 Analyze how different Asian States confront the challenges of
globalization and regionalization
Introduction to Asian Regionalism
 Regions are a group of countries located in the same geographically
specified area;
 Regions can be a combination of two regions;
 Regions can be a combination of more than two regions organized to
regulate and oversee flows and policy choices.

Regionalism is ca functional relation that bundles multiple nations with
political, economic and cultural inheritance, often based on the geographical
advantage. It is a political ideology that favors a specific region over a greater
area. Regionalism emphasizes on developing the administrative power and
swaying the available or some inhabitants of a region. It is usually results due
to political separations, religious geography, cultural boundaries, linguistic
regions, and managerial decisions.

 The expansion and intensification of social relations and consciousness
across world-space and world-time.

Asian Regionalism
Asian Regionalism focuses on the relationship between ideas and
politics and examines rapid growth of Asia’s economy, financial stability and
regional economic integration. Asia’s development has had a massive, positive
impact on people’s lives. Most Asian economies have remarkable progress
reducing poverty. Regional integration fosters inclusive development.
Governments needs to connect the poor to the thriving regional economy by
eliminating labor market barriers, investing in worker’s capabilities, and building
infrastructure to connect disadvantaged regions with economic centers.

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Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education


Significance of Regionalism
The following are considered as significant ingredients of regionalism:
1. Common sense of identity.
2. Combines creation and implementation of institution.
3. Shape a collective action within a geographical region.

Challenges to Regionalism
1. Resurgence of militant nationalism and populism- this involves the
conflict between the NATO, the United States, and Vladmir Utin’s Anti-
NATO Movement.
2. Continuing Financial Crisis- The Continuing crisis in the European
Region continues to lead the United Kingdom into existing the European
3. Conflict between sovereignty and regional stability- The Philippines had
a difficulty in letting some countries support its condemnation of China’

1. Factors leading to Greater Integration

1. Trade-
In ancient times, regions of Asia had commercial relations among
themselves as well as with parts of Europe and Africa. Nomadic peoples traded
over considerable distances using "barter" as the medium of exchange. Ancient
people were so honest and truthful, as no businessman was aggrieved and
defrauded. The world economy is intertwined with each other whether we like
it or not. We all want or need something from another part of the world, including
global trade facilities. These nations can readily supply each other’s needs.
2. Similar Culture-
The culture of Asia is diverse but they do share many things. This makes
it an easier fit during times of negotiations.
3. Common Goals-
The Asian region recognize the mutual benefits of a slow integration, and
that is to accelerate the economic growth, social progress and cultural
development and to promote peace.
4. Similar Security Needs-
Aside from small localized needs, this association needs only to contend
with foreign-supported terrorist groups which are usually handled well.

2. Regional Associations
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
The Association of South East Asian Nations is a regional grouping
founded to promote accelerated economic growth, facilitate social progress and
cultural development, and pursue regional peace in the Southeast Asian region
through multicultural cooperation. ASEAN was founded on August 8, 1968. Its
original members are Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand. Currently
it has ten (10) members included: Vietnam, Myanmar, Brunei Darrusalam,
Laos, and Timor Leste. Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership

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Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

(RCEP) has been formed which included mutual agreement with the United
States, China, Japan and South Korea.

Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)

It was institutionalized with the goal of monitoring and analyzing regional
markers and institutes as well as governing rules and norms for facilitating
transparent and effective business transactions. It operates on the basis of non-
binding commitments, open dialogue and equal respect for views of all
participating economies. APEC was founded in 1989 consisting of 21 member-
states. It is established to eliminate trade and investment barriers in Asia Pacific
region. Its secretariat was based in Singapore and operates as the core support
mechanism for the APEC. Thirty (30%) percent of the world population is
covered by APEC economies. It remains as a regional economic forum to
leverage the growing interdependence of Asia Pacific.

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