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Diminution of steel plate Category Structural Member |- Strength deck plates A strength deck |- Tight bulkheads in deep tanks |: Inner bottom plates |- Slab jongs on shear strake and stringer plate of Permissible diminution level > Shallplates — — 20% of original thickness + 1 mm, |- Floors and girders in double bottom |. Primary members (web & face) |. Web, face and bracket of hold frames |. Watertight bulkhead plates 25% of original thickness ** | Web and face of frames (excluding hola |- Effective deck plates | Hatch cover and hatch beam frames), longls beams, stiffeners and brackets 30% of original thickness * £1 for buk carers, the survey status of has the information “STRUCTURAL AND STABILITY REQUIREMENTS AGAINST FLOODING OF “ALLCARGO HOLDS COMPLIED (in some cases, No.1 & 4 CARGO HOLD ete)" (The ship compiles wit the requirements of $14 in Pat C of the Rules), he permissible diminution iit of corugated bulkhead pi coating oF anual gauging is requled, 's to be 3.0 mm. When diminution is within range mm, *2 fr bulk carers, building contract date of which is ater ¢* July 1998, the permissibe diminution ofthe naten covers located forward of (0.251 from the forward end of Lis to be 1.6 mm. When diminution is within range 1.0 1.5 mm, eating or annual gauging is required, Further, when the pate of double plating type hatch cover is renewed, he Surveyor needs to request the gauging of ntaal member, Permissible diminution of which sto be 1.6 mn. a ‘Suspect Renew Suspect Renew Suspect Cranel Fe Teme fem) OO! 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